Output Details and Examples — EnergyPlus 24.2

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Output File List[LINK]

Following are the native file names that are output from EnergyPlus; native – directly out of EnergyPlus. Usually you will not see these file names as batch files and interfaces will change them to be <file name>.<ext> or in some instances <file name><qualifier>.<ext>. Usually the extension is the important piece and is described in the following table.

EnergyPlus Basic Output Files
Output File Name Description EP-Launch File Name
eplusout.audit Echo of input, includes both IDD echo and IDF echo – may have errors shown in context with IDD or IDF statements < filename > .audit (without echoing IDD unless errors in IDD).
eplusout.bnd This file contains details about the nodes and branches. Useful in determining if all your nodes are connected correctly. May be used to diagram the network/ nodes of the HVAC system. < filename > .bnd
eplusout.dbg From Debug Output object – may be useful to support to help track down problems < filename > .dbg
eplusout.dxf DXF (from Output:Surfaces:Drawing,DXF;) < filename > .dxf
eplusout.edd Descriptive output from the EMS portion < filename > .edd
eplusout.eio Contains several standard and optional “report” elements. CSV format – may be read directly into spreadsheet program for better formatting. < filename > .eio
eplusout.end A one line summary of success or failure (useful for Interface programs) Not saved in the standard EPL-Run script file.
eplusout.epmidf Output from EPMacro program – contains the idf created from the input imf file < filename > .epmidf
eplusout.epmdet Output from EPMacro program – the audit/details of the EPMacro processing < filename > .epmdet
eplusout.err Error file – contains very important information from running the program. < filename > .err
eplusout.eso Standard Output File (contains results from both Output:Variable and Output:Meter objects). < filename > .eso
eplusout.mdd Meter names that are applicable for reporting in the current simulation. < filename > .mdd
eplusout.mtd Meter details report – what variables are on what meters and vice versa. This shows the meters on which the Zone: Lights Electric Energy appear as well as the contents of the Electricity:Facility meter. < filename > .mtd
eplusout.mtr Similar to .eso but only has Output:Meter outputs. < filename > .mtr
eplusout_perflog.csv A log file created when PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs object is used. < filename > _perflog.csv
eplusout.rdd Variable names that are applicable for reporting in the current simulation. < filename > .rdd
eplusout.shd Surface shadowing combinations report < filename > .shd
eplusout.sln Similar to DXF output but less structured. Results of Output:Reports,Surface, Lines object. < filename > .sln
eplusout.sql Mirrors the data in the .eso and .mtr files but is in SQLite format (for viewing with SQLite tools). < filename > .sql
eplusssz. < ext > Results from the Sizing:System object. This file is “spreadsheet” ready. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt) denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > Ssz. < ext >
epluszsz. < ext > Results from the Sizing:Zone object. This file is “spreadsheet” ready. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt) denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > Zsz. < ext >
eplusmap. < ext > Daylighting intensity “map” output. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt) denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > Map. < ext >
eplusout.dfs This file contains the hourly pre-calculated daylight factors for exterior windows of a daylight zone. < filename > DFS.csv
eplusscreen.csv Window screen transmittance (direct and reflected) “map” output. < filename > Screen.csv
eplustbl. < ext > Results of tabular and economics requests. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt) denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > Table. < ext >
eplusout.svg Results from the HVAC-Diagram application. SVG is a Scalable Vector Graphics file for which several viewers can be found. < filename > .svg
eplusout.sci File of cost information < filename > .sci
eplusout.delightin File produced during DElight simulations – descriptive of EnergyPlus inputs into DElight inputs. < filename > delight.in
eplusout.delightout File produced during DElight simulations – basic results from DElight simulation. < filename > delight.out
eplusout.wrl VRML output from (Output:Reports, Surfaces, VRML) < filename > .wrl

In addition to the basic output files from EnergyPlus there are three standard “hybrid” output files. These are called “hybrid” because they are a result of post-processing after EnergyPlus has completed. Note that if there is an error during processing, these will not normally be “complete”.

“Hybrid” EnergyPlus Output Files
Output File Name Description EP-Launch File Name
eplusout. < ext > “spreadsheet” ready file that contains either all the report variables requested (default: up to limit of 255) from the input file or specific ones specified by the user. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > .csv or < filename > .tab or < filename > .txt
eplusmtr. < ext > “spreadsheet” ready file that contains either all the report meter requests (default: up to 255) from the input file or specific ones specified by the user. Different extensions (csv, tab, and txt denote different “separators” in the file. < filename > Meter.csv or < filename > Meter.tab or < filename > Meter.txt
readvars.rvaudit Results of any “ReadVarsESO” execution in the current batch run. < filename > .rvaudit

Now, each file will be described in more detail with some examples of use.