EnergyPlus Overview[LINK]
Welcome to EnergyPlus! This section offers a big picture view of what EnergyPlus is, what it does, why it exists, and what its goals are AND provides an overview to the EnergyPlus documentation library. While this document does not provide every detail on the program, it does give the reader a macroscopic view of EnergyPlus and how it is intended to fit into the energy analysis and thermal load simulation software continuum.
EnergyPlus Overview[LINK]
Welcome to EnergyPlus! This section offers a big picture view of what EnergyPlus is, what it does, why it exists, and what its goals are AND provides an overview to the EnergyPlus documentation library. While this document does not provide every detail on the program, it does give the reader a macroscopic view of EnergyPlus and how it is intended to fit into the energy analysis and thermal load simulation software continuum.
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2014 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.