This file contains some standard and some optional “reports”. It is intended to be a somewhat intelligent report of input conditions when they don’t fit well in other places or when they aren’t substantial enough for their own “file”. (e.g. eplusout.bnd) Contents of the file are somewhat documented in various places in the Input Output Reference document – as results of objects. This file or portions of it can be easily imported into spreadsheet programs and more analysis done there. Contents of this file include construction details, location information, “environment” information, number of “warmup” days required in each environment.
The form of the file is a data dictionary line followed by the data. In this case, the data dictionary line precedes the first “data” line though there may be several defining “dictionary lines”. Each dictionary line will show the field as <field name> followed by other fields that will be in the data lines. Data will be displayed similarly. Each field of dictionary or data will be separated from the next by a comma “,” – and produce a comma delimited file. However, the lines for data will not be contiguous – some follow a stream of consciousness of the EnergyPlus execution.
This section is subdivided into grouped sections by type.
Note that the lines in the eplusout.eio file can be extremely long (current limit is 500 characters).
Simulation Parameters[LINK]
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, <version>
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep
Timesteps Per Hour, 4, 15
! <Run Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation
Run Control, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes
! <GroundTemperatures>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures, 20.03, 20.03, 20.13, 20.30, 20.43, 20.52, 20.62, 20.77, 20.78, 20.55, 20.44, 20.20
! <GroundTemperatures:Surface>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures:Surface, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00
! <GroundTemperatures:Deep>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <GroundReflectances>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
GroundReflectances, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers, 1.000, 1.000
! <Snow GroundReflectances>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Snow GroundReflectances, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Location>, Location Name, Latitude {N+/S- Deg}, Longitude {E+/W- Deg}, Time Zone Number {GMT+/-}, Elevation {m}, Standard Pressure at Elevation {Pa}
Location,CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300,41.78,-87.75,-6.00,190.00,99063.
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days,Minimum Number of Warmup Days
Building, BUILDING, 30.000,City, 0.04000, 0.40000,FullExterior,25,6
! Inside Convection Algorithm, Value {Simple | Detailed | CeilingDiffuser}
Inside Convection Algorithm,Simple
! Outside Convection Algorithm, Value {Simple | Detailed}
Outside Convection Algorithm,Simple
! Solution Algorithm, Value {CTF | EMPD | CONDFD | HAMT}
Solution Algorithm, CTF
! Sky Radiance Distribution, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.330,460.000,6.500000E-003
! < Input Surface Geometry Information>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS). IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number NominalSurface, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 2, 60, N/A
The simulation parameters output is the simplest form of reporting in the eplusout.eio file. Each of the “header” records (lines starting with an “!”) are followed immediately by the one and only data line. By and large, these data lines are all merely echoes of the entries in the IDF (or defaulted for blank fields). For most of these descriptions, you can look at the object fields (of same name) in the Input Output Reference document.
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, <version>
This is the version of the IDF as entered in the IDF file. If it does not match the current EnergyPlus Version, a warning will be issued and show in the eplusout.err file.
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep
Timesteps Per Hour, 4, 15
This is the number of timesteps in hour as entered in the IDF file as well as showing how many minutes will encompass each timestep (i.e. 4 timesteps in hour = 15 minutes per timestep).
! <Run Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation, Do HVAC Sizing Simulation
Run Control, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No
This shows how the sizing and running (design days vs. weather file) will be accomplished. Design days are required for sizing but do not necessarily need to be “run” after sizing has completed. Thus, the user can choose to do sizing, not do a “normal” calculation with the design day definitions but then go ahead and run the full simulation year. Some advanced sizing methods require also running HVAC Sizing Simulations.
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days
Building Information, BUILDING, 30.000,City, 0.04000, 0.40000,FullExterior,25
This shows the values put in for the Building Object in the IDF.
Inside Convection Algorithm[LINK]
! <Inside Convection Algorithm>, Value {Simple | Detailed | CeilingDiffuser}
Inside Convection Algorithm,Simple
This shows the global inside (interior) convection algorithm selected by the IDF value. This may be overridden by zone entries or even surface entries.
Outside Convection Algorithm[LINK]
! <Outside Convection Algorithm>, Value {Simple | Detailed ! TARP ! MoWitt ! DOE-2 ! BLAST}
Outside Convection Algorithm,Simple
This shows the global outside (exterior) convection algorithm selected by the IDF value. This may be overridden by zone entries or even surface entries.
Solution Algorithm[LINK]
! <Solution Algorithm>, Value {CTF | EMPD | CONDFD | HAMT},Inside Surface Max Temperature Limit{C}
Solution Algorithm, CTF,200
This shows the solution algorithm approach selected by the IDF value and Inside Surface Max Temperature override or default value.
Sky Radiance Distribution[LINK]
! <Sky Radiance Distribution>, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
This shows the solution algorithm approach used in the simulation. As this value cannot be changed by the user, it is shown for information only.
Site Atmospheric Variation[LINK]
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.330,460.000,6.500000E-003
This shows actual values used for Site Atmospheric Variations.
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations[LINK]
! <Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations> [Annual Simulations], Calculation Method, Value {days}, Allowable Number Figures in Shadow Overlap {}, Polygon Clipping Algorithm, Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations, AverageOverDaysInFrequency, 20, 15000, SutherlandHodgman, SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling
This shows how many days between the re-calculation of solar position during a weather file simulation. While a smaller number of days will lead to a more accurate solar position estimation (solar position is important in shadowing as well as determining how much solar enters the space), it also increases the calculation time necessarily to complete the simulation. The default, re-calculating every 20 days, gives a good compromise. The allowable number of figures in a shadow overlap can be increased if necessary for the model. There are two calculation methods available: AverageOverDaysInFrequency (default) and DetailedTimestepIntegration.
AirflowNetwork Model:Control[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation
AirflowNetwork Model:Control,MultizoneWithoutDistribution
This shows the AirflowNetwork Model:Control selected by the IDF value in the object AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl.
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>, Wind Direction #1 to n (degree)
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction, 0.0,30.0,60.0,90.0,120.0,150.0,180.0,210.0,240.0,270.0,300.0,330.0
Field: <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>[LINK]
This field contains the field name “AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction”.
Field: Wind Direction #1 to n[LINK]
These values are the wind directions corresponding to the first through the Nth wind pressure coefficient value. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = Input in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind directions described here are the inputs specified in the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:WindPressureCoefficientArray object,. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = SurfaceAverageCalculation in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind directions are also described here and are fixed at 30 degree increments.
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients>, Name, Wind Pressure Coefficients #1 to n (dimensionless)
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, NFACADE_WPCVALUE, 0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, EFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, SFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, WFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002
Field: < AirflowNetwork Model: Wind Pressure Coefficients>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “AirflowNetwork Model: Wind Pressure Coefficients” for each line.
This is the WindPressureCoefficientValues object name entered from the IDF.
Field: Wind Pressure Coefficients #1 to n[LINK]
These values are the wind pressure coefficient for the building façade. These wind pressure coefficient values correspond to the first through Nth wind directions reported above for <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = INPUT in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind pressure coefficients described here are the inputs specified in the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Wind Pressure Coefficient Values object,. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = SurfaceAverageCalculation in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind pressure coefficients are calculated internally and also described here.
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier[LINK]
! <Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier>, Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier, Moisture Capacity Multiplier, Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier, Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
This shows the zone volume capacitance multipliers selected by the IDF value or defaulted. The object for this item is ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial.
Field: Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective heat capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Moisture Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective moisture capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective carbon dioxide capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective generic contaminant capacitance of the zone air volume.
Surface Geometry[LINK]
! <SurfaceGeometry>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System,Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System,Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System
Surface Geometry, UpperLeftCorner, Counterclockwise, RelativeCoordinateSystem, RelativeCoordinateSystem, RelativeToZoneOrigin
This shows the expected order of the vertices for each surface. The object for this item is GlobalGeometryRules.
Field: Starting Corner[LINK]
Value used to designate which corner the surface(s) start with.
Value whether the coordinates for the surface are entered clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Field: Coordinate System[LINK]
Value whether the coordinate system is World/Absolute or Relative.
Field: Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System[LINK]
If daylighting is used, this describes the coordinate system for entering daylight reference points.
Field: Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System[LINK]
For simple surfaces (Wall, Window, Door, and so forth) the coordinate system that is used to describe their starting point.
Program Control[LINK]
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS). IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number Nominal Surfaces, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 2, 60, N/A
More examples:
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 1, 6, N/A
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, 1, 1, 46, N/A
This describes the threading that may be active for the simulation. The ProgramControl object is used for this output. As described in that object, only the Interior Radiant Exchange calculation has been exposed to use threading, goal being to speed up calculations but may not always be the most beneficial.
Field: Threading Supported[LINK]
The compile of the program has to support threading (OpenMP for now). If it is compiled thus, this field will be Yes. Otherwise it will be No.
Field: Maximum Number of Threads[LINK]
Regardless of whether the compile has supported threading, the system is queried for the number of threads possible – that number is entered in this field.
Field: Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS)[LINK]
The Environment Variable OMP_NUM_THREADS can be manually inserted to set the number of system threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown. This is a system variable, but suggest that you use the following environment variable if you want to manually control the number of threads.
Field: EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS)[LINK]
The Environment Variable EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS can be manually inserted to set the number of system threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown.
Field: IDF Set Threads[LINK]
If you use the ProgramControl object in your IDF, you can again manually control the number of threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown.
Field: Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange)[LINK]
This is the number of threads that was actually used in the Interior Radiant Exchange routines (which calculates the interior surface temperatures).
Field: Number Nominal Surfaces[LINK]
This is the number of “nominal” surfaces (based on surface objects) that a quick calculation from the program has found. If the number of surfaces is not greater than 30, then the number of threads to be used will be set by the program to 1.
Field: Number Parallel Sims[LINK]
This is the number of windowed/parallel simulations being run simultaneously as set by EP-Launch or other scripts distributed with the EnergyPlus program. Third party distributions may also set this item.
Climate Group Outputs[LINK]
Climate related variables appear in two places for EnergyPlus outputs. Certain objects that are invariant throughout a simulation period have lines appear in the eplusout.eio file:
! <Environment:Weather Station>,Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal],Temperature Modifier Coefficient [Internal]
Environment:Weather Station,10.000,0.140,270.000,1.500,1.586,9.750E-003
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation, 0.220, 370.000, 0.006500
! <Location>, Location Name, Latitude, Longitude, Time Zone Number, Elevation {m}
Location, DENVER COLORADO, 39.75, -104.87, -7.00, 1610.26
In addition for each “environment” simulated, information about the environment is shown:
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Savings, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:Design_Day_Misc>,DayOfYear,ASHRAE A Coeff,ASHRAE B Coeff,ASHRAE C Coeff,Solar Constant-Annual Variation,Eq of Time {minutes}, Solar Declination Angle {deg}, Solar Model
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
For example, a DesignDay:
Environment,PHOENIX ARIZONA WINTER,DesignDay, 1/21, 1/21,MONDAY, 1,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,DesignDay
Environment:Design_Day_Misc, 21,1228.9,0.1414,5.7310E-002,1.0,-11.14,-20.0
A Design RunPeriod:
Environment,EXTREME SUMMER WEATHER PERIOD FOR DESIGN,User Selected WeatherFile Typical/Extreme Period (Design) = Summer Extreme,07/13,07/19,SummerDesignDay, 7,Use RunPeriod Specified Day,No ,No ,No ,No ,No
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,RunPeriod Object
Environment:WarmupDays, 3
Or a RunPeriod (Name listed in the RunPeriod output is dependent on user input for the RunPeriod object – when a blank is input, the name of the weather file location is used):
Environment,CHICAGO IL TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300,WeatherRunPeriod, 1/ 1,12/31,SUNDAY,365,UseWeatherFile,Yes,Yes,No
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,
Environment:Special Days,NEW YEARS DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 1/ 1, 1
Environment:Special Days,MEMORIAL DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 5/31, 1
Environment:Special Days,INDEPENDENCE DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 7/ 5, 1
Environment:Special Days,LABOR DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 9/ 6, 1
Environment:Special Days,THANKSGIVING,Holiday,WeatherFile,11/25, 1
Environment:Special Days,CHRISTMAS,Holiday,WeatherFile,12/25, 1
Environment:WarmupDays, 4
Note that in this display, using “weekend rule” and specific date holidays, the actual observed dates are shown in the output display – in the example above, Independence Day (July 4) is actually observed on July 5.
Climate Group – Simple Outputs[LINK]
Some of the climate outputs are a “simple” group. The “header” line is followed immediately by the data line.
This output represents the location data used for the simulation. Note that if a runperiod is used, the IDF “Location” is ignored and the location from the weather file is used instead.
Field: <Location>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Location”.
Field: Location Name[LINK]
This is the name given to the location whether from the IDF or the weather file.
Field: Latitude[LINK]
This is the latitude of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for North of the Equator and negative (-) values for South of the Equator. For example, S 30° 15’ is expressed as –30.25.
Field: Longitude[LINK]
This is the longitude of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for East of the Greenwich meridian and negative (-) values for West of the Greenwich meridian. For example, E 130° 45’ is expressed as +130.75.
Field: Time Zone Number[LINK]
This is the time zone of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for GMT+ (Longitude East of the Greenwich meridian) and negative (-) values for GMT- (Longitude West of the Greenwich meridian). For example, the time zone for Central US time is –6. The time zone for parts of Newfoundland is –3.5 (-3 hours, 30 minutes from GMT).
Field: Elevation {m}[LINK]
This is the elevation of the site. Units are m.
Weather Station[LINK]
Field: Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m}[LINK]
This is the wind sensor height above ground for weather data measurements.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Exponent[LINK]
The wind speed profile exponent for the terrain surrounding the weather station.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m}[LINK]
The wind speed profile boundary layer thickness [m] for the terrain surrounding the weather station.
Field: Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m}[LINK]
The height [m] above ground for the air temperature sensor.
Field: Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal][LINK]
This field is intended to provide a slight help for the user to determine the calculations that will be used to calculate the Wind Speed at a specific height at the site.
The full calculation for Local Wind Speed is:
The Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal] simplifies the equation to:
Where the Wind Speed Modifier encapsulates:
- met = meteorological station
- site = location of the building
Field:Temperature Modifier Coefficient [Internal][LINK]
This field is intended to provide a slight help for the user to determine the calculations that will be used to calculate the air (dry-bulb) or wet-bulb temperature at a specific height at the site.
The site temperature modifier coefficient (TMC) is defined as:
Then, the temperature at a height above ground is calculated as:
- met = meteorological station
- site = location of the building
Site Atmospheric Variation[LINK]
Field: Wind Speed Profile Exponent[LINK]
The wind speed profile exponent for the terrain surrounding the site.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m}[LINK]
The wind speed profile boundary layer thickness [m] for the terrain surrounding the site.
Field: Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}[LINK]
The air temperature gradient coefficient [K/m] is a research option that allows the user to control the variation in outdoor air temperature as a function of height above ground. The real physical value is 0.0065 K/m.
Ground Temperatures and Ground Reflectances[LINK]
! <Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface, 20.03, 20.03, 20.13, 20.30, 20.43, 20.52, 20.62, 20.77, 20.78, 20.55, 20.44, 20.20
! <Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod, -1.89, -3.06, -0.99, 2.23, 10.68, 17.20, 21.60, 22.94, 20.66, 15.60, 8.83, 2.56
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Deep>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <Site:GroundReflectance>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier, 1.000, 1.000
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
Ground Temperatures[LINK]
Field: <GroundTemperatures>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “GroundTemperatures”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Ground Temperatures[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground temperatures by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Units are C.
Ground Reflectance[LINK]
Field: <GroundReflectances>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “GroundReflectances”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Ground Reflectances[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers[LINK]
It is generally accepted that snow resident on the ground increases the basic ground reflectance. EnergyPlus allows the user control over the snow ground reflectance for both “normal ground reflected solar” calculations (see above) and snow ground reflected solar modified for daylighting. This is the display of the user entered or defaulted values.
Field: <Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers”.
Field: Normal[LINK]
This field is the value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is used to modified the basic monthly ground reflectance when snow is on the ground (from design day input or weather data values).
Field: Daylighting[LINK]
This field is the value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is used to modified the basic monthly ground reflectance when snow is on the ground (from design day input or weather data values).
Snow Ground Reflectance[LINK]
This data is the result of using the Snow Ground Reflectance modifier and the basic Ground Reflectance value.
Field: <GroundReflectances>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow GroundReflectances”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Snow Ground Reflectances[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the snow ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Snow Ground Reflectance for Daylighting[LINK]
This data is the result of using the Snow Ground Reflectance for Daylighting modifier and the basic Ground Reflectance value.
Field: < Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Snow Ground Reflectances for Daylighting[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Climate Group – Not so Simple Outputs[LINK]
For each “environment” simulated, a set of outputs is produced. The header group is only produced once. (The Design Day Misc header is produced only when there is a design day.)
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Saving, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:Design_Day_Misc>,DayOfYear,ASHRAE A Coeff,ASHRAE B Coeff,ASHRAE C Coeff,Solar Constant-Annual Variation,Eq of Time {minutes}, Solar Declination Angle {deg}
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment Line[LINK]
Each “environment” (i.e. each design day, each run period) will have this line shown.
Field: <Environment>[LINK]
This field will have the constant “Environment” in each data line.
Field:Environment Name[LINK]
This field will have the “name” of the environment. For example, the design day name (“DENVER COLORADO SUMMER”) or the weather file location name (“BOULDER CO TMY2-94018 WMO# = 724699”).
Field:Environment Type[LINK]
This will be “DesignDay” for design day simulations and “WeatherRunPeriod” for weather file run periods.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
This will have the month/day that is the starting date for the simulation period. (7/21, for example).
Field: End Date[LINK]
This will have the month/day that is the ending date for the simulation period. Note that Design Days are only one day and the end date will be the same as the start date.
Field: Start DayOfWeek[LINK]
For weather periods, this will be the designated starting day of week. For design days, it will be the day type listed for the design day object (e.g. SummerDesignDay or Monday).
Field: Duration {#days}[LINK]
Number of days in the simulation period will be displayed in this field. Design days are only 1 day.
Field: Source:Start DayOfWeek[LINK]
This field will list the “source” of the Start Day of Week listed earlier. This could be the RunPeriod command from the input file or the Weather File if the UseWeatherFile option was chosen in the RunPeriod command. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Use Daylight Saving[LINK]
This field reflects the value of the Use Daylight Saving field of the RunPeriod object. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Use Holidays[LINK]
This field reflects the value of the Use Holidays field of the RunPeriod object. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Apply Weekend Holiday Rule[LINK]
For design days, this will show “N/A”. For weather periods, this will show “Yes” if the Apply Weekend Holiday Rule is in effect or “No” if it isn’t.
Design Day Misc Line[LINK]
This line is shown for each design day simulated. It is not shown for sizing runs that do not subsequently use the design day as a simulation period.
Field: <Design Day Misc>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:Design_Day_Misc”.
This is the Julian day of year for the design day (i.e. Jan 1 is 1, Jan 31 is 31).
Field:ASHRAE A Coeff[LINK]
Reference ASHRAE HOF 30 – this is the A Coefficient in Wh/m2 calculated from EnergyPlus.
Field:ASHRAE B Coeff[LINK]
Likewise, this is the ASHRAE B Coefficient (dimensionless).
Field:ASHRAE C Coeff[LINK]
This is the ASHRAE C Coefficient (dimensionless).
Field:Solar Constant-Annual Variation[LINK]
This is the calculated solar constant using the given location and day of year.
Field:Eq of Time {minutes}[LINK]
This is the calculated equation of time (minutes) using the given location and day of year.
Field: Solar Declination Angle {deg}[LINK]
This is the solar declination angle for the day of year, degrees.
Special Day Line[LINK]
Field: <Environment:Special Days>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:SpecialDays”.
Field: Special Day Name[LINK]
This is the user designated name for the special day.
Field: Special Day Type[LINK]
This shows the type for the special day (e.g. Holiday).
Field: Source[LINK]
This will display “InputFile” if it was specified in the IDF or “WeatherFile” if it came from the weather file designation.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
This shows the starting date as month/day (e.g. 7/4).
Field: Duration {#days}[LINK]
This shows how many days the special day period continues. Usually, holidays are only 1 day duration.
Daylight Saving Line[LINK]
Field: <Environment:Daylight Saving>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:DaylightSaving”.
Field: Daylight Saving Indicator[LINK]
This will be Yes if daylight saving is to be observed for this simulation period and No if it is not observed.
Field: Source[LINK]
This will show the source of this invocation (or non-invocation). Inputfile if DaylightSavingPeriod was entered (weather files only), WeatherFile if used in the Weather file and selected in the Run Period object and designday if that was the source.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
If the indicator field is Yes, then this field will be displayed and the month/day (e.g. 4/1) that starts the daylight saving period observance will be shown.
Field: End Date[LINK]
If the indicator field is Yes, then this field will be displayed and the month/day (e.g. 10/29) that ends the daylight saving period observance will be shown.
An overall zone summary is shown:
! <Zone Summary>, Number of Zones, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces
Zone Summary,19,158,12
As indicated:
Field: <Zone Summary>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Zone Summary”.
Field: Number of Zones[LINK]
This field will contain the number of zones in the simulation.
Field: Number of Surfaces[LINK]
This field will contain the total number of surfaces in the simulation.
Field: Number of SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field will contain the total number of subsurfaces in the simulation.
Each zone is summarized in a simple set of statements as shown below:
! <Zone Information>,Zone Name,North Axis {deg},Origin X-Coordinate {m},Origin Y-Coordinate {m},Origin Z-Coordinate {m},Centroid X-Coordinate {m},Centroid Y-Coordinate {m},Centroid Z-Coordinate {m},Type,Zone Multiplier,Zone List Multiplier,Minimum X {m},Maximum X {m},Minimum Y {m},Maximum Y {m},Minimum Z {m},Maximum Z {m},Ceiling Height {m},Volume {m3},Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall},Zone Outside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-Tarp-MoWitt-DOE-2-BLAST}, Floor Area {m2},Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2},Exterior Net Wall Area {m2},Exterior Window Area {m2}, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces, Number of Shading SubSurfaces, Part of Total Building Area
Zone Information, PSI FOYER,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,8.56,-1.80,2.27,1,1,1,0.00,16.34,-9.51,4.88,0.00,6.10,3.81,368.12,Detailed,DOE-2,96.62,70.61,70.61,106.84,6,1,0,Yes
Zone Information, DORM ROOMS AND COMMON AREAS,0.0,0.00,6.10,0.00,18.35,11.26,3.05,1,1,1,3.57,31.70,-4.75,25.36,0.00,6.10,6.10,2723.33,Detailed,DOE-2,445.93,312.15,267.56,52.59,10,22,0,Yes
Zone Information, LEFT FORK,-36.9,0.00,31.70,0.00,22.07,31.46,3.05,1,1,1,19.02,25.12,25.36,37.55,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,135.64,50.17,6,10,0,Yes
Zone Information, MIDDLE FORK,0.0,4.88,35.36,0.00,31.21,28.41,3.05,1,1,1,25.12,37.31,21.70,35.11,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,155.71,30.10,6,1,0,Yes
Zone Information, RIGHT FORK,36.9,10.97,35.36,0.00,36.70,20.48,3.05,1,1,1,29.99,43.40,15.85,25.12,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,135.64,50.17,6,10,0,Yes
This field contains the constant “Zone Information” for each line.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the Zone Name entered from the IDF.
Field: North Axis {deg}[LINK]
This is the North Axis entered from the IDF. Note that this is used primarily in the positioning of the building when “relative” coordinates are used – however, the Daylighting:Detailed object also uses this. Units are degrees, clockwise from North.
Fields: X Origin {m}, Y Origin {m}, Z Origin {m}[LINK]
This is the origin vertex {X,Y,Z} entered from the IDF. Note that this is used primarily in the positioning of the building when “relative” coordinates are used – however, the Daylighting:Detailed object also uses this. Units are m.
Field: TypeField: Multiplier[LINK]
This is the multiplier (must be integral) entered from the IDF.
Field: Ceiling Height {m}[LINK]
This is the ceiling height entered, if any, in the IDF. Ceiling height is also heuristically calculated from the surfaces in the zone – however, not all surfaces need to be entered and sometimes the user would rather enter the ceiling height for the zone. If no ceiling height was entered (i.e. the default of 0), this field will be the calculated value. A minor warning message will be issued if the calculated value is significantly different than the entered value. Units are m.
Field: Volume {m3}[LINK]
Like the ceiling height, this user can also enter this value in the IDF. Volume is also heuristically calculated using the ceiling height (entered or calculated) as well as the calculated floor area (see later field). If entered here, this value will be used rather than the calculated value. A minor warning message will be issued if the calculated value is significantly different than the entered value. Units are m3.
Field: Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall}[LINK]
The interior convection algorithm shown earlier (entire building) can be overridden for each zone by an entry in the individual Zone object. This field will show which method is operational for the zone.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the floor surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior wall surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Net Wall Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior wall surfaces entered for the zone. Any sub-surface area is subtracted from the gross area to determine the net area. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Window Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior window surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Number of Surfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of base surfaces in the zone.
Field: Number of SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of subsurfaces (windows, doors, glass doors and the list) in the zone.
Field: Number of Shading SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of shading surfaces (overhangs, fins) for the zone.
Field: Part of Total Building Area[LINK]
This field displays “Yes” when the zone is to be considered part of the total building floor area or “No” when it’s not to be considered. This consideration has no impact on simulation but on reporting. Namely, when the value is “no”, the zone is not part of the Total Floor Area as shown in the Annual Building Utility Performance Summary tables. In addition, when “No” is specified, the area is excluded from both the conditioned floor area and the total floor area in the Building Area sub table and the Normalized Metrics sub tables.
Internal Gains Outputs[LINK]
Zone Internal Gains[LINK]
Nominal Zone Internal Gains (people, lights, electric equipment, etc.) are summarized:
! <Zone Internal Gains/Equipment Information - Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {m2},# Occupants,Area per Occupant {m2/person},Occupant per Area {person/m2},Interior Lighting {W/m2},Electric Load {W/m2},Gas Load {W/m2},Other Load {W/m2},Hot Water Eq {W/m2},Steam Equipment {W/m2},Sum Loads per Area {W/m2},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat
Zone Internal Gains, PLENUM-1,463.60,0.0,N/A,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,9.015,0.111,15.974,10.649,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.624,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,8.547,0.117,16.006,10.670,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.676,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE3-1,96.48,11.0,8.771,0.114,16.418,10.945,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,27.363,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,8.547,0.117,16.006,10.670,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.676,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE5-1,182.49,20.0,9.125,0.110,16.242,10.828,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,27.070,No
This field contains the constant “Zone Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the Zone Name entered from the IDF.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area for the zone.
Field: # Occupants[LINK]
This is the nominal number of occupants (from the PEOPLE statements).
Field: Area per Occupant {m2/person}[LINK]
This is the Zone Floor Area per occupant (person).
Field: Occupant per Area {person/m2}[LINK]
This is the number of occupants per area.
Field: Interior Lighting {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the lighting (Lights) per floor area.
Field: Electric Load {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the electric equipment load (Electric Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Gas Load {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the gas equipment load (Gas Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Other Load {W/m2[LINK]
This is the other equipment load (Other Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Hot Water Eq {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the hot water equipment load (Hot Water Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Steam Equipment {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the steam equipment load (Steam Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Sum Loads per Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the nominal sum of loads per area (equipment). This metric can be useful for incorrect (too much) loads in a zone.
Field: Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat[LINK]
This field is “yes” if there is outdoor controlled baseboard heat in a Zone.
! <People Internal Gains - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People
People Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 11.0, 0.111, 9.015, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 11
People Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 5.0, 0.117, 8.547, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 5
People Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 11.0, 0.114, 8.771, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 11
People Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 5.0, 0.117, 8.547, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 5
People Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 20.0, 0.110, 9.125, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 20
Field: <People Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “People Internal Gains” for each line.
This field contains the name of the People statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of occupancy fraction – the fraction is applied to the number of occupants for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the people/occupants.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Number of People[LINK]
This is the specific number of people for this statement (nominal).
Field: People/Floor Area {person/m2}[LINK]
This value represents the number of people density (this statement) per area (zone floor area).
Field: Floor Area per person {m2/person}[LINK]
This is the floor area per person (this statement)
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for each person (this statement).
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for each person (this statement).
Field: Sensible Fraction Calculation[LINK]
This field will show “Autocalculate” if the default calculation for sensible fraction of load is to be used. Or a specific value can be entered. If so, that value will be displayed.
Field: Activity level[LINK]
This field will show the activity level schedule name.
Field: ASHRAE 55 Warnings[LINK]
If this field shows “yes”, then ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings are enabled. If “no”, then no ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings are calculated or issued.
The following fields are shown only when one of the Comfort calculations (Fanger, KSU, Pierce) is used.
Field: MRT Calculation Type[LINK]
This field’s value will be one of the valid MRT calculation types (Zone Averaged, Surface Weighted, Angle Factor).
Field: Work Efficiency[LINK]
This field will be the work efficiency schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Clothing[LINK]
This field will be the clothing schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Air Velocity[LINK]
This field will be the air velocity schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Fanger Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if Fanger calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: Pierce Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if Pierce calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: KSU Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if KSU calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate[LINK]
This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate per person with units of m3/s-W. The total carbon dioxide generation rate from this object is:
Number of People * People Schedule * People Activity * Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate. The default value is 3.82E-8 m3/s-W (obtained from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 value at 0.0084 cfm/met/person over the general adult population). The maximum value can be 10 times the default value.
Field: Nominal Minimum Number of People[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum number of people based on the number of people field * the minimum value (annual) for the people schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Number of People[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum number of people based on the number of people field * the maxnimum value (annual) for the people schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
! <Lights Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Lighting Level {W}, Lights/Floor Area {W/m2}, Lights per person {W/person}, Fraction Return Air, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Short Wave, Fraction Convected, Fraction Replaceable, End-Use Category, Nominal Minimum Lighting Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Lighting Level {W}
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 1584.000, 15.974, 144.000, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 79.200, 1584.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 684.000, 16.006, 136.800, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 34.200, 684.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 1584.000, 16.418, 144.000, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 79.200, 1584.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 684.000, 16.006, 136.800, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 34.200, 684.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 2964.000, 16.242, 148.200, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 148.200, 2964.000
Field: <Lights Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Lights Internal Gains” for each line.
This field contains the name of the Lights statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of lights fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal lighting level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the lights.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal lighting level (this statement) in Watts.
Field: Lights/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Lights per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Return Air[LINK]
This is the fraction return air for this statement.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Short Wave[LINK]
This is the fraction short wave for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Replaceable[LINK]
This is the fraction replaceable for this lighting level. For daylighting calculations, this value should either be 0 (no dimming control) or 1 (full dimming control).
Field: End-Use Category[LINK]
This field shows the end-use category for this lights statement. Usage can be reported by end-use category.
Field: Nominal Minimum Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of lighting in Watts based on the calculated lighting level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the lights schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of lighting in Watts based on the calculated lighting level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the lights schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Equipment (Electric, Gas, Steam, Hot Water) Gains[LINK]
These equipments are all reported similarly. Electric Equipment is used in the example below:
! <ElectricEquipment Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Equipment Level {W}, Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}, Equipment per person {W/person}, Fraction Latent, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Lost, Fraction Convected, End-Use SubCategory, Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 1056.000, 10.649, 96.000, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 21.120, 950.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 456.000, 10.670, 91.200, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 9.120, 410.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 1056.000, 10.945, 96.000, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 21.120, 950.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 456.000, 10.670, 91.200, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 9.120, 410.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 1976.000, 10.828, 98.800, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 39.520, 1778.400
Field: <[Specific] Equipment Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field will contain the type of equipment internal gain in each line (i.e. Electric Equipment Internal Gains, Gas Equipment Internal Gains, …).
This field contains the name of the equipment statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal equipment level (in Watts) for the statement.
Field: Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Equipment per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Latent[LINK]
This is the fraction latent for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Lost[LINK]
This is the fraction lost (not attributed to the zone) for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: End-Use SubCategory[LINK]
This field shows the end-use category for this statement. Usage can be reported by end-use category.
Field: Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Other Equipment Gains[LINK]
Other equipment report is shown below (does not have an end-use category – is not attached to any normal meter):
! <OtherEquipment Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Equipment Level {W}, Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}, Equipment per person {W/person}, Fraction Latent, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Lost, Fraction Convected, Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}
OtherEquipment Internal Gains, TEST 352A, ALWAYSON, ZONE ONE, 232.26, 0.0, 352.000, 1.516, N/A, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 352.000, 352.000
OtherEquipment Internal Gains, TEST 352 MINUS, ALWAYSON, ZONE ONE, 232.26, 0.0, -352.000, -1.516, N/A, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, -352.000, -352.000
Field: <Other Equipment Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “OtherEquipment Internal Gains” for each line.
This field contains the name of the equipment statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal equipment level (in Watts) for the statement.
Field: Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Equipment per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Latent[LINK]
This is the fraction latent for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Lost[LINK]
This is the fraction lost (not attributed to the zone) for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat[LINK]
! <Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Capacity at Low Temperature {W},Low Temperature {C},Capacity at High Temperature {W},High Temperature {C},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,End-Use Subcategory
Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 BBHEAT 1,EQUIP-1,SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,1500.000,0.000,500.000,10.000,0.500,0.500,Baseboard Heat
Field: <Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains” for each line.
This field contains the name of the baseboard heat statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Capacity at Low Temperature {W}[LINK]
This is the capacity (in Watts) of the equipment at low outdoor temperature.
Field: Low Temperature {C}[LINK]
This is the low outdoor temperature (dry-bulb) for the capacity in the previous field. If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is at or below the low temperature, thebaseboard heater operates at the low temperature capacity.
Field: Capacity at High Temperature {W}[LINK]
This is the capacity (in Watts) of the equipment at high outdoor temperature.
Field: High Temperature {C}[LINK]
This is the high outdoor temperature (dry-bulb) for the capacity in the previous field. If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is exceeds the high temperature, thebaseboard heater turns off.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: EndUse Subcategory[LINK]
This field shows the enduse category for this statement. Usage can be reported by enduse category.
Simple Airflow Outputs[LINK]
Infiltration, Ventilation, Mixing, Cross Mixing Statistics[LINK]
Infiltration, Ventilation, Mixing, Cross Mixing are only specified when the Airflow Model is “Simple” (no Airflow Network).
! <Infiltration Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,3.200E-002,3.227E-004,4.372E-004,0.482,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE2-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,1.400E-002,3.276E-004,3.838E-004,0.488,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE3-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE3-1,96.48,11.0,3.200E-002,3.317E-004,4.372E-004,0.482,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE4-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,1.400E-002,3.276E-004,3.838E-004,0.488,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE5-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE5-1,182.49,20.0,6.200E-002,3.397E-004,N/A,0.499,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
Field: <Infiltration Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Infiltration Airflow Stats” for each line.
This field contains the name of the infiltration statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the infiltration.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the infiltration in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for infiltration.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per exterior surface area (flow rate per exterior area) for infiltration.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given infiltration rate.
Field: Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient[LINK]
Actual infiltration amount is an equation based value:
This field value is the A coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C}[LINK]
This field value is the B coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}[LINK]
This field value is the C coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}[LINK]
This field value is the D coefficient in the above equation.
! <Ventilation Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Fan Type {Exhaust;Intake;Natural/None},Fan Pressure Rise {?},Fan Efficiency {},Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2},Minimum Indoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum Indoor Temperature/Schedule,Delta Temperature/Schedule,Minimum Outdoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum Outdoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum WindSpeed
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 VENTL 1,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,5.295E-002,5.340E-004,4.814E-003,0.797,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,MININDOORTEMP,MAXINDOORTEMP,DELTATEMP,MINOUTDOORTEMP,MAXOUTDOORTEMP,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 VENTL 2,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,5.295E-002,5.340E-004,4.814E-003,0.797,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,MININDOORTEMP,MAXINDOORTEMP,DELTATEMP,MINOUTDOORTEMP,MAXOUTDOORTEMP,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE2-1 VENTL 1,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,7.030E-002,1.645E-003,1.406E-002,2.450,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,18.00,100.00,2.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, RESISTIVE ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,RESISTIVE ZONE,37.16,3.0,2.000E-002,5.382E-004,6.667E-003,0.636,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, EAST ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,EAST ZONE,37.16,3.0,2.000E-002,5.382E-004,6.667E-003,0.636,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, NORTH ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,NORTH ZONE,55.74,4.0,2.000E-002,3.588E-004,5.000E-003,0.424,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Field: <Ventilation Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Ventilation Airflow Stats” for each line.
This field contains the name of the ventilation statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the ventilation.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the ventilation in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for ventilation.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for ventilation.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given ventilation rate.
Field: Fan Type {Exhaust;Intake;Natural}[LINK]
This field shows the entered value for the type of ventilation [NATURAL, EXHAUST, or INTAKE]. Natural ventilation is the air movement/exchange a result of openings in the building façade and does not consume any fan energy. For either EXHAUST or INTAKE, values for fan pressure and efficiency define the fan electric consumption. For NATURAL and EXHAUST ventilation, the conditions of the air entering the space are assumed to be equivalent to outdoor air conditions. For INTAKE ventilation, an appropriate amount of fan heat is added to the air stream.
Field: Fan Pressure Rise {Pa}[LINK]
Operational when Fan Type is INTAKE or EXHAUST, this is the pressure rise experienced across the fan in Pascals (N/m2). This is a function of the fan and plays a role in determining the amount of energy consumed by the fan.
Field: Fan Efficiency[LINK]
Operational when Fan Type is INTAKE or EXHAUST, this is the total fan efficiency (a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0). This is a function of the fan and plays a role in determining the amount of energy consumed by the fan.
Field: Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient[LINK]
Actual ventilation amount is an equation based value:
This field value is the A coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C}[LINK]
This field value is the B coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}[LINK]
This field value is the C coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}[LINK]
This field value is the D coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Minimum Indoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the indoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum Indoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the indoor temperature (in Celsius) above which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Delta Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the temperature difference (in Celsius) between the indoor and outdoor air dry-bulb temperatures below which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Minimum Outdoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the outdoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shut off. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum Outdoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the outdoor temperature (in Celsius) above which ventilation is shut off. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum WindSpeed{m/s}[LINK]
This is the wind speed (m/s) above which ventilation is shut off.
! <Mixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,From/Source Zone,Delta Temperature {C}
Mixing Airflow Stats, RESISTIVE ZONE MIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,RESISTIVE ZONE,37.16,3.0,5.000E-002,1.345E-003,1.667E-002,1.589,EAST ZONE,0.00
Field: <Mixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Mixing Airflow Stats” for each line.
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the mixing.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for mixing.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for mixing.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given mixing rate.
Field: From/Source Zone[LINK]
This is the source zone for the mixing rate.
Field: Delta Temperature {C}[LINK]
This number controls when mixing air from the source zone is sent to the receiving zone. This parameter is a temperature {units Celsius}. If this field is positive, the temperature of the zone from which the air is being drawn (source zone) must be “Delta Temperature” warmer than the receiving zone air or else no mixing occurs. If this field is negative, the temperature of the source zone must be “Delta Temperature” cooler than the receiving zone air or else no mixing occurs. If this parameter is zero, mixing occurs regardless of the relative zone temperatures.
! <CrossMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,From/Source Zone,Delta Temperature {C}
CrossMixing Airflow Stats, EAST ZONE XMIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,EAST ZONE,37.16,3.0,0.100,2.691E-003,3.333E-002,3.178,NORTH ZONE,1.00
CrossMixing Airflow Stats, NORTH ZONE XMIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,NORTH ZONE,55.74,4.0,0.100,1.794E-003,2.500E-002,2.119,EAST ZONE,1.00
Field: <CrossMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “CrossMixing Airflow Stats” for each line.
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the mixing.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for mixing.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for mixing.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given mixing rate.
Field: From/Source Zone[LINK]
This is the source zone for the mixing – air is exchanged equally between the two zones.
Field: Delta Temperature {C}[LINK]
This number controls when mixing air from the source zone is sent to the receiving zone. This parameter is a temperature {units Celsius}. If this field is positive, the temperature of the zone from which air is being drawn (“source zone”) must be “Delta Temperature” warmer than the zone air or no mixing occurs. If this field is zero, mixing occurs regardless of the relative air temperatures. Negative values for “Delta Temperature” are not permitted.
