Auxiliary Programs — EnergyPlus 9.2

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Program Outputs[LINK]

As noted earlier, there are three output parameters and they are automatically saved in the CalcSoilSurfTemp.out file. The basic concept and description of three output parameters are as follows.

Annual Average Soil Surface Temperature

This is the annual average value of soil surface temperature.

Amplitude of Soil Surface Temperature

This is the difference between the maximum and minimum soil surface temperature of the whole year divided by two.

Phase Constant of Soil Surface Temperature

This is the time elapsed from the beginning of the year at which the soil surface temperature reaches the minimum value in the year.

These values are placed in the ZoneEarthTube object numeric fields (12, 13, 14) of similar names. The ZoneEarthTube IDD definition with these fields highlighted is included:

  \min-fields 22
  \memo  Earth Tube is specified as a design level which is modified by a Schedule fraction, temperature difference and wind speed:
  \memo  Earthtube = Edesign * Fschedule * (A + B*|(Tzone-Todb)| + C*WindSpd + D * WindSpd**2)
  A1, \field Zone Name
  \type object-list
  \object-list ZoneNames
  A2, \field Schedule Name
  \type object-list
  \object-list ScheduleNames
  N1, \field Design Flow Rate
  \units m3/s
  \note  "Edesign" in Equation
  \type real
  \minimum 0
  N2, \field Minimum Zone Temperature when Cooling
  \note this is the indoor temperature below which the earth tube is shut off
  \units C
  \type real
  \minimum -100
  \maximum 100
  N3, \field Maximum Zone Temperature when Heating
  \note this is the indoor temperature above which the earth tube is shut off
  \units C
  \type real
  \minimum -100
  \maximum 100
  N4, \field Delta Temperature
  \note This is the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor below which the earth tube is shut off
  \units deltaC
  \type real
  \minimum 0
  A3, \field Earthtube Type
  \type choice
  \key Natural
  \key Intake
  \key Exhaust
  \default Natural
  N5, \field Fan Pressure Rise
  \note pressure rise across the fan
  \type real
  \units Pa
  \minimum 0
  \default 0
  N6, \field Fan Total Efficiency
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 1
  N7, \field Pipe Radius
  \units m
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 1
  N8, \field Pipe Thickness
  \units m
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 0.2
  N9, \field Pipe Length
  \units m
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 15
  N10, \field Pipe Thermal Conductivity
  \units W/m-K
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 200
  N11, \field Pipe Depth Under Ground Surface
  \units m
  \type real
  \minimum> 0
  \default 3
  A4, \field Soil Condition
  \type choice
  \key HeavyAndSaturated
  \key HeavyAndDamp
  \key HeavyAndDry
  \key LightAndDry
  \default HeavyAndDamp
  N12, \field Average Soil Surface Temperature
  \units C
  \type real
  \default 0
  N13, \field Amplitude of Soil Surface Temperature
  \units C
  \type real
  \minimum 0
  \default 0
  N14, \field Phase Constant of Soil Surface Temperature
  \units days
  \type real
  \minimum 0
  \default 0
  N15, \field Constant Term Flow Coefficient
  \note  "A" in Equation
  \type real
  \default 1
  N16, \field Temperature Term Flow Coefficient
  \note  "B" in Equation
  \type real
  \default 0
  N17, \field Velocity Term Flow Coefficient
  \note  "C" in Equation
  \type real
  \default 0
  N18; \field Velocity Squared Term Flow Coefficient
  \note  "D" in Equation
  \type real
  \default 0