Error Summary[LINK]
This section has provided a flavor of the breadth of messages coming out of EnergyPlus for various conditions. They are consolidated into one file (eplusout.err) for the most part though some may have more contexts given in other files. (eplusout.audit may illustrate exact places in the IDF where warnings or errors occur – as noted during Input Processing.)
The error section in this document will continue to grow as time allows. Suggestions are always welcome.
Error Summary[LINK]
This section has provided a flavor of the breadth of messages coming out of EnergyPlus for various conditions. They are consolidated into one file (eplusout.err) for the most part though some may have more contexts given in other files. (eplusout.audit may illustrate exact places in the IDF where warnings or errors occur – as noted during Input Processing.)
The error section in this document will continue to grow as time allows. Suggestions are always welcome.
Documentation content copyright © 1996-2021 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. EnergyPlus is a trademark of the US Department of Energy.
This documentation is made available under the EnergyPlus Open Source License v1.0.