Output Details and Examples — EnergyPlus 23.1

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This is a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file that shows a diagram of the HVAC system from the inputs of the simulation. The diagram is generated for most HVAC systems but a few valid HVAC configurations cannot be displayed correctly. The SVG file is generated by the HVAC Diagram utility that is included with EnergyPlus and is run automatically when using EP-Launch.

The SVG format is a graphics format that includes a descriptions of lines, boxes, text, etc. set in a two dimensional perspective. To learn more about the SVG format see:


Several viewers are available so that you can view these files including plug-ins for Internet Explorer by Adobe and Corel. The Adobe SVG plug in can be found at:


But many different viewers are available and links are shown at:


An example of a diagram generated by HVAC Diagram is shown

A close up of one part of this diagram is shown below

The SVG file format is an XML based format so it is text based. The diagram shown above is shown below in text (reduced).

<?xml version = “1.0” standalone = “no”?>

<!DOCTYPE svg>

<svg width = “250mm” height = “200mm” viewBox = “0 0 3200 1500” xmlns:ev = “http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events” xmlns:xlink = “http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink” xmlns = “http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” preserveAspectRatio = “xMidYMid meet” zoomAndPan = “magnify”>

<g font-family = “Verdana” font-size = “8”>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 470” x2 = “ 2100” y2 = “ 30” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 510” x2 = “ 2100” y2 = “ 70” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 550” x2 = “ 2100” y2 = “ 110” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 590” x2 = “ 2100” y2 = “ 150” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 630” x2 = “ 2100” y2 = “ 190” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2400” y1 = “ 670” x2 = “ 900” y2 = “ 30” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 2050” y1 = “ 830” x2 = “ 600” y2 = “ 30” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 300” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 550” y2 = “ 950” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<line x1 = “ 800” y1 = “ 790” x2 = “ 2050” y2 = “ 310” style = “stroke:linen ;”/>

<rect x = “ 200” y = “ 940” width = “ 200” height = “ 20” style = “fill:snow; stroke: Black;”/> 1

<text x = “ 202” y = “ 953” startOffset = “0”>OUTSIDE AIR INLET NODE LIST</text>

<rect x = “ 2300” y = “ 20” width = “ 200” height = “ 20” style = “fill:chartreuse; stroke: Black;”/> 2

<text x = “ 2302” y = “ 33” startOffset = “0”>ZN1_S_SPACE_1</text>

<rect x = “ 1400” y = “ 20” width = “ 200” height = “ 20” style = “fill:wheat; stroke: Black;”/> 7

<text x = “ 1402” y = “ 33” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 ZONE SPLITTER</text>

<rect x = “ 1700” y = “ 20” width = “ 200” height = “ 20” style = “fill:wheat; stroke: Black;”/> 8

<text x = “ 1702” y = “ 33” startOffset = “0”>ZN1_S_SPACE_1 VAV REHEAT</text>


<line x1 = “ 1600” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 1700” y2 = “ 30” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1600” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 1700” y2 = “ 70” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1600” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 1700” y2 = “ 110” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1600” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 1700” y2 = “ 150” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1600” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 1700” y2 = “ 190” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1900” y1 = “ 30” x2 = “ 2000” y2 = “ 30” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1900” y1 = “ 70” x2 = “ 2000” y2 = “ 70” style = “stroke: Black;”/>

<line x1 = “ 1900” y1 = “ 110” x2 = “ 2000” y2 = “ 110” style = “stroke: Black;”/>


<text x = “ 200” y = “ 1000” startOffset = “0”>Unused Non-Parent Objects:</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1020” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 SUPPLY AIR TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1040” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 HEATING COIL AIR TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1060” startOffset = “0”>CHILLER PLANT CHW TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1080” startOffset = “0”>BOILER PLANT HW TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1100” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 COOLING COIL AIR TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1120” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 MIXED AIR TEMP MANAGER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1140” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 COOLING COIL CONTROLLER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1160” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 HEATING COIL CONTROLLER</text>

<text x = “ 220” y = “ 1180” startOffset = “0”>VAV SYS 1 OA CONTROLLER</text>

<text x = “ 200” y = “ 1220” startOffset = “0”>

The following are not supported: objects related to controls, DIRECT AIR, or PURCHASED AIR</text>

