Application Guide for EMS — EnergyPlus 22.2

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On-Site Electricity Production[LINK]

Generator Nominal Ratings[LINK]

The internal variables called “Generator Nominal Maximum Power” and “Generator Nominal Thermal To Electric Ratio” provide information about the nominal capacity of a generator to produce electricity and heat. The values made available here are those listed in the associated ElectricLoadCenter:Generators input object. The power is expressed in Watts.

The thermal-to-electric ratio describes how the nominal thermal output compares to the nominal electrical output and is useful for characterizing combined heat and power (CHP) units.

Electrical Storage[LINK]

The internal variables called Electrical Storage Simple Maximum Capacity and Electrical Storage Battery Maximum Capacity provide information about the capacity of electrical storage devices. Electrical Storage Simple Maximum Capacity is the value of the field called Maximum Storage Capacity in the ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:Simple input object, the units are in Joules. Electrical Storage Battery Maximum Capacity is the value of the field called Maximum Module Capacity in the ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:Battery input object, the units are in amp-hours for just one battery module.