RefrigerationDoor Mixing[LINK]
! <RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>, Name, Zone 1 Name, Zone 2 Name, Door Opening Schedule Name, Door Height {m},Door Area {m2},Door Protection Type
RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats, FREEZER1_SUBFREEZER1, FREEZER_1, SUBFREEZER, FREEZER1DOORSCHEDA, 1.800, 2.300, StripCurtain
RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats, FREEZER5_COOLER2, COOLER_2, FREEZER_5, FREEZER5DOORSCHEDA, 1.800, 2.300, AirCurtain
Field: <RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “RefrigerationDoor Airflow Stats” for each line.
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Zone 1 Name[LINK]
This is the name of one of the two Zones for the mixing.
Field: Zone 2 Name[LINK]
This is the name of the other Zone for the mixing.
Field: Door Opening Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Door Height {m}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Door Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: Door Protection Type[LINK]
This is one of three keywords, None, StripCurtain, or AirCurtain.
Shading Summary[LINK]
Similar to the Zone Summary, the Shading Summary:
! <Shading Summary>, Number of Fixed Detached Shades, Number of Building Detached Shades, Number of Attached Shades
Shading Summary,0,6,14
Field: <Shading Summary>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Shading Summary”.
Field: Number of Fixed Detached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of fixed detached shades (e.g. Shading:Site or Shading:Site:Detailed) in the simulation.
Field: Number of Building Detached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of building relative detached shades (e.g. Shading:Building or Shading:Building:Detailed) in the simulation.
Field: Number of Attached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of building attached shading surfaces (e.g. Overhang, Shading:Zone:Detailed, etc.) in the simulation.
Surface Details Report[LINK]
A good example of this is the surface details report(s) (Output:Surfaces:List, Details; Output:Surfaces:List, Vertices; Output:Surfaces:List, DetailsWithVertices;). Excerpt from the file:
Line 1:! <Zone/Shading Surfaces>,<Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces,# Surfaces, Vertices are shown starting at Upper-Left-Corner = > Counter-Clockwise = > World Coordinates
Line 2:! <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>,Surface Name,Surface Class, Base Surface,Construction,Nominal U (w/o film coefs),Nominal U (with film coefs),Area (Net), Area (Gross), Area (Sunlit Calc), Aimuth, Tilt, ~Width, ~Height, Reveal, <ExtBoundCondition>, <ExtConvCoeffCalc>, <IntConvCoeffCalc>,<SunExposure>,<WindExposure>,ViewFactorToGround,ViewFactorToSky,ViewFactorToGround-IR,ViewFactorToSky-IR,#Sides, {Vertex 1},,, {Vertex 2},,, {Vertex 3},,, {Vertex 4}, ,,{etc}
Line 3: ! <Units>,,,,,{W/m2-K},{W/m2-K},{m2},{m2},{m2},{deg},{deg},{m},{m},{m},,,,,,,,,,X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m}
Ex Line 1: Shading_Surfaces,Number of Shading Surfaces, 10
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,WEST SIDE BUSHES,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 180.0, 180.0, 180.0, 90.0, 90.0, 60.00, 3.00,,,,,,,,,,, 4, -5.00, 0.00, 3.00, -5.00, 0.00, 0.00, -5.00, 60.00, 0.00, -5.00, 60.00, 3.00
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,EAST SIDE TREE1,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 270.0, 90.0, 20.00, 50.99,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 70.00, 30.00, 50.00, 70.00, 40.00, 0.00, 70.00, 20.00, 0.00
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,EAST SIDE TREE2,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0, 90.0, 20.00, 50.99,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 70.00, 30.00, 50.00, 80.00, 30.00, 0.00, 60.00, 30.00, 0.00
Ex Line 1: Zone_Surfaces,HEARTLAND AREA, 35
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,,EXTERIOR,0.644, 0.588, 136.0, 200.0, 136.0, 180.0, 90.0, 20.0, 10.0, 0.00,ExternalEnvironment,ASHRAEDetailed,ASHRAEDetailed,SunExposed,WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.67, 0.33, 4, 20.00, 10.00, 10.00, 20.00, 10.00, 0.00, 40.00, 10.00, 0.00, 40.00, 10.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL001:WIN001,Window,ZN001:WALL001,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW,N/A,6.121, 64.00000, 64.00000, 64.00000,180.0, 90.0, 8.00, 8.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.71, 0.29, 4, 26.00, 10.00, 8.10, 26.00, 10.00, 0.10, 34.00, 10.00, 0.10, 34.00, 10.00, 8.10
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,,EXTERIOR,0.644,0.588, 155.0, 200.0, 155.0, 90.0, 90.0, 20.00, 10.00, 0.00,ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.73, 0.27, 4, 50.00, 20.00, 10.00, 50.00, 20.00, 0.00, 50.00, 40.00, 0.00, 50.00, 40.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002:WIN001,Window,ZN001:WALL002,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW,N/A,6.121, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 90.0, 90.0, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.76, 0.24, 4, 50.00, 22.20, 7.30, 50.00, 22.20, 2.30, 50.00, 25.20, 2.30, 50.00, 25.20, 7.30
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002:WIN002,Window,ZN001:WALL002,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW, N/A, 6.121, 15.00, 15.00, 15.00, 90.00, 90.00, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.71, 0.29, 4, 50.00, 28.50, 7.30, 50.00, 28.50, 2.30, 50.00, 31.50, 2.30, 50.00, 31.50, 7.30
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN001:WALL002:WIN003, Window, ZN001:WALL002, SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW, N/A, 6.121, 15.00, 15.00, 15.00, 90.00, 90.00, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.77, 0.23, 4, 50.00, 35.30, 7.30, 50.00, 35.30, 2.30, 50.00, 38.30, 2.30, 50.00, 38.30, 7.30
<reduced for brevity>
Ex Line 1: Zone_Surfaces,MAINE WING, 12
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:WALL001, Wall, , EXTERIOR, 0.644, 0.588, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 180.00, 90.00, 10.00, 10.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.74, 0.26, 4, 50.00, 40.00, 10.00, 50.00, 40.00, 0.00, 60.00, 40.00, 0.00, 60.00, 40.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:FLR001, Floor, , SLAB FLOOR, 17.040, 3.314, 400.00, 400.00, 400.00, 90.00, 180.00, 20.00, 20.00, 0.00, Ground, N/A-Ground, ASHRAEDetailed, NoSun, NoWind, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 4, 60.00, 40.00, 0.00, 40.00, 40.00, 0.00, 40.00, 60.00, 0.00, 60.00, 60.00, 0.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:ROOF001, Roof, , ROOF31, 0.790, 0.688, 400.00, 400.00, 400.00, 180.00, 0.00, 20.00, 20.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.00, 1.00, 2.41E-002, 0.98, 4, 40.00, 60.00, 10.00, 40.00, 40.00, 10.00, 60.00, 40.00, 10.00, 60.00, 60.00, 10.00
Description of the Detailed Surfaces Report(s)[LINK]
The preceding excerpt includes the surface details and vertices. You can also obtain the report with just the details or just the vertices.
Line 1:! <Zone/Shading Surfaces>,<Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces,# Surfaces, Vertices are shown starting at Upper-Left-Corner = > Counter-Clockwise = > World Coordinates
When a line is shown with the comment character (!) in the first position, it signifies a informational “header” record for the report. In addition, “Line 1” is also a header for the subsequent “real” surface lines.
Field: <Zone/Shading Surfaces>[LINK]
This field is a dual purpose field. For beginning of the Shading Surfaces, it will show “Shading_Surfaces”. At each Zone, it will show “Zone_Surfaces”.
Field: <Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces[LINK]
This field is a dual purpose field. It will either show the Zone Name of the subsequent surfaces or the “Number of Shading Surfaces” for the entire building.
Field: # Surfaces[LINK]
This field, then, specifies the number of surfaces of the type (zone or shading) that will follow.
The example lines illustrate:
Shading_Surfaces,Number of Shading Surfaces, 10
Zone_Surfaces,HEARTLAND AREA, 35
Zone_Surfaces,MAINE WING, 12
Line 2:! <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>, Surface Name, Surface Class, Base Surface, Construction, Nominal U (w/o film coefs), Nominal U (with film coefs), Area (Net), Area (Gross), Area (Sunlit Calc), Azimuth, Tilt, ~Width, ~Height, Reveal, <ExtBoundCondition>, <ExtConvCoeffCalc>, <IntConvCoeffCalc>, <SunExposure>, <WindExposure>, ViewFactorToGround, ViewFactorToSky, ViewFactorToGround-IR, ViewFactorToSky-IR, #Sides, {Vertex 1},,, {Vertex 2},,, {Vertex 3},,, {Vertex 4}, ,,{etc}
Line 3: ! <Units>,,,,,{W/m2-K},{W/m2-K},{m2},{m2},{m2},{deg},{deg},{m},{m},{m},,,,,,,,,,X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m}
Line 2 shows the full detail of each surface record with Line 3 used for illustrating the units of individual fields (as appropriate).
The first four fields (<HeatTransfer/ShadingSurface>,Surface Name, Surface Class, Base Surface) are included in all the Surface reports (Details, Vertices, Details with Vertices).
Field: <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>[LINK]
For shading surfaces, this will be a constant “Shading_Surface”. For heat transfer surfaces, this will be a constant “HeatTransfer_Surface”. For Frame and Divider Surfaces, it will be a constant “Frame/Divider_Surface” with the proper type showing in the Surface Class.
Field: Surface Name[LINK]
This field will contain the actual surface name as entered in the IDF.
Field: Surface Class[LINK]
This field contains the surface class (e.g. Window, Door, Wall, Roof) as entered in the IDF.
Field: Base Surface[LINK]
This field contains the base surface name if this surface is a sub-surface (i.e. Window, Door).
Fields in Details and Details with Vertices report.[LINK]
Field: Construction[LINK]
This field will contain the name of the construction used for the surface. (Will be empty for shading surfaces).
Field: Nominal U (w/o film coefs)[LINK]
A nominal thermal conductance for the surface is calculated for the surface. It does not include interior or exterior film coefficients as this is calculated during the simulation and is dependent on several factors that may change during the simulation time period. Units for this field are W/m2-K.
For windows, no value is reported because the film coefficients cannot be removed from the U-value.
Field: Nominal U (with film coefs)[LINK]
A nominal thermal conductance for the surface is calculated for the surface, including film coefficients. Units for this field are W/m2-K.
For opaque surfaces, interior and exterior film coefficients are added to the surface construction based on the prescribed R-values for interior and exterior film coefficients as found in ASHRAE 90.1-2004, Appendix A, and shown below: The SI values are the exact values used inside EnergyPlus.
Surface Class
Interior Film Coefficient
Exterior Film Coefficient
NOTE: The resulting “Nominal U with film coefs” is only for comparison purposes with the ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. Actual film coefficients are calculated during the simulation and are dependent on several factors that may change during the simulation time period.
For windows, the “Nominal U with film coefs” is calculated using the following assumptions from the WINDOW 5 program (also NFRC winter conditions):
Indoor air temperature = 21 C (69.8 F)
Outdoor air temperature = -18 C (-.4 F)
Exterior film coefficient = 26 W/m2 (4.58 ft2-F-hr/BTU)
Interior film coefficient = Calculated by EnergyPlus convection algorithm
No incident solar beam radiation
Field: Area (Net)[LINK]
When surfaces are entered, the gross area of the surface is calculated from the vertices (except for Internal Mass where it is entered directly). As net area is needed in the calculations, any sub-surfaces to the primary surface are subtracted from the original gross area. This field will show the final “net” area for the surface. For example, walls with windows will have the multiplier (of the window) * window area subtracted from the gross amount. Likewise, any divider area (including multipliers) for the window will be subtracted. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Area (Gross)[LINK]
This field shows the gross area of the surface. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Area (Sunlit Calc)[LINK]
This field shows the net area for the purposes of sunlit/shading calculations. For these, only 1 unit of a multiplied window/door is subtracted from the gross area of a wall that the window/door is on. This net area includes the frame area (if any) for the windows on the wall. For windows, this value includes the divider area of the window. Thus for both frames and dividers, there will be a * in this field – since the areas are included in the wall/window areas. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Azimuth[LINK]
Using the specified vertices for the surface (and order of entry), EnergyPlus can determine the outward facing normal angle for the surface. That angle is displayed in this field. Units for this field are degrees.
Using the specified vertices for the surface (and order of entry), EnergyPlus can determine the tilt of the surface with respect to “horizontal”. That angle is displayed in this field. Units for this field are degrees.
Field: ~Width[LINK]
This field (approximate width of the surface) is calculated and filled by EnergyPlus from the entered vertices. Some parts of EnergyPlus use a width and height rather than the more detailed vertex/area calculations. Units for this field are m.
Field: ~Height[LINK]
This field (approximate height of the surface) is calculated and filled by EnergyPlus from the entered vertices. Some parts of EnergyPlus use a width and height rather than the more detailed vertex/area calculations. Units for this field are m.
Field: Reveal[LINK]
This field is calculated for sub-surfaces with respect to their base surfaces using the entered vertices, plane of the two surfaces, and distance between the planes. Reveal may be important in shading of windows, in particular. Units for this field are m.
Field: <ExtBoundCondition>[LINK]
This field shows the exterior boundary condition for the surface. If this is a surface that is “external” the values will be ExternalEnvironment or Ground. If this surface is an interzone surface, this value will be the surface name in the “other” zone. If this surface is an internal surface, this value will be the same as the surface name. If this is a special surface with “Other Side Coefficients”, the value will be the OtherSideCoefficient name (see description of OtherSideCoefficient reporting later in this document). If this is a special surface with “Other Side Condition Model”, the value will be the OtherSideConditionModel name.
Field: <ExtConvCoeffCalc>[LINK]
The value for this field will be a descriptor of the External Convection Coefficient calculation. If this surface uses Other Side Coefficients, this field will display N/A-OSC. If this surface uses Other Side Condition Model, this field will display N/A-OSCM. Ground surfaces will display N/A-Ground. If this is an interior or inter-zone surface, it will display Other/Same Surface Int Conv. If a schedule is used, it will display User Supplied Schedule. If a constant value is supplied by the user, it will display User Supplied Value. The standard values may also be displayed here (e.g. ASHRAEDetailed).
Field: <IntConvCoeffCalc>[LINK]
The value for this field will be a descriptor of the Internal Convection Coefficient calculation. If a schedule is used, it will display User Supplied Schedule. If a constant value is supplied by the user, it will display User Supplied Value. The standard values may also be displayed here (e.g. ASHRAEDetailed).
Field: <SunExposure>[LINK]
The value for this field will be SunExposed or NoSun. Internal surfaces should have NoSun exposure.
Field: <WindExposure>[LINK]
The value for this field will be WindExposed or NoWind. Internal surfaces should have NoWind exposure.
Field: ViewFactorToGround[LINK]
This value has been entered as part of the surface description. View factor to ground is described in the Input Output Reference document during the Surface:HeatTransfer description.
Field: ViewFactorToSky[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces.
Field: ViewFactorToGround-IR[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces. Shadowing surfaces are considered to have the same emissivity and temperature as the ground, so they are lumped together with the ground in calculating the ground IR view factor.
Field: ViewFactorToSky-IR[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces.
Field: #Sides[LINK]
This value is the number of sides / vertices the surface has.
Fields in Vertices Reports[LINK]
Field Set: Vertex x [X {m}, Y {m}, Z {m}][LINK]
For each side of the surface, the vertices are shown in three separate fields (comma separated) in the EnergyPlus “standard” coordinate order (Upper Left Corner first, Counter-Clockwise, World Coordinates). Units for each vertex is m.
Calculating with Surface Details Report[LINK]
It is reasonably easy to import this data into a spreadsheet and then calculate glazing area percentage based on wall facing direction:
Figure 3. Surface Details with Window/Wall % calculated
Surface Convection Parameters[LINK]
When detailed surface reports are requested, extra information on the surfaces related to how convection coefficients are calculated are also output to the EIO file. The first block of data relates to overall geometry parameters assigned to each surface and has the following header
! <Surface Convection Parameters>, Surface Name, Outside Model Assignment , Outside Area [m2], Outside Perimeter [m], Outside Height [m], Inside Model Assignment, Inside Height [cm], Inside Perimeter Envelope [m], Inside Hydraulic Diameter [m], Window Wall Ratio [ ],Window Location [ ], Near Radiant [T/F], Has Active HVAC [T/F]
With example data record.
Surface Convection Parameters,PERIMETER_ZN_1_WALL_SOUTH,0,84.45,61.48,3.05,0,3.05,27.69,6.94,0.24,0, F, F
Field: Outside Model Assignment[LINK]
This is an integer code for the type of model assigned to the outside face, if a specific model has been assigned. Surface(SurfLoop)%ExtConvCoeff
Code value
Not set special for this surface
Simplest ASHRAE model
TARP, ASHRAE-Walton model
TARP, ASHRAE-Walton model
+/- 6
MoWITT model
+/- 7
DOE-2 model
+/- 9
Adaptive Convection Algorithm
Key values are indexes that are associated with the input order of SurfaceProperty:ConvectionCoefficients ( and MultipleSurface)
Field: Outside Area[LINK]
This is the area used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the area of the larger group of surfaces that this surfaces is a part of. [m2]
Field Outside Perimeter[LINK]
This is the length of edge used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the perimeter for a larger group of surfaces that surface is a part of. [m]
Field: Outside Height[LINK]
This is the height scale used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the overall height of a larger group of surfaces that this surface is a part of. [m]
Field: Inside Model Assignment[LINK]
This is an integer code for the type of model assigned to the inside face, if a specific model has been assigned. Surface(SurfLoop)%IntConvCoeff
Field: Inside Height[LINK]
This is the height scale used for convection calculations for the inside face. It is intended to be for the entire zone. [m]
Field: Inside Perimeter Envelope[LINK]
This is the length scale for the zone for the amount of exterior envelope with glazing. It is the length of wall that has glazed exterior.[m]
Field: Inside Hydraulic Diameter[LINK]
This is the length scale for horizontal surfaces in the zone. It is calculated using 4 * area/ perimeter and is used for natural convection on the floor or ceiling. [m]
Field: Window to Wall Ratio[LINK]
This is the ratio of exterior window area to exterior wall area. It is for the zone. [non dimensional]
Field: Window Location[LINK]
This is an integer code for relative window positioning. It is used for some inside face correlations.
Field: Near Radiant[LINK]
This is a true or false flag indicating if this surfaces is near a radiant HVAC unit. If “T” then surface is is modeled as near a radiant HVAC device. If “F” then surface is normal.
Field: Has Active HVAC[LINK]
This is a true or false flag indicating if this surface has active HVAC elements inside it. If “T” then surface is modeled has having HVAC pipes or element inside it making it active for heating or cooling. If “F” then surface is normal.
OtherSideCoefficient Outputs[LINK]
For the most part, the output for the Other Side Coefficients represents the input as entered. The header record for the Other Side Coefficients output is shown below:
Line 1: ! Other Side Coefficients,Name,Combined convective/radiative film coefficient,User selected Constant Temperature,Coefficient modifying the constant temperature term,Coefficient modifying the external dry bulb temperature term,Coefficient modifying the ground temperature term,Coefficient modifying the wind speed term {s/m},Coefficient modifying the zone air temperature term,Constant Temperature Schedule Name
Field: Other Side Coefficients[LINK]
This field will be filled with the text OtherSideCoefficients.
The report describes the actions for the following equation:
The coefficients listed above are used in the following equation:
- T = Outdoor air Temperature when Combined convective/radiative film Coeff > 0
- T = Exterior Surface Temperatre when Combined convective/radiative film Coeff < = 0
- Tzone = Temperature of the zone being simulated (°C)
- Toadb = Dry-bulb temperature of the outdoor air (°C)
- Tgrnd = Temperature of the ground (°C)
- Wspd = Outdoor wind speed (m/sec)
This is the unique name entered for the OtherSideCoefficient. Note that the surface it applies to will have this name in the <ExtBoundCondition> field.
Field: Combined convective/radiative film coefficient[LINK]
This field is a trigger value. When entered as >0, it is used as the combined convective/radiative film coefficient. The other fields in the OtherSideCoefficient object are used then as well: the remaining fields are used first to calculate the outdoor air temperature for the surface and then to calculate the outside surface temperature based on the outdoor air temperature and the film coefficient. If this field contains N/A, then the remaining fields are used to calculate the surface temperature (not the outdoor air temperature).
Field: User selected Constant Temperature[LINK]
This field is a temperature that remains a constant part of the calculation either of the surface or outdoor air temperature. When the schedule option is used, this field will show N/A. The parameter in the equation for this or the schedule value is C5.
Field: Coefficient modifying the constant temperature term[LINK]
This field is multiplied to the previous field when a simple number is entered. This parameter is shown as C4 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless. The value of this parameter should be 1.0 if a schedule is used to set C5.
Field: Coefficient modifying the external dry bulb temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This parameter is shown as C3 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Coefficient modifying the ground temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the ground temperature. This parameter is shown as C6 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Coefficient modifying the wind speed term {s/m}[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the product of the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature and the wind speed. This parameter is shown as C7 in the equation. This parameter has dimensions of inverse velocity or s/m.
Field: Coefficient modifying the zone air temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the temperature of the zone to which this surface belongs. This parameter is shown as C2 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Constant Temperature Schedule Name[LINK]
This field is used to supply a schedule name. That schedule supplies the “constant” temperature value C5. Note that the value of the C4 field should normally be 1.0 if a schedule is used for C5. If this field contains a value, then constant temperature field will be N/A in this report.
Construction Element Outputs[LINK]
An optional report (contained in eplusout.eio) gives calculated elements for the materials and constructions used in the input. One report is specific to opaque constructions (note that nominal thermal conductance is calculated).
The report is invoked by including the following in the IDF:
Line 1:! <Construction>,Construction Name,#Layers,#CTFs,Time Step {hours},ThermalConductance {w/m2-K},OuterThermalAbsorptance,InnerThermalAbsorptance,OuterSolarAbsorptance,InnerSolarAbsorptance,Roughness
Line 2:! <Material>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {w/m-K},Density {kg/m3},Specific Heat {J/kg-K},ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
Line 3:! <Material:Air>,Material Name,ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
Line 4:! <CTF>,Time,Outside,Cross,Inside,Flux (except final one)
Ex Line 1: Construction,EXTWALL09, 4,10, 0.250,2.545 , 0.900, 0.900, 0.930, 0.920,Rough
Ex Line 2: Material,A2 - 4 IN DENSE FACE BRICK, 0.1015, 1.245, 2082.400, 920.480, 0.8151E-01
Ex Line 2: Material:Air,B1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE, 0.1604
Ex Line 2: Material,C3 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE BLOCK, 0.1015, 0.813, 977.126, 836.800, 0.1249
Ex Line 2: Material,E1 - 3 / 4 IN PLASTER OR GYP BOARD,0.0191,0.726, 1601.846, 836.800, 0.2622E-01
Ex Line 3: CTF, 10, 0.13890138E-11, 0.95367648E-14, 0.62566281E-10, -0.39500133E-14
Ex Line 3: CTF, 9, -0.32803336E-08, 0.29933755E-10, -0.60855613E-07, 0.10196216E-10
Ex Line 3: CTF, 8, 0.23798948E-05, 0.21201413E-07, 0.21649376E-04, -0.88463084E-08
Ex Line 3: CTF, 7, -0.58681847E-03, 0.38118098E-05, -0.26539198E-02, 0.25879187E-05
Ex Line 3: CTF, 6, 0.46201324E-01, 0.18871269E-03, 0.12095720 , -0.26290432E-03
Ex Line 3: CTF, 5, -1.2828328 , 0.27337395E-02, -2.1646103 , 0.91268499E-02
Ex Line 3: CTF, 4, 13.603723 , 0.11920108E-01, 17.065325 , -0.12663354
Ex Line 3: CTF, 3, -62.546625 , 0.15112689E-01, -64.276824 , 0.73877389
Ex Line 3: CTF, 2, 133.27916 , 0.47414487E-02, 120.00640 , -1.9706501
Ex Line 3: CTF, 1, -130.02410 , 0.22383019E-03, -106.88260 , 2.3359193
Ex Line 3: CTF, 0, 46.959981 , 0.53137072E-06, 36.168919
Opaque Constructions[LINK]
Description of the Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
The Opaque Construction report has 3 parts for each construction.
Part 1 is the construction name along with some derived values for the entire construction (i.e. Thermal Conductance) as well as noting other details about the surface (# CTFs, # Layers).
Part 2 shows the material layers for the construction. This is essentially just an echo of the entered properties of the materials from the IDF.
Part 3 shows the CTFs as calculated for the Construction. CTFs are described more completely in the Engineering Reference document.
Fields in Part 1 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Field: <Construction>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Construction” for each Construction line.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
This is the name of the construction as entered in the IDF.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
This is the number of material layers inferred from the construction entry in the IDF. Material layers are listed “outside” to “inside” of the construction. This, of course, depends on the placement of the surface in the building – the “outside” of an internal surface is the layer that is closest to whatever the surface touches whereas the “inside” of an internal surface is the layer that shows in the surface’s “zone”. The outside of an external surface is the layer that faces the outside environment and, again, the inside is the layer that shows in the zone.
This is the calculated number of CTFs (Conduction Transfer Functions). The conduction transfer functions are temperature and flux coefficients that characterize the thermal properties of the wall.
Field: Time Step[LINK]
The “timestep” in the construction line is the timestep at which the CTFs are valid. Because CTFs for certain constructions might not be stable at the user specified timestep (might be too “heavy” from a thermal mass standpoint), this may be different from the zone timestep (specified in “TimeStep in Hour”). In all cases though, this will be greater than or equal to the zone timestep. If the timestep for the construction is greater than the zone timestep, E+ will use interpolated histories to solve for the surface heat balances for this surface (see discussion on interpolated histories in the Engineering Reference document).
Field: Thermal Conductance[LINK]
This is the nominal thermal conductance of the construction calculated without film coefficients. Units are w/m2-K.
Field: Outer Thermal Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the thermal absorptance of the outer material layer.
Field: Inner Thermal Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the thermal absorptance of the inner material layer.
Field: Outer Solar Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the solar absorptance of the outer material layer.
Field: Inner Solar Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the solar absorptance of the inner material layer.
Field: Roughness[LINK]
The construction takes on the roughness from the outer material layer. Roughness is used in several parts of external environment calculations.
Fields in Part 2 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Line 2: ! <Material>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {w/m-K},Density {kg/m3},Specific Heat {J/kg-K},ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
In this version of part 2, the full material properties are entered by the user and displayed in the report.
Field: <Material>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material” for each material layer line.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
This is the name of the material as entered in the IDF.
Field: Thickness[LINK]
This is the entered thickness of the material. Units are m.
Field: Conductivity[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered conductivity in w/m-K. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Density[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered density in kg/m3. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Specific Heat[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered specific heat in J/kg-K. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Thermal Resistance[LINK]
For Material:Regular-R materials, this is the entered thermal resistance in m2-K/w. For Material:Regular materials, this is the calculated thermal resistance based on the other properties.
Line 3: ! <Material:Air>,Material Name,ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
In this version of part 2, only the thermal resistance of the air layer is entered by the user and displayed in the report.
Field: <Material:Air>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:Air” for each material layer line.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
This is the name of the material as entered in the IDF.
Field: Thermal Resistance[LINK]
This is the entered thermal resistance in m2-K/w.
Fields in Part 3 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Line 4: ! <CTF>,Time,Outside,Cross,Inside,Flux (except final one)
In part 3, the CTF calculations are shown. It is necessary to use the conduction transfer functions labeled “Inside” and “Cross” to calculate the heat flux at the inside surface and the conduction transfer functions labeled “Outside” and “Cross” to calculate the heat flux at the outside surface. Inside and outside coefficients will be identical for symmetric walls.
Conduction through constructions such as walls, roofs, floors, etc. is generally characterized as one-dimensional and transient within EnergyPlus. The solution to this partial differential equation results in “conduction transfer functions” or CTFs. In a CTF equation, the current heat transfer flux due to conduction through a construction is a function of the current temperature at either face of the surface as well as the history of temperatures at either face and the history of conductive fluxes at this face. CTFs are a simplification of response factors which are based solely on temperature histories and require an “infinite” history. The inclusion of heat flux history terms reduces the overall number of terms in the equation for conductive flux significantly, resulting in a more efficient solution.
For each unique combination of materials, there are a unique set of CTFs. While there are other procedures to determine the CTFs for a particular construction, EnergyPlus uses a state-space method (see conduction transfer function documentation) to obtain the CTF coefficients. These coefficients are calculated once at the beginning of the simulation and are constant for a particular construction. The CTF equation itself is a linear equation with these constant coefficients.
Conduction heat transfer flux at the outside face of a particular surface is a function of the construction of the surface (which leads to the CTF coefficients), the current and previous temperatures at both the inside and outside face of the surface, and the previous conduction heat transfer fluxes at the outside surface. The CTF coefficients that would be used in this equation would be the “Outside” (multiplied by the temperature history at the outside face) terms, the “Cross” (multiplied by the temperature history at the inside face) terms, and the “Flux” (multiplied by the flux history at the outside face) terms. Solving for the conductive flux at the inside surface would require the use of the “Inside” (multiplied by the temperature history at the inside face) terms, the “Cross” (multiplied by the temperature history at the outside face) terms, and the “Flux” (multiplied by the flux history at the inside face) terms. A textual example is given below for illustration purposes:
Current Outside Conductive Flux = (Outside Term 0) * (Current Outside Face Temperature)
+(Outside Term 1) * (Previous Outside Face Temperature)
+(Outside Term 2) * (Outside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Outside Term 3) * (Outside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
+(Cross Term 0) * (Current Inside Face Temperature)
+(Cross Term 1) * (Previous Inside Face Temperature)
+(Cross Term 2) * (Inside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Cross Term 3) * (Inside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
+(Flux Term 1) * (Previous Outside Face Flux)
+(Flux Term 2) * (Outside Face Flux 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Flux Term 3) * (Outside Face Flux 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
The number of terms is based on the CTF coefficient calculation routine and is related to the amount of thermal mass contained within a particular construction. Actual signs (positive or negative) of various terms in the preceding equation will vary based on their definition and use within the equation. Those interested in more details on the use and calculation of CTFs are encouraged to read the Engineering Documentation.
This will be filled with the constant “CTF” for each CTF coefficient line.
This field “time” refers to the history term to which the coefficients are applied. The last line is the “zero” term that gets applied to the current values of temperatures. The line with a “1” refers to the temperatures and fluxes from the previous timestep–previous as in time minus one timestep. Timestep, in this case, is defined by the construction timestep (see description on “Fields in Part 1 – Opaque Construction Report”) not the zone timestep. Lines with other values are for previous timesteps at t-n(timestep). These are the terms that are used to model conduction through a construction.
Field: Outside[LINK]
Field: Inside[LINK]
Field: Flux (except final one)[LINK]
Window Constructions[LINK]
Description of the Windows Construction Report[LINK]
A separate report is available for windows (note that both nominal conductance and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient are calculated for windows). Like the opaque construction, the window construction report has multiple parts – in this case, 2.
Line 1: ! <WindowConstruction>,Construction Name,#Layers,Roughness,Conductance {W/m2-K},SHGC,SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid,VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid
Line 2: ! <WindowMaterial:Glazing>, Material Name, Optical Data Type, Spectral Data Set Name, Thickness {m}, Solar Transmittance,Front Solar Reflectance, Back Solar Reflectance, Visible Transmittance, Front Visible Reflectance,Back Visible Reflectance,Infrared Transmittance, Front Thermal Emissivity, Back Thermal Emissivity,Conductivity {W/m-K},Dirt Factor,Solar Diffusing
Line 3: ! <WindowMaterial:Gas>,Material Name,GasType,Thickness {m}
Line 4: ! <WindowMaterial:Shade>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,VisibleTransmittance,ShadeReflectance
Line 5: ! <WindowMaterial:Screen>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,Reflectance,VisibleReflectance,DiffuseReflectance,DiffuseVisibleReflectance,ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio,ScreenToGlassDistance {m}
Line 6: ! <WindowMaterial:Blind>,Material Name,SlatWidth {m},SlatSeparation {m},SlatThickness {m},SlatAngle {deg},SlatBeamSolarTransmittance,SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance,BlindToGlassDistance {m}
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH SCREEN, 4,MediumRough, 2.514, 0.555, 0.511, 0.589
WindowMaterial:Screen,BRIGHT ALUMINUM SCREEN 1, 0.00025, 2.210E+02, 0.272, 0.697, 0.166, 0.166, 0.195, 0.195, 0.165, 0.025
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH SHADE, 4,VerySmooth, 2.716, 0.482, 0.039, 0.050
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Shade,SHADE ROLL - LIGHT OPAQUE, 0.003, 1.000E-01, 0.900, 0.050, 0.050, 0.500
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH BLIND, 4,VerySmooth, 2.761, 0.714, 0.395, 0.456
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN, 0.003, 0.900, 0.837, 0.898, 0.840, 0.840, 0.075, 0.075, 0.081, 0.081, 1.000,NO
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN, 0.003, 0.900, 0.837, 0.898, 0.840, 0.840, 0.075, 0.075, 0.081, 0.081, 1.000,NO
WindowMaterial:Blind,INTERIOR BLIND, 0.0010, 0.0022, 0.0010, 0.000, 0.000, 0.200, 0.025
Fields in Part 1 – Window Construction Report[LINK]
Line 1: ! <WindowConstruction>,Construction Name,#Layers,Roughness,Conductance {W/m2-K},SHGC,SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid,VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid
Field: <WindowConstruction>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Construction” for each Window Construction line.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
This is the name of the window as entered in the IDF.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
This is the number of material layers inferred from the windows construction entry in the IDF. Material layers are listed “outside” to “inside” of the construction. This, of course, depends on the placement of the surface in the building – the “outside” of an internal surface is the layer that is closest to whatever the surface touches whereas the “inside” of an internal surface is the layer that shows in the surface’s “zone”. The outside of an external surface is the layer that faces the outside environment and, again, the inside is the layer that shows in the zone.
Field: Roughness[LINK]
The window construction takes on the roughness from the outer material layer. Roughness is used in several parts of external environment calculations.
Field: Conductance[LINK]
This is the center-of-glass conductance of the construction calculated with film coefficients, for winter conditions (indoor air temperature = 21C (69.8F), outdoor air temperature = -18C (-.4F), windspeed = 5.5 m/s (12.3 mph), no solar radiation). Units are W/m2-K.
This is the center-of-glass Solar Heat Gain Coefficient for summer conditions (indoor air temperature = 24C (75.2F), outdoor air temperature = 32C (89.6F), windspeed = 2.8 m/s (6.2 mph), 783 W/m2 (248 Btu/h-ft2) incident beam solar radiation normal to glazing.
The following transmittance and reflectance values are for the window glazing (plus shade, screen or blind, if present in the construction). For exterior windows, “front” means the side of the window facing the exterior environment and “back” means the side facing the zone. For interior windows, “front” means the side to window facing the zone and “back” means the side facing the adjacent zone.
Field: Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence (SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid)[LINK]
Transmittance at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence (VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid)[LINK]
Transmittance normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye.
Fields in Part 2 – Window Construction Report[LINK]
Part 2 of the Window Construction Report encompasses several “lines”.
Line 2: ! <WindowMaterial:Glazing>, Material Name, Optical Data Type, Spectral Data Set Name, Thickness {m}, Solar Transmittance,Front Solar Reflectance, Back Solar Reflectance, Visible Transmittance, Front Visible Reflectance,Back Visible Reflectance,Infrared Transmittance, Front Thermal Emissivity, Back Thermal Emissivity,Conductivity {W/m-K},Dirt Factor,Solar Diffusing
Line 3: ! <WindowMaterial:Gas>,Material Name,GasType,Thickness {m}
Line 4: ! <WindowMaterial:Shade>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,VisibleTransmittance,ShadeReflectance
Line 5: ! <WindowMaterial:Screen>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,Reflectance,VisibleReflectance,DiffuseReflectance,DiffuseVisibleReflectance,ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio,ScreenToGlassDistance {m}
Line 6: ! <WindowMaterial:Blind>,Material Name,SlatWidth {m},SlatSeparation {m},SlatThickness {m},SlatAngle {deg},SlatBeamSolarTransmittance,SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance,BlindToGlassDistance {m}
Field: <Material:WindowGlass>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowGlass” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the glass layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the glass layer.
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Conductivity of the glass layer.
Field: SolarTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance normal incidence of the glass layer averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye.
Field: ThermalFrontAbsorptance[LINK]
Thermal emissivity of the front face of the glass layer.
Field: ThermalBackAbsorptance[LINK]
Thermal emissivity of the back face of the glass layer.
Field: SolarFrontReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the front face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: SolarBackReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the back face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleFrontReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the front face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleBackReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the back face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: GlassTransDirtFactor[LINK]
Glass transmittance dirt factor (1.0 is clear, no dirt factor).
Field: SolarDiffusing[LINK]
Solar Diffusing value – Yes if solar diffusing glass, No if not.
Field: <Material:WindowGas>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowGas” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the gas layer.
Field: GasType[LINK]
Type of the gas layer. Possibilities are Air, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Custom.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the gas layer.
Field: <Material:WindowShade>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowShade” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the window shade layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the window shade layer.
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Thermal conductivity of the window shade layer.
Field: ThermalAbsorptance[LINK]
Emissivity of the window shade layer (assumed same for front and back faces).
Field: SolarTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed same for beam solar radiation and diffuse solar radiation. Transmittance of beam solar radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence.
Field: VisibleTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. Assumed same for beam visible radiation and diffuse visible radiation. Transmittance of beam visible radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence.
Field: ShadeReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed same for beam solar radiation and diffuse solar radiation. Reflectance of beam solar radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence. Reflectance is assumed to be the same for the front and back faces of the shade layer.
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowBlind” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: <Material:WindowBlind>[LINK]
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the blind layer.
Field: SlatWidth {m}[LINK]
Width of the slats in the blind.
Field: SlatSeparation {m}[LINK]
Distance between the centerline of adjacent slats.
Field: SlatThickness {m}[LINK]
Distance between front and back faces of a slat.
Field: SlatAngle {deg}[LINK]
This is the angle between the glazing outward normal and the slat outward normal, where the outward normal points away from the front face of the slat.
Field: SlatBeamSolarTransmittance[LINK]
The beam solar transmittance of the slat at normal incidence. Any transmitted beam radiation is assumed to be 100% diffuse (i.e., slats are translucent). Transmittance is assumed to have the same value at other angles of incidence.
Field: SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance[LINK]
The beam solar reflectance at normal incidence on the front side of the slat. Assumed to have the same value at other angles of incidence (matte finish).
Field: BlindToGlassDistance {m}[LINK]
Distance from the mid-plane of the blind to the adjacent glass (m).
Field: <Material:WindowScreen>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowScreen” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the window screen layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the window screen layer (screen material diameter).
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Thermal conductivity of the window screen layer. This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material.
Field: ThermalAbsorptance[LINK]
Emissivity of the window screen layer (assumed same for front and back faces). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material.
Field: Transmittance[LINK]
Beam transmittance of the window screen layer including any inward reflections from the material surface if specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: Reflectance[LINK]
Solar reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material averaged over the solar spectrum. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: VisibleReflectance[LINK]
Visible reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: DiffuseReflectance[LINK]
Solar reflectance (diffuse-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). Reflectance of diffuse solar radiation is considered constant and applies to both the front and back surfaces of the screen. Diffuse reflectance is calculated by the model as an average value by integrating the screen’s solar reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) over a quarter hemisphere of incident radiation.
Field: DiffuseVisibleReflectance[LINK]
Visible reflectance (diffuse-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). Visible reflectance of diffuse solar radiation is considered constant and applies to both the front and back surfaces of the screen. Diffuse visible reflectance is calculated by the model as an average value by integrating the screen’s visible beam reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) over a quarter hemisphere of incident radiation.
Field: ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio[LINK]
The aspect ratio of the screen material. The aspect ratio is calculated as the ratio of the screen material diameter to screen material spacing.
Field: ScreenToGlassDistance {m}[LINK]
Distance from the mid-plane of the screen to the adjacent glass (m).
