Getting Started with EnergyPlus[LINK]
The remainder of this document is intended to give you a start on using the program with a few simple tools (EP-Launch to help run the simulation; IDFEditor to help create or look at input files) as well as some of the features (such as energy meters, simulation results) of using the program.
For learning about a specific input file, or a specific input object, the install includes two documents in the ExampleFiles folder:
Example Files Summary (highlights of each example file)
Example Files Links to Objects (for any object, up to 3 files using that object are shown)
The standard Windows install procedure has put the following information on your computer, in the directories/folders shown.
The main EnergyPlus folder contains: * Energy+.idd * EnergyPlus.exe and dependent shared libraries (dll files) * RunEPlus.bat and other batch files for running EnergyPlus * readme file(s), license, etc. * EP-Macro.exe and other support binaries * bugreprt.txt
The general layout of folders from the install looks like:
. EnergyPlus main folder
+-- Documentation
| +-- A link to find the documentation online, and any additional docs packaged with the installation
+-- DataSets
| +-- Reference Data Sets (libraries)
+-- MacroDataSets
| +-- Macroized Reference Data Sets (libraries)
+-- PreProcess
| +-- FMUParser Tool for external interface specific applications
| +-- IDFEditor Program files for the IDFEditor
| +-- GrndTempCalc Special program to calculate ground temperatures.
| +-- WeatherConverter Tool for performing weather file creation and conversion
| +-- ParametricPreprocessor Parametric simulation tool
| +-- IDFVersionUpdater Graphical tool for updating old EnergyPlus files to the latest version
+-- PostProcess
| +-- ReadVarsEso The simple post processor exe.
+-- ExampleFiles Sample input, output, results files shipped with the program.
+-- WeatherData Sample weather files shipped with the program.
Getting Started with EnergyPlus[LINK]
The remainder of this document is intended to give you a start on using the program with a few simple tools (EP-Launch to help run the simulation; IDFEditor to help create or look at input files) as well as some of the features (such as energy meters, simulation results) of using the program.
For learning about a specific input file, or a specific input object, the install includes two documents in the ExampleFiles folder:
Example Files Summary (highlights of each example file)
Example Files Links to Objects (for any object, up to 3 files using that object are shown)
The standard Windows install procedure has put the following information on your computer, in the directories/folders shown.
The main EnergyPlus folder contains: * Energy+.idd * EnergyPlus.exe and dependent shared libraries (dll files) * RunEPlus.bat and other batch files for running EnergyPlus * readme file(s), license, etc. * EP-Macro.exe and other support binaries * bugreprt.txt
The general layout of folders from the install looks like:
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2024 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.