Big Ladder Software

Visual Studio Code Extension for EnergyPlus & Modelkit

Visual Studio Code is a free and hackable text editor from Microsoft. It is hackable because anyone can develop an extension in order to highlight, manipulate and perform various other tasks for a given file type while working in Visual Studio Code. This extension was developed to improve workflow processes for working in EnergyPlus and Modelkit files.


  • Syntax highlighting for EnergyPlus object classes, input fields, and comments
  • Auto-complete EnergyPlus objects with input fields filled with default values (works for EnergyPlus v8.0 - v24.2)
  • Auto-complete Modelkit code blocks
  • Link to web documentation for EnergyPlus objects (works for EnergyPlus v8.0 - v24.2)


To download and install this extension, the easiest process is to use the Visual Studio Code text editor first with the following process.

  • Download and install the Visual Studio Code text editor.
  • View Visual Studio Code’s extensions using the menu command View / Extensions.
  • Search for “Modelkit” in the search window at the near the top-left corner.
  • Click on the Install button near the lower-right corner of the “EnergyPlus & Modelkit” extension thumbnail that should appear on the left.