ThermoChromic Windows[LINK]
Windows with Thermochromic constructions are reported similarly to other window constructions. First, you see the window as entered in the IDF:
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.429, 0.242, 0.520
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT25,Spectral,WO18RT25SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
Then, there will be a list of window constructions reported with each one corresponding to a particular temperature of the thermochromic glazing layer. For example, the following excerpt shows a list of window constructions for the thermochromic window TCWINDOW at different temperature of the thermochromic layer - TCWINDOW_TC_25 at 25°C, TCWINDOW_TC_27 at 27°C, and TCWINDOW_TC_29 at 29°C. Detailed properties of the thermochromic glazing layer are also listed for each temperature - WO18RT25 at 25°C, WO18RT27 at 27°C, and WO18RT29 at 29°C.
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_25, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.429, 0.242, 0.520
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT25,Spectral,WO18RT25SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_27, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.424, 0.236, 0.504
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT27,Spectral,WO18RT27SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_29, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.419, 0.230, 0.490
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT29,Spectral,WO18RT29SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
Complex Fenestration[LINK]
Complex fenestration is reported in a similar manner as other windows. The first line is the header, followed by details about each fenestration object (window).
! <WindowConstruction:Complex>,Construction Name,Index,#Layers,U-factor {W/m2-K},SHGC
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
Name of the complex fenestration construction.
Index number in construction data.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
Number of solid layers in the complex fenestration construction. This number accounts for glass and shading layers.
Field: U-factor[LINK]
Complex fenestration U-factor according to ASHRAE winter conditions.
Complex fenestration solar heat gain coefficient according to ASHRAE summer conditions.
HAMT Cell Data[LINK]
This gives the surface name,the construction name, the origins and cell numbers of the cells used within the HAMT solutions algorithm. The cell numbering starts from the external surface to the internal surface.
! <HAMT origins>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell origins (m)
! <HAMT cells>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell Numbers
HAMT origins,SOUTH WALL,EXTERIOR WALL, 0.0000000, 0.0005729,
0.0026459, 0.0060000, 0.0093541, 0.0114271, 0.0128076, 0.0159588,
0.0219528, 0.0302028, 0.0399012, 0.0500988, 0.0597972, 0.0680472,
0.0740412, 0.0771924, 0.0785729, 0.0806459, 0.0840000, 0.0873541,
0.0894271, 0.0900000
WALL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Field: Surface Name[LINK]
Name of the Surface.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
Name of the construction.
Field: Cell origins[LINK]
Origins of the Cells.
Field: Cell Numbers[LINK]
Numbers for the Cells.
The sizing information in the .eio file reflects the inputs and results for the zone, system and plant (component). Actual fields/details included depend on the “autosize” inputs.
Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation[LINK]
! <Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window>, Value
Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window, 1
Field: Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window[LINK]
The number of load timesteps in the zone design flow sequence averaging window. The default is 1, in which case the calculated zone design flow rates are averaged over the load timestep.
The zone design air flow rate calculation is performed assuming a potentially infinite supply of heating or cooling air at a fixed temperature. Thus, the calculated design air flow rate will always be able to meet any load or change in load no matter how large or abrupt. In reality air flow rates are limited by duct sizes and fan capacities. The idealized zone design flow calculation may result in unrealistically large flow rates, especially if the user is performing the sizing calculations using thermostat schedules with night setup or setback. The calculated zone design flow rates are always averaged over the load timestep. The user may want to perform a broader average to mitigate the effect of thermostat setup and setback and prevent the warm up or cool down flow rates from dominating the design flow rate calculation. Specifying the width of the averaging window allows the user to do this.
For example, if the load calculation timestep is 15 minutes and the user specifies the timesteps in averaging windowto be 4, the zone design air flows will be averaged over a time period of 1 hour. Specifying 8 would result in averaging over a 2 hour period.
! <Sizing Factor Information>, Sizing Factor ID, Value
Sizing Factor Information, Global, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE1-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE2-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE3-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE4-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE5-1, 1.3000
Field: Sizing Factor ID[LINK]
Sizing factors can be entered in two places: Sizing Parameters, Zone Sizing. If entered in the Sizing Parameters statement, the Sizing Factor ID is “Global” (applied to all if not specified). If entered in the Zone Sizing statement, the Zone and Zone Name designation are shown.
This sizing factor ratio is applied at the zone level to all of the zone heating and cooling loads and air flow rates. These new loads and air flow rates are then used to calculate the system level flow rates and capacities and are used in all of the component sizing calculations.
This is the sizing factor ratio to be applied as described previously.
! <Zone Sizing Information>, Zone Name, Load Type, Calc Des Load {W}, User Des Load {W}, Calc Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}, User Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}, Design Day Name, Date/Time of Peak, Temperature at Peak {C}, Humidity Ratio at Peak {kgWater/kgAir}, Floor Area {m2}, # Occupants, Calc Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE1-1, Cooling, 2502.43786, 3253.16922, 0.21023, 0.27329, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 16:00:00, 30.85800, 1.45947E-002, 99.16000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE1-1, Heating, 2606.90880, 3388.98144, 7.56806E-002, 0.10384, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:45:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 99.16000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE2-1, Cooling, 2038.79983, 2650.43978, 0.17125, 0.22263, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 10:15:00, 27.83525, 1.45947E-002, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE2-1, Heating, 1149.09174, 1493.81926, 3.33591E-002, 4.72000E-002, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 24:00:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE3-1, Cooling, 2318.10750, 3013.53976, 0.19473, 0.25315, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 15:00:00, 31.50000, 1.45947E-002, 96.48000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE3-1, Heating, 2589.95436, 3366.94067, 7.51884E-002, 0.10384, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:30:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 96.48000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE4-1, Cooling, 2325.33534, 3022.93594, 0.19534, 0.25394, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 17:30:00, 29.46700, 1.45947E-002, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE4-1, Heating, 1143.87745, 1487.04068, 3.32077E-002, 4.72000E-002, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:30:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE5-1, Cooling, 2589.39474, 3366.21317, 0.21753, 0.28279, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 15:00:00, 31.50000, 1.45947E-002, 182.49000, 20.00000, 0.18880
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE5-1, Heating, 1706.17191, 2218.02348, 4.95314E-002, 0.18880, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:45:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 182.49000, 20.00000, 0.18880
This field just contains “Zone Sizing Information”.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This field contains the Zone Name.
Field: Load Type[LINK]
This field specifies which kind of load is being sized – Heating or Cooling.
Field: Calc Des Load {W}[LINK]
The unaltered zone load resulting from the zone sizing calculations, using the design weather and schedules specified in the input.
Field: User Des Load {W}[LINK]
User Des Load is the load after user specified adjustments and is the load actually used for sizing components. Following the calculations (as in the previous field) various adjustments can be made based on user input - the most obvious is a sizing factor; but it could also be something like cooling min air flow per zone area or just a user input design flow rate.
Field: Calc Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the calculated design air flow rate in m3/s. The calculated design air flow rate is the “non-adjusted” air flow rate. It is the air flow rate sufficient to meet the zone loads from the design day simulation.
Field: User Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
User Des Air Flow Rate is the flow rate after user specified adjustments and is the flow rate actually used for sizing components. Following the calculations (as in the previous field) various adjustments can be made based on user input - the most obvious is a sizing factor; but it could also be something like cooling min air flow per zone area or just a user input design flow rate.
Field: Design Day Name[LINK]
This is the name of the design day or design run period that triggered the sizing calculations.
Field: Date/Time of Peak[LINK]
This is the date and time of the peak load (used for the sizing calculations).
Field: Temperature at Peak {C}[LINK]
This is the temperature (outdoor dry-bulb) at the time of the peak load.
Field: Humidity Ratio at Peak {kgWater/kgAir}[LINK]
This is the humidity ratio (outdoor) at the time of the peak load.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area of the zone.
Field: # Occupants[LINK]
This is the number of occupants in the zone.
Field: Calc Outdoor air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the calculated outdoor air flow rate.
! <System Sizing Information>, System Name, Field Description, Value
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, Calculated Cooling Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, User Cooling Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.43343
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, User Heating Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.43343
This field just contains “System Sizing Information”.
Field: System Name[LINK]
This field contains the system (Air Loop) name.
Field: Field Description[LINK]
This contains the field description and units.
This contains the value of the field.
Note: “Calculated” values are the unaltered result of the system sizing calculations, using the design day weather and schedules given in the input. “User” values are the calculated values altered by various user inputs in Sizing:Zone and Sizing:System. For instance, sizing factors will alter the calculated values. Another example would be using the flow/system method to specify a system design flow rate.
Plant Coincident Sizing Algorithm[LINK]
A special report is issued to the eio file that provides details for the Coincident sizing option. Coincident plant sizing adjustments using HVAC Sizing Simulations run a sizing algorithm at the end of each Sizing Pass. The following report provides details on the calculations and observations from monitoring the previous Sizing Pass.
! <Plant Coincident Sizing Algorithm>,Plant Loop Name,Sizing Pass {#},Measured Mass Flow{kg/s},Measured Demand {W},Demand Calculated Mass Flow{kg/s},Sizes Changed {Yes/No},Previous Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},New Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Demand Check Applied {Yes/No},Sizing Factor {},Normalized Change {},Specific Heat{J/kg-K},Density {kg/m3}
Plant Coincident Sizing Algorithm,HOT WATER LOOP,1,0.1062471,11942.67,0.2586269,Yes,7.324432E-004,2.586533E-004,Yes,1.0000,0.646862,4197.9300,999.8980
Plant Coincident Sizing Algorithm,CHILLED WATER LOOP,1,1.1222815,17614.26,0.6290764,Yes,1.197307E-003,1.122396E-003,No,1.0000,6.256652E-002,4197.9300,999.8980
This field simply contains the words “Plant Sizing Coincident Flow Algorithm.”
Field: Plant Loop Name[LINK]
This field shows the name of the plant loop being analyzed.
Field: Sizing Pass[LINK]
This field shows which sizing pass has just completed prior to running the sizing algorithm. Each Sizing Pass is an iteration of a set of HVAC Sizing Simulations.
Field: Measured Mass Flow {kg/s}[LINK]
This is the maximum coincident mass flow rate, in kg/s, found at the supply side inlet system node. This was recorded by a data logging system tracking node mass flow rate over all the sizing periods. It will include any zone timestep averaging.
Field: Measured Demand {W}[LINK]
This is the maximum loop coincident demand, in W, on the supply side. This was recorded by a data logging system tracking the report value for loop demand over all the sizing periods. It will include and zone timestep averaging.
Field: Demand Calculated Mass Flow {kg/s}[LINK]
This is the flow rate, in kg/s, that was calculated from measured demand, the temperature difference in the plant sizing object, and the fluid specific heat.
Field: Sizes Changed {Yes/No}[LINK]
This field indicates if the sizing algorithm resulted in a change of size. If the flows did not change significantly, the sizes might not change.
Field: Previous Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This field is the prior size of the plant loop, in m3/s. This is the size before the adjustment if the size changes.
Field: New Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This field is the result of the sizing algorithm, in m3/s. If the size changes, this is the new value used for the plant loop maximum volume flow rate.
Field: Demand Check Applied {Yes/No}[LINK]
This field indicates if the algorithm produced a new mass flow rate from the measured demand or not. If this field is “No,” then the algorithm used coincident mass flow. If this field is “Yes,” then the mass flow derived from demand was larger than the measured mass flow and the demand drove the result.
Field: Sizing Factor[LINK]
This field is the value of the sizing factor applied to the measured or calculated coincident flows.
Field: Normalized Change[LINK]
This field is the normalized change used to determine if the new flow size is significantly different from the previous.
Field: Specific Heat {J/kg-K }[LINK]
This is the fluid specific heat, in J/kg-K, used in the calculation of mass flow from the maximum coincident demand.
Field: Density {kg/m3}[LINK]
This is the fluid density , in kg/m3, used in the calculation of volume flow rate from the mass flow rate.
Component sizing is applicable to all manners of autosized components and equipments (coils, boilers, chillers, towers, humidifiers, namely – whatever can be autosized)
! <Component Sizing Information>, Component Type, Component Name, Input Field Description, Value
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE1-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22672
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE1-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.87104E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.87104E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2699.50304
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 66.15122
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE2-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.17666
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE2-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.57480E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.57480E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2103.49527
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 51.54607
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE3-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.20944
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE3-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.42362E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.42362E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2493.78307
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 61.11006
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE4-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22257
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE4-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.76351E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.76351E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2650.06093
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 64.93964
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE5-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22187
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE5-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.74541E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.74541E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2641.74210
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 64.73579
Component Sizing Information, Branch, VAV SYS 1 MAIN BRANCH, Maximum Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, AirLoopHVAC, VAV SYS 1, Design Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Controller:OutdoorAir, OA CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Controller:OutdoorAir, OA CONTROLLER 1, Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.26412
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.48158E-004
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, Design Coil Load [W], 6812.28921
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 84.72044
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.14523E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.26412
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Inlet Air Temperature [C], 30.01375
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio, 8.00000E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio, 9.33031E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio, 8.00000E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 7.51969E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, Design Coil Load [W], 3457.55329
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 55.78870
Component Sizing Information, Fan:VariableVolume, SUPPLY FAN 1, Maximum Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Fan:VariableVolume, SUPPLY FAN 1, Minimum Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.35326
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, OA CC CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 1.14523E-003
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, OA HC CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 1.48158E-004
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, CENTRAL COOLING COIL CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 9.16309E-004
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, CENTRAL HEATING COIL CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 7.51969E-005
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, HOT WATER LOOP, Maximum Loop Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, HOT WATER LOOP, Plant Loop Volume [m3], 0.55928
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, CHILLED WATER LOOP, Maximum Loop Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, CHILLED WATER LOOP, Plant Loop Volume [m3], 2.31923
Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric, CENTRAL CHILLER, Nominal Capacity [W], 34468.93699
Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric, CENTRAL CHILLER, Design Chilled Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, Boiler:HotWater, CENTRAL BOILER, Nominal Capacity [W], 22858.42690
Component Sizing Information, Boiler:HotWater, CENTRAL BOILER, Design Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, HW CIRC PUMP, Rated Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, HW CIRC PUMP, Rated Power Consumption [W], 127.01247
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, CW CIRC PUMP, Rated Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, CW CIRC PUMP, Rated Power Consumption [W], 526.69672
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Electric, HUMIDIFIER 1, Rated Power [W], 9826.56303
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Gas, MAIN GAS HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Nominal Capacity Volume [m3/s], 1.05405E-002
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Gas, MAIN GAS HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Rated Power [W], 103710.42776
This field simply contains the words “Component Sizing”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field shows the component type (e.g. Pump:Variable Speed, Plant Loop, Fan:Simple:VariableVolume) being sized.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field shows the name of the component.
This field shows the field description/variable with units. When using HVAC Sizing Simulation for advanced sizing methods, there are two versions of the report for each component that might be affected. With HVAC Sizing Simulation, there is a first size value reported, which is the result of the Ideal Loads Sizing Simulation, and there is the final value after all the Sizing Passes have completed. This input field description will have “Initial” prepended to the description to indicate that this is the first size, the same report without “Initial” is the final size. Note that with HVAC Sizing Simulation, these reports will occur much later in the simulation and hence appear further down in the .eio file.
This field shows the value of the sized component.
Water heating coils appear:
! <Water Heating Coil Capacity Information>,Component Type,Name,Nominal Total Capacity {W}
Water Heating Coil Capacity Information,Coil:Heating:Water,BASEMENT VAV BOX REHEAT COIL,66543.21
This field simply contains the words “Water Heating Coil Capacity Information”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field contains the component type (e.g. Coil:Heating:Water).
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field contains the user supplied name for the coil.
Field: Nominal Total Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal heating capacity of the coil in Watts. The capacity is calculated using the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 16.6C, inlet relative humidity = 50%, inlet hot water temperature = 82.2C.
! <Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information>,Component Type, Name, Nominal Total Capacity {W},Nominal Sensible Capacity {W},Nominal Latent Capacity {W},Nominal Sensible Heat Ratio, Nominal Coil UA Value {W/C}, Nominal Coil Surface Area {m2}
Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1,37219.64,24969.42,12250.22,0.67,4202.30,42.62
This field simply contains the words “Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field contains the component type (e.g. Coil:Cooling:Water).
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field contains the user supplied name for the coil.
Field: Nominal Total Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Sensible Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal sensible cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Latent Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal latent cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Sensible Heat Ratio Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal sensible heat ratio (SHR) capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal UA Value {W/C}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling coil UA value in Watts per deg C.
Field: Nominal Surface Area {m2}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling coil surface area in square meter.
Note: values labeled “Nominal” are calculated using the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 26.67C, inlet air wet bulb temperature = 19.44C, inlet chilled water temperature = 6.67C.
Refrigerated Case and WalkIn Output[LINK]
Refrigeration related variables appear in the eio file according to the refrigeration models selected. The total possible header records would show:
! <#Refrigeration Compressor Racks>,Number of Refrigeration Compressor Racks
! <Refrigeration Compressor Rack>,Compressor Rack Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected,# WalkIn Coolers Connected, Heat Rejection Location, Condenser Type, COP
! <#Detailed Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Detailed Refrigeration Systems
! <Detailed Refrigeration System>,Refrigeration System Name,Refrigerant Used, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkInCoolers Connected, #Air Chillers Connected, # Secondary Loops Served, # Cascade Condensers Served, # Mechanical Subcoolers Served, # Compressors Connected, # Compression Stages, Intercooler Type, Intercooler Effectiveness, # Subcoolers Connected, Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)
! <#Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems
! <Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration System>,Transcritical Refrigeration System Name, Refrigerant Used, # Medium Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected, # Low Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected, # Medium Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected, # Low Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected, # High Pressure Compressors Connected, # Low Pressure Compressors Connected, Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)
! <#Secondary Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Secondary Refrigeration Systems
! <Secondary Refrigeration System: Fluid Always Liquid>, Secondary Number, Secondary Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkIn Coolers Connected, Fluid Name, Capacity (W),Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator (C), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC), Temperature Range (DeltaC), TotalPumpPower (W)
! <Secondary Refrigeration System: Liquid Overfeed>, Secondary Number, Secondary Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkIn Coolers Connected, Fluid Name, Capacity (W),Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator (C), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC), Circulating Rate, TotalPumpPower (W)
! <Refrigeration Case>,Refrigeration Case Number, Refrigeration Case Name,Zone Name,Zone Node #,Zone Node Name,Capacity (W/m),LHR,Temperature (C),Length (m),Fan (W/m),Installed Lighting (W/m),Anti-Sweat (W/m),Defrost (W/m)
! <Refrigeration Walk In Cooler>, Walk In Number, Walk In Name,Capacity (W),Temperature (C),Coil Fan (W), Circulating Fan (W), Lighting (W),Heaters (W),Defrost (W), # Zones
! <Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone>, ZoneName, Wall/Ceiling Area (m2), UValue (W/m2-C), AreaStockDoors (m2), HeightStockDoors, UValueStockDoors (W/m2-C), AreaGlassDoors (m2), HeightGlassDoors (m), UValueGlassDoors (W/m2-C)
! <Refrigeration Compressor>,Compressor Number,Compressor Name,Nominal Capacity (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Condensing Temperature (C),Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Evaporative-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Water-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Condensing Temperature (C),Rated Capacity (W), Rated Water Inlet Temperature (C), Rated Water Flow Rate (m3/s)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Cascade>, Condenser Number, Condenser Name, Condensing Temperature Control Type, Rated Condensing Temperature (C), Capacity (W), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC)
! <Refrigeration GasCooler:Air-Cooled>,Gas Cooler Number, Gas Cooler Name, Rated Outlet Pressure (Pa), Rated Outlet Temperature (C), Rated Approach Temperature (C), Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Secondary Load>, Secondary System Served Name, Secondary Number
! <Cascade Load>, System Name Connected, Condenser Number, Condenser Name
! <Mechanical Subcooler Load>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name
! <Refrigeration Mechanical Subcooler>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name, Name of System Providing Cooling, Design Outlet Temperature (C)
! <Refrigeration Liquid Suction Subcooler>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name, Design Subcooling (DeltaC),Design liquid inlet temperature (C), Design vapor inlet temperature (C)
For example, a supermarket refrigeration system including models for a compressor rack and four detailed systems that include refrigerated cases, walk-ins, subcoolers, air-, water-, and evaporative-cooled condensers, and a secondary loop would show the following data lines following the header lines :
#Refrigeration Compressor Racks: 1
Refrigeration Compressor Rack,RACKA,4,0,Outdoors,Air-Cooled, 2.500
Refrigeration Case,1,DELI_CASE:1_ MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE,DELI,76,DELI AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 3.0, 87.6, 38.7, 65.6, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,3,SALES_CASE:1_MEATDISPLAYCASE,SALES,78,SALES AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.10, 2.2, 33.6, 87.6, 38.7, 65.6, 443.0
Refrigeration Case,4,SALES_CASE:2_ MULTIDECKDIARYANDDELICASE,SALES,78,SALES AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 49.2, 41.0, 60.0, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,10,PRODUCE_CASE:1_ MULTIDECKDIARYANDDELICASE,PRODUCE,80,PRODUCE AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 30.0, 41.0, 60.0, 0.0, 0.0
#Detailed Refrigeration Systems,4
Detailed Refrigeration System,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM,R22,3,0,0,0,1,3,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,2,FISHDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 288.4, 0.10, 1.1, 15.0, 0.0, 41.6, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,5,MEATDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 456.6, 0.10, -4.4, 26.0, 47.2, 86.8, 13.2, 585.8
Refrigeration Case,6,MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 1890.0, 0.30, -1.1, 12.0, 78.7, 307.3, 0.0, 0.0
Mechanical Subcooler Load, 2,SampleMSC
Refrigeration Compressor,1,MEDTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,2,MEDTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,3,MEDTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,1,MEDIUMTEMPCONDENSER , 51.7, 52563.5, 4000.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,LOWTEMPSYSTEM,R22,3,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,2, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,7,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,8,GLASSDOORFROZENFOOD,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 11.7, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,9,WALKINFREEZER,BACKROOM,11,BACKROOM NODE, 1098.0, 0.10, -2.2, 4.3, 172.2, 28.1, 0.0, 1291.7
Refrigeration Compressor,4,LOWTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 15952.
Refrigeration Compressor,5,LOWTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Compressor,6,LOWTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,2,LOWTEMPCONDENSER , 51.7, 34875.5, 2600.0
Refrigeration Mechanical Subcooler,2,SAMPLEMSC,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM, 10.0
Refrigeration Liquid Suction Subcooler,1,SAMPLELSHX, 6.0, 16.0, 0.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM2,R22,0,0,1,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Secondary Load,SECONDARY,1
Refrigeration Compressor,7,MEDTEMP004CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,8,MEDTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,9,MEDTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Condenser:Evaporative-Cooled,1,MEDIUMTEMPEVAPCOOLEDCONDENSER1 , 64800.0, 746.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,LOWTEMPSYSTEM2,R22,4,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,11,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,12,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODA,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,13,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODB,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,14,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODC,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Walk In Cooler, 1, WALKINFREEZER2, 4690.0, -2.2, 735.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 5512.0, 0.0, 1
Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone,BACKROOM, 43.4, 0.2350 , 2.00, 2.00, 0.3785 , 1.00, 2.00, 1.2050
Refrigeration Compressor,10,LOWTEMP004CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 15952.
Refrigeration Compressor,11,LOWTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Compressor,12,LOWTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Condenser:Water-Cooled,2,LOWTEMPCONDENSERWATER , 29.4, 58000.0, 0.0, 0.0
#Secondary Refrigeration Systems,1
Secondary Refrigeration System: Fluid Always Liquid,1,SECONDARY,3,0,PROGLY30PERCENT, 35000.0, -12.60, 2.7, 4.0, 725.0,
Refrigeration Case,15,FISHDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 288.4, 0.10, 1.1, 15.0, 0.0, 41.6, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,16,MEATDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 456.6, 0.10, -4.4, 26.0, 47.2, 86.8, 13.2, 585.8
Refrigeration Case,17,MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 1890.0, 0.30, -1.1, 12.0, 78.7, 307.3, 0.0, 0.0
For a supermarket system including a model for a cascade condenser arrangement, the eio would show:
Detailed Refrigeration System,CASCADELOWTEMPSYSTEM,R22,4,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, -4.0
Refrigeration Case,5,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,6,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODA,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,7,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODB,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,8,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODC,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Walk In Cooler, 1, WALKINFREEZER, 4690.0, -2.2, 735.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 5512.0, 0.0, 1
Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone,BACKROOM, 43.4, 0.2350 , 2.00, 2.00, 0.3785 , 2.00, 2.00, 1.2050
Refrigeration Compressor,4,LOWTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 16680.
Refrigeration Compressor,5,LOWTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 5523.
Refrigeration Compressor,6,LOWTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 5523.
Refrigeration Condenser:Cascade,4,CASCADECONDENSER1,Fixed , -4.0, 20000.0, 3.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,CASCADEHIGHTEMPSYSTEM,R22,0,0,0,1,0,4,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Compressor,7,MEDTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,8,MEDTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,9,MEDTEMP007CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,10,MEDTEMP008CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,3,CASCADETOPSYSTEMCONDENSER , 51.7, 52563.5, 4000.0
The refrigeration output in the eplusout.eio file shows the number of refrigeration compressor racks, detailed refrigeration systems, detailed transcritical refrigeration systems, and secondary refrigeration systems found in the input data file (IDF). Additional information is shown for each compressor rack and the refrigerated case(s) and walk-in(s) connected to each compressor rack. For the detailed systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s), walk-in(s), cascade loads, secondary loads, mechanical subcooler loads, compressors, condenser, and mechanical and liquid suction heat exchanger subcoolers connected to the system. For the detailed transcritical refrigeration systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s), walk-in(s), compressor and gas cooler connected to the system. For secondary refrigeration systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s) and walk-in(s) connected to the system. For walk-ins, additional information is shown for each zone exchanging energy with that walk-in.
The refrigeration “header” records (lines starting with an “!”) precede all the data lines. The data lines are grouped, showing the number of refrigeration compressor racks specified in the input data file followed by lines that reflect the information for each refrigeration compressor rack followed by the information for each refrigerated case and walk-in connected to this rack. The number of detailed systems is followed by a group of data lines describing the input values for the detailed refrigeration systems and similarly for the secondary refrigeration systems.
This output reflects information for the specified refrigeration equipment along with entries from the IDF (or default data for blank fields). The data are preceded by a description (i.e. #Refrigeration Compressor Racks, Refrigeration Compressor Rack, Refrigerated Case, #Orphaned Refrigerated Cases, and Orphaned Refrigerated Case) followed by the information associated with each description.
A final set of “header” records and descriptions are output only when a refrigeration object is found in the IDF but is not connected to a refrigeration compressor rack or refrigeration system object (i.e., orphaned).
The following fields define each description and associated information.
Field: Number ofRefrigeration Compressor Racks[LINK]
The total number of refrigeration compressor racks simulated. This is the number of Refrigeration:CompressorRack objects found in the IDF.
Field: Compressor Rack Name[LINK]
The name of the compressor rack simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the compressor rack.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigeration walk-ins connected to the compressor rack.
Field: Heat Rejection Location[LINK]
The location of the compressor rack’s air-cooled condenser. Echoes the field Heat Rejection Location in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
The Coefficient of Performance (W/W) of the compressor rack. Echoes the field Design Compressor Rack COP in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
Field: Refrigeration Case Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigerated case, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Refrigeration Case Name[LINK]
The name of the refrigerated case simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of the zone where the refrigerated case is located. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Node #[LINK]
The number of the zone node (connection to the air loop) where the refrigerated case is located. This is the number of the zone node as found in the eplusout.bnd file.
Field: Zone Node Name[LINK]
The name of the zone node where the refrigerated case is located. The refrigerated case will impact the air heat balance in this zone.
Field: Capacity[LINK]
The total cooling capacity (W/m) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Rated Total Cooling Capacity per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
The design latent heat ratio (latent capacity divided by total cooling capacity) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Rated LHR in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Temperature {C}[LINK]
The average temperature (C) of the air and products within the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Operating Temperature in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Length {m}[LINK]
The length (m) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Fan {W/m}[LINK]
The total operating fan power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Operating Case Fan Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field:Installed Lighting {W/m}[LINK]
The total installed lighting power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Installed Case Lighting Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Anti-Sweat {W/m}[LINK]
The electric anti-sweat heater power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Defrost {W/m}[LINK]
The defrost power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Defrost Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Walk In Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigerated walk-in, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Walk In Name[LINK]
The name of the refrigerated walk-in simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Capacity[LINK]
The total cooling capacity (W) of the walk-in. Echoes the field Rated Coil Cooling Capacity in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Temperature {C}[LINK]
The average temperature (C) of the air and products within the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Operating Temperature in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Coil Fan {W}[LINK]
The coil fan power (W) in the walk-in . Echoes the field Cooling Coil Fan Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Circulation Fan {W}[LINK]
The circulation fan power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Circulation Fan Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Lighting {W}[LINK]
The total lighting power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Lighting Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Heaters {W}[LINK]
The total electric heater power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Heating Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Defrost {W}[LINK]
The defrost power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Defrost Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: # Zones[LINK]
The number of zones that exchange energy with the walk-in. Counted according to the number of records in the Refrigeration:WalkIn object in the IDF..
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of a zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Wall/Ceiling Area {m2}[LINK]
The insulated surface area facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Insulated Surface Area Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValue {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the insulated surface area facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Insulated Surface UValue Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: AreaStockDoors {m2}[LINK]
The total surface area of stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Area of Stocking Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: HeightStockDoors {m}[LINK]
The height of stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Height of Stocking Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValueStockDoors {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Stocking Door U Value Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: AreaGlassDoors {m2}[LINK]
The total surface area of glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Area of Glass Reach In Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: HeightGlassDoors {m}[LINK]
The height of glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Height of Glass Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValueGlassDoors {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Glass Reach In Door U Value Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Number of Detailed Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of detailed refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Field: Refrigeration System Name[LINK]
The name of the Refrigeration System simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Refrigerant Used[LINK]
The name of the refrigerant used in the system. Echoes the field Working Fluid ID in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Secondary Loops Served[LINK]
The total number of secondary loops connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Cascade Condensers Served[LINK]
The total number of cascade condensers cooled by the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Mechanical Subcoolers Served[LINK]
The total number of mechanical subcoolers cooled by the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF.
Field: # Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of compressors connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Compression Stages[LINK]
The number of compressor stages for the refrigeration system. The value is either “1” for single-stage compression systems or “2” for two-stage compression systems.
Field: Intercooler Type[LINK]
The intercooler type (either “1” for Flash Intercooler or “2” for Shell-and-Coil Intercooler) for two-stage compression systems. A value of “0” indicates no intercooler (single-stage compression systems only).
Field: Intercooler Effectiveness[LINK]
The intercooler effectiveness for the shell-and-coil intercooler.
Field: # Subcoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of subcoolers, both liquid suction and mechanical, that provide cooling to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the fields Mechanical Subcooler Name and Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger Subcooler Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)[LINK]
The minimum condensing temperature allowed for the refrigeration system. Echoes the field Minimum Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Number of Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of detailed transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Field: Transcritical Refrigeration System Name[LINK]
The name of the Transcritical Refrigeration System simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: Refrigerant Used[LINK]
The name of the refrigerant used in the transcritical refrigeration system. Echoes the field Working Fluid ID in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Medium Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of medium temperature refrigerated cases connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of low temperature refrigerated cases connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Medium Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of medium temperature walk-ins connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of low temperature walk-ins connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # High Pressure Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of high pressure compressors connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Pressure Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of low pressure compressors connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)[LINK]
The minimum condensing temperature allowed during subcritical operation for the transcritical refrigeration system. Echoes the field Minimum Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:GasCooler:AirCooled from the IDF.
Field: System Name Connected[LINK]
The name of another detailed system that rejects heat to a cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system, via the name of the cascade condenser, through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of a cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system, via the name of the cascade condenser, through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade
Field: Secondary System Served Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the mechanical subcooler cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Field: Compressor Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration compressor, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Compressor Name[LINK]
The name of the compressor simulated. Echoes the field Name of Compressor in object List:Refrigeration:Compressors from the IDF.
Field: Nominal Capacity, W[LINK]
The nominal capacity of the compressor based on the capacity curve (identified by the field Unique Name of Capacity Curve in the object Refrigeration:Compressor in the IDF) evaluated at the lowest design evaporating temperature of all the cases attached to the system and at the design condensing temperature of the condenser attached to the system.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Aircooled.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, set by standard ARI 460 for air-cooled condensers.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. This value is taken from the capacity curve (identified by the field Name of Condenser Heat of Rejection Curve, Linear, in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled in the IDF) evaluated at the temperature difference specified in standard ARI 460.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the condenser. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled from the IDF.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, echos the field Rated Condensing Temperature in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Effect in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Water Inlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated water inlet temperature of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Water Inlet Temperature in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Water Flow Rate, m3/s[LINK]
The rated water flow rate of the condenser. Echos the field Water Design Flow Rate in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser: EvaporativeCooled.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Effect in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:EvaporativeCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the condenser. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:Condenser: EvaporativeCooled in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser * objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Condensing Temperature Control Type,[LINK]
Echoes the field Condensing Temperature Control Type in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Effective Total Heat Rejection Rate in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade from the IDF.
Field: Gas Cooler Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration gas cooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:GasCooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Gas Cooler Name[LINK]
The name of the gas cooler simulated. Echoes the field Refrigeration Gas Cooler Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:GasCooler:Aircooled.
Field: Rated Outlet Pressure, Pa[LINK]
The rated gas cooler pressure corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Outlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated gas cooler outlet temperature corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Approach Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated gas cooler approach temperature corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the gas cooler. This value is taken from the capacity curve (identified by the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Rate Curve Name, in the object Refrigeration:GasCoooler:AirCooled in the IDF) evaluated at the rated approach temperature.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the gas cooler. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:GasCooler:AirCooled from the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the mechanical subcooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Subcooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the subcooler simulated. Echoes the field Mechanical Subcooler Name for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Field: Name of System Providing Cooling[LINK]
The name of the detailed system that absorbs heat from the subcooler. These are assigned to the subcooer through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:System.
Field: Design Outlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The controlled outlet temperature of the subcooler, echoes the field Outlet Control Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the liquid suction subcooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Subcooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the subcooler simulated. Echoes the field Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger Subcooler Name for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Field: Design Subcooling, deltaC[LINK]
The design change in temperature of the warm fluid within the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Liquid Suction Design Subcooling Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Design liquid inlet temperature, C[LINK]
The design warm liquid inlet temperature of the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Design Liquid Inlet Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Design vapor inlet temperature, C[LINK]
The design cold vapor inlet temperature of the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Design Vapor Inlet Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Number of Secondary Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of secondary refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary refrigeration system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:SecondarySystem objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary refrigeration system simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Fluid Name[LINK]
The name of the circulating fluid used in the system. Echoes the field Circulating Fluid Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the evaporator, echoes the field Evaporator Design Capacity In Watts in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator, C[LINK]
The rated evaporating temperature of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Evaporating Temperature in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Temperature Range, DeltaC[LINK]
The temperature range of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Range Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: TotalPumpPower, W[LINK]
The rated total pump power of the secondary loop, echoes the field Design Total Pump Power in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary refrigeration system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:SecondarySystem objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary refrigeration system simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Fluid Name[LINK]
The name of the circulating fluid used in the system. Echoes the field Circulating Fluid Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the evaporator, echoes the field Evaporator Design Capacity In Watts in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator, C[LINK]
The rated evaporating temperature of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Evaporating Temperature in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Circulating Rate[LINK]
The ratio of the mass flow rate of refrigerant at the pump to the mass flow rate of refrigerant vapor leaving the refrigeration load(s), echoes the field PhaseChange Circulating Rate in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: TotalPumpPower, W[LINK]
The rated total pump power of the secondary loop, echoes the field Design Total Pump Power in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Number of Orphaned Refrigerated Cases[LINK]
The total number of orphaned refrigerated cases found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These cases were not simulated…”.
Field: Refrigerated Case Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned refrigerated case found in the IDF. The refrigerated case numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Refrigerated Case Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned refrigerated case which is not connected to a compressor rack or detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of the zone where the refrigerated case is located. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Node #[LINK]
The number of the zone node (connection to the air loop) where the refrigerated case is located. This is the number of the zone node as found in the eplusout.bnd file.
Field: Zone Node Name[LINK]
The name of the zone node where the orphaned refrigerated case is located. This orphaned refrigerated case will not impact the air heat balance in this zone.
Field: Number of OrphanedWalk Ins[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Walk Ins found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Walk Ins were not simulated…”.
Field:Walk In Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Walk In found in the IDF. The Walk In numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Walk In Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Walk In which is not connected to a compressor rack or refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Number of Orphaned Refrigeration Compressors[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Refrigeration Compressors found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Compressors were not simulated…”.
Field:Compressor Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Compressor found in the IDF. The Compressor numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Compressor Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Compressor which is not connected to a detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Compressor from the IDF.
Field: Number of Orphaned Secondary Loops[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Secondary Loops found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Secondary Loops were not simulated…”.
Field:Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Secondary System found in the IDF. The Secondary System numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Secondary which is not connected to a detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
View Factor Info[LINK]
A semi-debugging, informational report on View Factors for each zone/surface is available when you add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayAdvancedVariables; to your input file.
After EnergyPlus receives the geometry information for the building, it calculates the view factors and grey interchange information for each zone and surface. These are used to calculate the interior radiant exchange between surfaces. The first set is called the approximate view factors; then, a deeper evaluation of the zone’s geometry and surfaces is performed to see if corrections need to be applied. Three sets of values are provided for the user’s information.
! <Surface View Factor Check Values>,ZoneName,Original Check Value,Calculated Fixed Check Value,Final Check Value
Surface View Factor Check Values,ZONE ONE,8.881784E-016,8.637788E-004,8.881784E-016
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the zone name for the values.
Field: Original Check Value[LINK]
Original check value as submitted to the “Test and Check” routine. This value represents the Sum of the N (number of surfaces) by N matrix – the Number of Surfaces. Ideally, it should be very close to zero. The original check value could come from either the User inputting the view factors for the zone or the approximate view factor calculation in EnergyPlus.
Field: Calculated Fixed Check Value[LINK]
This is the value of the view factor matrix (i.e. SUM(NXNmatrix – N) after the fix routine has applied them.
Field: Final Check Value[LINK]
This value should match one of the previous values and indicate whether the original matrix or the modfied/fixed matrix will be used in the calculations.
View Factor Details[LINK]
View factors for zones (surfaces) can be entered into the input file (object: ZoneProperty:UserViewFactors) if desired. Or they can be reported from the input file. The following describes the reporting of these view factors. You can report the surface view factor information by using:
This triggers EnergyPlus to produce a special output section in the file eplusout.eio. This file, which is csv format, can be opened in Excel, and will show detailed information about the surfaces in all the zones.
In order to get user view factors ready for inclusion in an input file, several steps much be taken. First, because EnergyPlus has a data structure for zones that only is defined at initialization, it is necessary to use EnergyPlus to determine the surface numbers (i,j) before a UserViewFactors object can be constructed. (This is a known defect – a new object is being defined that will make this unnecessary). THIS STILL NEEDS TO BE REVISED BASE ON IF WE GO FOR NEW INPUT OR NOT.
! <Surface View Factor and Grey Interchange Information>
! <View Factor - Zone Information>,Zone Name,Number of Surfaces
! <View Factor - Surface Information>,Surface Name,Surface Class,Area {m2},Azimuth,Tilt,Thermal Emissivity,#Sides,Vertices
! <View Factor / Grey Interchange Type>,Surface Name(s)
! <View Factor>,Surface Name,Surface Class,Row Sum,View Factors for each Surface
Surface View Factor - Zone Information,ZONE ONE,6
Surface View Factor - Surface Information, ZN001:WALL001,Wall,69.6773,180.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,69.6773,90.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,69.6773,0.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,69.6773,270.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,232.2576,90.0000,180.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,232.2576,180.0000,0.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,
Approximate or User Input ViewFactors,To Surface,Surface Class,RowSum,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,1.0000,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.0000,0.4545,
View Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.4545,0.0000,
Final ViewFactors,To Surface,Surface Class,RowSum,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,1.0000,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.0000,0.4545,
View Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.4545,0.0000,
Script F Factors,X Surface,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL001,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL003,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL004,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:FLR001,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,3.4097E-002,0.3863,
Script F Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.3863,3.4097E-002,
This line provides the zone name and the number of surfaces (heat transfer) in the zone. This information may be redundant with other reports in the eio file. It is included here to assist users who wish to use the auxiliary view factor program to generate view factors.
