Auxiliary Programs — EnergyPlus 9.6

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Listing Format[LINK]

The format of listing from EP-MACRO gives information about the status of the input macros, as shown in the following:

1. 1.1  * 123 * ...... EnergyPlus input line
-  - -  ------- ----------------------------------
|  | |     |     echo of EnergyPlus input line
|  | |     |
|  | |    line number ( if the current line is being skipped
|  | |                  by " ##if... " etc, this is indicated
|  | |                  by printing "- 123 -" instead of
|  | |                  "* 123 *" in the line number field;
|  | |                  if the current line is part of a
|  | |                  macro command, it is indicated by
|  | |                  printing "# 123 #" )
|  | |
|  | macro expansion nesting level
|  |
|"##if" nesting level
"##include" nesting level