The Basement idd[LINK]
The basement idd objects and fields are shown below. These objects also appear in the main Energy+.IDD file with the prefix “GroundHeatTransfer:Basement:”
! Basement foundation heat transfer module Input Data Dictionary file
! Created: August 18, 2000
! Written by: Edward Clements
! Modified for EnergyPlus Auxiliary Application by C. O. Pedersen 10/04
! Description format: FORTRAN var.: description, units, typ. values
N1,\field F: Multiplier for the ADI solution:
\note 0<F<1.0,
\note typically 0.1 (0.5 for high k soil]
N2; \field IYRS: Maximum number of yearly iterations:
\note typically 15-30]
N1, \field NMAT: Number of materials in this domain
\maximum 6
N2, \field Density for Foundation Wall
\note typical value 2243
\units kg/m3
N3, \field density for Floor Slab
\note typical value 2243
\units kg/m3
N4, \field density for Ceiling
\note typical value 311
\units kg/m3
N5, \field density for Soil
\note typical value 1500
\units kg/m3
N6, \field density for Gravel
\note typical value 2000
\units kg/m3
N7, \field density for Wood
\note typical value 449
\units kg/m3
N8, \field Specific heat for foundation wall
\note typical value 880
\units J/kg-K
N9, \field Specific heat for floor slab
\note typical value 880
\units J/kg-K
N10, \field Specific heat for ceiling
\note typical value 1530
\units J/kg-K
N11, \field Specific heat for soil
\note typical value 840
\units J/kg-K
N12, \field Specific heat for gravel
\note typical value 720
\units J/kg-K
N13, \field Specific heat for wood
\note typical value 1530
\units J/kg-K
N14, \field Thermal conductivity for foundation wall
\note typical value 1.4
\units W/m-K
N15, \field Thermal conductivity for floor slab
\note typical value 1.4
\units W/m-K
N16, \field Thermal conductivity for ceiling
\note typical value 0.09
\units W/m-K
N17, \field thermal conductivity for soil
\note typical value 1.1
\units W/m-K
N18, \field thermal conductivity for gravel
\note typical value 1.9
\units W/m-K
N19; \field thermal conductivity for wood
\note typical value 0.12
\units W/m-K
N1, \field REXT: R Value of any exterior insulation, K/(W/m2)]
\units m2-K/W
A1; \field INSFULL: Flag: Is the wall fully insulated?
\note True for full insulation
\note False for insulation half way down side wall from grade line
N1, \field ALBEDO: Surface albedo for No snow conditions
\note typical value 0.16
N2, \field ALBEDO: Surface albedo for snow conditions
\note typical value 0.40
N3, \field EPSLN: Surface emissivity No Snow
\note typical value 0.94
N4, \field EPSLN: Surface emissivity with Snow
\note typical value 0.86
N5, \field VEGHT: Surface roughness No snow conditions,cm
\note typical value 6.0
\units cm
N6, \field VEGHT: Surface roughness Snow conditions, cm, ]
\note typical value 0.25
\units cm
A1; \field PET: Flag, Potential evapotranspiration on? T/F]
\note Typically, PET is True
N1, \field DWALL: Wall thickness,
\note typical value .2]
\units m
N2, \field DSLAB: Floor slab thickness,
\units m
\maximum 0.25
N3, \field DGRAVXY: Width of gravel pit beside basement wall
\units m
N4, \field DGRAVZN: Gravel depth extending above the floor slab
\units m
N5; \field DGRAVZP: Gravel depth below the floor slab,
\units m
\note typical value 0.1
A1, \field COND: Flag: Is the basement conditioned?
