Programming Standard — EnergyPlus 8.2

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Application of the Standard[LINK]

How does one measure whether an item “meets” the standard? It could be said that:

One must measure objectively. Ideally, it would be automated either through the compiler used or the use of an auxiliary program if it didn’t require too many resources to set-up.

As some examples of concepts that encourage good coding, Code Complete5 puts forth the following techniques as being useful:

Assign two people to every part of the program.

Review every line of code.

Require code sign-offs.

  1. Route good code examples for review.

Emphasize that code listings are public assets.

Reward good code.

An easy standard: Make the code readable!

This document will provide further information on ideas from various team members on producing good, consistent code for the EnergyPlus project. However, it should be remembered by all that the EnergyPlus project will rely heavily on the discipline and discretion of the various team members to conform to the guidelines established in this document as much as possible. Much of the information in this document will lean towards a “guideline” rather than a “standard”. The intention is to keep the code as uniform as possible without imposing too many rigid rules that in and of themselves become a hindrance to the successful completion of the project.