These lines provide the surface information for each surface in the zone. This includes the name, class, area, azimuth (outward facing normal angle), the tilt angle, the thermal emissivity, the number of sides to the surface and the vertices. Again, this information may be redundant with other reports in the eio file. It is included here to assist users who wish to use the auxiliary view factor program to generate view factors.
This section/lines provide the original view factors after either user input or approximate calculation. Surface name and class information are given again as well as each row sum (these should sum to 1, ideally) and then the view factors to other surfaces shown in columnar order.
Final View Factors[LINK]
This section/lines shows view factors after they have been corrected for reciprocity and completeness. Correction may be necessary to make sure any two surfaces exchange radiation reciprocally, that is, the radiation leaving one surface directed at another surface is the same as the amount of radiation arriving at the other surface, and that the sum of all the radiant energy exchanges in the zone is zero. If the user input view factors are perfect in these characteristics, the correction will not change them. The displayed lines show what view factors will be used during the simulation.
Script F Factors[LINK]
Finally, grey interchange coefficients are presented. These are the coefficients that are used to calculate the radiant energy exchange between the surfaces in the zone. They are calculated to include reflection from intervening surfaces in the zone.
DX Coil Outputs[LINK]
DX Cooling Coil Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for air-cooled, single-speed direct expansion (DX) cooling coils as follows:
! <DX Cooling Coil Standard Rating Information>, Component Type, Component Name, Standard Rating (Net) Cooling Capacity {W}, Standard Rated Net COP {W/W}, EER {Btu/W-h}, SEER {Btu/W-h}, IEER {Btu/W-h}
DX Cooling Coil Standard Rating Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, PSZ-AC_1:1_COOLC DXCOIL, 29299.3, 3.04, 10.38, 10.47, 10.67
DX Cooling Coil Standard Rating Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, PSZ-AC\_2:2\_COOLC DXCOIL, 17427.1, 3.21, 10.95, 11.04, 11.20
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX cooling coil from the input data file (IDF).
Field: Standard Rating (Net) Cooling Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) cooling capacity for this DX cooling coil. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Standard Rated Net COP {W/W}[LINK]
The standard rated net COP or energy efficiency ratio (EER) at standard rating conditions for the DX cooling coil in SI units of W/W. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: EER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The energy efficiency ratio (EER) at standard rating conditions for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: SEER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: IEER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The integrated energy efficiency ratio (IEER) for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
DX Cooling Coil Outputs for ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings[LINK]
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX cooling coil from the input data file (IDF).
The application classification classes of the DX cooling coil. There are four application classification classes per ASHRAE standard 127: Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV. The standard ratings are reported for each the four classification classes and test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test A {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity for this DX cooling coil at Test condition A per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test A {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition A per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test B {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of this unit at Test condition B per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test B {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition B per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test C {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of this unit at Test condition C per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test C {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition C per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test D {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of unit at Test condition D per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test D {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition D per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
! <DX Cooling Coil ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings Information>, Component Type, Component Name, Standard 127 Classification, Rated Net Cooling Capacity Test A {W}, Rated Total Electric Power Test A {W}, Rated Net Cooling Capacity Test B {W}, Rated Total Electric Power Test B {W}, Rated Net Cooling Capacity Test C {W}, Rated Total Electric Power Test C {W}, Rated Net Cooling Capacity Test D {W}, Rated Total Electric Power Test D {W}
DX Cooling Coil ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Class 1, 126953.8, 35918.5, 135678.7, 30852.7, 141523.1, 24400.1, 141727.0, 13951.0
DX Cooling Coil ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Class 2, 133377.6, 37330.3, 140336.0, 31647.7, 141727.0, 24424.7, 141727.0, 13951.0
DX Cooling Coil ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Class 3, 139488.4, 38673.3, 141354.0, 31821.4, 141727.0, 24424.7, 141727.0, 13951.0
DX Cooling Coil ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Class 4, 145024.0, 39889.8, 141727.0, 31885.1, 141727.0, 24424.7, 141727.0, 13951.0
DX Heating Coil Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for single-speed direct expansion (DX) heating coils as follows:
! <DX Heating Coil Standard Rating Information>, Component Type, Component Name, High Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}, Low Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}, HSPF {Btu/W-h, Region Number
DX Heating Coil Standard Rating Information, Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed, PSZ-AC\_1:1\_HEATC DXCOIL, 10476.1, 5833.2, 6.10, 4
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX heating coil from the input data file (IDF).
Field: High Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) heating capacity for this DX heating coil at high temperature. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Low Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) heating capacity for this DX heating coil at low temperature. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: HSPF {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) for the DX heating coil in IP units of Btu/W-h. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Region Number[LINK]
The standard region number for which above ratings are calculated (from the input data file).
Chiller Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR objects as follows:
! <Chiller Standard Rating Information>, Component Type, Component Name, IPLV in SI Units {W/W}, IPLV in IP Units {Btu/W-h}
Chiller Standard Rating Information, Chiller:Electric:EIR, Big Chiller 1, 4.5, 15.4
Chiller Standard Rating Information, Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, Big Chiller 2, 4.8, 16.4
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, Chiller:Electric:EIR and/or Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR objects from the input data file (IDF).
Field: IPLV in SI Units {W/W}[LINK]
The integrated part load value (IPLV) for the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR in SI units of W/W. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Electric Chiller Model Based on Condenser Entering Temperature, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: IPLV in IP Units {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The integrated part load value (IPLV) for the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Electric Chiller Model Based on Condenser Entering Temperature, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Lookup Table Outputs[LINK]
The following fields are shown only when the diagnostics flag is set to DisplayExtraWarnings (ref. Output:Diagnotstics, DisplayAdvancedReportVariables).
Outputs are provided for lookup tables in two forms. The first being the outputs related to the creation of a performance curve. When the Interpolation Method for table objects is set to EvaluateCurveToLimits, a performance curve object is created. The coefficients of the performance curve are calculated and a curve object is written for review. The regression statistics are also included. This performance curve may be used in subsequent simulations or saved in a library file for future use.
! Input as Table:OneIndependentVariable "HPACCOOLCAPFFF"
! RSquared = 1.0000000000
! Standard Error = 0.0000000000
! Sample Size = 3
0.8000000000, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.2000000000, !- Coefficient2 x
-3.1086244690E-015, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000000000, !- Minimum Value of x
1.5000000000, !- Maximum Value of x
0.8000000000, !- Minimum Curve Output
1.5000000000; !- Maximum Curve Output
A second output form is provided to echo the reading of tabular data. The tabular data is echoed for each multi-variable lookup table object (ref. Table:MultiVariableLookup). The data is echoed using an increasing order sort format regardless of the format specified by the user. In addition, the tabular data is echoed when the data is included in the table object, or when read from an external file. This output form is provided as a verification step when reading tabular data. The normalization point is not included in the raw data varification.
! READING LOOKUP TABLE DATA ! Reading tabular data for Table:MultiVariableLookup “HPACCOOLCAPFFF2” 1 3 0.000000000000000E+000 1.00000000000000 1.50000000000000 0.800000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.10000000000000 END READING LOOKUP TABLE DATA
### Warmup Days Line
As described elsewhere, EnergyPlus simulates the first day of each simulation period until it reaches “convergence”. This data line will show how many warm up days were required to reach that state.
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment:WarmupDays, 6
#### Field: <Environment:WarmupDays>
This is a constant that will display “Environment:WarmupDays”.
#### Field: NumberofWarmupDays
This field will show the number of days required to reach the convergence state for the simulation.
### Warmup Convergence Outputs
Warmup is performed for each environment being simulated. When a file passes convergence, no warnings are shown. However, when it doesn’t a warning appears in the eplusout.err file, for example:
CheckWarmupConvergence: Loads Initialization, Zone = "BACKROOM" did not converge after 25 warmup days.
See Warmup Convergence Information in .eio file for details
...Environment(RunPeriod) = "Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap AZ USA TMY3 WMO\# = 722780"
..Max Temp Comparison = 8.46E-005 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance = 0.40 - Pass Convergence
..Min Temp Comparison = 7.05E-002 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance = 0.40 - Pass Convergence
..Max Heat Load Comparison = 9.8513E-002 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance = 4.00E-002 - Fail Convergence
..Max Cool Load Comparison = 8.2481E-003 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance = 4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence
### Warmup Convergence Information
Warmup convergence information reflects the warmup days calculations and whether or not the zone has reached “convergence”. Warmup calculations are done for each environment (e.g. each sizing period simulated, each run period simulated). Reference the building parameters on Minimum and Maximum Number of Warmup Days as well as Loads and Temperature convergence Tolerance. The file contains two possible flavors of warmup information: summary and detailed.
### Summary Warmup Convergence Information
Summary (warmup convergance information is not reported during sizing and only at the end of the calculations). The below information is included after each warmup period.
! <Warmup Convergence Information>,Zone Name,Environment Type/Name,Average Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Std Dev Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Max Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Min Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Average Warmup Load Difference {W},Std Dev Warmup Load Difference {W},Heating Load Pass/Fail Convergence,Cooling Load Pass/Fail Convergence
Warmup Convergence Information,PLENUM-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1459548118,7.6866834879E-002,Pass,Pass,6.4148162842E-002,0.1344412193,Pass,Pass
Warmup Convergence Information,SPACE1-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1205887641,0.2962564087,Pass,Pass,0.6840608138,3.7598304674,Pass,Pass
Warmup Convergence Information,SPACE2-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1494584750,0.4540146507,Pass,Pass,0.7552649309,3.0925096445,Pass,Pass
Warmup Convergence Information,SPACE3-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1150550710,0.2873890950,Pass,Pass,7.0443709912,61.6558566585,Pass,Pass
Warmup Convergence Information,SPACE4-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1153798692,0.4838241280,Pass,Pass,2.4744275587,18.1154149427,Pass,Pass
Warmup Convergence Information,SPACE5-1,RunPeriod: Chicago Ohare Intl Ap IL USA TMY3 WMO\# = 725300,0.1208173250,0.2114200039,Pass,Pass,0.4984428726,2.8997025264,Pass,Pass
#### Field: Zone Name
This field will show the name of individual zone.
#### Field: Environment Type/Name
Type of environment being run (SizingPeriod, RunPeriod) as well as it’s “name”.
#### Field: Average Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC}
This field displays the average mean air temperature difference of the zone over the warmup days.
#### Field: Std Dev Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC}
This field displays the standard deviation of mean air temperature difference of the zone over the warmup days.
#### Field: Max Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence
This field indicates **Pass** or **Fail** for the maximum temperature difference criteria.
#### Field: Min Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence
This field indicates **Pass** or **Fail** for the minimum temperature difference criteria.
#### Field: Average Warmup Load Difference {W}
This field displays the average load difference of the zone over the warmup days.
#### Field: Std Dev Warmup Load Difference {W}
This field displays the standard deviation load difference of the zone over the warmup days.
#### Field: Heating Load Pass/Fail Convergence
This field indicates **Pass** or **Fail** for the heating load criteria.
#### Field: Cooling Load Pass/Fail Convergence
This field indicates **Pass** or **Fail** for the cooling load criteria.
### Detailed Warmup Convergence Information
Detailed warmup convergence information is reported if you add an Output:Diagnostics, ReportDetailedWarmupConvergence; object statement to the input file. It does not include the current environment name or type as it is displayed immediately after the environment details.
! <Warmup Convergence Information>, Zone Name,Time Step,Hour of Day, Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC}, Warmup Load Difference {W}
Warmup Convergence Information, PLENUM-1,1,1,7.2649997289E-005,0.3830511891
Warmup Convergence Information, SPACE1-1,1,1,1.9871863274E-004,1.6099213169E-002
Warmup Convergence Information, SPACE2-1,1,1,4.2767539998E-003,3.1481614518
Warmup Convergence Information, SPACE3-1,1,1,1.2388614949E-003,5.9934952313
Warmup Convergence Information, SPACE4-1,1,1,2.7512443391E-003,3.9192729035
Warmup Convergence Information, SPACE5-1,1,1,1.7415692658E-003,5.3879887714
#### Field: Zone Name
This field will show the name of individual zone.
#### Field: Time Step
This field will show the value of time step.
#### Field: Hour of Day
This field will show the value of hour of the day.
#### Field: Warmup Temperature Difference
This field will provide a mean air temperature comparison between the second to last and the last warmup day for the simulation. In other words, it will provide a DT between, for example, 9:10AM on the second to last warmup day and 9:10AM on the last warmup day. The value will be on a zone-by-zone basis for each time step in the simulation.
#### Field: Warmup Load Difference
This field is similar to the previous field except that it displays the heating or cooling load of the zone in question.
This is a simple one line synopsis of the simulation. Successful or Not Successful, including number of errors/warnings:
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 8 Warning; 0 Severe Errors
If no file is produced, it is really *not* successful and EnergyPlus has probably crashed during the run. This file and its contents are intended for interfaces that will put friendly front-ends onto EnergyPlus. This file is also used by the EP-Launch program so that it can determine if the run was successful or not – if not, the user should review the eplusout.err file. (Actually, the eplusout.err file should always be reviewed but often is ignored in haste to view the results.)
If you use an EPMacro file (usual extension is .imf) as your basis for input, then this file is the “idf” that the EPMacro program produces.
If you use an EPMacro file (usual extension is .imf) as your basis for input, then this file is the details of the EPMacro run (including any error messages).
This file is *very important* to every simulation run. All of the warnings, errors, etc that occur during the run will show up in this file. They may show up in other files as well. The first line of the error file is also significant:
Program Version,EnergyPlus, <version>,IDD\_Version <version>
This shows not only the current version of the program but the “version” of the Energy+.idd file that was used.
Table 3. EnergyPlus Errors
Error Level
Take note
Should Fix
Program will abort
The previous table illustrates the three levels of errors that occur in the eplusout.err file. Several other message lines may be shown as well. For example:
\*\* Warning \*\* World Coordinate System selected. Any non-zero Building/Zone North Axes or non-zero Zone Origins are ignored.
\*\* ~~~ \*\* These may be used in daylighting reference point coordinate calculations but not in normal geometry inputs.
The line that includes the “~~~” is a “continue” error line. It continues from the previous line to help describe the context of the error.
Some common errors, their consequences, and what to do about them follows:
\*\* Severe \*\* IP: Possible incorrect IDD File
\*\* Severe \*\* IP: Possible Invalid Numerics
\*\* Fatal \*\* IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
The previous errors cause program termination. The most likely cause is that you have an “old” IDF and have not converted it to work with the current version of the program. In this case, you will likely has some other hints such as alphas in numeric fields or too many fields in an object. Energyplus also has built in range checking:
\*\* Severe \*\* Out of range value Numeric Field\#7 (Sky Clearness), value = 100.00000, range = {> = 0.0 and < = 1.2}, in SIZINGPERIOD:DESIGNDAY = CHICAGO ANN CLG .4% CONDNS WB = >MDB
If these occur during the initial processing of the IDF, you will see a termination clause:
\*\* Severe \*\* IP: Out of "range" values found in input
\*\* Severe \*\* IP: Out of "range" values and/or blank required fields found in input
\*\* Fatal \*\* IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
The error message should supply you with enough information to find the line with the error. More details on error message formatting and some standard error messages are described in the Tips & Tricks document.
The standard output file from EnergyPlus. It includes all the applicable variables selected with the “Output:Variable” commands as well as those with the “Output:Meter” commands. All levels of frequency of reporting are included intermingled as occurs in the running of the program. The form of the file is a data dictionary, followed by the data.
In this case, the dictionary portion of the file comes first followed by an “end of data dictionary line” and then the data makes up the rest of the file.
Thus, the basic structure of the standard output file is:
Data Dictionary Information
End of Data Dictionary
End of Data
As with the IDF structure, there are rules associated with the interpretation of the standard output data dictionary. These rules are summarized as follows:
- The first item on each line is an integer which represents the “report code”. This “report code” will be listed in the data section where it will also be the first item on each line, identifying the data. Only 2 lines in the output file will not have an integer as the first item (“End of Data Dictionary” and “End of Data” lines).
- The second item on each line is also an integer. This integer corresponds to the number of items left on the dictionary line. Each string consists of a variable name and units in square brackets. Square brackets are required for all strings. If there are no units associated with a particular variable, then there are no characters between the brackets.
Six standard items appear at the start of every EnergyPlus Standard Output File Data Dictionary:
Program Version,EnergyPlus <version number indicated>
1,5,Environment Title[],Latitude[deg],Longitude[deg],Time Zone[],Elevation[m]
2,6,Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1 = yes 0 = no],Hour[],StartMinute[],EndMinute[],DayType
3,3,Cumulative Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1 = yes 0 = no],DayType ! When Daily Report Variables Requested
4,2,Cumulative Days of Simulation[],Month[] ! When Monthly Report Variables Requested
5,1,Cumulative Days of Simulation[] ! When Run Period Report Variables Requested
Item 0 is the program version statement.
Item 1 is produced at the beginning of each new “environment” (design day, run period).
Item 2 is produced prior to any variable reported at the timestep or hourly intervals. Hourly intervals will be shown with a start minute of 0.0 and an end minute of 60.0. Timestep intervals will show the appropriate start and end minutes.
Item 3 is produced prior to any variable reported at the daily interval.
Item 4 is produced prior to any variable reported at the monthly interval.
Item 5 is produced prior to any variable reported at the end of the “environment”.
Following these five standard lines will be the variables requested for reporting from the input file (ref. Report Variable). For example:
6,2,Environment,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C] !Hourly
21,2,ZONE ONE,Zone Mean Air Temperature [C] !Hourly
22,2,ZONE ONE,Zone Total Latent Gain [J] !Hourly
26,2,ZONE ONE,Zone Lights Electric Energy [J] !Hourly
This example illustrates the non-consecutive nature of the “report codes”. Internally, EnergyPlus counts each variable that *could* be reported. This is the assigned “report code”. However, the user may not request each possible variable for reporting. Note that, currently, the requested reporting frequency is shown as a comment (!) line in the standard output file.
The data is produced when the actual simulation is performed (after the warmup days unless the Output:Diagnostics requesting ReportDuringWarmup is used). Data output is simpler in format than the data dictionary lines. From the dictionary above:
1,DENVER COLORADO WINTER, 39.75,-104.87, -7.00,1610.26
2, 1, 1,21, 0, 1, 0.00,60.00,Monday
2, 1, 1,21, 0, 2, 0.00,60.00,Monday
2, 1, 1,21, 0, 3, 0.00,60.00,Monday
This output file can be easily turned into a form that is read into commonly used spreadsheet programs where it can be further analyzed, graphed, etc.
Figure 4. Example Chart from Standard Output File
Program Version,EnergyPlus, <version>
1,5,Environment Title[],Latitude[deg],Longitude[deg],Time Zone[],Elevation[m]
2,6,Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1 = yes 0 = no],Hour[],StartMinute[],EndMinute[],DayType
3,3,Cumulative Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1 = yes 0 = no],DayType ! When Daily Report Variables Requested
4,2,Cumulative Days of Simulation[],Month[] ! When Monthly Report Variables Requested
5,1,Cumulative Days of Simulation[] ! When Run Period Report Variables Requested
6,2,Environment, Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C] !Hourly
429,2,RESISTIVE ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J] !Hourly
450,2,RESISTIVE ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J] !Hourly
458,2,RESISTIVE ZONE, Zone Air Temperature [C] !Hourly
463,2,EAST ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J] !Hourly
469,2,EAST ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J] !Hourly
472,2,EAST ZONE, Zone Air Temperature [C] !Hourly
477,2,NORTH ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J] !Hourly
483,2,NORTH ZONE, Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J] !Hourly
486,2,NORTH ZONE, Zone Air Temperature [C] !Hourly
491,2,SimHVAC, HVAC System Solver Iteration Count !Hourly
521,2,SimAir, Air System Simulation Maximum Iteration Count !Hourly
<reduced for brevity>
End of Data Dictionary
1,CHANUTE AFB ILLINOIS SUMMER, 40.30, -88.13, -6.00, 229.51
2, 1, 7,21, 0, 1, 0.00,60.00,Monday
Each report variable (ref: eplusout.rdd) is assigned an identification number, as in the line:
486,2,NORTH ZONE,Zone Air Temperature [C] !Hourly
**\#486** is the id number of the Zone/Sys Air Temperature value for the North Zone.
**2** – is the number of parameters on the line
**North Zone** – the identifying “key name” for the line
**Zone Air Temperature [C]** – the actual report variable name along with units [C]
**! Hourly** – the ! is the standard comment character, information following this character reminds the user how frequently this data will appear in the following.
As another example:
Each **Output:Variable** object causes a specific number assignment for outputs. For example, you could request separate reporting for the outside temperature:
Output:Variable,\*, Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,timestep;
Output:Variable,\*, Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,hourly;
Output:Variable,\*, Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,monthly;
And the following would appear in the standard output file:
6,2,Environment,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C] !TimeStep
7,2,Environment,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C] !Hourly
8,2,Environment,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C] !Monthly [Value,Min,Day,Hour,Minute,Max,Day,Hour,Minute]
Item \# 6 will be listed following the TimeStep timestamp for each timestep. Item \#7 will be listed following an hourly timestamp. And item \#8 will be listed following a monthly timestamp and has additional fields (because it is an “average” variable) that show the minimum and maximum values with identifying times for those minimum and maximum. An excerpt will illustrate:
2, 1, 7,21, 0, 1, 0.00,15.00,Monday** – timestep timestamp**
2, 1, 7,21, 0, 1, 0.00,60.00,Monday** – hourly timestamp**
4, 1, 7** – monthly timestamp**
8,22.77037,15.00000,21, 4,60,32.77778,21,14,60
To interpret, the first value (\#6) is 17.09 C, \#7 is 16.76 C (average for the hour), and \#8 is 22.77 C, the average for the month with the low (minimum) of 15 C occurring on 7/21 4:60 (or 5:00) and the high (maximum) occurring on 7/21 14:60 (or 15:00).
When EnergyPlus is running, it is usually running from a “command” window (unless inside another interface program) and some items may appear in the command window. These messages are preserved in the “log” output file. For example:
EnergyPlus Starting EnergyPlus, Version Processing Data Dictionary Processing Input File Warming up Initializing Response Factors Calculating CTFs for “ROOF-1”, Construction #1 Calculating CTFs for “WALL-1”, Construction #2 Calculating CTFs for “FLOOR-SLAB-1”, Construction #6 Calculating CTFs for “INT-WALL-1”, Construction #7 Initializing Window Optical Properties Initializing Solar Calculations Initializing HVAC Warming up Warming up Performing Zone Sizing Simulation Warming up Warming up Performing Zone Sizing Simulation Calculating System sizing Calculating System sizing Initializing New Environment Parameters Warming up {1} Warming up {2} Warming up {3} Starting Simulation at 01/01 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 01/21 Continuing Simulation at 01/21 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 02/10 Continuing Simulation at 02/10 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 03/02 Continuing Simulation at 03/02 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 03/22 Continuing Simulation at 03/22 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 12/07 Continuing Simulation at 12/07 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 12/27 Continuing Simulation at 12/27 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 EnergyPlus Run Time = 00hr 00min 46.00sec ReadVarsESO program starting. ReadVars Run Time = 00hr 00min 1.11sec ReadVarsESO program completed successfully. ReadVarsESO program starting. ReadVars Run Time = 00hr 00min 0.00sec ReadVarsESO program completed successfully. Started HVAC Diagram Complete
This file contains the “meter details” for the run. This shows what report variables are on which meters and vice versa – which meters contain what report variables.
The meter details file consists of two parts:
- For report variables that are on meters, it shows all the meters that the report variable is on. In the following example, “Meters for “ <report variable \#>, <report variable name> is shown and then the meters that accumulate the value of that variable as a “meter”.
Meters for 1240,SPACE1-1:Lights-Electric Energy [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Facility [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Building [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
Meters for 1460,SPACE1-1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J]
OnMeter = Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 1557,SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL:Heating Coil Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter = EnergyTransfer:HVAC [J]
OnMeter = HeatingCoils:EnergyTransfer [J]
- For each meter, the report variables that make up that meter are shown. In the following example, “For Meter = ” <name of meter>, “contents are:” and then each variable that occurs on that “meter” are shown.
For Meter = Electricity:Facility [J], contents are:
SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SUPPLY FAN 1:Fan Electric Energy
CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
CW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
For Meter = Electricity:Building [J], contents are:
SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
For Meter = Electricity:Zone:SPACE1-1 [J], contents are:
SPACE1-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE1-1 ELECEQ:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
For Meter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J], contents are:
SPACE1-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE2-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE3-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE4-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
SPACE5-1 LIGHTS:Lights Electric Energy
For Meter = Gas:Facility [J], contents are:
CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler Gas Energy
For Meter = Gas:Plant [J], contents are:
CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler Gas Energy
For Meter = Heating:Gas [J], contents are:
CENTRAL BOILER:Boiler Gas Energy
For Meter = Electricity:Plant [J], contents are:
CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
CW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
For Meter = Cooling:Electricity [J], contents are:
CENTRAL CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
For Meter = Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], contents are:
PLENUM-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
SPACE1-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
SPACE2-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
SPACE3-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
SPACE4-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
SPACE5-1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
As further illustration, an abbreviated example shows:
Meters for 6,EAST ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Facility [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Building [J]
OnMeter = Electricity:Zone:EAST ZONE [J]
OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
OnMeter = InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:EAST ZONE [J]
OnMeter = GeneralLights:InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
For Meter = Electricity:Facility [J], ResourceType = Electricity, contents are:
EAST ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
NORTH ZONE LIGHTS 1:Lights Electric Energy
WEST ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
EAST ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
NORTH ZONE ELECEQ 1:Electric Equipment Electric Energy
SUPPLY FAN 1:Fan Electric Energy
LITTLE CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
BIG CHILLER:Chiller Electric Energy
BIG TOWER:Cooling Tower Fan Electric Energy
CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
COND CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
HW CIRC PUMP:Pump Electric Energy
This shows the meters on which the Zone: Lights Electric Energy appear as well as the contents of the Electricity:Facility meter.
This is the equivalent file to the eplusout.eso file but contains only the Report Meter requests. The format and style of the file is identical to the eplusout.eso file.
This file (from the **Output:VariableDictionary,regular;** and **Output:VariableDictionary,IDF;** commands) shows all the report variables along with their “availability” for the current input file. Each simulation *may have* different output variables though some are constant (for example the environmental/outdoor variables! A user must first run the simulation (at least semi-successfully) before the available output variables are known. This output file is available in two flavors: regular (listed as they are in the Input Output Reference) and IDF (ready to be copied and pasted into your Input File). Once this file is generated, the IDF editor can use them for Output:Variable keys. You can also ask for the outputs to be sorted by name.
“**Zone**” variables are calculated and can be reported after each Zone/Heat Balance timestep (ref: TimeSteps in Hour command). “**HVAC**” variables are calculated and can be reported with each variable HVAC timestep. “Average” variables will be averaged over the time interval being reported whereas “sum” variables are summed over that time interval.
There are two mitigating factors for this output variable list. One is the “Advanced Report Variables” and the other is the “Create Minimal Surface Variables”.
### Normal Output Variables – regular format
A typical rdd file might be:
Program Version,EnergyPlus, <version>, <date/time of run>,IDD\_Version <IDD Version>
Var Type (reported timestep),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgAir]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Barometric Pressure [Pa]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Window Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Surface Window Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Surface Window Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Surface Window Gap Convective Heat Transfer Rate[W]
Zone,Average,Surface Window Shading Device Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate[W]
HVAC,Average,System Node Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Mass Flow Rate[kg/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Humidity Ratio[]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature[C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature Hi[C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature Lo[C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Humidity Ratio[kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Minimum Humidity Ratio[kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Maximum Humidity Ratio[kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density Volume Flow Rate[m3/s]HVAC,Average,System Node Enthalpy[J/kg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wetbulb Temperature[C]
HVAC,Sum, Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum, Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum, Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy[J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average, Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Air Changes per Hour [ach]
### Normal Output Variables – regular format – sorted by name
The same variables but now sorted alphabetically by name.
Program Version,EnergyPlus, <version>, <date/time of run>,IDD\_Version <IDD Version>
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
HVAC,Sum,Air System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum, Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average, Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
### Normal Output Variables – IDF format
A brief excerpt of the IDF format is shown below. These can be copied and pasted directly into an IDF or used from the IDF Editor.
! Program Version, <version>, <date/time of run>,IDD\_Version <IDD version>
! Output:Variable Objects (applicable to this run)
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,hourly; !- Zone Average [C]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature,hourly; !- Zone Average [C]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature,hourly; !- Zone Average [C]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio,hourly; !- Zone Average [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity,hourly; !- Zone Average [%]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Outdoor Air Barometric Pressure,hourly; !- Zone Average [Pa]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Wind Speed,hourly; !- Zone Average [m/s]
Output:Variable,\*,Site Wind Direction,hourly; !- Zone Average [deg]
### Advanced Output Variables
The DisplayAdvancedReportVariables key to the Output:Diagnostics object adds a number of variables that may need special handling or understanding of the users. Search on the Input Output Reference document for DisplayAdvancedReportVariables for more details.
This file (from the **Output:VariableDictionary,regular;** and **Output:VariableDictionary,IDF;** commands) shows all the report meters along with their “availability” for the current input file. A user must first run the simulation (at least semi-successfully) before the available output meters are known. This output file is available in two flavors: **regular** (listed as they are in the Input Output Reference) and **IDF** (ready to be copied and pasted into your Input File). Once this file is generated, the IDF editor can use them for Output:Meter and Output:CumulativeMeter keys.
Note that meters are always accumulated to the Zone timestep. They are always “summed” variables.
### Meter Variables – regular format
Program Version,EnergyPlus <version>, <date time of run>,IDD\_Version <IDD Version>
Var Type (reported timestep),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Meter,Electricity:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,Electricity:Building [J]
Zone,Meter,Electricity:Zone:SOUTHZONE\_1STFLOOR [J]
Zone,Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
Zone,Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity:Zone:SOUTHZONE\_1STFLOOR [J]
Zone,Meter,GeneralLights:InteriorLights:Electricity [J]
Note that custom meters also appear on this file:
### Meter Variables – regular format – sorted by name
The meter variable file can also be sorted by name. If the rdd is sorted by name, then the meter mdd file will be as well.
Program Version,EnergyPlus <version>, <date time of run>,IDD\_Version <IDD Version>
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Meter,Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
Zone,Meter,CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Zone,Meter,Cogeneration:ElectricityNet [J]
Zone,Meter,Cogeneration:ElectricityPurchased [J]
Zone,Meter,Cogeneration:ElectricitySurplusSold [J]
### Meter Variables – IDF format
This report produces the variable names in a form that are ready to be merged into an input file. By design, hourly reporting is selected – replace this with your desired frequency. An example of the results:
! Program Version, <version>, <date/time of run>, IDD\_Version <IDD version>
! Output:Meter Objects (applicable to this run)
Output:Meter,DistrictHeating:Facility,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter:Cumulative,DistrictHeating:Facility,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter,DistrictHeating:HVAC,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter:Cumulative,DistrictHeating:HVAC,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter,Heating:DistrictHeating,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter:Cumulative,Heating:DistrictHeating,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter,DistrictCooling:Facility,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter:Cumulative,DistrictCooling:Facility,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter,DistrictCooling:HVAC,hourly; !- [J]
Output:Meter:Cumulative,DistrictCooling:HVAC,hourly; !- [J]
### Meter Naming Convention
To repeat some of the detail described in the Input Output Reference document:
Meter names are of three forms:
- <ResourceType>:<name>
- <EndUseType>:<ResourceType>:<name>
- <EndUseSubcategory>:<EndUseType>:<ResourceType>:<name>.
The user requests reporting by either specifying the full name above (without Units) or a “wildcard” representation of that name (to obtain all meters of a type). For example, entering “Electricity:\*” for the meter name will report on all the Electricity: meters (Electricity:Facility, Electricity:Building, Electricity:Zone:Resistive Zone, Electricity:Zone:East Zone, Electricity:North Zone in the example above). Both the resource types and end-use types are set within the program by the developers. End-use subcategories are user-defined and are an input field for certain objects.
To summarize the previous paragraph, you could use:
To get the same outputs as if you had entered:
Output:Meter,Electricity:Zone:South Zone;
Output:Meter,Electricity:Zone:East Zone;
Output:Meter,Electricity:North Zone;
From a three zone file that had no HVAC electricity (i.e., had only electric equipment or lighting equipment in an uncontrolled three zone building).
Current resource types are shown in the table below:
Table 4. Table of Metered Resource Types
Other Resource Types
The end use types are shown in the following table (note that certain end use types apply only to the EnergyTransfer resource):
The end use types are shown in the following table:
Table 5. End Use Category Types
End Use Types
Additional End Use Types Only Used for EnergyTransfer
HeatReoveryFor Heating
Specific meter types are then used for grouping the fuel type meters:
Table 6. Overall Meter Types
Facility meters contain all the energy of a fuel type. Building meters contain the sum of each zone’s energy. System meters contain the energy from the system components. Plant meters contain the energy from the plant equipments.
Thus, the following relationships should be observed:
$$\text{Facility} = \sum\left(\text{Building} + \text{System} + \text{Plant} + \text{Exterior}\right)$$
$$\text{Building} = \sum_{i}^{\#Zones} \text{Zone}$$
Custom Meters, (review Input Output Reference, objects: **Meter:Custom** and **Meter:CustomDecrement**) for further requirements, are reported in the same way as pre-defined meters.
For example, one might put the Building Infiltration Heat Loss & Heat Gain on a set of custom meters:
Meter:Custom, Building Infiltration Heat Loss, !- Name Generic, !- Fuel Type *, !- Key Name 1 Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1
Meter:Custom, Building Infiltration Heat Gain, !- Name Generic, !- Fuel Type *, !- Key Name 1 Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1
One can then report these values the same way one reports other standard meters.
This file contains details of the shadow casting, back and receiving surfaces for the building. The [Engineering Reference](file:///E:\Docs4PDFs\EngineeringReference.pdf) explains the shadowing calculations in more detail; this report file merely shows the level of interactions that the calculations will use. The report shows the Solar Distribution algorithm (in the example Full Interior and Exterior) and then proceeds to illustrate which surfaces shade (possibly) which other surfaces.
Note, a casting surface -- a shadow casting surface or general casting surface (so called in the file) -- is one that casts a shadow on other surfaces. A receiving surface - a shadow receiving surface -- is one that receives shadows from other surfaces (i.e. casting surfaces). A back surface -- an inside surface -- is one that may be partially sunlit/receive solar transmission for interior solar distribution.
An example follows:
Shadowing Combinations
..Solar Distribution = FullInteriorAndExterior
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:WALL001 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 5
...Surface = ZN001:WALL002
...Surface = ZN001:WALL003
...Surface = ZN001:WALL004
...Surface = ZN001:FLR001
...Surface = ZN001:ROOF001
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 1
....Surface = ZN001:WALL001:WIN001
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:WALL001:WIN001 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:WALL002 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:WALL003 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:WALL004 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:FLR001 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface = ZN001:ROOF001 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces = 0
Number of back surfaces = 0
Number of receiving sub surfaces = 0
The following shows an excerpt of “lines” report (**eplusout.sln**) for a single surface. It gives the surface name and then the coordinates in the “standard” EnergyPlus fashion (that is, UpperLeftCorner first and proceeding around, in this case, the four vertices in the surface.
-0.65, -1.13, 2.20, 0.00, 0.00, 2.20
0.00, 0.00, 2.20, 17.15, -9.90, 2.20
17.15, -9.90, 2.20, 16.50, -11.03, 2.20
16.50, -11.03, 2.20, -0.65, -1.13, 2.20
The following shows an excerpt of “lines, IDF” report (**eplusout.sln**) for a single surface. It gives the coordinates in the “standard” EnergyPlus fashion (that is, UpperLeftCorner first and proceeding around, in this case, the four vertices in the surface. Note that this is NOT a complete description of the surface but enough to change your IDF file, if you want to.
Building North Axis = 0
4, !- Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
-23.34, -14.85, 2.41, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 1
-23.34, -14.76, 2.49, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 2
-18.13, -14.76, 2.49, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 3
-18.13, -14.85, 2.41; !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 4
Surface = WALL, Name = ROOMNORTH SURF3-1
4, !- Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
-15.94, -5.34, 3.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 1
-15.94, -5.34, 0.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 2
-18.91, -5.34, 0.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 3
-18.91, -5.34, 3.00; !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 4
Surface = WALL, Name = ROOMNORTH SURF4-1
4, !- Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
-18.91, -5.34, 3.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 1
-18.91, -5.34, 0.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 2
-22.65, -5.34, 0.00, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 3
-22.65, -5.34, 3.00; !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 4
4, !- Number of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
-19.02, -5.34, 2.59, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 1
-19.02, -5.34, 0.41, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 2
-22.54, -5.34, 0.41, !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 3
-22.54, -5.34, 2.59; !- X,Y,Z = = > Vertex 4
eplusout.sql is an optional output format for EnergyPlus. The eplusout.sql output file is a sqlite3 database file (see and includes all of the data found in EnergyPlus’ eplustbl.\* files, eplusout.eso and output files (i.e., EnergyPlus’ standard variable and meter output files) plus a number of reports that are found in the eplusout.eio output file.
A discussion of the individual data tables is presented below followed by a discussion about how to access data within the SQL file.
### List of Available SQLite Tables
This initial release of the SQL database output option includes a variety of data in the following tables:
- ComponentSizes Table
- ConstructionLayers Table
- Constructions Table
- Materials Table
- NominalBaseboardHeaters Table
- NominalElectricEquipment Table
- NominalGasEquipment Table
- NominalHotWaterEquipment Table
- NominalInfiltration Table
- NominalLighting Table
- NominalOtherEquipment Table
- NominalPeople Table
- NominalSteamEquipment Table
- NominalVentilation Table
- ReportData Table
- ReportDataDictionary Table
- ReportExtendedData Table
- RoomAirModels Table
- Schedules Table
- Surfaces Table
- SystemSizes Table
- Time Table
- ZoneGroups Table
- Zones Table
- ZoneLists Table
- ZoneSizes Table
- ZoneInfoLists Table
- [Simulations](#_Simulations_Table_1)Table
- [EnvironmentPeriods](#_EnvironmentPeriods_Table)Table
- TabularData Table
- [Strings](#_Strings_Table)Table
- [StringTypes](#_StringTypes_Table)Table
- [TabularDataWithStrings](#_TabularDataWithStrings_Table)Table
- Errors Table
A short discussion of contents of each of the above SQL tables is given in the sections that follow.
### Report Data
Data in the following four tables are also found in EnergyPlus’ standard output file (i.e., eplusout.eso – see that section for more information) or in EnergyPlus' (i.e. meter) output file. As with the standard output file, the “Report Variable” and “Report Meter” commands control the data in these tables.
#### ReportDataDictionary Table
The ReportDataDictionary table provides the equivalent of the dictionary portion of the ESO file (i.e., the first section of the .eso file) or Please see the Report Variable section of the Input-Output Reference for more information. Like in the file (see the section), only data requested by "Report Meter" commands will set isMeter to 1 or True.
Table 7. SQL ReportDataDictionary Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The ReportDataDictionaryIndex links the dictionary data to the variable data (see ReportData table)
Boolean flag whether dictionary data is report of meter data
0, 1
Nature of data type with respect to state, (e.g. average or sum type of data).
“Sum” “Avg”
The reporting group (e.g., Zone, Plant, etc.)
Type of timestep for data
“Zone” “HVAC System”
The identifying “key name” for the data
The actual report data name
The reporting frequency of the variable, e.g.
“HVAC System Timestep”, “Zone Timestep”, “Hourly”, “Daily”, “Monthly”, “Run Period”.
The name of the schedule that controls reporting frequency
The data units
#### ReportData Table
The ReportData table contains the report or meter variable data (e.g., the hourly, daily, and monthly report variable data). Please see the Report Variable section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
Table 8. SQL ReportData Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
This index links the record to its time record (see the Time table below)
The ReportDataDictionaryIndex links the data to the respective data dictionary record (see ReportDataDictionary table above)
The data value
#### ReportExtendedData Table
The ReportExtendedData table contains additional data (e.g., monthly maximums and minimums) that is available for certain report or meter variables.