\note TRUE or FALSE
\note for EnergyPlus this should be TRUE
N1, \field HIN: Downward convection only heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
N2, \field HIN: Upward convection only heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
N3, \field HIN: Horizontal convection only heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
N4, \field HIN: Downward combined (convection and radiation) heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
N5, \field HIN: Upward combined (convection and radiation) heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
N6; \field HIN: Horizontal combined (convection and radiation) heat transfer coefficient
\units W/m2-K
\memo ComBldg contains the monthly average temperatures (C) and possibility of daily variation amplitude
N1, \field January average temperature
\units C
N2, \field February average temperature
\units C
N3, \field March average temperature
\units C
N4, \field April average temperature
\units C
N5, \field May average temperature
\units C
N6, \field June average temperature
\units C
N7, \field July average temperature
\units C
N8, \field August average temperature
\units C
N9, \field September average temperature
\units C
N10, \field October average temperature
\units C
N11, \field November average temperature
\units C
N12, \field December average temperature
\units C
N13; \field Daily variation sine wave amplitude
\units C
\note (Normally zero, just for checking)
EquivSlab, ! Supplies the EquivSizing Flag
! Using an equivalent slab allows non-rectangular shapes to be
! modeled accurately.
! The simulation default should be EquivSizing = True
N1, \field APRatio: The area to perimeter ratio for this slab
\ units m
A1; \field EquivSizing: Flag
\note Will the dimensions of an equivalent slab be calculated (TRUE)
\note or will the dimensions be input directly? (FALSE)]
\note Only advanced special simulations should use FALSE.
\memo EquivAutoGrid necessary when EquivSizing = TRUE, TRUE is is the normal case.
N1, \field CLEARANCE: Distance from outside of wall to edge of 3-D ground domain
\units m
\note typical value 15m
N2, \field SlabDepth: Thickness of the floor slab
\units m
\note typical value 0.1m
N3; \field BaseDepth: Depth of the basement wall below grade
\units m
! ******** The following input objects are required only for special cases.
AutoGrid, ! NOTE: AutoGrid only necessary when EquivSizing is false
! If the modelled building is not a rectangle or square, Equivalent
! sizing MUST be used to get accurate results
N1, \field CLEARANCE: Distance from outside of wall to edge, 15m]
N2, \field SLABX: X dimension of the building slab, 0-60.0 m]
N3, \field SLABY: Y dimension of the building slab, 0-60.0 m]
N4, \field ConcAGHeight: Height of the fndn wall above grade, m]
N5, \field SlabDepth: Thickness of the floor slab, m, 0.1]
N6; \field BaseDepth: Depth of the basement wall below grade, m]
ManualGrid, ! NOTE: Manual Grid only necessary using manual gridding
! (not recommended)
N1, \field NX: Number of cells in the X direction: 20]
N2, \field NY: Number of cells in the Y direction: 20]
N3, \field NZAG: Number of cells in the Z direction
! above grade: 4 Always]
N4, \field NZBG: Number of cells in Z dir. below grade: 10-35]
N5, \field IBASE: X direction cell indicator of slab edge: 5-20]
N6, \field JBASE: Y direction cell indicator of slab edge: 5-20]
N7; \field KBASE: Z direction cell indicator
! of the top of the floor slab: 5-20]
XFACE, ! NOTE: This is only needed when using manual gridding
! (not recommended)
! [XFACE: X Direction cell face coordinates: m]
N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14,
N15, N16, N17, N18, N19, N20, N21, N22, N23, N24, N25, N26,
N27, N28, N29, N30, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N36, N37, N38,
N39, N40, N41, N42, N43, N44;
YFACE, !NOTE: This is only needed when using manual gridding
! (not recommended)
! [YFACE: Y Direction cell face coordinates: m],
N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14,
N15, N16, N17, N18, N19, N20, N21, N22, N23, N24, N25, N26,
N27, N28, N29, N30, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N36, N37, N38,
N39, N40, N41, N42, N43, N44;
ZFACE, !NOTE: This is only needed when using manual gridding
! (not recommended)
! [ZFACE: Z Direction cell face coordinates: m]
N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14,
N15, N16, N17, N18, N19, N20, N21, N22, N23, N24, N25, N26,
N27, N28, N29, N30, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N36, N37, N38,
N39, N40;
The Basement idd[LINK]
The basement idd objects and fields are shown below. These objects also appear in the main Energy+.IDD file with the prefix “GroundHeatTransfer:Basement:”
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2018 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.