Guide for Module Developers — EnergyPlus 8.3

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Utility Routines/Functions[LINK]

EnergyPlus supplies an extensive set of routines to help module developers get input, check values, get schedule values, get and check nodes. These are summarized in the following table and in more detail in the following sections. The table indicates the routine/function name, times of most likely use, and the module (if applicable) that you must USE in the code in order to make the routine available to you. Most of the items mentioned in this table are of particular use in “GetInput” processing. A few later tables will highlight similar functions/routines for simulation purposes.

Table of Utility Functions
Routine/Function Name Use during Module
GetNumObjectsFound “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
GetObjectItem “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
GetObjectDefMaxArgs “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
GetObjectItemNum “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
FindItemInList “GetInput” Processing (best) though some are currently used in Simulation InputProcessor
FindItem “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
FindItemInSortedList “Special processing” - list must be sorted. InputProcessor
SameString “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
VerifyName “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
RangeCheck “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
MakeUPPERCase “GetInput” Processing InputProcessor
GetOnlySingleNode “GetInput” Processing NodeInputManager
GetNodeNums “GetInput” Processing NodeInputManager
InitUniqueNodeCheck, CheckUniqueNodes, EndUniqueNodeCheck “GetInput” Processing NodeInputManager
SetupCompSets “GetInput” Processing NodeInputManager
TestCompSets “GetInput” Processing NodeInputManager
GetNewUnitNumber (automatically retrieve an available unit number) EXTERNAL integer function
FindUnitNumber Find a unit number when you know the name of the file EXTERNAL integer function
FindNumberinList “GetInput” Processing/Init processing EXTERNAL integer function
ValidateComponent “GetInput” Processing Subroutine CALL
CheckComponent “GetInput” Processing - like ValidateComponent but doesn’t generate error message if failure Subroutine CALL
CreateSysTimeIntervalString Simulation - Error Messages General
TrimSigDigits Simulation - Error Messages General
RoundSigDigits Simulation - Error Messages General
GetScheduleIndex “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
GetDayScheduleIndex “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
GetCurrentScheduleValue Simulation ScheduleManager
GetScheduleValuesForDay Simulation ScheduleManager
GetSingleDayScheduleValues Simulation/“GetInput” ScheduleManager
CheckScheduleValueMinMax “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
CheckScheduleValue “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
GetScheduleMinValue “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
GetScheduleMaxValue “GetInput” Processing ScheduleManager
LookUpScheduleValue Simulation ScheduleManager
CheckOutAirNodeNumber “GetInput” Processing OutAirNodeManager
GetCurveIndex “GetInput” Processing CurveManager
GetCurveCheck “GetInput” Processing CurveManager
GetCurveType “GetInput” Processing CurveManager
CurveValue Simulation CurveManager
SetupAndSort Sorting lists of character values SortAndStringUtilities
SetupZoneInternalGain “GetInput” Processing DataInterfaces

: Table of Utility Functions