Table 9. SQL ReportExtendedData Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Associates ReportData record with ReportExtendedData record
The maximum value during the reporting interval
The month in which the maximum value occurred
The day on which the maximum value occurred
The hour in which the maximum value occurred
The starting minute of the interval in which the maximum value occurred
The minute that the maximum value occurred
The minimum value
The month in which the minimum value occurred
The day on which the minimum value occurred
The hour in which the minimum value occurred
The starting minute of the interval in which the minimum value occurred
The minute that the minimum value occurred
#### Time Table
The Time table provides the time information for both the “report variable” and “report meter” variables (the ReportData table).
Table 10. Time Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Connects the time information with the report variables and meter variables (see the ReportData table)
Daylight saving time indicator
Length of the reporting interval
The index for the type of reporting interval. (enum: -1 = detailed HVAC system timestep; 0 = zone timestep, 1 = hourly, 2 = daily, 3 = monthly, 4 = runperiod)
Day of simulation. This number resets after warmup and at the beginning of an environment period
The type of day. (enum: “Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Holiday”, “SummerDesignDay”, “WinterDesignDay”, “CustomDay1”, “CustomDay2”)
Foreign Key to the EnvironmentPeriods table
1 during warmup, 0 otherwise
### One time (EIO) File Data
Data in the tables below can also be found in EnergyPlus input output file (i.e., in the eplusout.eio output file).
#### Zones Table
The Zones table provides a variety of information about the zones specified within EnergyPlus. One of its most common uses is to provide zone name and area information for the other tables within the SQL database (e.g., use the ZoneIndex to look up the ZoneName).
Table 14. SQL Zones Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The ZoneIndex is used to link this table to related tables
Zone Name
Relative North, in degrees
X origin, in meters
Y origin, in meters
Z origin, in meters
X position of zone Centroid, in meters
Y position of zone Centroid, in meters
Z position of zone Centroid, in meters
(not used yet)
Zone multiplier
Zone Group multiplier
Minimum X value, in meters
Maximum X value, in meters
Minimum Y value, in meters
Maximum Y value, in meters
Minimum Z value, in meters
Maximum Z value, in meters
Ceiling height, in meters
Zone volume, in cubic meters
Inside convection algorithm (enum: 1 = simple, 2 = detailed, 3 = Ceiling diffuser, 4 = TrombeWall)
Outside convection algorithm (enum: 1 = simple, 2 = detailed, 6 = MoWitt, 7 = DOE-2)
Zone floor area, in square meters
Zone external gross wall area (includes windows and doors), in square meters
Zone net wall area (excludes windows and doors), and square meters
Zone window area (includes glass doors), and square meters
See Zone input object documentation
Please see the Zone object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalPeople Table
An overview of the NominalPeople SQL table is shown below.
Table 15. SQL NominalPeople Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The name of the People object
Connects the NominalPeople table to the Zones table
Nominal number of people in the zone
Number of people schedule number (see Schedule table)
Activity level schedule (see People object documentation)
see People object documentation
see People object documentation
Work efficiency schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
Clothing efficiency schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
Air velocity schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
Flag indicating whether Fanger calculations are active
Flag indicating whether Pierce calculations are active
Flag indicating whether KSU calculations are active
see People object documentation
see Surfaces table and People object documentation
see People object documentation
see People object documentation
Please see the People object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalLighting Table
An overview of the NominalLighting SQL table is shown below.
Table 16. SQL NominalLighting Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The LIGHTS object name
Connects the NominalLighting table to the Zones table
Lighting schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified return air fraction
User-specified radiant fraction
Defines the daylighting control for the LIGHTS object
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the LIGHTS object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalElectricEquipment Table
An overview of the NominalElectricEquipment SQL table is shown below.
Table 17. SQL NominalElectricEquipment Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Electric Equipment object name
Connects the NominalElectricEquipment table to the Zones table
Electric equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified latent heat fraction
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified lost heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Electric Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalGasEquipment Table
An overview of the NominalGasEquipment SQL table is shown below.
Table 18. SQL NominalGasEquipment Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Gas Equipment object name
Connects the NominalGasEquipment table to the Zones table
Gas equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified latent heat fraction
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified lost heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Gas Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalSteamEquipment Table
An overview of the NominalSteamEquipment SQL table is shown below.
Table 19. SQL NominalSteamEquipment Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Steam Equipment object name
Connects the NominalSteamEquipment table to the Zones table
Steam equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified latent heat fraction
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified lost heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Steam Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalHotWaterEquipment Table
An overview of the NominalHotWaterEquipment SQL table is shown below.
Table 20. SQL NominalHotWaterEquipment Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Hot Water Equipment object name
Connects the NominalHotWaterEquipment table to the Zones table
Hot water equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified latent heat fraction
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified lost heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Hot Water Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalOtherEquipment Table
An overview of the NominalOtherEquipment SQL table is shown below.
Table 21. SQL NominalOtherEquipment Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Other Equipment object name
Connects the NominalOtherEquipment table to the Zones table
Other equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in Watts
User-specified latent heat fraction
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified lost heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Other Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalBaseboardHeaters Table
An overview of the NominalBaseboardHeaters SQL table is shown below.
Table 22. SQL NominalBaseboardHeaters Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Baseboard Heat object name
Connects the NominalBaseboardHeat table to the Zones table
Baseboard heat schedule number (see Schedules table)
Capacity at low temperature, in Watts
Low temperature capacity setpoint
Capacity at high temperature, in Watts
High temperature capacity setpoint
User-specified radiant heat fraction
User-specified convicted heat fraction
User-specified end-use subcategory
Please see the Baseboard Heat object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalInfiltration Table
An overview of the NominalInfiltration SQL table is shown below.
Table 23. SQL NominalInfiltration Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Infiltration object name
Connects the NominalInfiltration table to the Zones table
Infiltration schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in m3/s
Please see the Infiltration object in the Group-Airflow section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### NominalVentilation Table
An overview of the NominalVentilation SQL table is shown below.
Table 24. SQL NominalVentilation Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The internal statement number
The Ventilation object name
Connects the NominalVentilation table to the Zones table
Ventilation schedule number (see Schedule table)
Nominal design level, in m3/s
Please see the Ventilation object in the Group-Airflow section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### Surfaces Table
An overview of the Surfaces SQL table is shown below.
Table 25. SQL Surfaces Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Surface number (used for cross-referencing)
Surface name
Construction Index
Surface class name (e.g., shading, wall)
Surface area (excluding cutouts)
Surface area (including cutouts)
Surface perimeter, in meters
As news angle, in degrees
Surface height, in meters
Reveal depth, in meters
Shape index
Number of sides
Tilt angle, in degrees
Surface width, in meters
Flag indicating whether the surface is a heat transfer surface
Based surface index
Zone index
External boundary condition index. For interzone surface, this is the adjacent surface number. For an internal/adiabatic surface this is the current surface number. 0 = external environment, -1 = ground, -2 = other side coefficients, -3 = other side conditions model.
Flag indicating whether the surface is exposed to solar
Flag indicating whether the surface is exposed to wind
Please see the Surface(s) object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### Constructions Table
An overview of the Constructions SQL table is shown below.
Table 26. SQL Constructions Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Construction Index
Construction name
Total number of layers
Total number of solid layers
Total number of glass layers
The visible absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
The visible absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
The solar absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
The solar absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
The thermal absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
The thermal absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
The roughness of the outside layer
Flag indicating whether the construction is a window or glass door
Nominal U-value for the construction
Please see the Construction object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### ConstructionLayers Table
An overview of the ConstructionLayers SQL table is shown below.
Table 27. SQL ConstructionLayers Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Construction Layers Index
Construction Index (see Constructions table)
Layer number (layer 1 is the outside layer)
Material index (see Materials table)
Please see the Construction object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### Materials Table
An overview of the Materials SQL table is shown below.
Table 28. SQL Materials Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Material Index (links the Materials table with the ConstructionLayers and Constructions tables)
Material name
Material type
Roughness index
Conductivity, in W/(m-K)
Density, in kg/m3
Flag that indicates the material definition is of type Material:Regular-R
Specific heat
Thermal gradient coefficient
Thickness, in meters
Vapor diffusivity
Please see the Materials object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### RoomAirModels Table
An overview of the RoomAirModels SQL table is shown below. Please see the Group-RoomAir Models section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
Table 29. SQL RoomAirModels Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Zone index
Air model name
Air model index
Temperature coupling index
Simulation air model index
#### ComponentSizes Table
An overview of the ComponentSizes SQL table is shown below.
Table 30. SQL ComponentSizes Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Component Sizes Index
Component type
Component name
Component description
Sizing value
Sizing units
Please see the Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### SystemSizes Table
An overview of the SystemSizes SQL table is shown below. Please see the System Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
Table 31. SQL SystemSizes Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
System Sizes Index
System name
System description
Sizing value
Sizing units
#### ZoneSizes Table
An overview of the ZoneSizes SQL table is shown below.
Table 32. SQL ZoneSizes Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Zone Sizes Index
Zone name
Load type
Design load
Calculated design flow
User-specified design flow
Design day name
Time of the peak temperature
Peak temperature
Peak humidity ratio
Calculated outside air flow rate, in m3/s
Please see the Zone Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### ZoneGroups Table
An overview of the ZoneGroups SQL table is shown below.
Table 33. SQL ZoneGroups Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Zone group index
Zone list name
The ZoneListIndex links this record to the respective zone list record (see ZoneLists table below)
Zone list multiplier
Please see the Zone Group object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### ZoneLists Table
An overview of the ZoneLists SQL table is shown below.
Table 34. SQL ZoneLists Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Zone list index
Zone list name
Please see the Zone List object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### ZoneInfoZoneLists Table
An overview of the ZoneInfoZoneLists SQL table is shown below.
SQL ZoneLists Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Zone list index
Zone index
This is a join table to represent the many-to-many relationship of zones and zone lists. ZoneListIndex and ZoneIndex together are the Primary Key for this table.
### Miscellaneous Tables
#### Schedules Table
An overview of the Schedules SQL table is shown below.
Table 35. SQL Schedules Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Schedule index
Schedule name
Schedule Type
Please see the Group-Schedules section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.
#### Simulations Table
An overview of the Simulations SQL table is shown below. Currently there will only be one record in the table, because the SQLite database is relevant to only one simulation. In the future this might change if multiple simulations are aggregated into a larger database.
Table 36. SQL Simulations Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Simulation index, currently there will be only one record in this table.
The version of EnergyPlus that was used to run the simulation.
A text string containing the timestamp when the simulation was run.
The number of timesteps per hour used for the simulation. See the Timestep object for more information.
True if the simulation completed without crashing.
True if the simulation completed without any severe or fatal errors.
#### EnvironmentPeriods Table
An overview of the EnvironmentPeriods SQL table is shown below.
Table 37. SQL EnvironmentPeriods Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Environment period index
A foreign key to a record in the Simulations table.
A text string identifying the environment.
An enumeration of the environment type. (1 = Design Day, 2 = Design Run Period, 3 = Weather Run Period) See the various SizingPeriod objects and the RunPeriod object for details.
#### TabularData Table
An overview of the TabularData SQL table is shown below. The TabularData table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object. The TabularData table contains all of the tabular report information that is typically output to one of the formats controlled by the OutputControl:Table:Style object. This is a generic way of dumping all of the existing tabular reports to the SQLite database. This table has many references to the companion Strings table. The Strings table simply associates strings to an integer value for space efficiency of the database. Tabular data is easier to query from the TabularDataWithStrings table, which is implemented as a database view that joins this table with the Strings table.
Table 38. SQL TabularData Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
Tabular Data Index
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the report the record belongs to.
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the “For” text that is associated with the record. An example is the Space Loads report where the “For” text identifies which zone the record pertains to.
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the table the record belongs to. This is typically the text that immediately precedes the tables in html format.
A foreign key to the Simulations table.
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the row the record belongs to.
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the column the record belongs to.
A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the units associated with the record.
A foreign key to the Simulations table.
The index of the row associated with the record. Data in the first row of a tabular report would have the Id 1.
The index of the column associated with the record. Data in the first column of a tabular report would have the Id 1.
The value of the record. Most data is numeric, thus the type for this column is REAL. The SQLite engine will first try to store the value as a REAL, however if this fails the value will be stored as text.
#### Strings Table
An overview of the Strings SQL table is shown below. The Strings table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object. The Strings table simply associates strings with integers to save space in the database.
Table 39. SQL Strings Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The integer primary key that uniquely identifies the string record.
A foreign key to the StringTypes table.
The record’s string value.
#### StringTypes Table
An overview of the StringTypes SQL table is shown below. The StringTypes table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object.
Table 40. SQL StringTypes Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The integer primary key.
The record’s string value. Currently there are 6 possible values; ReportName, ReportForString, TableName, RowName, ColumnName, and Units. That is, entries in the Strings table are one of these types.
#### TabularDataWithStrings Table
An overview of the TabularDataWithStrings SQL table is shown below. This table is implemented as a view of other tables and is not actually a table in the database. This view is similar to the TabularData table except text strings are directly available in place of foreign keys to the Strings table. The TabularDataWithStrings view is only created when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object.
An example of a SQL query to get a table out of the AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary report is the following.
select * FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName = ‘AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary’ and TableName = ‘Site and Source Energy’; ````
Table 41. SQL TabularDataWithStrings Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The index of the record
The value of the record
The name of the report the record belongs to.
The “For” string.
The name of the table the record belongs to.
The name of the row associated with the record.
The name of the column associated with the record.
The units associated with the record.
The Errors SQL table reports errors and warnings for the simulation. The content of this table includes most of the content of the error file. However, it does not contain purely informational messages (e.g. not warnings or errors) and some of the error summary statistics which may be readily computed. Users should be aware that errors experienced while processing input cause EnergyPlus to exit before the SQLite output database has been initialized. This is because the
Output:SQLite object must be parsed from the input to request the database. Therefore, failures in input processing are indicated by the absence of a SQLite output file. The regular error or audit files must be used to identify the erroneous input objects in this case. Because each error or warning message is expected to be unique these messages are stored directly in the Errors table and not in the Strings table.
Table 42. SQL Errors Table Contents
Field Name
Field Type
The index of the error or warning message.
The simulation the error or warning pertains to.
Type of error or warning 0 = Warning, 1 = Severe, 2 = Fatal.
The text of the error message.
Number of times that the error was repeated. This will be 1 for normal warnings or errors, 0 for warning and error messages, and the number of times the error or warning is repeated.
How to Access the SQLite Data[LINK]
The SQL database can be accessed in a number of ways, including via the command line, through ODBC, or through as SQLite’s API interface. SQLite uses the industry standard SQL 92 language.
One of the simplest ways to access the data in the SQL database is by way of the SQL command line tool (i.e., sqlite3). A brief description of how to use sqlite3 for each computing platform is given below.
Windows XP and Windows Vista[LINK]
While Windows does not ship with sqlite3 installed, the sqlite3 binary can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage ( After downloading the precompiled binary, install it in the EnergyPlus directory.
Once the sqlite3 executable is installed, access the program from the command line by typing “sqlite3” at the DOS prompt.
The sqlite3 command line tool comes preinstalled on a number of more recent Linux releases. To see if sqlite3 is available (and which version is installed), type “sqlite3 –version” from the command line. If sqlite3 is not installed, the sqlite3 binary, as well as source code, can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage ( and installed in the directory of your choice.
Macintosh OS X[LINK]
The sqlite3 program comes standard on MacOS X 10.5. From the command line, type “sqlite3 –version” to see which version of sqlite3 is installed. In order to access the database created by EnergyPlus, version 3 or later is required.
Accessing the Data from the Command Line[LINK]
Once it has been confirmed that SQLite3 is installed on your machine, the SQL database can be accessed by typing:
sqlite3 <database name>
at the command line, where <database name > is the name of the SQL database (e.g., sqlite3 eplusout.sql).
The website gives examples of how sqlite3 can be used to access and output data in various formats.
ODBC allows access to the SQL database from a variety of programs, including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and FileMaker. How to install and use ODBC drivers is outside the scope of this document, and more information can be found at the following websites:
Macintosh ODBC drivers:
Windows and Linux ODBC information and drivers: = SqliteOdbc
Sqlite3 includes a rich C++ API (detailed on the SQLite website, and wrappers for the API interface are available in a variety of programming languages, including Fortran, TCL, and Ruby (see = SqliteWrappers for more information).
This file contains some standard and some optional “reports”. It is intended to be a somewhat intelligent report of input conditions when they don’t fit well in other places or when they aren’t substantial enough for their own “file”. (e.g. eplusout.bnd) Contents of the file are somewhat documented in various places in the Input Output Reference document – as results of objects. This file or portions of it can be easily imported into spreadsheet programs and more analysis done there. Contents of this file include construction details, location information, “environment” information, number of “warmup” days required in each environment.
The form of the file is a data dictionary line followed by the data. In this case, the data dictionary line precedes the first “data” line though there may be several defining “dictionary lines”. Each dictionary line will show the field as <field name> followed by other fields that will be in the data lines. Data will be displayed similarly. Each field of dictionary or data will be separated from the next by a comma “,” – and produce a comma delimited file. However, the lines for data will not be contiguous – some follow a stream of consciousness of the EnergyPlus execution.
This section is subdivided into grouped sections by type.
Note that the lines in the eplusout.eio file can be extremely long (current limit is 500 characters).
Simulation Parameters[LINK]
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, <version>
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep
Timesteps Per Hour, 4, 15
! <Run Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation
Run Control, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes
! <GroundTemperatures>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures, 20.03, 20.03, 20.13, 20.30, 20.43, 20.52, 20.62, 20.77, 20.78, 20.55, 20.44, 20.20
! <GroundTemperatures:Surface>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures:Surface, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00
! <GroundTemperatures:Deep>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
GroundTemperatures:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <GroundReflectances>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
GroundReflectances, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers, 1.000, 1.000
! <Snow GroundReflectances>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Snow GroundReflectances, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Location>, Location Name, Latitude {N+/S- Deg}, Longitude {E+/W- Deg}, Time Zone Number {GMT+/-}, Elevation {m}, Standard Pressure at Elevation {Pa}
Location,CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300,41.78,-87.75,-6.00,190.00,99063.
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days,Minimum Number of Warmup Days
Building, BUILDING, 30.000,City, 0.04000, 0.40000,FullExterior,25,6
! Inside Convection Algorithm, Value {Simple | Detailed | CeilingDiffuser}
Inside Convection Algorithm,Simple
! Outside Convection Algorithm, Value {Simple | Detailed}
Outside Convection Algorithm,Simple
! Solution Algorithm, Value {CTF | EMPD | CONDFD | HAMT}
Solution Algorithm, CTF
! Sky Radiance Distribution, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.330,460.000,6.500000E-003
! < Input Surface Geometry Information>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS). IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number NominalSurface, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 2, 60, N/A
The simulation parameters output is the simplest form of reporting in the eplusout.eio file. Each of the “header” records (lines starting with an “!”) are followed immediately by the one and only data line. By and large, these data lines are all merely echoes of the entries in the IDF (or defaulted for blank fields). For most of these descriptions, you can look at the object fields (of same name) in the Input Output Reference document.
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, <version>
This is the version of the IDF as entered in the IDF file. If it does not match the current EnergyPlus Version, a warning will be issued and show in the eplusout.err file.
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep
Timesteps Per Hour, 4, 15
This is the number of timesteps in hour as entered in the IDF file as well as showing how many minutes will encompass each timestep (i.e. 4 timesteps in hour = 15 minutes per timestep).
! <Run Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation, Do HVAC Sizing Simulation
Run Control, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No
This shows how the sizing and running (design days vs. weather file) will be accomplished. Design days are required for sizing but do not necessarily need to be “run” after sizing has completed. Thus, the user can choose to do sizing, not do a “normal” calculation with the design day definitions but then go ahead and run the full simulation year. Some advanced sizing methods require also running HVAC Sizing Simulations.
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days
Building Information, BUILDING, 30.000,City, 0.04000, 0.40000,FullExterior,25
This shows the values put in for the Building Object in the IDF.
Inside Convection Algorithm[LINK]
! <Inside Convection Algorithm>, Value {Simple | Detailed | CeilingDiffuser}
Inside Convection Algorithm,Simple
This shows the global inside (interior) convection algorithm selected by the IDF value. This may be overridden by zone entries or even surface entries.
Outside Convection Algorithm[LINK]
! <Outside Convection Algorithm>, Value {Simple | Detailed ! TARP ! MoWitt ! DOE-2 ! BLAST}
Outside Convection Algorithm,Simple
This shows the global outside (exterior) convection algorithm selected by the IDF value. This may be overridden by zone entries or even surface entries.
Solution Algorithm[LINK]
! <Solution Algorithm>, Value {CTF | EMPD | CONDFD | HAMT},Inside Surface Max Temperature Limit{C}
Solution Algorithm, CTF,200
This shows the solution algorithm approach selected by the IDF value and Inside Surface Max Temperature override or default value.
Sky Radiance Distribution[LINK]
! <Sky Radiance Distribution>, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
This shows the solution algorithm approach used in the simulation. As this value cannot be changed by the user, it is shown for information only.
Site Atmospheric Variation[LINK]
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.330,460.000,6.500000E-003
This shows actual values used for Site Atmospheric Variations.
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations[LINK]
! <Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations> [Annual Simulations], Calculation Method, Value {days}, Allowable Number Figures in Shadow Overlap {}, Polygon Clipping Algorithm, Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations, AverageOverDaysInFrequency, 20, 15000, SutherlandHodgman, SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling
This shows how many days between the re-calculation of solar position during a weather file simulation. While a smaller number of days will lead to a more accurate solar position estimation (solar position is important in shadowing as well as determining how much solar enters the space), it also increases the calculation time necessarily to complete the simulation. The default, re-calculating every 20 days, gives a good compromise. The allowable number of figures in a shadow overlap can be increased if necessary for the model. There are two calculation methods available: AverageOverDaysInFrequency (default) and DetailedTimestepIntegration.
AirflowNetwork Model:Control[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation
AirflowNetwork Model:Control,MultizoneWithoutDistribution
This shows the AirflowNetwork Model:Control selected by the IDF value in the object AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl.
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>, Wind Direction #1 to n (degree)
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction, 0.0,30.0,60.0,90.0,120.0,150.0,180.0,210.0,240.0,270.0,300.0,330.0
Field: <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>[LINK]
This field contains the field name “AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction”.
Field: Wind Direction #1 to n[LINK]
These values are the wind directions corresponding to the first through the Nth wind pressure coefficient value. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = Input in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind directions described here are the inputs specified in the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:WindPressureCoefficientArray object,. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = SurfaceAverageCalculation in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind directions are also described here and are fixed at 30 degree increments.
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients[LINK]
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients>, Name, Wind Pressure Coefficients #1 to n (dimensionless)
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, NFACADE_WPCVALUE, 0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, EFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, SFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002,-0.56,-0.56,-0.42
AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, WFACADE_WPCVALUE, -0.56,-0.56,-0.42,-0.37,-0.42,-0.56,-0.56,4.00E-002,0.48,0.60,0.48,4.00E-002
Field: < AirflowNetwork Model: Wind Pressure Coefficients>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “AirflowNetwork Model: Wind Pressure Coefficients” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This is the WindPressureCoefficientValues object name entered from the IDF.
Field: Wind Pressure Coefficients #1 to n[LINK]
These values are the wind pressure coefficient for the building façade. These wind pressure coefficient values correspond to the first through Nth wind directions reported above for <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = INPUT in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind pressure coefficients described here are the inputs specified in the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Wind Pressure Coefficient Values object,. If Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = SurfaceAverageCalculation in the AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl object, the wind pressure coefficients are calculated internally and also described here.
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier[LINK]
! <Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier>, Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier, Moisture Capacity Multiplier, Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier, Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
This shows the zone volume capacitance multipliers selected by the IDF value or defaulted. The object for this item is ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial.
Field: Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective heat capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Moisture Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective moisture capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective carbon dioxide capacitance of the zone air volume.
Field: Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier[LINK]
Value used to alter the effective generic contaminant capacitance of the zone air volume.
Surface Geometry[LINK]
! <SurfaceGeometry>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System,Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System,Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System
Surface Geometry, UpperLeftCorner, Counterclockwise, RelativeCoordinateSystem, RelativeCoordinateSystem, RelativeToZoneOrigin
This shows the expected order of the vertices for each surface. The object for this item is GlobalGeometryRules.
Field: Starting Corner[LINK]
Value used to designate which corner the surface(s) start with.
Field: Vertex Input Direction[LINK]
Value whether the coordinates for the surface are entered clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Field: Coordinate System[LINK]
Value whether the coordinate system is World/Absolute or Relative.
Field: Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System[LINK]
If daylighting is used, this describes the coordinate system for entering daylight reference points.
Field: Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System[LINK]
For simple surfaces (Wall, Window, Door, and so forth) the coordinate system that is used to describe their starting point.
Program Control[LINK]
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS). IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number Nominal Surfaces, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 2, 60, N/A
More examples:
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, Not Set, 1, 6, N/A
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, Yes,2, Not Set, Not Set, 1, 1, 46, N/A
This describes the threading that may be active for the simulation. The ProgramControl object is used for this output. As described in that object, only the Interior Radiant Exchange calculation has been exposed to use threading, goal being to speed up calculations but may not always be the most beneficial.
Field: Threading Supported[LINK]
The compile of the program has to support threading (OpenMP for now). If it is compiled thus, this field will be Yes. Otherwise it will be No.
Field: Maximum Number of Threads[LINK]
Regardless of whether the compile has supported threading, the system is queried for the number of threads possible – that number is entered in this field.
Field: Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS)[LINK]
The Environment Variable OMP_NUM_THREADS can be manually inserted to set the number of system threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown. This is a system variable, but suggest that you use the following environment variable if you want to manually control the number of threads.
Field: EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS)[LINK]
The Environment Variable EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS can be manually inserted to set the number of system threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown.
Field: IDF Set Threads[LINK]
If you use the ProgramControl object in your IDF, you can again manually control the number of threads to be used. This would be reported here if set. If not set, Not Set will be shown.
Field: Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange)[LINK]
This is the number of threads that was actually used in the Interior Radiant Exchange routines (which calculates the interior surface temperatures).
Field: Number Nominal Surfaces[LINK]
This is the number of “nominal” surfaces (based on surface objects) that a quick calculation from the program has found. If the number of surfaces is not greater than 30, then the number of threads to be used will be set by the program to 1.
Field: Number Parallel Sims[LINK]
This is the number of windowed/parallel simulations being run simultaneously as set by EP-Launch or other scripts distributed with the EnergyPlus program. Third party distributions may also set this item.
Climate Group Outputs[LINK]
Climate related variables appear in two places for EnergyPlus outputs. Certain objects that are invariant throughout a simulation period have lines appear in the eplusout.eio file:
! <Environment:Weather Station>,Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal],Temperature Modifier Coefficient [Internal]
Environment:Weather Station,10.000,0.140,270.000,1.500,1.586,9.750E-003
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation, 0.220, 370.000, 0.006500
! <Location>, Location Name, Latitude, Longitude, Time Zone Number, Elevation {m}
Location, DENVER COLORADO, 39.75, -104.87, -7.00, 1610.26
In addition for each “environment” simulated, information about the environment is shown:
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Savings, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:Design_Day_Misc>,DayOfYear,ASHRAE A Coeff,ASHRAE B Coeff,ASHRAE C Coeff,Solar Constant-Annual Variation,Eq of Time {minutes}, Solar Declination Angle {deg}, Solar Model
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
For example, a DesignDay:
Environment,PHOENIX ARIZONA WINTER,DesignDay, 1/21, 1/21,MONDAY, 1,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,DesignDay
Environment:Design_Day_Misc, 21,1228.9,0.1414,5.7310E-002,1.0,-11.14,-20.0
A Design RunPeriod:
Environment,EXTREME SUMMER WEATHER PERIOD FOR DESIGN,User Selected WeatherFile Typical/Extreme Period (Design) = Summer Extreme,07/13,07/19,SummerDesignDay, 7,Use RunPeriod Specified Day,No ,No ,No ,No ,No
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,RunPeriod Object
Environment:WarmupDays, 3
Or a RunPeriod (Name listed in the RunPeriod output is dependent on user input for the RunPeriod object – when a blank is input, the name of the weather file location is used):
Environment,CHICAGO IL TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300,WeatherRunPeriod, 1/ 1,12/31,SUNDAY,365,UseWeatherFile,Yes,Yes,No
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,
Environment:Special Days,NEW YEARS DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 1/ 1, 1
Environment:Special Days,MEMORIAL DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 5/31, 1
Environment:Special Days,INDEPENDENCE DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 7/ 5, 1
Environment:Special Days,LABOR DAY,Holiday,WeatherFile, 9/ 6, 1
Environment:Special Days,THANKSGIVING,Holiday,WeatherFile,11/25, 1
Environment:Special Days,CHRISTMAS,Holiday,WeatherFile,12/25, 1
Environment:WarmupDays, 4
Note that in this display, using “weekend rule” and specific date holidays, the actual observed dates are shown in the output display – in the example above, Independence Day (July 4) is actually observed on July 5.
Climate Group – Simple Outputs[LINK]
Some of the climate outputs are a “simple” group. The “header” line is followed immediately by the data line.
This output represents the location data used for the simulation. Note that if a runperiod is used, the IDF “Location” is ignored and the location from the weather file is used instead.
Field: <Location>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Location”.
Field: Location Name[LINK]
This is the name given to the location whether from the IDF or the weather file.
Field: Latitude[LINK]
This is the latitude of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for North of the Equator and negative (-) values for South of the Equator. For example, S 30° 15’ is expressed as –30.25.
Field: Longitude[LINK]
This is the longitude of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for East of the Greenwich meridian and negative (-) values for West of the Greenwich meridian. For example, E 130° 45’ is expressed as +130.75.
Field: Time Zone Number[LINK]
This is the time zone of the site, expressed decimally. Convention uses positive (+) values for GMT+ (Longitude East of the Greenwich meridian) and negative (-) values for GMT- (Longitude West of the Greenwich meridian). For example, the time zone for Central US time is –6. The time zone for parts of Newfoundland is –3.5 (-3 hours, 30 minutes from GMT).
Field: Elevation {m}[LINK]
This is the elevation of the site. Units are m.
Weather Station[LINK]
Field: Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m}[LINK]
This is the wind sensor height above ground for weather data measurements.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Exponent[LINK]
The wind speed profile exponent for the terrain surrounding the weather station.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m}[LINK]
The wind speed profile boundary layer thickness [m] for the terrain surrounding the weather station.
Field: Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m}[LINK]
The height [m] above ground for the air temperature sensor.
Field: Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal][LINK]
This field is intended to provide a slight help for the user to determine the calculations that will be used to calculate the Wind Speed at a specific height at the site.
The full calculation for Local Wind Speed is:
The Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient [Internal] simplifies the equation to:
Where the Wind Speed Modifier encapsulates:
Field:Temperature Modifier Coefficient [Internal][LINK]
This field is intended to provide a slight help for the user to determine the calculations that will be used to calculate the air (dry-bulb) or wet-bulb temperature at a specific height at the site.
The site temperature modifier coefficient (TMC) is defined as:
Then, the temperature at a height above ground is calculated as:
Site Atmospheric Variation[LINK]
Field: Wind Speed Profile Exponent[LINK]
The wind speed profile exponent for the terrain surrounding the site.
Field: Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m}[LINK]
The wind speed profile boundary layer thickness [m] for the terrain surrounding the site.
Field: Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}[LINK]
The air temperature gradient coefficient [K/m] is a research option that allows the user to control the variation in outdoor air temperature as a function of height above ground. The real physical value is 0.0065 K/m.
Ground Temperatures and Ground Reflectances[LINK]
! <Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface, 20.03, 20.03, 20.13, 20.30, 20.43, 20.52, 20.62, 20.77, 20.78, 20.55, 20.44, 20.20
! <Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod, -1.89, -3.06, -0.99, 2.23, 10.68, 17.20, 21.60, 22.94, 20.66, 15.60, 8.83, 2.56
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Deep>, Months From Jan to Dec {Deg C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <Site:GroundReflectance>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier, 1.000, 1.000
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting>, Months From Jan to Dec {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
Ground Temperatures[LINK]
Field: <GroundTemperatures>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “GroundTemperatures”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Ground Temperatures[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground temperatures by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Units are C.
Ground Reflectance[LINK]
Field: <GroundReflectances>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “GroundReflectances”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Ground Reflectances[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers[LINK]
It is generally accepted that snow resident on the ground increases the basic ground reflectance. EnergyPlus allows the user control over the snow ground reflectance for both “normal ground reflected solar” calculations (see above) and snow ground reflected solar modified for daylighting. This is the display of the user entered or defaulted values.
Field: <Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers”.
Field: Normal[LINK]
This field is the value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is used to modified the basic monthly ground reflectance when snow is on the ground (from design day input or weather data values).
Field: Daylighting[LINK]
This field is the value between 0.0 and 1.0 which is used to modified the basic monthly ground reflectance when snow is on the ground (from design day input or weather data values).
Snow Ground Reflectance[LINK]
This data is the result of using the Snow Ground Reflectance modifier and the basic Ground Reflectance value.
Field: <GroundReflectances>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow GroundReflectances”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Snow Ground Reflectances[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the snow ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Snow Ground Reflectance for Daylighting[LINK]
This data is the result of using the Snow Ground Reflectance for Daylighting modifier and the basic Ground Reflectance value.
Field: < Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting>[LINK]
This data field will contain the constant “Snow GroundReflectances For Daylighting”.
Field Set (1-12) – Monthly Snow Ground Reflectances for Daylighting[LINK]
There will be a set of 12 numbers – the ground reflectances by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Climate Group – Not so Simple Outputs[LINK]
For each “environment” simulated, a set of outputs is produced. The header group is only produced once. (The Design Day Misc header is produced only when there is a design day.)
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Saving, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:Design_Day_Misc>,DayOfYear,ASHRAE A Coeff,ASHRAE B Coeff,ASHRAE C Coeff,Solar Constant-Annual Variation,Eq of Time {minutes}, Solar Declination Angle {deg}
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment Line[LINK]
Each “environment” (i.e. each design day, each run period) will have this line shown.
Field: <Environment>[LINK]
This field will have the constant “Environment” in each data line.
Field:Environment Name[LINK]
This field will have the “name” of the environment. For example, the design day name (“DENVER COLORADO SUMMER”) or the weather file location name (“BOULDER CO TMY2-94018 WMO# = 724699”).
Field:Environment Type[LINK]
This will be “DesignDay” for design day simulations and “WeatherRunPeriod” for weather file run periods.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
This will have the month/day that is the starting date for the simulation period. (7/21, for example).
Field: End Date[LINK]
This will have the month/day that is the ending date for the simulation period. Note that Design Days are only one day and the end date will be the same as the start date.
Field: Start DayOfWeek[LINK]
For weather periods, this will be the designated starting day of week. For design days, it will be the day type listed for the design day object (e.g. SummerDesignDay or Monday).
Field: Duration {#days}[LINK]
Number of days in the simulation period will be displayed in this field. Design days are only 1 day.
Field: Source:Start DayOfWeek[LINK]
This field will list the “source” of the Start Day of Week listed earlier. This could be the RunPeriod command from the input file or the Weather File if the UseWeatherFile option was chosen in the RunPeriod command. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Use Daylight Saving[LINK]
This field reflects the value of the Use Daylight Saving field of the RunPeriod object. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Use Holidays[LINK]
This field reflects the value of the Use Holidays field of the RunPeriod object. For design days, this will be “N/A”.
Field: Apply Weekend Holiday Rule[LINK]
For design days, this will show “N/A”. For weather periods, this will show “Yes” if the Apply Weekend Holiday Rule is in effect or “No” if it isn’t.
Design Day Misc Line[LINK]
This line is shown for each design day simulated. It is not shown for sizing runs that do not subsequently use the design day as a simulation period.
Field: <Design Day Misc>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:Design_Day_Misc”.
This is the Julian day of year for the design day (i.e. Jan 1 is 1, Jan 31 is 31).
Field:ASHRAE A Coeff[LINK]
Reference ASHRAE HOF 30 – this is the A Coefficient in Wh/m2 calculated from EnergyPlus.
Field:ASHRAE B Coeff[LINK]
Likewise, this is the ASHRAE B Coefficient (dimensionless).
Field:ASHRAE C Coeff[LINK]
This is the ASHRAE C Coefficient (dimensionless).
Field:Solar Constant-Annual Variation[LINK]
This is the calculated solar constant using the given location and day of year.
Field:Eq of Time {minutes}[LINK]
This is the calculated equation of time (minutes) using the given location and day of year.
Field: Solar Declination Angle {deg}[LINK]
This is the solar declination angle for the day of year, degrees.
Special Day Line[LINK]
Field: <Environment:Special Days>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:SpecialDays”.
Field: Special Day Name[LINK]
This is the user designated name for the special day.
Field: Special Day Type[LINK]
This shows the type for the special day (e.g. Holiday).
Field: Source[LINK]
This will display “InputFile” if it was specified in the IDF or “WeatherFile” if it came from the weather file designation.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
This shows the starting date as month/day (e.g. 7/4).
Field: Duration {#days}[LINK]
This shows how many days the special day period continues. Usually, holidays are only 1 day duration.
Daylight Saving Line[LINK]
Field: <Environment:Daylight Saving>[LINK]
This is a constant that will display “Environment:DaylightSaving”.
Field: Daylight Saving Indicator[LINK]
This will be Yes if daylight saving is to be observed for this simulation period and No if it is not observed.
Field: Source[LINK]
This will show the source of this invocation (or non-invocation). Inputfile if DaylightSavingPeriod was entered (weather files only), WeatherFile if used in the Weather file and selected in the Run Period object and designday if that was the source.
Field: Start Date[LINK]
If the indicator field is Yes, then this field will be displayed and the month/day (e.g. 4/1) that starts the daylight saving period observance will be shown.
Field: End Date[LINK]
If the indicator field is Yes, then this field will be displayed and the month/day (e.g. 10/29) that ends the daylight saving period observance will be shown.
Zone Outputs[LINK]
Zone Summary[LINK]
An overall zone summary is shown:
! <Zone Summary>, Number of Zones, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces
Zone Summary,19,158,12
As indicated:
Field: <Zone Summary>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Zone Summary”.
Field: Number of Zones[LINK]
This field will contain the number of zones in the simulation.
Field: Number of Surfaces[LINK]
This field will contain the total number of surfaces in the simulation.
Field: Number of SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field will contain the total number of subsurfaces in the simulation.
Zone Information[LINK]
Each zone is summarized in a simple set of statements as shown below:
! <Zone Information>,Zone Name,North Axis {deg},Origin X-Coordinate {m},Origin Y-Coordinate {m},Origin Z-Coordinate {m},Centroid X-Coordinate {m},Centroid Y-Coordinate {m},Centroid Z-Coordinate {m},Type,Zone Multiplier,Zone List Multiplier,Minimum X {m},Maximum X {m},Minimum Y {m},Maximum Y {m},Minimum Z {m},Maximum Z {m},Ceiling Height {m},Volume {m3},Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall},Zone Outside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-Tarp-MoWitt-DOE-2-BLAST}, Floor Area {m2},Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2},Exterior Net Wall Area {m2},Exterior Window Area {m2}, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces, Number of Shading SubSurfaces, Part of Total Building Area
Zone Information, PSI FOYER,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,8.56,-1.80,2.27,1,1,1,0.00,16.34,-9.51,4.88,0.00,6.10,3.81,368.12,Detailed,DOE-2,96.62,70.61,70.61,106.84,6,1,0,Yes
Zone Information, DORM ROOMS AND COMMON AREAS,0.0,0.00,6.10,0.00,18.35,11.26,3.05,1,1,1,3.57,31.70,-4.75,25.36,0.00,6.10,6.10,2723.33,Detailed,DOE-2,445.93,312.15,267.56,52.59,10,22,0,Yes
Zone Information, LEFT FORK,-36.9,0.00,31.70,0.00,22.07,31.46,3.05,1,1,1,19.02,25.12,25.36,37.55,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,135.64,50.17,6,10,0,Yes
Zone Information, MIDDLE FORK,0.0,4.88,35.36,0.00,31.21,28.41,3.05,1,1,1,25.12,37.31,21.70,35.11,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,155.71,30.10,6,1,0,Yes
Zone Information, RIGHT FORK,36.9,10.97,35.36,0.00,36.70,20.48,3.05,1,1,1,29.99,43.40,15.85,25.12,0.00,6.10,6.10,453.07,Detailed,DOE-2,74.32,185.81,135.64,50.17,6,10,0,Yes
Field: <Zone Information>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Zone Information” for each line.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the Zone Name entered from the IDF.
