Output Details and Examples — EnergyPlus 24.2

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This file contains the “meter details” for the run. This shows what report variables are on which meters and vice versa – which meters contain what report variables.

The meter details file consists of two parts:

  • For report variables that are on meters, it shows all the meters that the report variable is on. In the following example, “Meters for” <report variable #>, <report variable name> is shown and then the meters that accumulate the value of that variable as a “meter”.
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Meters for 1240,SPACE1-1:Lights-Electric Energy [J]
 OnMeter = Electricity:Facility [J]
 OnMeter = Electricity:Building [J]
 OnMeter = Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
 OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
 OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
Meters for 1460,SPACE1-1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
 OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
 OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
 OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
 OnMeter = Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 1557,SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL:Heating Coil Heating Energy [J]
 OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
 OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:HVAC [J]
 OnMeter = HeatingCoils:EnergyTransfer [J]
  • For each meter, the report variables that make up that meter are shown. In the following example, “For Meter =” <name of meter>, “contents are:” and then each variable that occurs on that “meter” are shown.
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For Meter = Electricity:Facility [J], contents are:
  SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SUPPLY FAN 1:Fan Electric Energy
  CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
  HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
  CW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy

 For Meter = Electricity:Building [J], contents are:
  SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
 For Meter = Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J], contents are:
  SPACE1-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE1-1 ELECEQ:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
 For Meter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J], contents are:
  SPACE1-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE2-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE3-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE4-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
  SPACE5-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy

For Meter = NaturalGas:Facility [J], contents are:
  CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler NaturalGas Energy

 For Meter = NaturalGas:Plant [J], contents are:
  CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler NaturalGas Energy

 For Meter = Heating:NaturalGas [J], contents are:
  CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler NaturalGas Energy

 For Meter = Electricity:Plant [J], contents are:
  CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
  HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
  CW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy

 For Meter = Cooling:Electricity [J], contents are:
  CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy

 For Meter = Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], contents are:
  PLENUM-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
  SPACE1-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
  SPACE2-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
  SPACE3-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
  SPACE4-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
  SPACE5-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy

As further illustration, an abbreviated example shows:

Meters for 6,EAST ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy [J]
  OnMeter = Electricity:Facility [J]
  OnMeter = Electricity:Building [J]
  OnMeter = Electricity:Zone:EAST ZONE [J]
  OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
  OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:EAST ZONE [J]
  OnMeter = GeneralLights:InteriorLights:Electricity [J]

For Meter = Electricity:Facility [J], ResourceType = Electricity, contents are:
  EAST ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  NORTH ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
  WEST ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  EAST ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  NORTH ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
  SUPPLY FAN 1:Fan Electric Energy
  LITTLE CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
  BIG CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
  BIG TOWER:Cooling Tower Fan Electric Energy
  CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
  COND CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
  HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy

This shows the meters on which the Zone: Lights Electric Energy appear as well as the contents of the Electricity:Facility meter.