EnergyPlus Support[LINK]
The primary EnergyPlus support site is supplied at:
The site is monitored by EnergyPlus developers and questions are attempted to be answered in a timely manner. Standard EnergyPlus support is provided free of charge by the U.S. Deparment of Energy, as part of a continuing effort to improve the EnergyPlus building simulation tool. Expedited, priority support may be available from other sources. The helpdesk has a files area where important (after release) files may be put as well as the storage for the Transition file set that are prior to the current release. is a list of EnergyPlus consultants.
Yahoo™ Groups is also used as a peer to peer discussion group. To join the group (which now has about 2,600 participants), visit The Yahoo group has some file storage capabilities and that is also where the Meteonorm™ files that supplement the primary EnergyPlus weather data are housed. The Yahoo group may not be monitored by EnergyPlus developers.
A similar Yahoo group has been set up for collaborative developers.
EnergyPlus Support[LINK]
The primary EnergyPlus support site is supplied at:
The site is monitored by EnergyPlus developers and questions are attempted to be answered in a timely manner. Standard EnergyPlus support is provided free of charge by the U.S. Deparment of Energy, as part of a continuing effort to improve the EnergyPlus building simulation tool. Expedited, priority support may be available from other sources. The helpdesk has a files area where important (after release) files may be put as well as the storage for the Transition file set that are prior to the current release. is a list of EnergyPlus consultants.
Yahoo™ Groups is also used as a peer to peer discussion group. To join the group (which now has about 2,600 participants), visit The Yahoo group has some file storage capabilities and that is also where the Meteonorm™ files that supplement the primary EnergyPlus weather data are housed. The Yahoo group may not be monitored by EnergyPlus developers.
A similar Yahoo group has been set up for collaborative developers.
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2018 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.