Field: North Axis {deg}[LINK]
This is the North Axis entered from the IDF. Note that this is used primarily in the positioning of the building when “relative” coordinates are used – however, the Daylighting:Detailed object also uses this. Units are degrees, clockwise from North.
Fields: X Origin {m}, Y Origin {m}, Z Origin {m}[LINK]
This is the origin vertex {X,Y,Z} entered from the IDF. Note that this is used primarily in the positioning of the building when “relative” coordinates are used – however, the Daylighting:Detailed object also uses this. Units are m.
Field: TypeField: Multiplier[LINK]
This is the multiplier (must be integral) entered from the IDF.
Field: Ceiling Height {m}[LINK]
This is the ceiling height entered, if any, in the IDF. Ceiling height is also heuristically calculated from the surfaces in the zone – however, not all surfaces need to be entered and sometimes the user would rather enter the ceiling height for the zone. If no ceiling height was entered (i.e. the default of 0), this field will be the calculated value. A minor warning message will be issued if the calculated value is significantly different than the entered value. Units are m.
Field: Volume {m3}[LINK]
Like the ceiling height, this user can also enter this value in the IDF. Volume is also heuristically calculated using the ceiling height (entered or calculated) as well as the calculated floor area (see later field). If entered here, this value will be used rather than the calculated value. A minor warning message will be issued if the calculated value is significantly different than the entered value. Units are m3.
Field: Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall}[LINK]
The interior convection algorithm shown earlier (entire building) can be overridden for each zone by an entry in the individual Zone object. This field will show which method is operational for the zone.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the floor surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior wall surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Net Wall Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior wall surfaces entered for the zone. Any sub-surface area is subtracted from the gross area to determine the net area. Units are m2.
Field: Exterior Window Area {m2}[LINK]
This field is calculated from the exterior window surfaces entered for the zone. Units are m2.
Field: Number of Surfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of base surfaces in the zone.
Field: Number of SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of subsurfaces (windows, doors, glass doors and the list) in the zone.
Field: Number of Shading SubSurfaces[LINK]
This field is a count of the number of shading surfaces (overhangs, fins) for the zone.
Field: Part of Total Building Area[LINK]
This field displays “Yes” when the zone is to be considered part of the total building floor area or “No” when it’s not to be considered. This consideration has no impact on simulation but on reporting. Namely, when the value is “no”, the zone is not part of the Total Floor Area as shown in the Annual Building Utility Performance Summary tables. In addition, when “No” is specified, the area is excluded from both the conditioned floor area and the total floor area in the Building Area sub table and the Normalized Metrics sub tables.
Internal Gains Outputs[LINK]
Zone Internal Gains[LINK]
Nominal Zone Internal Gains (people, lights, electric equipment, etc.) are summarized:
! <Zone Internal Gains/Equipment Information - Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {m2},# Occupants,Area per Occupant {m2/person},Occupant per Area {person/m2},Interior Lighting {W/m2},Electric Load {W/m2},Gas Load {W/m2},Other Load {W/m2},Hot Water Eq {W/m2},Steam Equipment {W/m2},Sum Loads per Area {W/m2},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat
Zone Internal Gains, PLENUM-1,463.60,0.0,N/A,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,9.015,0.111,15.974,10.649,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.624,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,8.547,0.117,16.006,10.670,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.676,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE3-1,96.48,11.0,8.771,0.114,16.418,10.945,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,27.363,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,8.547,0.117,16.006,10.670,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,26.676,No
Zone Internal Gains, SPACE5-1,182.49,20.0,9.125,0.110,16.242,10.828,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,27.070,No
Field: <Zone Internal Gains/Equipment Information - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Zone Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the Zone Name entered from the IDF.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area for the zone.
Field: # Occupants[LINK]
This is the nominal number of occupants (from the PEOPLE statements).
Field: Area per Occupant {m2/person}[LINK]
This is the Zone Floor Area per occupant (person).
Field: Occupant per Area {person/m2}[LINK]
This is the number of occupants per area.
Field: Interior Lighting {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the lighting (Lights) per floor area.
Field: Electric Load {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the electric equipment load (Electric Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Gas Load {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the gas equipment load (Gas Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Other Load {W/m2[LINK]
This is the other equipment load (Other Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Hot Water Eq {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the hot water equipment load (Hot Water Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Steam Equipment {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the steam equipment load (Steam Equipment) per floor area.
Field: Sum Loads per Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the nominal sum of loads per area (equipment). This metric can be useful for incorrect (too much) loads in a zone.
Field: Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat[LINK]
This field is “yes” if there is outdoor controlled baseboard heat in a Zone.
People Gains[LINK]
! <People Internal Gains - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People
People Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 11.0, 0.111, 9.015, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 11
People Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 5.0, 0.117, 8.547, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 5
People Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 11.0, 0.114, 8.771, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 11
People Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 5.0, 0.117, 8.547, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 5
People Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 PEOPLE 1, OCCUPY-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 20.0, 0.110, 9.125, 0.300, 0.700, AutoCalculate, ACTSCHD, No, 3.8200E-008, 0, 20
Field: <People Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “People Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the People statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of occupancy fraction – the fraction is applied to the number of occupants for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the people/occupants.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Number of People[LINK]
This is the specific number of people for this statement (nominal).
Field: People/Floor Area {person/m2}[LINK]
This value represents the number of people density (this statement) per area (zone floor area).
Field: Floor Area per person {m2/person}[LINK]
This is the floor area per person (this statement)
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for each person (this statement).
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for each person (this statement).
Field: Sensible Fraction Calculation[LINK]
This field will show “Autocalculate” if the default calculation for sensible fraction of load is to be used. Or a specific value can be entered. If so, that value will be displayed.
Field: Activity level[LINK]
This field will show the activity level schedule name.
Field: ASHRAE 55 Warnings[LINK]
If this field shows “yes”, then ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings are enabled. If “no”, then no ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings are calculated or issued.
The following fields are shown only when one of the Comfort calculations (Fanger, KSU, Pierce) is used.
Field: MRT Calculation Type[LINK]
This field’s value will be one of the valid MRT calculation types (Zone Averaged, Surface Weighted, Angle Factor).
Field: Work Efficiency[LINK]
This field will be the work efficiency schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Clothing[LINK]
This field will be the clothing schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Air Velocity[LINK]
This field will be the air velocity schedule name for this people statement.
Field: Fanger Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if Fanger calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: Pierce Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if Pierce calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: KSU Calculation[LINK]
This field will be “yes” if KSU calculations are enabled for this people statement; otherwise it will be “no”.
Field: Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate[LINK]
This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate per person with units of m3/s-W. The total carbon dioxide generation rate from this object is:
Number of People * People Schedule * People Activity * Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate. The default value is 3.82E-8 m3/s-W (obtained from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 value at 0.0084 cfm/met/person over the general adult population). The maximum value can be 10 times the default value.
Field: Nominal Minimum Number of People[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum number of people based on the number of people field * the minimum value (annual) for the people schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Number of People[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum number of people based on the number of people field * the maxnimum value (annual) for the people schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Lights Gains[LINK]
! <Lights Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Lighting Level {W}, Lights/Floor Area {W/m2}, Lights per person {W/person}, Fraction Return Air, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Short Wave, Fraction Convected, Fraction Replaceable, End-Use Category, Nominal Minimum Lighting Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Lighting Level {W}
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 1584.000, 15.974, 144.000, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 79.200, 1584.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 684.000, 16.006, 136.800, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 34.200, 684.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 1584.000, 16.418, 144.000, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 79.200, 1584.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 684.000, 16.006, 136.800, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 34.200, 684.000
Lights Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 LIGHTS 1, LIGHTS-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 2964.000, 16.242, 148.200, 0.200, 0.590, 0.200, 1.000E-002, 0.000, GeneralLights, 148.200, 2964.000
Field: <Lights Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Lights Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the Lights statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of lights fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal lighting level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the lights.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal lighting level (this statement) in Watts.
Field: Lights/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Lights per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Return Air[LINK]
This is the fraction return air for this statement.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Short Wave[LINK]
This is the fraction short wave for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this lighting level.
Field: Fraction Replaceable[LINK]
This is the fraction replaceable for this lighting level. For daylighting calculations, this value should either be 0 (no dimming control) or 1 (full dimming control).
Field: End-Use Category[LINK]
This field shows the end-use category for this lights statement. Usage can be reported by end-use category.
Field: Nominal Minimum Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of lighting in Watts based on the calculated lighting level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the lights schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Lighting Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of lighting in Watts based on the calculated lighting level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the lights schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Equipment (Electric, Gas, Steam, Hot Water) Gains[LINK]
These equipments are all reported similarly. Electric Equipment is used in the example below:
! <ElectricEquipment Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Equipment Level {W}, Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}, Equipment per person {W/person}, Fraction Latent, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Lost, Fraction Convected, End-Use SubCategory, Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE1-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE1-1, 99.16, 11.0, 1056.000, 10.649, 96.000, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 21.120, 950.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE2-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE2-1, 42.74, 5.0, 456.000, 10.670, 91.200, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 9.120, 410.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE3-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE3-1, 96.48, 11.0, 1056.000, 10.945, 96.000, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 21.120, 950.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE4-1, 42.74, 5.0, 456.000, 10.670, 91.200, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 9.120, 410.400
ElectricEquipment Internal Gains, SPACE5-1 ELECEQ 1, EQUIP-1, SPACE5-1, 182.49, 20.0, 1976.000, 10.828, 98.800, 0.000, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700, General, 39.520, 1778.400
Field: <[Specific] Equipment Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field will contain the type of equipment internal gain in each line (i.e. Electric Equipment Internal Gains, Gas Equipment Internal Gains, …).
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the equipment statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal equipment level (in Watts) for the statement.
Field: Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Equipment per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Latent[LINK]
This is the fraction latent for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Lost[LINK]
This is the fraction lost (not attributed to the zone) for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: End-Use SubCategory[LINK]
This field shows the end-use category for this statement. Usage can be reported by end-use category.
Field: Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Other Equipment Gains[LINK]
Other equipment report is shown below (does not have an end-use category – is not attached to any normal meter):
! <OtherEquipment Internal Gains - Nominal>, Name, Schedule Name, Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants, Equipment Level {W}, Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}, Equipment per person {W/person}, Fraction Latent, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Lost, Fraction Convected, Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}, Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}
OtherEquipment Internal Gains, TEST 352A, ALWAYSON, ZONE ONE, 232.26, 0.0, 352.000, 1.516, N/A, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 352.000, 352.000
OtherEquipment Internal Gains, TEST 352 MINUS, ALWAYSON, ZONE ONE, 232.26, 0.0, -352.000, -1.516, N/A, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, -352.000, -352.000
Field: <Other Equipment Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “OtherEquipment Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the equipment statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This is the nominal equipment level (in Watts) for the statement.
Field: Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2}[LINK]
This is the watts per floor area (this statement)
Field: Equipment per person {W/person}[LINK]
This is the watts per person that this statement represents.
Field: Fraction Latent[LINK]
This is the fraction latent for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Lost[LINK]
This is the fraction lost (not attributed to the zone) for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated minimum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the minimum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Field: Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}[LINK]
This numeric field is the calculated maximum amount of the equipment in Watts based on the calculated design level (above) * the maximum value (annual) for the equipment schedule. It may be useful in diagnosing errors that occur during simulation.
Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat[LINK]
! <Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Capacity at Low Temperature {W},Low Temperature {C},Capacity at High Temperature {W},High Temperature {C},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,End-Use Subcategory
Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains, SPACE4-1 BBHEAT 1,EQUIP-1,SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,1500.000,0.000,500.000,10.000,0.500,0.500,Baseboard Heat
Field: <Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat Internal Gains” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the baseboard heat statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of equipment fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal equipment level for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the equipment.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Capacity at Low Temperature {W}[LINK]
This is the capacity (in Watts) of the equipment at low outdoor temperature.
Field: Low Temperature {C}[LINK]
This is the low outdoor temperature (dry-bulb) for the capacity in the previous field. If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is at or below the low temperature, thebaseboard heater operates at the low temperature capacity.
Field: Capacity at High Temperature {W}[LINK]
This is the capacity (in Watts) of the equipment at high outdoor temperature.
Field: High Temperature {C}[LINK]
This is the high outdoor temperature (dry-bulb) for the capacity in the previous field. If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is exceeds the high temperature, thebaseboard heater turns off.
Field: Fraction Radiant[LINK]
This is the fraction radiant for this equipment.
Field: Fraction Convected[LINK]
This is the fraction convected for this equipment.
Field: EndUse Subcategory[LINK]
This field shows the enduse category for this statement. Usage can be reported by enduse category.
Simple Airflow Outputs[LINK]
Infiltration, Ventilation, Mixing, Cross Mixing Statistics[LINK]
Infiltration, Ventilation, Mixing, Cross Mixing are only specified when the Airflow Model is “Simple” (no Airflow Network).
! <Infiltration Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,3.200E-002,3.227E-004,4.372E-004,0.482,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE2-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,1.400E-002,3.276E-004,3.838E-004,0.488,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE3-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE3-1,96.48,11.0,3.200E-002,3.317E-004,4.372E-004,0.482,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE4-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE4-1,42.74,5.0,1.400E-002,3.276E-004,3.838E-004,0.488,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats, SPACE5-1 INFIL 1,INFIL-SCH,SPACE5-1,182.49,20.0,6.200E-002,3.397E-004,N/A,0.499,0.000,0.000,0.224,0.000
Field: <Infiltration Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Infiltration Airflow Stats” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the infiltration statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the infiltration.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the infiltration in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for infiltration.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per exterior surface area (flow rate per exterior area) for infiltration.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given infiltration rate.
Field: Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient[LINK]
Actual infiltration amount is an equation based value:
This field value is the A coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C}[LINK]
This field value is the B coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}[LINK]
This field value is the C coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}[LINK]
This field value is the D coefficient in the above equation.
! <Ventilation Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Fan Type {Exhaust;Intake;Natural/None},Fan Pressure Rise {?},Fan Efficiency {},Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2},Minimum Indoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum Indoor Temperature/Schedule,Delta Temperature/Schedule,Minimum Outdoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum Outdoor Temperature/Schedule,Maximum WindSpeed
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 VENTL 1,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,5.295E-002,5.340E-004,4.814E-003,0.797,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,MININDOORTEMP,MAXINDOORTEMP,DELTATEMP,MINOUTDOORTEMP,MAXOUTDOORTEMP,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE1-1 VENTL 2,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE1-1,99.16,11.0,5.295E-002,5.340E-004,4.814E-003,0.797,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,MININDOORTEMP,MAXINDOORTEMP,DELTATEMP,MINOUTDOORTEMP,MAXOUTDOORTEMP,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, SPACE2-1 VENTL 1,NIGHTVENTSCHED,SPACE2-1,42.74,5.0,7.030E-002,1.645E-003,1.406E-002,2.450,Intake,67.000,0.7,1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,18.00,100.00,2.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, RESISTIVE ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,RESISTIVE ZONE,37.16,3.0,2.000E-002,5.382E-004,6.667E-003,0.636,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, EAST ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,EAST ZONE,37.16,3.0,2.000E-002,5.382E-004,6.667E-003,0.636,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Ventilation Airflow Stats, NORTH ZONE VENTL 1,INF-SCHED,NORTH ZONE,55.74,4.0,2.000E-002,3.588E-004,5.000E-003,0.424,Natural,0.000,1.0,0.606,2.020E-002,5.980E-004,0.000,18.00,100.00,1.00,-100.00,100.00,40.00
Field: <Ventilation Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Ventilation Airflow Stats” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the ventilation statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the ventilation.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the ventilation in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for ventilation.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for ventilation.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given ventilation rate.
Field: Fan Type {Exhaust;Intake;Natural}[LINK]
This field shows the entered value for the type of ventilation [NATURAL, EXHAUST, or INTAKE]. Natural ventilation is the air movement/exchange a result of openings in the building façade and does not consume any fan energy. For either EXHAUST or INTAKE, values for fan pressure and efficiency define the fan electric consumption. For NATURAL and EXHAUST ventilation, the conditions of the air entering the space are assumed to be equivalent to outdoor air conditions. For INTAKE ventilation, an appropriate amount of fan heat is added to the air stream.
Field: Fan Pressure Rise {Pa}[LINK]
Operational when Fan Type is INTAKE or EXHAUST, this is the pressure rise experienced across the fan in Pascals (N/m2). This is a function of the fan and plays a role in determining the amount of energy consumed by the fan.
Field: Fan Efficiency[LINK]
Operational when Fan Type is INTAKE or EXHAUST, this is the total fan efficiency (a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0). This is a function of the fan and plays a role in determining the amount of energy consumed by the fan.
Field: Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient[LINK]
Actual ventilation amount is an equation based value:
This field value is the A coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C}[LINK]
This field value is the B coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}[LINK]
This field value is the C coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}[LINK]
This field value is the D coefficient in the above equation.
Field: Minimum Indoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the indoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum Indoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the indoor temperature (in Celsius) above which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Delta Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the temperature difference (in Celsius) between the indoor and outdoor air dry-bulb temperatures below which ventilation is shutoff. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Minimum Outdoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the outdoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shut off. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum Outdoor Temperature{C}/Schedule[LINK]
This is the outdoor temperature (in Celsius) above which ventilation is shut off. As the values can also be entered as a schedule, the schedule name may be listed here rather than a temperature.
Field: Maximum WindSpeed{m/s}[LINK]
This is the wind speed (m/s) above which ventilation is shut off.
! <Mixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,From/Source Zone,Delta Temperature {C}
Mixing Airflow Stats, RESISTIVE ZONE MIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,RESISTIVE ZONE,37.16,3.0,5.000E-002,1.345E-003,1.667E-002,1.589,EAST ZONE,0.00
Field: <Mixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Mixing Airflow Stats” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the mixing.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for mixing.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for mixing.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given mixing rate.
Field: From/Source Zone[LINK]
This is the source zone for the mixing rate.
Field: Delta Temperature {C}[LINK]
This number controls when mixing air from the source zone is sent to the receiving zone. This parameter is a temperature {units Celsius}. If this field is positive, the temperature of the zone from which the air is being drawn (source zone) must be “Delta Temperature” warmer than the receiving zone air or else no mixing occurs. If this field is negative, the temperature of the source zone must be “Delta Temperature” cooler than the receiving zone air or else no mixing occurs. If this parameter is zero, mixing occurs regardless of the relative zone temperatures.
Cross Mixing[LINK]
! <CrossMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2},Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,From/Source Zone,Delta Temperature {C}
CrossMixing Airflow Stats, EAST ZONE XMIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,EAST ZONE,37.16,3.0,0.100,2.691E-003,3.333E-002,3.178,NORTH ZONE,1.00
CrossMixing Airflow Stats, NORTH ZONE XMIXNG 1,ZONE MIXING,NORTH ZONE,55.74,4.0,0.100,1.794E-003,2.500E-002,2.119,EAST ZONE,1.00
Field: <CrossMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “CrossMixing Airflow Stats” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the name of the Zone for the mixing.
Field: Zone Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: # Zone Occupants[LINK]
This is the total number of occupants for the zone.
Field: Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s/m2}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per floor area (flow rate per floor area) for mixing.
Field: Volume Flow Rate/person Area {m3/s/person}[LINK]
This field is the volume flow rate density per person (flow rate per person) for mixing.
Field: ACH - Air Changes per Hour[LINK]
This field is the air changes per hour for the given mixing rate.
Field: From/Source Zone[LINK]
This is the source zone for the mixing – air is exchanged equally between the two zones.
Field: Delta Temperature {C}[LINK]
This number controls when mixing air from the source zone is sent to the receiving zone. This parameter is a temperature {units Celsius}. If this field is positive, the temperature of the zone from which air is being drawn (“source zone”) must be “Delta Temperature” warmer than the zone air or no mixing occurs. If this field is zero, mixing occurs regardless of the relative air temperatures. Negative values for “Delta Temperature” are not permitted.
RefrigerationDoor Mixing[LINK]
! <RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>, Name, Zone 1 Name, Zone 2 Name, Door Opening Schedule Name, Door Height {m},Door Area {m2},Door Protection Type
RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats, FREEZER1_SUBFREEZER1, FREEZER_1, SUBFREEZER, FREEZER1DOORSCHEDA, 1.800, 2.300, StripCurtain
RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats, FREEZER5_COOLER2, COOLER_2, FREEZER_5, FREEZER5DOORSCHEDA, 1.800, 2.300, AirCurtain
Field: <RefrigerationDoorMixing Airflow Stats - Nominal>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “RefrigerationDoor Airflow Stats” for each line.
Field: Name[LINK]
This field contains the name of the mixing statement from the IDF file.
Field: Zone 1 Name[LINK]
This is the name of one of the two Zones for the mixing.
Field: Zone 2 Name[LINK]
This is the name of the other Zone for the mixing.
Field: Door Opening Schedule Name[LINK]
This is the schedule of use fraction – the fraction is applied to the nominal volume flow rate for the statement. Limits are [0,1].
Field: Door Height {m}[LINK]
This is the nominal flow rate for the mixing in m3/s.
Field: Door Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area (m2) of the zone.
Field: Door Protection Type[LINK]
This is one of three keywords, None, StripCurtain, or AirCurtain.
Shading Summary[LINK]
Similar to the Zone Summary, the Shading Summary:
! <Shading Summary>, Number of Fixed Detached Shades, Number of Building Detached Shades, Number of Attached Shades
Shading Summary,0,6,14
Field: <Shading Summary>[LINK]
This field contains the constant “Shading Summary”.
Field: Number of Fixed Detached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of fixed detached shades (e.g. Shading:Site or Shading:Site:Detailed) in the simulation.
Field: Number of Building Detached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of building relative detached shades (e.g. Shading:Building or Shading:Building:Detailed) in the simulation.
Field: Number of Attached Shades[LINK]
This field contains the number of building attached shading surfaces (e.g. Overhang, Shading:Zone:Detailed, etc.) in the simulation.
Surface Details Report[LINK]
A good example of this is the surface details report(s) (Output:Surfaces:List, Details; Output:Surfaces:List, Vertices; Output:Surfaces:List, DetailsWithVertices;). Excerpt from the file:
Line 1:! <Zone/Shading Surfaces>,<Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces,# Surfaces, Vertices are shown starting at Upper-Left-Corner = > Counter-Clockwise = > World Coordinates
Line 2:! <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>,Surface Name,Surface Class, Base Surface,Construction,Nominal U (w/o film coefs),Nominal U (with film coefs),Area (Net), Area (Gross), Area (Sunlit Calc), Aimuth, Tilt, ~Width, ~Height, Reveal, <ExtBoundCondition>, <ExtConvCoeffCalc>, <IntConvCoeffCalc>,<SunExposure>,<WindExposure>,ViewFactorToGround,ViewFactorToSky,ViewFactorToGround-IR,ViewFactorToSky-IR,#Sides, {Vertex 1},,, {Vertex 2},,, {Vertex 3},,, {Vertex 4}, ,,{etc}
Line 3: ! <Units>,,,,,{W/m2-K},{W/m2-K},{m2},{m2},{m2},{deg},{deg},{m},{m},{m},,,,,,,,,,X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m}
Ex Line 1: Shading_Surfaces,Number of Shading Surfaces, 10
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,WEST SIDE BUSHES,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 180.0, 180.0, 180.0, 90.0, 90.0, 60.00, 3.00,,,,,,,,,,, 4, -5.00, 0.00, 3.00, -5.00, 0.00, 0.00, -5.00, 60.00, 0.00, -5.00, 60.00, 3.00
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,EAST SIDE TREE1,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 270.0, 90.0, 20.00, 50.99,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 70.00, 30.00, 50.00, 70.00, 40.00, 0.00, 70.00, 20.00, 0.00
Ex Line 2: Shading_Surface,EAST SIDE TREE2,Detached Shading:Building,,,,, 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0, 90.0, 20.00, 50.99,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 70.00, 30.00, 50.00, 80.00, 30.00, 0.00, 60.00, 30.00, 0.00
Ex Line 1: Zone_Surfaces,HEARTLAND AREA, 35
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,,EXTERIOR,0.644, 0.588, 136.0, 200.0, 136.0, 180.0, 90.0, 20.0, 10.0, 0.00,ExternalEnvironment,ASHRAEDetailed,ASHRAEDetailed,SunExposed,WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.67, 0.33, 4, 20.00, 10.00, 10.00, 20.00, 10.00, 0.00, 40.00, 10.00, 0.00, 40.00, 10.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL001:WIN001,Window,ZN001:WALL001,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW,N/A,6.121, 64.00000, 64.00000, 64.00000,180.0, 90.0, 8.00, 8.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.71, 0.29, 4, 26.00, 10.00, 8.10, 26.00, 10.00, 0.10, 34.00, 10.00, 0.10, 34.00, 10.00, 8.10
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,,EXTERIOR,0.644,0.588, 155.0, 200.0, 155.0, 90.0, 90.0, 20.00, 10.00, 0.00,ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.73, 0.27, 4, 50.00, 20.00, 10.00, 50.00, 20.00, 0.00, 50.00, 40.00, 0.00, 50.00, 40.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002:WIN001,Window,ZN001:WALL002,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW,N/A,6.121, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 90.0, 90.0, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.76, 0.24, 4, 50.00, 22.20, 7.30, 50.00, 22.20, 2.30, 50.00, 25.20, 2.30, 50.00, 25.20, 7.30
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface,ZN001:WALL002:WIN002,Window,ZN001:WALL002,SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW, N/A, 6.121, 15.00, 15.00, 15.00, 90.00, 90.00, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.71, 0.29, 4, 50.00, 28.50, 7.30, 50.00, 28.50, 2.30, 50.00, 31.50, 2.30, 50.00, 31.50, 7.30
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN001:WALL002:WIN003, Window, ZN001:WALL002, SINGLE PANE HW WINDOW, N/A, 6.121, 15.00, 15.00, 15.00, 90.00, 90.00, 3.00, 5.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.77, 0.23, 4, 50.00, 35.30, 7.30, 50.00, 35.30, 2.30, 50.00, 38.30, 2.30, 50.00, 38.30, 7.30
<reduced for brevity>
Ex Line 1: Zone_Surfaces,MAINE WING, 12
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:WALL001, Wall, , EXTERIOR, 0.644, 0.588, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 180.00, 90.00, 10.00, 10.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.50, 0.50, 0.74, 0.26, 4, 50.00, 40.00, 10.00, 50.00, 40.00, 0.00, 60.00, 40.00, 0.00, 60.00, 40.00, 10.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:FLR001, Floor, , SLAB FLOOR, 17.040, 3.314, 400.00, 400.00, 400.00, 90.00, 180.00, 20.00, 20.00, 0.00, Ground, N/A-Ground, ASHRAEDetailed, NoSun, NoWind, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 4, 60.00, 40.00, 0.00, 40.00, 40.00, 0.00, 40.00, 60.00, 0.00, 60.00, 60.00, 0.00
Ex Line 2: HeatTransfer_Surface, ZN005:ROOF001, Roof, , ROOF31, 0.790, 0.688, 400.00, 400.00, 400.00, 180.00, 0.00, 20.00, 20.00, 0.00, ExternalEnvironment, ASHRAEDetailed, ASHRAEDetailed, SunExposed, WindExposed, 0.00, 1.00, 2.41E-002, 0.98, 4, 40.00, 60.00, 10.00, 40.00, 40.00, 10.00, 60.00, 40.00, 10.00, 60.00, 60.00, 10.00
Description of the Detailed Surfaces Report(s)[LINK]
The preceding excerpt includes the surface details and vertices. You can also obtain the report with just the details or just the vertices.
Line 1:! <Zone/Shading Surfaces>,<Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces,# Surfaces, Vertices are shown starting at Upper-Left-Corner = > Counter-Clockwise = > World Coordinates
When a line is shown with the comment character (!) in the first position, it signifies a informational “header” record for the report. In addition, “Line 1” is also a header for the subsequent “real” surface lines.
Field: <Zone/Shading Surfaces>[LINK]
This field is a dual purpose field. For beginning of the Shading Surfaces, it will show “Shading_Surfaces”. At each Zone, it will show “Zone_Surfaces”.
Field: <Zone Name>/#Shading Surfaces[LINK]
This field is a dual purpose field. It will either show the Zone Name of the subsequent surfaces or the “Number of Shading Surfaces” for the entire building.
Field: # Surfaces[LINK]
This field, then, specifies the number of surfaces of the type (zone or shading) that will follow.
The example lines illustrate:
Shading_Surfaces,Number of Shading Surfaces, 10
Zone_Surfaces,HEARTLAND AREA, 35
Zone_Surfaces,MAINE WING, 12
Line 2:! <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>, Surface Name, Surface Class, Base Surface, Construction, Nominal U (w/o film coefs), Nominal U (with film coefs), Area (Net), Area (Gross), Area (Sunlit Calc), Azimuth, Tilt, ~Width, ~Height, Reveal, <ExtBoundCondition>, <ExtConvCoeffCalc>, <IntConvCoeffCalc>, <SunExposure>, <WindExposure>, ViewFactorToGround, ViewFactorToSky, ViewFactorToGround-IR, ViewFactorToSky-IR, #Sides, {Vertex 1},,, {Vertex 2},,, {Vertex 3},,, {Vertex 4}, ,,{etc}
Line 3: ! <Units>,,,,,{W/m2-K},{W/m2-K},{m2},{m2},{m2},{deg},{deg},{m},{m},{m},,,,,,,,,,X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m},X {m},Y {m},Z {m}
Line 2 shows the full detail of each surface record with Line 3 used for illustrating the units of individual fields (as appropriate).
The first four fields (<HeatTransfer/ShadingSurface>,Surface Name, Surface Class, Base Surface) are included in all the Surface reports (Details, Vertices, Details with Vertices).
Field: <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>[LINK]
For shading surfaces, this will be a constant “Shading_Surface”. For heat transfer surfaces, this will be a constant “HeatTransfer_Surface”. For Frame and Divider Surfaces, it will be a constant “Frame/Divider_Surface” with the proper type showing in the Surface Class.
Field: Surface Name[LINK]
This field will contain the actual surface name as entered in the IDF.
Field: Surface Class[LINK]
This field contains the surface class (e.g. Window, Door, Wall, Roof) as entered in the IDF.
Field: Base Surface[LINK]
This field contains the base surface name if this surface is a sub-surface (i.e. Window, Door).
Fields in Details and Details with Vertices report.[LINK]
Field: Construction[LINK]
This field will contain the name of the construction used for the surface. (Will be empty for shading surfaces).
Field: Nominal U (w/o film coefs)[LINK]
A nominal thermal conductance for the surface is calculated for the surface. It does not include interior or exterior film coefficients as this is calculated during the simulation and is dependent on several factors that may change during the simulation time period. Units for this field are W/m2-K.
For windows, no value is reported because the film coefficients cannot be removed from the U-value.
Field: Nominal U (with film coefs)[LINK]
A nominal thermal conductance for the surface is calculated for the surface, including film coefficients. Units for this field are W/m2-K.
For opaque surfaces, interior and exterior film coefficients are added to the surface construction based on the prescribed R-values for interior and exterior film coefficients as found in ASHRAE 90.1-2004, Appendix A, and shown below: The SI values are the exact values used inside EnergyPlus.NOTE: The resulting “Nominal U with film coefs” is only for comparison purposes with the ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. Actual film coefficients are calculated during the simulation and are dependent on several factors that may change during the simulation time period.
For windows, the “Nominal U with film coefs” is calculated using the following assumptions from the WINDOW 5 program (also NFRC winter conditions):
Indoor air temperature = 21 C (69.8 F)
Outdoor air temperature = -18 C (-.4 F)
Exterior film coefficient = 26 W/m2 (4.58 ft2-F-hr/BTU)
Interior film coefficient = Calculated by EnergyPlus convection algorithm
No incident solar beam radiation
Field: Area (Net)[LINK]
When surfaces are entered, the gross area of the surface is calculated from the vertices (except for Internal Mass where it is entered directly). As net area is needed in the calculations, any sub-surfaces to the primary surface are subtracted from the original gross area. This field will show the final “net” area for the surface. For example, walls with windows will have the multiplier (of the window) * window area subtracted from the gross amount. Likewise, any divider area (including multipliers) for the window will be subtracted. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Area (Gross)[LINK]
This field shows the gross area of the surface. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Area (Sunlit Calc)[LINK]
This field shows the net area for the purposes of sunlit/shading calculations. For these, only 1 unit of a multiplied window/door is subtracted from the gross area of a wall that the window/door is on. This net area includes the frame area (if any) for the windows on the wall. For windows, this value includes the divider area of the window. Thus for both frames and dividers, there will be a * in this field – since the areas are included in the wall/window areas. Units for this field are m2.
Field: Azimuth[LINK]
Using the specified vertices for the surface (and order of entry), EnergyPlus can determine the outward facing normal angle for the surface. That angle is displayed in this field. Units for this field are degrees.
Field: Tilt[LINK]
Using the specified vertices for the surface (and order of entry), EnergyPlus can determine the tilt of the surface with respect to “horizontal”. That angle is displayed in this field. Units for this field are degrees.
Field: ~Width[LINK]
This field (approximate width of the surface) is calculated and filled by EnergyPlus from the entered vertices. Some parts of EnergyPlus use a width and height rather than the more detailed vertex/area calculations. Units for this field are m.
Field: ~Height[LINK]
This field (approximate height of the surface) is calculated and filled by EnergyPlus from the entered vertices. Some parts of EnergyPlus use a width and height rather than the more detailed vertex/area calculations. Units for this field are m.
Field: Reveal[LINK]
This field is calculated for sub-surfaces with respect to their base surfaces using the entered vertices, plane of the two surfaces, and distance between the planes. Reveal may be important in shading of windows, in particular. Units for this field are m.
Field: <ExtBoundCondition>[LINK]
This field shows the exterior boundary condition for the surface. If this is a surface that is “external” the values will be ExternalEnvironment or Ground. If this surface is an interzone surface, this value will be the surface name in the “other” zone. If this surface is an internal surface, this value will be the same as the surface name. If this is a special surface with “Other Side Coefficients”, the value will be the OtherSideCoefficient name (see description of OtherSideCoefficient reporting later in this document). If this is a special surface with “Other Side Condition Model”, the value will be the OtherSideConditionModel name.
Field: <ExtConvCoeffCalc>[LINK]
The value for this field will be a descriptor of the External Convection Coefficient calculation. If this surface uses Other Side Coefficients, this field will display N/A-OSC. If this surface uses Other Side Condition Model, this field will display N/A-OSCM. Ground surfaces will display N/A-Ground. If this is an interior or inter-zone surface, it will display Other/Same Surface Int Conv. If a schedule is used, it will display User Supplied Schedule. If a constant value is supplied by the user, it will display User Supplied Value. The standard values may also be displayed here (e.g. ASHRAEDetailed).
Field: <IntConvCoeffCalc>[LINK]
The value for this field will be a descriptor of the Internal Convection Coefficient calculation. If a schedule is used, it will display User Supplied Schedule. If a constant value is supplied by the user, it will display User Supplied Value. The standard values may also be displayed here (e.g. ASHRAEDetailed).
Field: <SunExposure>[LINK]
The value for this field will be SunExposed or NoSun. Internal surfaces should have NoSun exposure.
Field: <WindExposure>[LINK]
The value for this field will be WindExposed or NoWind. Internal surfaces should have NoWind exposure.
Field: ViewFactorToGround[LINK]
This value has been entered as part of the surface description. View factor to ground is described in the Input Output Reference document during the Surface:HeatTransfer description.
Field: ViewFactorToSky[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces.
Field: ViewFactorToGround-IR[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces. Shadowing surfaces are considered to have the same emissivity and temperature as the ground, so they are lumped together with the ground in calculating the ground IR view factor.
Field: ViewFactorToSky-IR[LINK]
This value is calculated by EnergyPlus based on surface tilt and shadowing surfaces.
Field: #Sides[LINK]
This value is the number of sides / vertices the surface has.
Fields in Vertices Reports[LINK]
Field Set: Vertex x [X {m}, Y {m}, Z {m}][LINK]
For each side of the surface, the vertices are shown in three separate fields (comma separated) in the EnergyPlus “standard” coordinate order (Upper Left Corner first, Counter-Clockwise, World Coordinates). Units for each vertex is m.
Calculating with Surface Details Report[LINK]
It is reasonably easy to import this data into a spreadsheet and then calculate glazing area percentage based on wall facing direction:
Figure 3. Surface Details with Window/Wall % calculated
Surface Convection Parameters[LINK]
When detailed surface reports are requested, extra information on the surfaces related to how convection coefficients are calculated are also output to the EIO file. The first block of data relates to overall geometry parameters assigned to each surface and has the following header
! <Surface Convection Parameters>, Surface Name, Outside Model Assignment , Outside Area [m2], Outside Perimeter [m], Outside Height [m], Inside Model Assignment, Inside Height [cm], Inside Perimeter Envelope [m], Inside Hydraulic Diameter [m], Window Wall Ratio [ ],Window Location [ ], Near Radiant [T/F], Has Active HVAC [T/F]
With example data record.
Surface Convection Parameters,PERIMETER_ZN_1_WALL_SOUTH,0,84.45,61.48,3.05,0,3.05,27.69,6.94,0.24,0, F, F
Field: Outside Model Assignment[LINK]
This is an integer code for the type of model assigned to the outside face, if a specific model has been assigned. Surface(SurfLoop)%ExtConvCoeffField: Outside Area[LINK]
This is the area used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the area of the larger group of surfaces that this surfaces is a part of. [m2]
Field Outside Perimeter[LINK]
This is the length of edge used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the perimeter for a larger group of surfaces that surface is a part of. [m]
Field: Outside Height[LINK]
This is the height scale used for convection calculations for the outside face. It is intended to be a model of the overall height of a larger group of surfaces that this surface is a part of. [m]
Field: Inside Model Assignment[LINK]
This is an integer code for the type of model assigned to the inside face, if a specific model has been assigned. Surface(SurfLoop)%IntConvCoeff
Field: Inside Height[LINK]
This is the height scale used for convection calculations for the inside face. It is intended to be for the entire zone. [m]
Field: Inside Perimeter Envelope[LINK]
This is the length scale for the zone for the amount of exterior envelope with glazing. It is the length of wall that has glazed exterior.[m]
Field: Inside Hydraulic Diameter[LINK]
This is the length scale for horizontal surfaces in the zone. It is calculated using 4 * area/ perimeter and is used for natural convection on the floor or ceiling. [m]
Field: Window to Wall Ratio[LINK]
This is the ratio of exterior window area to exterior wall area. It is for the zone. [non dimensional]
Field: Window Location[LINK]
This is an integer code for relative window positioning. It is used for some inside face correlations.
Field: Near Radiant[LINK]
This is a true or false flag indicating if this surfaces is near a radiant HVAC unit. If “T” then surface is is modeled as near a radiant HVAC device. If “F” then surface is normal.
Field: Has Active HVAC[LINK]
This is a true or false flag indicating if this surface has active HVAC elements inside it. If “T” then surface is modeled has having HVAC pipes or element inside it making it active for heating or cooling. If “F” then surface is normal.
OtherSideCoefficient Outputs[LINK]
For the most part, the output for the Other Side Coefficients represents the input as entered. The header record for the Other Side Coefficients output is shown below:
Line 1: ! Other Side Coefficients,Name,Combined convective/radiative film coefficient,User selected Constant Temperature,Coefficient modifying the constant temperature term,Coefficient modifying the external dry bulb temperature term,Coefficient modifying the ground temperature term,Coefficient modifying the wind speed term {s/m},Coefficient modifying the zone air temperature term,Constant Temperature Schedule Name
Field: Other Side Coefficients[LINK]
This field will be filled with the text OtherSideCoefficients.
The report describes the actions for the following equation:
The coefficients listed above are used in the following equation:
Field: Name[LINK]
This is the unique name entered for the OtherSideCoefficient. Note that the surface it applies to will have this name in the <ExtBoundCondition> field.
