Auxiliary Programs — EnergyPlus 8.3

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Missing Weather File Data[LINK]

The following data contains “missing” descriptors; a new concept not introduced previously in our IDD conventions. In this case, it will be processed as though those values are “missing” in the weather conversions. This may not always be desirable though the weather processor will fill in “missing” value with something “appropriate”. Eventually, these missing values will be available through the weather processor. Until then, the following are used for initial missing conditions. When a valid value is encountered from weather data, however, it will become the new “missing” replacement value:

Missing weather replacement values
Data item Supplied Value Units
Dry Bulb Temperature 6 C
Dew Point Temperature 3 C
Relative Humidity 50 %
Atmospheric Pressure Standard** Barometric Pressure (altitude based) Pa
Wind Speed 2.5 m/s
Wind Direction 180 Deg
Total Sky Cover 5 (tenths)
Opaque Sky Cover 5 (tenths)
Visibility 777.7 Km
Ceiling Height 77777 m
Precipitable Water 0 Mm
Aerosol Optical Depth 0 Broadband turbidity
Snow Depth 0 Cm
Days Since Last Snow 88 Days
Radiation Values (Direct/Diffuse) 0.0 Wh/m2
Illuminance Values 0.0 lux (or CD/m2)

**Standard Barometric pressure based on location elevation is taken from ASHRAE 2001 Handbook of Fundamentals, pages 6.1 & 6.2.