Field: Combined convective/radiative film coefficient[LINK]
This field is a trigger value. When entered as >0, it is used as the combined convective/radiative film coefficient. The other fields in the OtherSideCoefficient object are used then as well: the remaining fields are used first to calculate the outdoor air temperature for the surface and then to calculate the outside surface temperature based on the outdoor air temperature and the film coefficient. If this field contains N/A, then the remaining fields are used to calculate the surface temperature (not the outdoor air temperature).
Field: User selected Constant Temperature[LINK]
This field is a temperature that remains a constant part of the calculation either of the surface or outdoor air temperature. When the schedule option is used, this field will show N/A. The parameter in the equation for this or the schedule value is C5.
Field: Coefficient modifying the constant temperature term[LINK]
This field is multiplied to the previous field when a simple number is entered. This parameter is shown as C4 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless. The value of this parameter should be 1.0 if a schedule is used to set C5.
Field: Coefficient modifying the external dry bulb temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This parameter is shown as C3 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Coefficient modifying the ground temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the ground temperature. This parameter is shown as C6 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Coefficient modifying the wind speed term {s/m}[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the product of the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature and the wind speed. This parameter is shown as C7 in the equation. This parameter has dimensions of inverse velocity or s/m.
Field: Coefficient modifying the zone air temperature term[LINK]
This field defines a constant coefficient that is applied to the temperature of the zone to which this surface belongs. This parameter is shown as C2 in the equation. This parameter is dimensionless.
Field: Constant Temperature Schedule Name[LINK]
This field is used to supply a schedule name. That schedule supplies the “constant” temperature value C5. Note that the value of the C4 field should normally be 1.0 if a schedule is used for C5. If this field contains a value, then constant temperature field will be N/A in this report.
Construction Element Outputs[LINK]
An optional report (contained in eplusout.eio) gives calculated elements for the materials and constructions used in the input. One report is specific to opaque constructions (note that nominal thermal conductance is calculated).
The report is invoked by including the following in the IDF:
Line 1:! <Construction>,Construction Name,#Layers,#CTFs,Time Step {hours},ThermalConductance {w/m2-K},OuterThermalAbsorptance,InnerThermalAbsorptance,OuterSolarAbsorptance,InnerSolarAbsorptance,Roughness
Line 2:! <Material>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {w/m-K},Density {kg/m3},Specific Heat {J/kg-K},ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
Line 3:! <Material:Air>,Material Name,ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
Line 4:! <CTF>,Time,Outside,Cross,Inside,Flux (except final one)
Ex Line 1: Construction,EXTWALL09, 4,10, 0.250,2.545 , 0.900, 0.900, 0.930, 0.920,Rough
Ex Line 2: Material,A2 - 4 IN DENSE FACE BRICK, 0.1015, 1.245, 2082.400, 920.480, 0.8151E-01
Ex Line 2: Material:Air,B1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE, 0.1604
Ex Line 2: Material,C3 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE BLOCK, 0.1015, 0.813, 977.126, 836.800, 0.1249
Ex Line 2: Material,E1 - 3 / 4 IN PLASTER OR GYP BOARD,0.0191,0.726, 1601.846, 836.800, 0.2622E-01
Ex Line 3: CTF, 10, 0.13890138E-11, 0.95367648E-14, 0.62566281E-10, -0.39500133E-14
Ex Line 3: CTF, 9, -0.32803336E-08, 0.29933755E-10, -0.60855613E-07, 0.10196216E-10
Ex Line 3: CTF, 8, 0.23798948E-05, 0.21201413E-07, 0.21649376E-04, -0.88463084E-08
Ex Line 3: CTF, 7, -0.58681847E-03, 0.38118098E-05, -0.26539198E-02, 0.25879187E-05
Ex Line 3: CTF, 6, 0.46201324E-01, 0.18871269E-03, 0.12095720 , -0.26290432E-03
Ex Line 3: CTF, 5, -1.2828328 , 0.27337395E-02, -2.1646103 , 0.91268499E-02
Ex Line 3: CTF, 4, 13.603723 , 0.11920108E-01, 17.065325 , -0.12663354
Ex Line 3: CTF, 3, -62.546625 , 0.15112689E-01, -64.276824 , 0.73877389
Ex Line 3: CTF, 2, 133.27916 , 0.47414487E-02, 120.00640 , -1.9706501
Ex Line 3: CTF, 1, -130.02410 , 0.22383019E-03, -106.88260 , 2.3359193
Ex Line 3: CTF, 0, 46.959981 , 0.53137072E-06, 36.168919
Opaque Constructions[LINK]
Description of the Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
The Opaque Construction report has 3 parts for each construction.
Part 1 is the construction name along with some derived values for the entire construction (i.e. Thermal Conductance) as well as noting other details about the surface (# CTFs, # Layers).
Part 2 shows the material layers for the construction. This is essentially just an echo of the entered properties of the materials from the IDF.
Part 3 shows the CTFs as calculated for the Construction. CTFs are described more completely in the Engineering Reference document.
Fields in Part 1 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Field: <Construction>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Construction” for each Construction line.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
This is the name of the construction as entered in the IDF.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
This is the number of material layers inferred from the construction entry in the IDF. Material layers are listed “outside” to “inside” of the construction. This, of course, depends on the placement of the surface in the building – the “outside” of an internal surface is the layer that is closest to whatever the surface touches whereas the “inside” of an internal surface is the layer that shows in the surface’s “zone”. The outside of an external surface is the layer that faces the outside environment and, again, the inside is the layer that shows in the zone.
Field: #CTFs[LINK]
This is the calculated number of CTFs (Conduction Transfer Functions). The conduction transfer functions are temperature and flux coefficients that characterize the thermal properties of the wall.
Field: Time Step[LINK]
The “timestep” in the construction line is the timestep at which the CTFs are valid. Because CTFs for certain constructions might not be stable at the user specified timestep (might be too “heavy” from a thermal mass standpoint), this may be different from the zone timestep (specified in “TimeStep in Hour”). In all cases though, this will be greater than or equal to the zone timestep. If the timestep for the construction is greater than the zone timestep, E+ will use interpolated histories to solve for the surface heat balances for this surface (see discussion on interpolated histories in the Engineering Reference document).
Field: Thermal Conductance[LINK]
This is the nominal thermal conductance of the construction calculated without film coefficients. Units are w/m2-K.
Field: Outer Thermal Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the thermal absorptance of the outer material layer.
Field: Inner Thermal Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the thermal absorptance of the inner material layer.
Field: Outer Solar Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the solar absorptance of the outer material layer.
Field: Inner Solar Absorptance[LINK]
This will be the solar absorptance of the inner material layer.
Field: Roughness[LINK]
The construction takes on the roughness from the outer material layer. Roughness is used in several parts of external environment calculations.
Fields in Part 2 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Line 2: ! <Material>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {w/m-K},Density {kg/m3},Specific Heat {J/kg-K},ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
In this version of part 2, the full material properties are entered by the user and displayed in the report.
Field: <Material>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material” for each material layer line.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
This is the name of the material as entered in the IDF.
Field: Thickness[LINK]
This is the entered thickness of the material. Units are m.
Field: Conductivity[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered conductivity in w/m-K. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Density[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered density in kg/m3. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Specific Heat[LINK]
For Material:Regular materials, this will be the entered specific heat in J/kg-K. For Material:Regular-R materials, this will be shown as 0.0.
Field: Thermal Resistance[LINK]
For Material:Regular-R materials, this is the entered thermal resistance in m2-K/w. For Material:Regular materials, this is the calculated thermal resistance based on the other properties.
Line 3: ! <Material:Air>,Material Name,ThermalResistance {m2-K/w}
In this version of part 2, only the thermal resistance of the air layer is entered by the user and displayed in the report.
Field: <Material:Air>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:Air” for each material layer line.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
This is the name of the material as entered in the IDF.
Field: Thermal Resistance[LINK]
This is the entered thermal resistance in m2-K/w.
Fields in Part 3 – Opaque Construction Report[LINK]
Line 4: ! <CTF>,Time,Outside,Cross,Inside,Flux (except final one)
In part 3, the CTF calculations are shown. It is necessary to use the conduction transfer functions labeled “Inside” and “Cross” to calculate the heat flux at the inside surface and the conduction transfer functions labeled “Outside” and “Cross” to calculate the heat flux at the outside surface. Inside and outside coefficients will be identical for symmetric walls.
Conduction through constructions such as walls, roofs, floors, etc. is generally characterized as one-dimensional and transient within EnergyPlus. The solution to this partial differential equation results in “conduction transfer functions” or CTFs. In a CTF equation, the current heat transfer flux due to conduction through a construction is a function of the current temperature at either face of the surface as well as the history of temperatures at either face and the history of conductive fluxes at this face. CTFs are a simplification of response factors which are based solely on temperature histories and require an “infinite” history. The inclusion of heat flux history terms reduces the overall number of terms in the equation for conductive flux significantly, resulting in a more efficient solution.
For each unique combination of materials, there are a unique set of CTFs. While there are other procedures to determine the CTFs for a particular construction, EnergyPlus uses a state-space method (see conduction transfer function documentation) to obtain the CTF coefficients. These coefficients are calculated once at the beginning of the simulation and are constant for a particular construction. The CTF equation itself is a linear equation with these constant coefficients.
Conduction heat transfer flux at the outside face of a particular surface is a function of the construction of the surface (which leads to the CTF coefficients), the current and previous temperatures at both the inside and outside face of the surface, and the previous conduction heat transfer fluxes at the outside surface. The CTF coefficients that would be used in this equation would be the “Outside” (multiplied by the temperature history at the outside face) terms, the “Cross” (multiplied by the temperature history at the inside face) terms, and the “Flux” (multiplied by the flux history at the outside face) terms. Solving for the conductive flux at the inside surface would require the use of the “Inside” (multiplied by the temperature history at the inside face) terms, the “Cross” (multiplied by the temperature history at the outside face) terms, and the “Flux” (multiplied by the flux history at the inside face) terms. A textual example is given below for illustration purposes:
Current Outside Conductive Flux = (Outside Term 0) * (Current Outside Face Temperature)
+(Outside Term 1) * (Previous Outside Face Temperature)
+(Outside Term 2) * (Outside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Outside Term 3) * (Outside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
+(Cross Term 0) * (Current Inside Face Temperature)
+(Cross Term 1) * (Previous Inside Face Temperature)
+(Cross Term 2) * (Inside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Cross Term 3) * (Inside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
+(Flux Term 1) * (Previous Outside Face Flux)
+(Flux Term 2) * (Outside Face Flux 2 Time Steps Ago)
+(Flux Term 3) * (Outside Face Flux 3 Time Steps Ago)
+ …
The number of terms is based on the CTF coefficient calculation routine and is related to the amount of thermal mass contained within a particular construction. Actual signs (positive or negative) of various terms in the preceding equation will vary based on their definition and use within the equation. Those interested in more details on the use and calculation of CTFs are encouraged to read the Engineering Documentation.
Field: <CTF>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “CTF” for each CTF coefficient line.
Field: Time[LINK]
This field “time” refers to the history term to which the coefficients are applied. The last line is the “zero” term that gets applied to the current values of temperatures. The line with a “1” refers to the temperatures and fluxes from the previous timestep–previous as in time minus one timestep. Timestep, in this case, is defined by the construction timestep (see description on “Fields in Part 1 – Opaque Construction Report”) not the zone timestep. Lines with other values are for previous timesteps at t-n(timestep). These are the terms that are used to model conduction through a construction.
Field: Outside[LINK]
Field: Cross[LINK]
Field: Inside[LINK]
Field: Flux (except final one)[LINK]
Window Constructions[LINK]
Description of the Windows Construction Report[LINK]
A separate report is available for windows (note that both nominal conductance and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient are calculated for windows). Like the opaque construction, the window construction report has multiple parts – in this case, 2.
Line 1: ! <WindowConstruction>,Construction Name,#Layers,Roughness,Conductance {W/m2-K},SHGC,SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid,VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid
Line 2: ! <WindowMaterial:Glazing>, Material Name, Optical Data Type, Spectral Data Set Name, Thickness {m}, Solar Transmittance,Front Solar Reflectance, Back Solar Reflectance, Visible Transmittance, Front Visible Reflectance,Back Visible Reflectance,Infrared Transmittance, Front Thermal Emissivity, Back Thermal Emissivity,Conductivity {W/m-K},Dirt Factor,Solar Diffusing
Line 3: ! <WindowMaterial:Gas>,Material Name,GasType,Thickness {m}
Line 4: ! <WindowMaterial:Shade>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,VisibleTransmittance,ShadeReflectance
Line 5: ! <WindowMaterial:Screen>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,Reflectance,VisibleReflectance,DiffuseReflectance,DiffuseVisibleReflectance,ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio,ScreenToGlassDistance {m}
Line 6: ! <WindowMaterial:Blind>,Material Name,SlatWidth {m},SlatSeparation {m},SlatThickness {m},SlatAngle {deg},SlatBeamSolarTransmittance,SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance,BlindToGlassDistance {m}
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH SCREEN, 4,MediumRough, 2.514, 0.555, 0.511, 0.589
WindowMaterial:Screen,BRIGHT ALUMINUM SCREEN 1, 0.00025, 2.210E+02, 0.272, 0.697, 0.166, 0.166, 0.195, 0.195, 0.165, 0.025
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH SHADE, 4,VerySmooth, 2.716, 0.482, 0.039, 0.050
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN,SpectralAverage,, 0.00300, 0.83700, 0.07500, 0.07500, 0.89800, 0.08100, 0.08100, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.90000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Shade,SHADE ROLL - LIGHT OPAQUE, 0.003, 1.000E-01, 0.900, 0.050, 0.050, 0.500
WindowConstruction,DOUBLE PANE WITH BLIND, 4,VerySmooth, 2.761, 0.714, 0.395, 0.456
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN, 0.003, 0.900, 0.837, 0.898, 0.840, 0.840, 0.075, 0.075, 0.081, 0.081, 1.000,NO
WindowMaterial:Gas,WINAIRB1 - AIRSPACE RESISTANCE,Air, 1.300E-02,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,GLASS - CLEAR SHEET 1 / 8 IN, 0.003, 0.900, 0.837, 0.898, 0.840, 0.840, 0.075, 0.075, 0.081, 0.081, 1.000,NO
WindowMaterial:Blind,INTERIOR BLIND, 0.0010, 0.0022, 0.0010, 0.000, 0.000, 0.200, 0.025
Fields in Part 1 – Window Construction Report[LINK]
Line 1: ! <WindowConstruction>,Construction Name,#Layers,Roughness,Conductance {W/m2-K},SHGC,SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid,VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid
Field: <WindowConstruction>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Construction” for each Window Construction line.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
This is the name of the window as entered in the IDF.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
This is the number of material layers inferred from the windows construction entry in the IDF. Material layers are listed “outside” to “inside” of the construction. This, of course, depends on the placement of the surface in the building – the “outside” of an internal surface is the layer that is closest to whatever the surface touches whereas the “inside” of an internal surface is the layer that shows in the surface’s “zone”. The outside of an external surface is the layer that faces the outside environment and, again, the inside is the layer that shows in the zone.
Field: Roughness[LINK]
The window construction takes on the roughness from the outer material layer. Roughness is used in several parts of external environment calculations.
Field: Conductance[LINK]
This is the center-of-glass conductance of the construction calculated with film coefficients, for winter conditions (indoor air temperature = 21C (69.8F), outdoor air temperature = -18C (-.4F), windspeed = 5.5 m/s (12.3 mph), no solar radiation). Units are W/m2-K.
This is the center-of-glass Solar Heat Gain Coefficient for summer conditions (indoor air temperature = 24C (75.2F), outdoor air temperature = 32C (89.6F), windspeed = 2.8 m/s (6.2 mph), 783 W/m2 (248 Btu/h-ft2) incident beam solar radiation normal to glazing.
The following transmittance and reflectance values are for the window glazing (plus shade, screen or blind, if present in the construction). For exterior windows, “front” means the side of the window facing the exterior environment and “back” means the side facing the zone. For interior windows, “front” means the side to window facing the zone and “back” means the side facing the adjacent zone.
Field: Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence (SolarTransmittanceNormalIncid)[LINK]
Transmittance at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence (VisibleTransmittanceNormalIncid)[LINK]
Transmittance normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye.
Fields in Part 2 – Window Construction Report[LINK]
Part 2 of the Window Construction Report encompasses several “lines”.
Line 2: ! <WindowMaterial:Glazing>, Material Name, Optical Data Type, Spectral Data Set Name, Thickness {m}, Solar Transmittance,Front Solar Reflectance, Back Solar Reflectance, Visible Transmittance, Front Visible Reflectance,Back Visible Reflectance,Infrared Transmittance, Front Thermal Emissivity, Back Thermal Emissivity,Conductivity {W/m-K},Dirt Factor,Solar Diffusing
Line 3: ! <WindowMaterial:Gas>,Material Name,GasType,Thickness {m}
Line 4: ! <WindowMaterial:Shade>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,VisibleTransmittance,ShadeReflectance
Line 5: ! <WindowMaterial:Screen>,Material Name,Thickness {m},Conductivity {W/m-K},ThermalAbsorptance,Transmittance,Reflectance,VisibleReflectance,DiffuseReflectance,DiffuseVisibleReflectance,ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio,ScreenToGlassDistance {m}
Line 6: ! <WindowMaterial:Blind>,Material Name,SlatWidth {m},SlatSeparation {m},SlatThickness {m},SlatAngle {deg},SlatBeamSolarTransmittance,SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance,BlindToGlassDistance {m}
Field: <Material:WindowGlass>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowGlass” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the glass layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the glass layer.
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Conductivity of the glass layer.
Field: SolarTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance normal incidence of the glass layer averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye.
Field: ThermalFrontAbsorptance[LINK]
Thermal emissivity of the front face of the glass layer.
Field: ThermalBackAbsorptance[LINK]
Thermal emissivity of the back face of the glass layer.
Field: SolarFrontReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the front face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: SolarBackReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the back face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleFrontReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the front face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: VisibleBackReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the back face of the glass layer at normal incidence averaged over the solar spectrum.
Field: GlassTransDirtFactor[LINK]
Glass transmittance dirt factor (1.0 is clear, no dirt factor).
Field: SolarDiffusing[LINK]
Solar Diffusing value – Yes if solar diffusing glass, No if not.
Field: <Material:WindowGas>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowGas” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the gas layer.
Field: GasType[LINK]
Type of the gas layer. Possibilities are Air, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Custom.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the gas layer.
Field: <Material:WindowShade>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowShade” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the window shade layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the window shade layer.
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Thermal conductivity of the window shade layer.
Field: ThermalAbsorptance[LINK]
Emissivity of the window shade layer (assumed same for front and back faces).
Field: SolarTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed same for beam solar radiation and diffuse solar radiation. Transmittance of beam solar radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence.
Field: VisibleTransmittance[LINK]
Transmittance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. Assumed same for beam visible radiation and diffuse visible radiation. Transmittance of beam visible radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence.
Field: ShadeReflectance[LINK]
Reflectance of the window shade layer averaged over the solar spectrum. Assumed same for beam solar radiation and diffuse solar radiation. Reflectance of beam solar radiation is assumed to be independent of angle of incidence. Reflectance is assumed to be the same for the front and back faces of the shade layer.
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowBlind” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: <Material:WindowBlind>[LINK]
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the blind layer.
Field: SlatWidth {m}[LINK]
Width of the slats in the blind.
Field: SlatSeparation {m}[LINK]
Distance between the centerline of adjacent slats.
Field: SlatThickness {m}[LINK]
Distance between front and back faces of a slat.
Field: SlatAngle {deg}[LINK]
This is the angle between the glazing outward normal and the slat outward normal, where the outward normal points away from the front face of the slat.
Field: SlatBeamSolarTransmittance[LINK]
The beam solar transmittance of the slat at normal incidence. Any transmitted beam radiation is assumed to be 100% diffuse (i.e., slats are translucent). Transmittance is assumed to have the same value at other angles of incidence.
Field: SlatBeamSolarFrontReflectance[LINK]
The beam solar reflectance at normal incidence on the front side of the slat. Assumed to have the same value at other angles of incidence (matte finish).
Field: BlindToGlassDistance {m}[LINK]
Distance from the mid-plane of the blind to the adjacent glass (m).
Field: <Material:WindowScreen>[LINK]
This will be filled with the constant “Material:WindowScreen” for each material of this type in the construction.
Field: Material Name[LINK]
Name of the window screen layer.
Field: Thickness {m}[LINK]
Thickness of the window screen layer (screen material diameter).
Field: Conductivity {w/m-K}[LINK]
Thermal conductivity of the window screen layer. This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material.
Field: ThermalAbsorptance[LINK]
Emissivity of the window screen layer (assumed same for front and back faces). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material.
Field: Transmittance[LINK]
Beam transmittance of the window screen layer including any inward reflections from the material surface if specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: Reflectance[LINK]
Solar reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material averaged over the solar spectrum. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: VisibleReflectance[LINK]
Visible reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). This is the effective value for the overall screen “assembly” including open spaces between the screen material averaged over the solar spectrum and weighted by the response of the human eye. The value reported here is for direct normal incidence.
Field: DiffuseReflectance[LINK]
Solar reflectance (diffuse-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). Reflectance of diffuse solar radiation is considered constant and applies to both the front and back surfaces of the screen. Diffuse reflectance is calculated by the model as an average value by integrating the screen’s solar reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) over a quarter hemisphere of incident radiation.
Field: DiffuseVisibleReflectance[LINK]
Visible reflectance (diffuse-to-diffuse) of the window screen layer accounting for inward-reflected beam solar radiation as specified (i.e., Material: WindowScreen, field Reflected Beam Transmittance Accounting Method). Visible reflectance of diffuse solar radiation is considered constant and applies to both the front and back surfaces of the screen. Diffuse visible reflectance is calculated by the model as an average value by integrating the screen’s visible beam reflectance (beam-to-diffuse) over a quarter hemisphere of incident radiation.
Field: ScreenMaterialDiameterToSpacingRatio[LINK]
The aspect ratio of the screen material. The aspect ratio is calculated as the ratio of the screen material diameter to screen material spacing.
Field: ScreenToGlassDistance {m}[LINK]
Distance from the mid-plane of the screen to the adjacent glass (m).
ThermoChromic Windows[LINK]
Windows with Thermochromic constructions are reported similarly to other window constructions. First, you see the window as entered in the IDF:
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.429, 0.242, 0.520
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT25,Spectral,WO18RT25SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
Then, there will be a list of window constructions reported with each one corresponding to a particular temperature of the thermochromic glazing layer. For example, the following excerpt shows a list of window constructions for the thermochromic window TCWINDOW at different temperature of the thermochromic layer - TCWINDOW_TC_25 at 25°C, TCWINDOW_TC_27 at 27°C, and TCWINDOW_TC_29 at 29°C. Detailed properties of the thermochromic glazing layer are also listed for each temperature - WO18RT25 at 25°C, WO18RT27 at 27°C, and WO18RT29 at 29°C.
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_25, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.429, 0.242, 0.520
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT25,Spectral,WO18RT25SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_27, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.424, 0.236, 0.504
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT27,Spectral,WO18RT27SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowConstruction,TCWINDOW_TC_29, 5,VerySmooth, 1.666, 0.419, 0.230, 0.490
WindowMaterial:Glazing,CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 3MM,Air, 3.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,WO18RT29,Spectral,WO18RT29SP, 0.00750, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.84000, 0.84000, 0.60000, 1.00000,No
WindowMaterial:Gas,AIR 8MM,Air, 8.000E-03,
WindowMaterial:Glazing,SB60CLEAR3PPG,Spectral,SB60CLEAR3PPGSP, 0.00328, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.03500, 0.84000, 1.00000, 1.00000,No
Complex Fenestration[LINK]
Complex fenestration is reported in a similar manner as other windows. The first line is the header, followed by details about each fenestration object (window).
! <WindowConstruction:Complex>,Construction Name,Index,#Layers,U-factor {W/m2-K},SHGC
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
Name of the complex fenestration construction.
Field: Index[LINK]
Index number in construction data.
Field: #Layers[LINK]
Number of solid layers in the complex fenestration construction. This number accounts for glass and shading layers.
Field: U-factor[LINK]
Complex fenestration U-factor according to ASHRAE winter conditions.
Complex fenestration solar heat gain coefficient according to ASHRAE summer conditions.
HAMT Cell Data[LINK]
This gives the surface name,the construction name, the origins and cell numbers of the cells used within the HAMT solutions algorithm. The cell numbering starts from the external surface to the internal surface.
! <HAMT origins>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell origins (m)
! <HAMT cells>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell Numbers
HAMT origins,SOUTH WALL,EXTERIOR WALL, 0.0000000, 0.0005729,
0.0026459, 0.0060000, 0.0093541, 0.0114271, 0.0128076, 0.0159588,
0.0219528, 0.0302028, 0.0399012, 0.0500988, 0.0597972, 0.0680472,
0.0740412, 0.0771924, 0.0785729, 0.0806459, 0.0840000, 0.0873541,
0.0894271, 0.0900000
WALL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Field: Surface Name[LINK]
Name of the Surface.
Field: Construction Name[LINK]
Name of the construction.
Field: Cell origins[LINK]
Origins of the Cells.
Field: Cell Numbers[LINK]
Numbers for the Cells.
Sizing Information[LINK]
The sizing information in the .eio file reflects the inputs and results for the zone, system and plant (component). Actual fields/details included depend on the “autosize” inputs.
Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation[LINK]
! <Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window>, Value
Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window, 1
Field: Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window[LINK]
The number of load timesteps in the zone design flow sequence averaging window. The default is 1, in which case the calculated zone design flow rates are averaged over the load timestep.
The zone design air flow rate calculation is performed assuming a potentially infinite supply of heating or cooling air at a fixed temperature. Thus, the calculated design air flow rate will always be able to meet any load or change in load no matter how large or abrupt. In reality air flow rates are limited by duct sizes and fan capacities. The idealized zone design flow calculation may result in unrealistically large flow rates, especially if the user is performing the sizing calculations using thermostat schedules with night setup or setback. The calculated zone design flow rates are always averaged over the load timestep. The user may want to perform a broader average to mitigate the effect of thermostat setup and setback and prevent the warm up or cool down flow rates from dominating the design flow rate calculation. Specifying the width of the averaging window allows the user to do this.
For example, if the load calculation timestep is 15 minutes and the user specifies the timesteps in averaging windowto be 4, the zone design air flows will be averaged over a time period of 1 hour. Specifying 8 would result in averaging over a 2 hour period.
Sizing Factor Information[LINK]
! <Sizing Factor Information>, Sizing Factor ID, Value
Sizing Factor Information, Global, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE1-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE2-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE3-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE4-1, 1.3000
Sizing Factor Information, Zone SPACE5-1, 1.3000
Field: Sizing Factor ID[LINK]
Sizing factors can be entered in two places: Sizing Parameters, Zone Sizing. If entered in the Sizing Parameters statement, the Sizing Factor ID is “Global” (applied to all if not specified). If entered in the Zone Sizing statement, the Zone and Zone Name designation are shown.
This sizing factor ratio is applied at the zone level to all of the zone heating and cooling loads and air flow rates. These new loads and air flow rates are then used to calculate the system level flow rates and capacities and are used in all of the component sizing calculations.
Field: Value[LINK]
This is the sizing factor ratio to be applied as described previously.
Zone Sizing Information[LINK]
! <Zone Sizing Information>, Zone Name, Load Type, Calc Des Load {W}, User Des Load {W}, Calc Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}, User Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}, Design Day Name, Date/Time of Peak, Temperature at Peak {C}, Humidity Ratio at Peak {kgWater/kgAir}, Floor Area {m2}, # Occupants, Calc Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE1-1, Cooling, 2502.43786, 3253.16922, 0.21023, 0.27329, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 16:00:00, 30.85800, 1.45947E-002, 99.16000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE1-1, Heating, 2606.90880, 3388.98144, 7.56806E-002, 0.10384, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:45:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 99.16000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE2-1, Cooling, 2038.79983, 2650.43978, 0.17125, 0.22263, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 10:15:00, 27.83525, 1.45947E-002, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE2-1, Heating, 1149.09174, 1493.81926, 3.33591E-002, 4.72000E-002, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 24:00:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE3-1, Cooling, 2318.10750, 3013.53976, 0.19473, 0.25315, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 15:00:00, 31.50000, 1.45947E-002, 96.48000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE3-1, Heating, 2589.95436, 3366.94067, 7.51884E-002, 0.10384, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:30:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 96.48000, 11.00000, 0.10384
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE4-1, Cooling, 2325.33534, 3022.93594, 0.19534, 0.25394, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 17:30:00, 29.46700, 1.45947E-002, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE4-1, Heating, 1143.87745, 1487.04068, 3.32077E-002, 4.72000E-002, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:30:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 42.73500, 5.00000, 4.72000E-002
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE5-1, Cooling, 2589.39474, 3366.21317, 0.21753, 0.28279, CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB = >MWB, 7/21 15:00:00, 31.50000, 1.45947E-002, 182.49000, 20.00000, 0.18880
Zone Sizing Information, SPACE5-1, Heating, 1706.17191, 2218.02348, 4.95314E-002, 0.18880, CHICAGO ANN HTG 99% CONDNS DB, 1/21 23:45:00, -17.30000, 8.38927E-004, 182.49000, 20.00000, 0.18880
Field: <Zone Sizing Information>[LINK]
This field just contains “Zone Sizing Information”.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This field contains the Zone Name.
Field: Load Type[LINK]
This field specifies which kind of load is being sized – Heating or Cooling.
Field: Calc Des Load {W}[LINK]
The unaltered zone load resulting from the zone sizing calculations, using the design weather and schedules specified in the input.
Field: User Des Load {W}[LINK]
User Des Load is the load after user specified adjustments and is the load actually used for sizing components. Following the calculations (as in the previous field) various adjustments can be made based on user input - the most obvious is a sizing factor; but it could also be something like cooling min air flow per zone area or just a user input design flow rate.
Field: Calc Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the calculated design air flow rate in m3/s. The calculated design air flow rate is the “non-adjusted” air flow rate. It is the air flow rate sufficient to meet the zone loads from the design day simulation.
Field: User Des Air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
User Des Air Flow Rate is the flow rate after user specified adjustments and is the flow rate actually used for sizing components. Following the calculations (as in the previous field) various adjustments can be made based on user input - the most obvious is a sizing factor; but it could also be something like cooling min air flow per zone area or just a user input design flow rate.
Field: Design Day Name[LINK]
This is the name of the design day or design run period that triggered the sizing calculations.
Field: Date/Time of Peak[LINK]
This is the date and time of the peak load (used for the sizing calculations).
Field: Temperature at Peak {C}[LINK]
This is the temperature (outdoor dry-bulb) at the time of the peak load.
Field: Humidity Ratio at Peak {kgWater/kgAir}[LINK]
This is the humidity ratio (outdoor) at the time of the peak load.
Field: Floor Area {m2}[LINK]
This is the floor area of the zone.
Field: # Occupants[LINK]
This is the number of occupants in the zone.
Field: Calc Outdoor air Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This is the calculated outdoor air flow rate.
System Sizing Information[LINK]
! <System Sizing Information>, System Name, Field Description, Value
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, Calculated Cooling Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, User Cooling Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.43343
System Sizing Information, VAV SYS 1, User Heating Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.43343
Field: <System Sizing Information>[LINK]
This field just contains “System Sizing Information”.
Field: System Name[LINK]
This field contains the system (Air Loop) name.
Field: Field Description[LINK]
This contains the field description and units.
Field: Value[LINK]
This contains the value of the field.
Note: “Calculated” values are the unaltered result of the system sizing calculations, using the design day weather and schedules given in the input. “User” values are the calculated values altered by various user inputs in Sizing:Zone and Sizing:System. For instance, sizing factors will alter the calculated values. Another example would be using the flow/system method to specify a system design flow rate.
Plant Coincident Sizing Algorithm[LINK]
A special report is issued to the eio file that provides details for the Coincident sizing option. Coincident plant sizing adjustments using HVAC Sizing Simulations run a sizing algorithm at the end of each Sizing Pass. The following report provides details on the calculations and observations from monitoring the previous Sizing Pass.
This field simply contains the words “Plant Sizing Coincident Flow Algorithm.”
Field: Plant Loop Name[LINK]
This field shows the name of the plant loop being analyzed.
Field: Sizing Pass[LINK]
This field shows which sizing pass has just completed prior to running the sizing algorithm. Each Sizing Pass is an iteration of a set of HVAC Sizing Simulations.
Field: Measured Mass Flow {kg/s}[LINK]
This is the maximum coincident mass flow rate, in kg/s, found at the supply side inlet system node. This was recorded by a data logging system tracking node mass flow rate over all the sizing periods. It will include any zone timestep averaging.
Field: Measured Demand {W}[LINK]
This is the maximum loop coincident demand, in W, on the supply side. This was recorded by a data logging system tracking the report value for loop demand over all the sizing periods. It will include and zone timestep averaging.
Field: Demand Calculated Mass Flow {kg/s}[LINK]
This is the flow rate, in kg/s, that was calculated from measured demand, the temperature difference in the plant sizing object, and the fluid specific heat.
Field: Sizes Changed {Yes/No}[LINK]
This field indicates if the sizing algorithm resulted in a change of size. If the flows did not change significantly, the sizes might not change.
Field: Previous Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This field is the prior size of the plant loop, in m3/s. This is the size before the adjustment if the size changes.
Field: New Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}[LINK]
This field is the result of the sizing algorithm, in m3/s. If the size changes, this is the new value used for the plant loop maximum volume flow rate.
Field: Demand Check Applied {Yes/No}[LINK]
This field indicates if the algorithm produced a new mass flow rate from the measured demand or not. If this field is “No,” then the algorithm used coincident mass flow. If this field is “Yes,” then the mass flow derived from demand was larger than the measured mass flow and the demand drove the result.
Field: Sizing Factor[LINK]
This field is the value of the sizing factor applied to the measured or calculated coincident flows.
Field: Normalized Change[LINK]
This field is the normalized change used to determine if the new flow size is significantly different from the previous.
Field: Specific Heat {J/kg-K }[LINK]
This is the fluid specific heat, in J/kg-K, used in the calculation of mass flow from the maximum coincident demand.
Field: Density {kg/m3}[LINK]
This is the fluid density , in kg/m3, used in the calculation of volume flow rate from the mass flow rate.
Component Sizing Information[LINK]
Component sizing is applicable to all manners of autosized components and equipments (coils, boilers, chillers, towers, humidifiers, namely – whatever can be autosized)
! <Component Sizing Information>, Component Type, Component Name, Input Field Description, Value
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE1-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22672
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE1-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.87104E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.87104E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2699.50304
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE1-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 66.15122
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE2-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.17666
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE2-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.57480E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.57480E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2103.49527
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE2-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 51.54607
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE3-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.20944
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE3-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.42362E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.42362E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2493.78307
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE3-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 61.11006
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE4-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22257
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE4-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.76351E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.76351E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2650.06093
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE4-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 64.93964
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE5-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.22187
Component Sizing Information, AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, SPACE5-1 VAV REHEAT, Maximum Reheat Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.74541E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 5.74541E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, Design Coil Load [W], 2641.74210
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, SPACE5-1 ZONE COIL, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 64.73579
Component Sizing Information, Branch, VAV SYS 1 MAIN BRANCH, Maximum Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, AirLoopHVAC, VAV SYS 1, Design Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Controller:OutdoorAir, OA CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Controller:OutdoorAir, OA CONTROLLER 1, Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.26412
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.48158E-004
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, Design Coil Load [W], 6812.28921
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, OA HEATING COIL 1, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 84.72044
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.14523E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Air Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.26412
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Inlet Air Temperature [C], 30.01375
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, OA COOLING COIL 1, Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio, 8.00000E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio, 9.33031E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1, Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio, 8.00000E-003
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, Maximum Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 7.51969E-005
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, Design Coil Load [W], 3457.55329
Component Sizing Information, Coil:Heating:Water, MAIN HEATING COIL 1, U-Factor Times Area Value [W/K], 55.78870
Component Sizing Information, Fan:VariableVolume, SUPPLY FAN 1, Maximum Flow Rate [m3/s], 1.05725
Component Sizing Information, Fan:VariableVolume, SUPPLY FAN 1, Minimum Flow Rate [m3/s], 0.35326
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, OA CC CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 1.14523E-003
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, OA HC CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 1.48158E-004
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, CENTRAL COOLING COIL CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 9.16309E-004
Component Sizing Information, Controller:WaterCoil, CENTRAL HEATING COIL CONTROLLER 1, Maximum Actuated Flow [m3/s], 7.51969E-005
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, HOT WATER LOOP, Maximum Loop Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, HOT WATER LOOP, Plant Loop Volume [m3], 0.55928
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, CHILLED WATER LOOP, Maximum Loop Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, PlantLoop, CHILLED WATER LOOP, Plant Loop Volume [m3], 2.31923
Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric, CENTRAL CHILLER, Nominal Capacity [W], 34468.93699
Component Sizing Information, Chiller:Electric, CENTRAL CHILLER, Design Chilled Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, Boiler:HotWater, CENTRAL BOILER, Nominal Capacity [W], 22858.42690
Component Sizing Information, Boiler:HotWater, CENTRAL BOILER, Design Water Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, HW CIRC PUMP, Rated Flow Rate [m3/s], 4.97138E-004
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, HW CIRC PUMP, Rated Power Consumption [W], 127.01247
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, CW CIRC PUMP, Rated Flow Rate [m3/s], 2.06154E-003
Component Sizing Information, Pump:VariableSpeed, CW CIRC PUMP, Rated Power Consumption [W], 526.69672
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Electric, HUMIDIFIER 1, Rated Power [W], 9826.56303
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Gas, MAIN GAS HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Nominal Capacity Volume [m3/s], 1.05405E-002
Component Sizing Information, Humidifier:Steam:Gas, MAIN GAS HUMIDIFIER, Design Size Rated Power [W], 103710.42776
Field: <Component Sizing Information>[LINK]
This field simply contains the words “Component Sizing”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field shows the component type (e.g. Pump:Variable Speed, Plant Loop, Fan:Simple:VariableVolume) being sized.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field shows the name of the component.
Field: Input Field Description[LINK]
This field shows the field description/variable with units. When using HVAC Sizing Simulation for advanced sizing methods, there are two versions of the report for each component that might be affected. With HVAC Sizing Simulation, there is a first size value reported, which is the result of the Ideal Loads Sizing Simulation, and there is the final value after all the Sizing Passes have completed. This input field description will have “Initial” prepended to the description to indicate that this is the first size, the same report without “Initial” is the final size. Note that with HVAC Sizing Simulation, these reports will occur much later in the simulation and hence appear further down in the .eio file.
Field: Value[LINK]
This field shows the value of the sized component.
Heating/Cooling Coil Capacity Information[LINK]
Water heating coils appear:
! <Water Heating Coil Capacity Information>,Component Type,Name,Nominal Total Capacity {W}
Water Heating Coil Capacity Information,Coil:Heating:Water,BASEMENT VAV BOX REHEAT COIL,66543.21
Field: <Water Heating Coil Capacity Information>[LINK]
This field simply contains the words “Water Heating Coil Capacity Information”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field contains the component type (e.g. Coil:Heating:Water).
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field contains the user supplied name for the coil.
Field: Nominal Total Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal heating capacity of the coil in Watts. The capacity is calculated using the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 16.6C, inlet relative humidity = 50%, inlet hot water temperature = 82.2C.
! <Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information>,Component Type, Name, Nominal Total Capacity {W},Nominal Sensible Capacity {W},Nominal Latent Capacity {W},Nominal Sensible Heat Ratio, Nominal Coil UA Value {W/C}, Nominal Coil Surface Area {m2}
Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information, Coil:Cooling:Water, MAIN COOLING COIL 1,37219.64,24969.42,12250.22,0.67,4202.30,42.62
Field: <Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information>[LINK]
This field simply contains the words “Water Cooling Coil Capacity Information”.
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This field contains the component type (e.g. Coil:Cooling:Water).
Field: Component Name[LINK]
This field contains the user supplied name for the coil.
Field: Nominal Total Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Sensible Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal sensible cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Latent Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal latent cooling capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal Sensible Heat Ratio Capacity {W}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal sensible heat ratio (SHR) capacity of the coil in Watts.
Field: Nominal UA Value {W/C}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling coil UA value in Watts per deg C.
Field: Nominal Surface Area {m2}[LINK]
This field contains the nominal cooling coil surface area in square meter.
Note: values labeled “Nominal” are calculated using the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 26.67C, inlet air wet bulb temperature = 19.44C, inlet chilled water temperature = 6.67C.
Refrigerated Case and WalkIn Output[LINK]
Refrigeration related variables appear in the eio file according to the refrigeration models selected. The total possible header records would show:
! <#Refrigeration Compressor Racks>,Number of Refrigeration Compressor Racks
! <Refrigeration Compressor Rack>,Compressor Rack Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected,# WalkIn Coolers Connected, Heat Rejection Location, Condenser Type, COP
! <#Detailed Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Detailed Refrigeration Systems
! <Detailed Refrigeration System>,Refrigeration System Name,Refrigerant Used, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkInCoolers Connected, #Air Chillers Connected, # Secondary Loops Served, # Cascade Condensers Served, # Mechanical Subcoolers Served, # Compressors Connected, # Compression Stages, Intercooler Type, Intercooler Effectiveness, # Subcoolers Connected, Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)
! <#Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems
! <Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration System>,Transcritical Refrigeration System Name, Refrigerant Used, # Medium Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected, # Low Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected, # Medium Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected, # Low Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected, # High Pressure Compressors Connected, # Low Pressure Compressors Connected, Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)
! <#Secondary Refrigeration Systems>,Number of Secondary Refrigeration Systems
! <Secondary Refrigeration System: Fluid Always Liquid>, Secondary Number, Secondary Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkIn Coolers Connected, Fluid Name, Capacity (W),Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator (C), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC), Temperature Range (DeltaC), TotalPumpPower (W)
! <Secondary Refrigeration System: Liquid Overfeed>, Secondary Number, Secondary Name, # Refrigerated Cases Connected, # WalkIn Coolers Connected, Fluid Name, Capacity (W),Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator (C), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC), Circulating Rate, TotalPumpPower (W)
! <Refrigeration Case>,Refrigeration Case Number, Refrigeration Case Name,Zone Name,Zone Node #,Zone Node Name,Capacity (W/m),LHR,Temperature (C),Length (m),Fan (W/m),Installed Lighting (W/m),Anti-Sweat (W/m),Defrost (W/m)
! <Refrigeration Walk In Cooler>, Walk In Number, Walk In Name,Capacity (W),Temperature (C),Coil Fan (W), Circulating Fan (W), Lighting (W),Heaters (W),Defrost (W), # Zones
! <Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone>, ZoneName, Wall/Ceiling Area (m2), UValue (W/m2-C), AreaStockDoors (m2), HeightStockDoors, UValueStockDoors (W/m2-C), AreaGlassDoors (m2), HeightGlassDoors (m), UValueGlassDoors (W/m2-C)
! <Refrigeration Compressor>,Compressor Number,Compressor Name,Nominal Capacity (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Condensing Temperature (C),Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Evaporative-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Water-Cooled>,Condenser Number,Condenser Name,Rated Condensing Temperature (C),Rated Capacity (W), Rated Water Inlet Temperature (C), Rated Water Flow Rate (m3/s)
! <Refrigeration Condenser:Cascade>, Condenser Number, Condenser Name, Condensing Temperature Control Type, Rated Condensing Temperature (C), Capacity (W), Approach Temperature Difference (DeltaC)
! <Refrigeration GasCooler:Air-Cooled>,Gas Cooler Number, Gas Cooler Name, Rated Outlet Pressure (Pa), Rated Outlet Temperature (C), Rated Approach Temperature (C), Rated Capacity (W), Rated Fan Power (W)
! <Secondary Load>, Secondary System Served Name, Secondary Number
! <Cascade Load>, System Name Connected, Condenser Number, Condenser Name
! <Mechanical Subcooler Load>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name
! <Refrigeration Mechanical Subcooler>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name, Name of System Providing Cooling, Design Outlet Temperature (C)
! <Refrigeration Liquid Suction Subcooler>, Subcooler Number, Subcooler Name, Design Subcooling (DeltaC),Design liquid inlet temperature (C), Design vapor inlet temperature (C)
For example, a supermarket refrigeration system including models for a compressor rack and four detailed systems that include refrigerated cases, walk-ins, subcoolers, air-, water-, and evaporative-cooled condensers, and a secondary loop would show the following data lines following the header lines :
#Refrigeration Compressor Racks: 1
Refrigeration Compressor Rack,RACKA,4,0,Outdoors,Air-Cooled, 2.500
Refrigeration Case,1,DELI_CASE:1_ MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE,DELI,76,DELI AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 3.0, 87.6, 38.7, 65.6, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,3,SALES_CASE:1_MEATDISPLAYCASE,SALES,78,SALES AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.10, 2.2, 33.6, 87.6, 38.7, 65.6, 443.0
Refrigeration Case,4,SALES_CASE:2_ MULTIDECKDIARYANDDELICASE,SALES,78,SALES AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 49.2, 41.0, 60.0, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,10,PRODUCE_CASE:1_ MULTIDECKDIARYANDDELICASE,PRODUCE,80,PRODUCE AIR NODE, 1442.2, 0.30, 2.2, 30.0, 41.0, 60.0, 0.0, 0.0
#Detailed Refrigeration Systems,4
Detailed Refrigeration System,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM,R22,3,0,0,0,1,3,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,2,FISHDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 288.4, 0.10, 1.1, 15.0, 0.0, 41.6, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,5,MEATDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 456.6, 0.10, -4.4, 26.0, 47.2, 86.8, 13.2, 585.8
Refrigeration Case,6,MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 1890.0, 0.30, -1.1, 12.0, 78.7, 307.3, 0.0, 0.0
Mechanical Subcooler Load, 2,SampleMSC
Refrigeration Compressor,1,MEDTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,2,MEDTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,3,MEDTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,1,MEDIUMTEMPCONDENSER , 51.7, 52563.5, 4000.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,LOWTEMPSYSTEM,R22,3,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,2, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,7,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,8,GLASSDOORFROZENFOOD,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 11.7, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,9,WALKINFREEZER,BACKROOM,11,BACKROOM NODE, 1098.0, 0.10, -2.2, 4.3, 172.2, 28.1, 0.0, 1291.7
Refrigeration Compressor,4,LOWTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 15952.
Refrigeration Compressor,5,LOWTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Compressor,6,LOWTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,2,LOWTEMPCONDENSER , 51.7, 34875.5, 2600.0
Refrigeration Mechanical Subcooler,2,SAMPLEMSC,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM, 10.0
Refrigeration Liquid Suction Subcooler,1,SAMPLELSHX, 6.0, 16.0, 0.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,MEDIUMTEMPSYSTEM2,R22,0,0,1,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Secondary Load,SECONDARY,1
Refrigeration Compressor,7,MEDTEMP004CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,8,MEDTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Compressor,9,MEDTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 15535.
Refrigeration Condenser:Evaporative-Cooled,1,MEDIUMTEMPEVAPCOOLEDCONDENSER1 , 64800.0, 746.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,LOWTEMPSYSTEM2,R22,4,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Case,11,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,12,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODA,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,13,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODB,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,14,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODC,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Walk In Cooler, 1, WALKINFREEZER2, 4690.0, -2.2, 735.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 5512.0, 0.0, 1
Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone,BACKROOM, 43.4, 0.2350 , 2.00, 2.00, 0.3785 , 1.00, 2.00, 1.2050
Refrigeration Compressor,10,LOWTEMP004CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 15952.
Refrigeration Compressor,11,LOWTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Compressor,12,LOWTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 2940.
Refrigeration Condenser:Water-Cooled,2,LOWTEMPCONDENSERWATER , 29.4, 58000.0, 0.0, 0.0
#Secondary Refrigeration Systems,1
Secondary Refrigeration System: Fluid Always Liquid,1,SECONDARY,3,0,PROGLY30PERCENT, 35000.0, -12.60, 2.7, 4.0, 725.0,
Refrigeration Case,15,FISHDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 288.4, 0.10, 1.1, 15.0, 0.0, 41.6, 0.0, 0.0
Refrigeration Case,16,MEATDISPLAYCASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 456.6, 0.10, -4.4, 26.0, 47.2, 86.8, 13.2, 585.8
Refrigeration Case,17,MULTIDECKDAIRYANDDELICASE2,SALESFLOOR,9,SALESFLOOR NODE, 1890.0, 0.30, -1.1, 12.0, 78.7, 307.3, 0.0, 0.0
For a supermarket system including a model for a cascade condenser arrangement, the eio would show:
Detailed Refrigeration System,CASCADELOWTEMPSYSTEM,R22,4,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0.80,0, -4.0
Refrigeration Case,5,OPENWELLICECREAMDISPLAYCASE,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 441.6, 0.08, -34.4, 14.6, 28.7, 42.7, 70.0, 76.5
Refrigeration Case,6,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODA,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,7,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODB,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Case,8,GLASSDOORFROZENFOODC,SALESFLOOR,10,SALESFLOOR NODE, 615.8, 0.13, -23.3, 4.0, 57.9, 99.8, 218.7, 1106.5
Refrigeration Walk In Cooler, 1, WALKINFREEZER, 4690.0, -2.2, 735.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 5512.0, 0.0, 1
Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone,BACKROOM, 43.4, 0.2350 , 2.00, 2.00, 0.3785 , 2.00, 2.00, 1.2050
Refrigeration Compressor,4,LOWTEMP001CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06CC665, 16680.
Refrigeration Compressor,5,LOWTEMP002CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 5523.
Refrigeration Compressor,6,LOWTEMP003CARLYLE_R-22_LOW_06DR718, 5523.
Refrigeration Condenser:Cascade,4,CASCADECONDENSER1,Fixed , -4.0, 20000.0, 3.0
Detailed Refrigeration System,CASCADEHIGHTEMPSYSTEM,R22,0,0,0,1,0,4,1,0,0.80,0, 25.0
Refrigeration Compressor,7,MEDTEMP005CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,8,MEDTEMP006CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,9,MEDTEMP007CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Compressor,10,MEDTEMP008CARLYLE_R-22_MED_06DR820, 17190.
Refrigeration Condenser:Air-Cooled,3,CASCADETOPSYSTEMCONDENSER , 51.7, 52563.5, 4000.0
The refrigeration output in the eplusout.eio file shows the number of refrigeration compressor racks, detailed refrigeration systems, detailed transcritical refrigeration systems, and secondary refrigeration systems found in the input data file (IDF). Additional information is shown for each compressor rack and the refrigerated case(s) and walk-in(s) connected to each compressor rack. For the detailed systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s), walk-in(s), cascade loads, secondary loads, mechanical subcooler loads, compressors, condenser, and mechanical and liquid suction heat exchanger subcoolers connected to the system. For the detailed transcritical refrigeration systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s), walk-in(s), compressor and gas cooler connected to the system. For secondary refrigeration systems, additional information is shown for each refrigerated case(s) and walk-in(s) connected to the system. For walk-ins, additional information is shown for each zone exchanging energy with that walk-in.
The refrigeration “header” records (lines starting with an “!”) precede all the data lines. The data lines are grouped, showing the number of refrigeration compressor racks specified in the input data file followed by lines that reflect the information for each refrigeration compressor rack followed by the information for each refrigerated case and walk-in connected to this rack. The number of detailed systems is followed by a group of data lines describing the input values for the detailed refrigeration systems and similarly for the secondary refrigeration systems.
This output reflects information for the specified refrigeration equipment along with entries from the IDF (or default data for blank fields). The data are preceded by a description (i.e. #Refrigeration Compressor Racks, Refrigeration Compressor Rack, Refrigerated Case, #Orphaned Refrigerated Cases, and Orphaned Refrigerated Case) followed by the information associated with each description.
A final set of “header” records and descriptions are output only when a refrigeration object is found in the IDF but is not connected to a refrigeration compressor rack or refrigeration system object (i.e., orphaned).
The following fields define each description and associated information.
Header Record: #Refrigeration Compressor Racks[LINK]
This field simply says “#Refrigeration Compressor Racks” .
Field: Number ofRefrigeration Compressor Racks[LINK]
The total number of refrigeration compressor racks simulated. This is the number of Refrigeration:CompressorRack objects found in the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Compressor Rack[LINK]
Field: Compressor Rack Name[LINK]
The name of the compressor rack simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the compressor rack.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigeration walk-ins connected to the compressor rack.
Field: Heat Rejection Location[LINK]
The location of the compressor rack’s air-cooled condenser. Echoes the field Heat Rejection Location in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
Field: COP[LINK]
The Coefficient of Performance (W/W) of the compressor rack. Echoes the field Design Compressor Rack COP in object Refrigeration:CompressorRack from the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Case[LINK]
Field: Refrigeration Case Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigerated case, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Refrigeration Case Name[LINK]
The name of the refrigerated case simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of the zone where the refrigerated case is located. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Node #[LINK]
The number of the zone node (connection to the air loop) where the refrigerated case is located. This is the number of the zone node as found in the eplusout.bnd file.
Field: Zone Node Name[LINK]
The name of the zone node where the refrigerated case is located. The refrigerated case will impact the air heat balance in this zone.
Field: Capacity[LINK]
The total cooling capacity (W/m) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Rated Total Cooling Capacity per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: LHR[LINK]
The design latent heat ratio (latent capacity divided by total cooling capacity) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Rated LHR in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Temperature {C}[LINK]
The average temperature (C) of the air and products within the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Operating Temperature in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Length {m}[LINK]
The length (m) of the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Fan {W/m}[LINK]
The total operating fan power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Operating Case Fan Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field:Installed Lighting {W/m}[LINK]
The total installed lighting power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Installed Case Lighting Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Anti-Sweat {W/m}[LINK]
The electric anti-sweat heater power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Defrost {W/m}[LINK]
The defrost power (W/m) in the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Case Defrost Power per Unit Length in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Walk In Cooler[LINK]
Field: Walk In Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigerated walk-in, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Walk In Name[LINK]
The name of the refrigerated walk-in simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Capacity[LINK]
The total cooling capacity (W) of the walk-in. Echoes the field Rated Coil Cooling Capacity in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Temperature {C}[LINK]
The average temperature (C) of the air and products within the refrigerated case. Echoes the field Operating Temperature in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Coil Fan {W}[LINK]
The coil fan power (W) in the walk-in . Echoes the field Cooling Coil Fan Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Circulation Fan {W}[LINK]
The circulation fan power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Circulation Fan Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Lighting {W}[LINK]
The total lighting power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Lighting Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Heaters {W}[LINK]
The total electric heater power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Heating Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Defrost {W}[LINK]
The defrost power (W) in the walk-in. Echoes the field Defrost Power in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: # Zones[LINK]
The number of zones that exchange energy with the walk-in. Counted according to the number of records in the Refrigeration:WalkIn object in the IDF..
Header Record: Walk-In Surfaces Facing Zone[LINK]
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of a zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: Wall/Ceiling Area {m2}[LINK]
The insulated surface area facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Total Insulated Surface Area Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValue {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the insulated surface area facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Insulated Surface UValue Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: AreaStockDoors {m2}[LINK]
The total surface area of stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Area of Stocking Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: HeightStockDoors {m}[LINK]
The height of stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Height of Stocking Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValueStockDoors {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the stock doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Stocking Door U Value Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: AreaGlassDoors {m2}[LINK]
The total surface area of glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Area of Glass Reach In Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: HeightGlassDoors {m}[LINK]
The height of glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Height of Glass Doors Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Field: UValueGlassDoors {W/m2-C]}[LINK]
The thermal conductance of the glass doors facing this zone adjacent to the walk-in. Echoes the field Glass Reach In Door U Value Facing this Zone in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Header Record: #Detailed Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
Field: Number of Detailed Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of detailed refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Header Record: Detailed Refrigeration System[LINK]
Field: Refrigeration System Name[LINK]
The name of the Refrigeration System simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Refrigerant Used[LINK]
The name of the refrigerant used in the system. Echoes the field Working Fluid ID in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Secondary Loops Served[LINK]
The total number of secondary loops connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Cascade Condensers Served[LINK]
The total number of cascade condensers cooled by the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Mechanical Subcoolers Served[LINK]
The total number of mechanical subcoolers cooled by the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF.
Field: # Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of compressors connected to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: # Compression Stages[LINK]
The number of compressor stages for the refrigeration system. The value is either “1” for single-stage compression systems or “2” for two-stage compression systems.
Field: Intercooler Type[LINK]
The intercooler type (either “1” for Flash Intercooler or “2” for Shell-and-Coil Intercooler) for two-stage compression systems. A value of “0” indicates no intercooler (single-stage compression systems only).
Field: Intercooler Effectiveness[LINK]
The intercooler effectiveness for the shell-and-coil intercooler.
Field: # Subcoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of subcoolers, both liquid suction and mechanical, that provide cooling to the refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the fields Mechanical Subcooler Name and Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger Subcooler Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)[LINK]
The minimum condensing temperature allowed for the refrigeration system. Echoes the field Minimum Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Header Record: #Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
Field: Number of Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of detailed transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Header Record: Detailed Transcritical Refrigeration System[LINK]
Field: Transcritical Refrigeration System Name[LINK]
The name of the Transcritical Refrigeration System simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: Refrigerant Used[LINK]
The name of the refrigerant used in the transcritical refrigeration system. Echoes the field Working Fluid ID in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Medium Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of medium temperature refrigerated cases connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Temperature Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of low temperature refrigerated cases connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Medium Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of medium temperature walk-ins connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Temperature WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of low temperature walk-ins connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # High Pressure Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of high pressure compressors connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: # Low Pressure Compressors Connected[LINK]
The total number of low pressure compressors connected to the transcritical refrigeration system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Compressor Name or CompressorList Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF.
Field: Minimum Condensing Temperature (C)[LINK]
The minimum condensing temperature allowed during subcritical operation for the transcritical refrigeration system. Echoes the field Minimum Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:GasCooler:AirCooled from the IDF.
Header Record: Cascade Load[LINK]
Field: System Name Connected[LINK]
The name of another detailed system that rejects heat to a cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system, via the name of the cascade condenser, through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of a cascade condenser cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system, via the name of the cascade condenser, through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade
Header Record: Secondary Load[LINK]
Field: Secondary System Served Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Refrigeration Transfer Load or TransferLoad List Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Header Record: Mechanical Subcooler Load[LINK]
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the mechanical subcooler cooled by this detailed system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary system cooled by this detailed system. These are assigned to the refrigeration system through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Header Record: Refrigeration Compressor[LINK]
Field: Compressor Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration compressor, assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Compressor Name[LINK]
The name of the compressor simulated. Echoes the field Name of Compressor in object List:Refrigeration:Compressors from the IDF.
Field: Nominal Capacity, W[LINK]
The nominal capacity of the compressor based on the capacity curve (identified by the field Unique Name of Capacity Curve in the object Refrigeration:Compressor in the IDF) evaluated at the lowest design evaporating temperature of all the cases attached to the system and at the design condensing temperature of the condenser attached to the system.
Header Record: Refrigeration Condenser, Air-Cooled[LINK]
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Aircooled.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, set by standard ARI 460 for air-cooled condensers.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. This value is taken from the capacity curve (identified by the field Name of Condenser Heat of Rejection Curve, Linear, in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled in the IDF) evaluated at the temperature difference specified in standard ARI 460.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the condenser. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled from the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Condenser, Water-Cooled[LINK]
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, echos the field Rated Condensing Temperature in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Effect in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Water Inlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated water inlet temperature of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Water Inlet Temperature in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Water Flow Rate, m3/s[LINK]
The rated water flow rate of the condenser. Echos the field Water Design Flow Rate in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled in the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Condenser, Evaporative-Cooled[LINK]
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser:* objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser: EvaporativeCooled.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser. Echos the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Effect in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:EvaporativeCooled in the IDF.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the condenser. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:Condenser: EvaporativeCooled in the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Condenser, Cascade[LINK]
Field: Condenser Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration condenser, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration: Condenser * objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Condenser Name[LINK]
The name of the condenser simulated. Echoes the field Name of Condenser for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Condensing Temperature Control Type,[LINK]
Echoes the field Condensing Temperature Control Type in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Rated Condensing Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated condensing temperature of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Condensing Temperature in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Effective Total Heat Rejection Rate in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the condenser, echoes the field Rated Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade from the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration GasCooler:Air-Cooled[LINK]
Field: Gas Cooler Number[LINK]
The number of the refrigeration gas cooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:GasCooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Gas Cooler Name[LINK]
The name of the gas cooler simulated. Echoes the field Refrigeration Gas Cooler Name in object Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:GasCooler:Aircooled.
Field: Rated Outlet Pressure, Pa[LINK]
The rated gas cooler pressure corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Outlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated gas cooler outlet temperature corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Approach Temperature, C[LINK]
The rated gas cooler approach temperature corresponding to the rated capacity.
Field: Rated Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the gas cooler. This value is taken from the capacity curve (identified by the field Rated Total Heat Rejection Rate Curve Name, in the object Refrigeration:GasCoooler:AirCooled in the IDF) evaluated at the rated approach temperature.
Field: Rated Fan Power, W[LINK]
The rated fan power of the gas cooler. Echoes the field Rated Fan Power in object Refrigeration:GasCooler:AirCooled from the IDF.
Header Record: Refrigeration Mechanical Subcooler[LINK]
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the mechanical subcooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Subcooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the subcooler simulated. Echoes the field Mechanical Subcooler Name for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Field: Name of System Providing Cooling[LINK]
The name of the detailed system that absorbs heat from the subcooler. These are assigned to the subcooer through the field Capacity-Providing System in object Refrigeration:Subcooler from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:System.
Field: Design Outlet Temperature, C[LINK]
The controlled outlet temperature of the subcooler, echoes the field Outlet Control Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Header Record: Refrigeration Liquid Suction Subcooler[LINK]
Field: Subcooler Number[LINK]
The number of the liquid suction subcooler, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:Subcooler objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Subcooler Name[LINK]
The name of the subcooler simulated. Echoes the field Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger Subcooler Name for the System in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF. The name corresponds to an entry in the field Name in the object Refrigeration:Subcooler.
Field: Design Subcooling, deltaC[LINK]
The design change in temperature of the warm fluid within the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Liquid Suction Design Subcooling Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Design liquid inlet temperature, C[LINK]
The design warm liquid inlet temperature of the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Design Liquid Inlet Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Field: Design vapor inlet temperature, C[LINK]
The design cold vapor inlet temperature of the liquid suction subcooler, echoes the field Design Vapor Inlet Temperature in object Refrigeration: Subcooler.
Header Record: # Secondary Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
Field: Number of Secondary Refrigeration Systems[LINK]
The total number of secondary refrigeration systems found in the IDF.
Header Record: Secondary Refrigeration System: Fluid Always Liquid[LINK]
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary refrigeration system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:SecondarySystem objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary refrigeration system simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Fluid Name[LINK]
The name of the circulating fluid used in the system. Echoes the field Circulating Fluid Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the evaporator, echoes the field Evaporator Design Capacity In Watts in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator, C[LINK]
The rated evaporating temperature of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Evaporating Temperature in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Temperature Range, DeltaC[LINK]
The temperature range of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Range Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: TotalPumpPower, W[LINK]
The rated total pump power of the secondary loop, echoes the field Design Total Pump Power in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Header Record: Secondary Refrigeration System: Liquid Overfeed[LINK]
Field: Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the secondary refrigeration system, assigned sequentially according to the order in which all the Refrigeration:SecondarySystem objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the secondary refrigeration system simulated. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # Refrigerated Cases Connected[LINK]
The total number of refrigerated cases connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: # WalkInCoolers Connected[LINK]
The total number of walk-ins connected to the secondary refrigeration system. These are assigned to the secondary refrigeration system through the field Refrigerated Case or Walkin or CaseAndWalkInList Name in object Refrigeration:System from the IDF.
Field: Fluid Name[LINK]
The name of the circulating fluid used in the system. Echoes the field Circulating Fluid Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Capacity, W[LINK]
The rated capacity of the evaporator, echoes the field Evaporator Design Capacity In Watts in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Evap Temperature in Secondary Evaporator, C[LINK]
The rated evaporating temperature of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Evaporating Temperature in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Field: Approach Temperature Difference, DeltaC[LINK]
The approach temperature difference of the heat exchanger, echoes the field Design Approach Temperature Difference in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: Circulating Rate[LINK]
The ratio of the mass flow rate of refrigerant at the pump to the mass flow rate of refrigerant vapor leaving the refrigeration load(s), echoes the field PhaseChange Circulating Rate in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
Field: TotalPumpPower, W[LINK]
The rated total pump power of the secondary loop, echoes the field Design Total Pump Power in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem.
Header Record: #Orphaned Refrigerated Cases[LINK]
Field: Number of Orphaned Refrigerated Cases[LINK]
The total number of orphaned refrigerated cases found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These cases were not simulated…”.
Header Record: Orphaned Refrigerated Case[LINK]
Field: Refrigerated Case Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned refrigerated case found in the IDF. The refrigerated case numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Refrigerated Case Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned refrigerated case which is not connected to a compressor rack or detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
The name of the zone where the refrigerated case is located. Echoes the field Zone Name in object Refrigeration:Case from the IDF.
Field: Zone Node #[LINK]
The number of the zone node (connection to the air loop) where the refrigerated case is located. This is the number of the zone node as found in the eplusout.bnd file.
Field: Zone Node Name[LINK]
The name of the zone node where the orphaned refrigerated case is located. This orphaned refrigerated case will not impact the air heat balance in this zone.
Header Record: #Orphaned Walk Ins[LINK]
Field: Number of OrphanedWalk Ins[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Walk Ins found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Walk Ins were not simulated…”.
Header Record: Orphaned Walk In[LINK]
Field:Walk In Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Walk In found in the IDF. The Walk In numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Walk In Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Walk In which is not connected to a compressor rack or refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:WalkIn from the IDF.
Header Record: #Orphaned Refrigeration Compressors[LINK]
Field: Number of Orphaned Refrigeration Compressors[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Refrigeration Compressors found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Compressors were not simulated…”.
Header Record: Orphaned Refrigeration Compressor[LINK]
Field:Compressor Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Compressor found in the IDF. The Compressor numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Compressor Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Compressor which is not connected to a detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:Compressor from the IDF.
Header Record: #Orphaned Refrigeration Secondary Loops[LINK]
Field: Number of Orphaned Secondary Loops[LINK]
The total number of orphaned Secondary Loops found in the IDF.
Field: Message[LINK]
A message stating “NOTE: These Secondary Loops were not simulated…”.
Header Record: Orphaned Refrigeration Secondary Loop[LINK]
Field:Secondary Number[LINK]
The number of the orphaned Secondary System found in the IDF. The Secondary System numbers are assigned sequentially according to the order in which these objects are defined in the IDF.
Field: Secondary Name[LINK]
The name of the orphaned Secondary which is not connected to a detailed refrigeration system. Echoes the field Name in object Refrigeration:SecondarySystem from the IDF.
View Factor Info[LINK]
A semi-debugging, informational report on View Factors for each zone/surface is available when you add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayAdvancedVariables; to your input file.
After EnergyPlus receives the geometry information for the building, it calculates the view factors and grey interchange information for each zone and surface. These are used to calculate the interior radiant exchange between surfaces. The first set is called the approximate view factors; then, a deeper evaluation of the zone’s geometry and surfaces is performed to see if corrections need to be applied. Three sets of values are provided for the user’s information.
! <Surface View Factor Check Values>,ZoneName,Original Check Value,Calculated Fixed Check Value,Final Check Value
Surface View Factor Check Values,ZONE ONE,8.881784E-016,8.637788E-004,8.881784E-016
Field: Zone Name[LINK]
This is the zone name for the values.
Field: Original Check Value[LINK]
Original check value as submitted to the “Test and Check” routine. This value represents the Sum of the N (number of surfaces) by N matrix – the Number of Surfaces. Ideally, it should be very close to zero. The original check value could come from either the User inputting the view factors for the zone or the approximate view factor calculation in EnergyPlus.
Field: Calculated Fixed Check Value[LINK]
This is the value of the view factor matrix (i.e. SUM(NXNmatrix – N) after the fix routine has applied them.
Field: Final Check Value[LINK]
This value should match one of the previous values and indicate whether the original matrix or the modfied/fixed matrix will be used in the calculations.
View Factor Details[LINK]
View factors for zones (surfaces) can be entered into the input file (object: ZoneProperty:UserViewFactors) if desired. Or they can be reported from the input file. The following describes the reporting of these view factors. You can report the surface view factor information by using:
This triggers EnergyPlus to produce a special output section in the file eplusout.eio. This file, which is csv format, can be opened in Excel, and will show detailed information about the surfaces in all the zones.
In order to get user view factors ready for inclusion in an input file, several steps much be taken. First, because EnergyPlus has a data structure for zones that only is defined at initialization, it is necessary to use EnergyPlus to determine the surface numbers (i,j) before a UserViewFactors object can be constructed. (This is a known defect – a new object is being defined that will make this unnecessary). THIS STILL NEEDS TO BE REVISED BASE ON IF WE GO FOR NEW INPUT OR NOT.
! <Surface View Factor and Grey Interchange Information>
! <View Factor - Zone Information>,Zone Name,Number of Surfaces
! <View Factor - Surface Information>,Surface Name,Surface Class,Area {m2},Azimuth,Tilt,Thermal Emissivity,#Sides,Vertices
! <View Factor / Grey Interchange Type>,Surface Name(s)
! <View Factor>,Surface Name,Surface Class,Row Sum,View Factors for each Surface
Surface View Factor - Zone Information,ZONE ONE,6
Surface View Factor - Surface Information, ZN001:WALL001,Wall,69.6773,180.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,69.6773,90.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,69.6773,0.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,69.6773,270.0000,90.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,232.2576,90.0000,180.0000,0.9000,4, 15.2400,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,15.2400,0.0000,15.2400,15.2400,0.0000,
Surface View Factor - Surface Information,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,232.2576,180.0000,0.0000,0.9000,4, 0.0000,15.2400,4.5720,0.0000,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,0.0000,4.5720,15.2400,15.2400,4.5720,
Approximate or User Input ViewFactors,To Surface,Surface Class,RowSum,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,1.0000,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.0000,0.4545,
View Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.4545,0.0000,
Final ViewFactors,To Surface,Surface Class,RowSum,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL001,Wall,1.0000,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL002,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL003,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.1034,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:WALL004,Wall,1.0000,0.1034,0.1034,0.1034,0.0000,0.3448,0.3448,
View Factor,ZN001:FLR001,Floor,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.0000,0.4545,
View Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,Roof,1.0000,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.1364,0.4545,0.0000,
Script F Factors,X Surface,ZN001:WALL001,ZN001:WALL002,ZN001:WALL003,ZN001:WALL004,ZN001:FLR001,ZN001:ROOF001,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL001,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL003,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,9.4126E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:WALL004,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,9.4126E-002,1.1191E-002,0.3032,0.3032,
Script F Factor,ZN001:FLR001,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,3.4097E-002,0.3863,
Script F Factor,ZN001:ROOF001,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.1199,0.3863,3.4097E-002,
Surface View Factor – Zone Information[LINK]
This line provides the zone name and the number of surfaces (heat transfer) in the zone. This information may be redundant with other reports in the eio file. It is included here to assist users who wish to use the auxiliary view factor program to generate view factors.
Surface View Factor – Surface Information[LINK]
These lines provide the surface information for each surface in the zone. This includes the name, class, area, azimuth (outward facing normal angle), the tilt angle, the thermal emissivity, the number of sides to the surface and the vertices. Again, this information may be redundant with other reports in the eio file. It is included here to assist users who wish to use the auxiliary view factor program to generate view factors.
Approximate or User Input View Factors[LINK]
This section/lines provide the original view factors after either user input or approximate calculation. Surface name and class information are given again as well as each row sum (these should sum to 1, ideally) and then the view factors to other surfaces shown in columnar order.
Final View Factors[LINK]
This section/lines shows view factors after they have been corrected for reciprocity and completeness. Correction may be necessary to make sure any two surfaces exchange radiation reciprocally, that is, the radiation leaving one surface directed at another surface is the same as the amount of radiation arriving at the other surface, and that the sum of all the radiant energy exchanges in the zone is zero. If the user input view factors are perfect in these characteristics, the correction will not change them. The displayed lines show what view factors will be used during the simulation.
Script F Factors[LINK]
Finally, grey interchange coefficients are presented. These are the coefficients that are used to calculate the radiant energy exchange between the surfaces in the zone. They are calculated to include reflection from intervening surfaces in the zone.
DX Coil Outputs[LINK]
DX Cooling Coil Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for air-cooled, single-speed direct expansion (DX) cooling coils as follows:
DX Cooling Coil Standard Rating Information, Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed, PSZ-AC_1:1_COOLC DXCOIL, 29299.3, 3.04, 10.38, 10.47, 10.67
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX cooling coil from the input data file (IDF).
Field: Standard Rating (Net) Cooling Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) cooling capacity for this DX cooling coil. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Standard Rated Net COP {W/W}[LINK]
The standard rated net COP or energy efficiency ratio (EER) at standard rating conditions for the DX cooling coil in SI units of W/W. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: EER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The energy efficiency ratio (EER) at standard rating conditions for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: SEER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: IEER {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The integrated energy efficiency ratio (IEER) for the DX cooling coil in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
DX Cooling Coil Outputs for ASHRAE 127 Standard Ratings[LINK]
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX cooling coil from the input data file (IDF).
Field: Class[LINK]
The application classification classes of the DX cooling coil. There are four application classification classes per ASHRAE standard 127: Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV. The standard ratings are reported for each the four classification classes and test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test A {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity for this DX cooling coil at Test condition A per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test A {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition A per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test B {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of this unit at Test condition B per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test B {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition B per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test C {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of this unit at Test condition C per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test C {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition C per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Net Cooling Capacity at Test D {W}[LINK]
Rated net cooling capacity of unit at Test condition D per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The net cooling capacity is reported for class I, II, II and IV test conditions.
Field: Rated Total Electric Power Test D {W}[LINK]
Rated total electric power input of the unit at Test condition D per Standard ASHRAE 127. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (ANSI/ASHRAE 127 - Standard Ratings of Single-Speed DX Cooling Coils) for details on how this value is calculated. The total electric power includes the supply fan power as well. The total electric power input is reported for class I, II, III and IV test conditions.
DX Heating Coil Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for single-speed direct expansion (DX) heating coils as follows:
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, currently Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed is the only valid type.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the DX heating coil from the input data file (IDF).
Field: High Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) heating capacity for this DX heating coil at high temperature. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Low Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity {W}[LINK]
The standard rating (net) heating capacity for this DX heating coil at low temperature. Units are Watts. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: HSPF {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) for the DX heating coil in IP units of Btu/W-h. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Single Speed DX Heating Coil, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: Region Number[LINK]
The standard region number for which above ratings are calculated (from the input data file).
Chiller Outputs[LINK]
Outputs are provided for Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR objects as follows:
Field: Component Type[LINK]
This is the component type, Chiller:Electric:EIR and/or Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR.
Field: Component Name[LINK]
The name of the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR objects from the input data file (IDF).
Field: IPLV in SI Units {W/W}[LINK]
The integrated part load value (IPLV) for the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR in SI units of W/W. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Electric Chiller Model Based on Condenser Entering Temperature, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Field: IPLV in IP Units {Btu/W-h}[LINK]
The integrated part load value (IPLV) for the Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR in IP units of Btu/W-hr. See the EnergyPlus Engineering Reference (Electric Chiller Model Based on Condenser Entering Temperature, Standard Ratings) for details on how this value is calculated.
Lookup Table Outputs[LINK]
The following fields are shown only when the diagnostics flag is set to DisplayExtraWarnings (ref. Output:Diagnotstics, DisplayAdvancedReportVariables).
Outputs are provided for lookup tables in two forms. The first being the outputs related to the creation of a performance curve. When the Interpolation Method for table objects is set to EvaluateCurveToLimits, a performance curve object is created. The coefficients of the performance curve are calculated and a curve object is written for review. The regression statistics are also included. This performance curve may be used in subsequent simulations or saved in a library file for future use.
! READING LOOKUP TABLE DATA ! Reading tabular data for Table:MultiVariableLookup “HPACCOOLCAPFFF2” 1 3 0.000000000000000E+000 1.00000000000000 1.50000000000000 0.800000000000000 1.00000000000000 1.10000000000000 END READING LOOKUP TABLE DATA
EnergyPlus Starting EnergyPlus, Version Processing Data Dictionary Processing Input File Warming up Initializing Response Factors Calculating CTFs for “ROOF-1”, Construction #1 Calculating CTFs for “WALL-1”, Construction #2 Calculating CTFs for “FLOOR-SLAB-1”, Construction #6 Calculating CTFs for “INT-WALL-1”, Construction #7 Initializing Window Optical Properties Initializing Solar Calculations Initializing HVAC Warming up Warming up Performing Zone Sizing Simulation Warming up Warming up Performing Zone Sizing Simulation Calculating System sizing Calculating System sizing Initializing New Environment Parameters Warming up {1} Warming up {2} Warming up {3} Starting Simulation at 01/01 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 01/21 Continuing Simulation at 01/21 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 02/10 Continuing Simulation at 02/10 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 03/02 Continuing Simulation at 03/02 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 03/22 Continuing Simulation at 03/22 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 12/07 Continuing Simulation at 12/07 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 Updating Shadowing Calculations, Start Date = 12/27 Continuing Simulation at 12/27 for CHICAGO IL USA TMY2-94846 WMO# = 725300 EnergyPlus Run Time = 00hr 00min 46.00sec ReadVarsESO program starting. ReadVars Run Time = 00hr 00min 1.11sec ReadVarsESO program completed successfully. ReadVarsESO program starting. ReadVars Run Time = 00hr 00min 0.00sec ReadVarsESO program completed successfully. Started HVAC Diagram Complete
Meter:Custom, Building Infiltration Heat Loss, !- Name Generic, !- Fuel Type *, !- Key Name 1 Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1
Meter:Custom, Building Infiltration Heat Gain, !- Name Generic, !- Fuel Type *, !- Key Name 1 Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1
Errors Table[LINK]
The Errors SQL table reports errors and warnings for the simulation. The content of this table includes most of the content of the error file. However, it does not contain purely informational messages (e.g. not warnings or errors) and some of the error summary statistics which may be readily computed. Users should be aware that errors experienced while processing input cause EnergyPlus to exit before the SQLite output database has been initialized. This is because the Output:SQLite object must be parsed from the input to request the database. Therefore, failures in input processing are indicated by the absence of a SQLite output file. The regular error or audit files must be used to identify the erroneous input objects in this case. Because each error or warning message is expected to be unique these messages are stored directly in the Errors table and not in the Strings table.How to Access the SQLite Data[LINK]
The SQL database can be accessed in a number of ways, including via the command line, through ODBC, or through as SQLite’s API interface. SQLite uses the industry standard SQL 92 language.
Command Line[LINK]
One of the simplest ways to access the data in the SQL database is by way of the SQL command line tool (i.e., sqlite3). A brief description of how to use sqlite3 for each computing platform is given below.
Windows XP and Windows Vista[LINK]
While Windows does not ship with sqlite3 installed, the sqlite3 binary can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage ( After downloading the precompiled binary, install it in the EnergyPlus directory.
Once the sqlite3 executable is installed, access the program from the command line by typing “sqlite3” at the DOS prompt.
The sqlite3 command line tool comes preinstalled on a number of more recent Linux releases. To see if sqlite3 is available (and which version is installed), type “sqlite3 –version” from the command line. If sqlite3 is not installed, the sqlite3 binary, as well as source code, can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage ( and installed in the directory of your choice.
Macintosh OS X[LINK]
The sqlite3 program comes standard on MacOS X 10.5. From the command line, type “sqlite3 –version” to see which version of sqlite3 is installed. In order to access the database created by EnergyPlus, version 3 or later is required.
Accessing the Data from the Command Line[LINK]
Once it has been confirmed that SQLite3 is installed on your machine, the SQL database can be accessed by typing:
at the command line, where <database name > is the name of the SQL database (e.g., sqlite3 eplusout.sql).
The website gives examples of how sqlite3 can be used to access and output data in various formats.
ODBC allows access to the SQL database from a variety of programs, including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and FileMaker. How to install and use ODBC drivers is outside the scope of this document, and more information can be found at the following websites:
Macintosh ODBC drivers:
Windows and Linux ODBC information and drivers: = SqliteOdbc
Sqlite3 includes a rich C++ API (detailed on the SQLite website, and wrappers for the API interface are available in a variety of programming languages, including Fortran, TCL, and Ruby (see = SqliteWrappers for more information).
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2015 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.