Input Output Reference — EnergyPlus 24.2

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Input Output Reference


The Output:Table:SummaryReports object controls which predefined tabular reports are produced. The easiest option is to specify “AllSummary” which will produce all of the summary reports described in this section and does not include any of the Component Load Summary reports. In addition, “AllMonthly” will produce all of the monthly reports described. If all predefined reports are needed. “AllSummaryAndMonthly” shows all of the summary and monthly predefined reports and does not include any of the Component Load Summary reports. The “AllSummaryAndSizingPeriod” option and “AllSummaryMonthlyAndSizingPeriod” option are similar and add the Zone Component Load Summary, AirLoop Component Load Summary, and Facility Component Load Summary reports. Including the Component Load Summary reports will increase the simulation run time.


Field: Report <#> Name[LINK]

All of the fields in the Output:Table:SummaryReports are the same. A long list of predefined summary reports is available by entering one of the available key choices described below. Each one indicates the name of the predefined reports that should be output. The input AllSummary will cause all the reports described below to be created. The Report <#> Name field can be repeated.

Predefined Annual Summary Reports[LINK]

Annual Building Utility Performance Summary (sometimes called ABUPS)[LINK]

The Annual Building Utility Performance Summary report often called ABUPS – (key: AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary) produces a report that is an overall summary of the utility consumption of the building. It contains a number of subtables that are each described below.

  • Site and Source Energy – Indicates the total site and source energy use. For electricity the net electricity from the utility is used for the electric contribution. The site to source conversion factors are based on those entered by the user. These are entered in the EnvironmentalImpactFactors object and FuelFactors objects.

  • Building Area – Shows the total floorspace of the building and the conditioned floorspace.

  • End Uses – This shows the total use of electricity, natural gas, other fuels, purchased cooling, purchased heating and water for each major end-use category. The end-use categories are Heating, Cooling, Interior Lighting, Exterior Lighting, Interior Equipment, Exterior Equipment, Fans, Pumps, Heat Rejection, Humidification, Heat Recovery, Hot Water, Refrigeration, and Generators. Not all fuels have corresponding end uses. The values in this sub-table are from output meters. To determine which components are attached to each end-use meter, consult the meter details output file (*.mtd). The source of the resource does not affect this table – the amount of electricity used for lights does not change if the electricity is from the utility or from an on-site generator. The district heating column also includes steam.

  • End Uses By Subcategory – Shows a breakdown of the major end uses by user-defined category. If an end-use subcategory was not input for an object, it is automatically added to the General subcategory for that major end-use category.

  • Utility Use Per Floor Area – These two sub-tables show the results from the end-uses table divided by the total floor area defined for the building and for the total conditioned floor area. Only three categories for end-uses are used for these sub-tables, lighting, HVAC and other. HVAC includes fans, pumps, heating, cooling, heat rejection, humidification, and domestic hot water heating. The district heating column also includes steam.

  • Electric Loads Satisfied – Shows the different methods that electric loads are satisfied in the building. The values shown for on site power generation are: Fuel-Fired Power Generation, High Temperature Geothermal, Photovoltaic Power, and Wind Power. The flows to and from the electric utility are shown next and finally the total electricity used at the site is compared to the total generated on site plus the net amount from the electric utility. The percentages shown are based on the total electricity used by the end-uses. Note that High Temperature Geothermal and Wind Power are not yet implemented in EnergyPlus.

  • On-Site Thermal Sources – Shows the on-site thermal sources of energy such as Water-Side Heat Recovery, Air to Air Heat Recovery for Cooling, Air to Air Heat Recovery for Heating, High-Temperature Geothermal, Solar Water Thermal, Solar Air Thermal. Note that High-Temperature Geothermal Solar Water Thermal, and Solar Air Thermal are not yet implemented in EnergyPlus.

  • Water Loads Summary – Shows the different methods the water loads were satisfied. This table shows all zeros because water use is not yet implemented in EnergyPlus.

Input Verification and Results Summary (or IVRS)[LINK]

The Input Verification and Results Summary report (key: InputVerificationandResultsSummary) produces a report with several tables including:

  • General which includes general information like the Program Version and Build, Weather, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Time Zone, North Axis Angle, and Hours Simulated.

  • Window-Wall Ratio table for envelope which includes the wall area, the window area and the ratio of the two. These are computed for all walls and for walls that are oriented generally north, south, east and west. All walls are categorized into one of these four cardinal directions. This is computed for walls that have a tilt of 60 to 120 degrees.

  • Skylight-Roof Ratio table for envelope which includes the roof area and the skylight area and the ratio of the two. This includes all surfaces with a tilt of less than 60 degrees.

  • Zone Summary includes internal load summary for each zone including area, if conditioned, volume, multipliers, above ground gross wall area, underground gross wall area, window area, design lighting, design people, and design plug and process.

  • Hybrid Model: Internal Thermal Mass table is only shown when the field Calculate Zone Internal Mass is set to YES in the HybridModel:Zone object. This report includes Hybrid Modeling for Internal Mass and Temperature Capacitance Multiplier values for each zone.

Source Energy End Use Components Summary[LINK]

The Source Energy End Use Components Summary report produces a report (key: SourceEnergyEndUseComponentsSummary) that includes three tables. These tables display source energy by fuel type that is calculated based on site to source energy factors specified by the user in the EnvironmentalImpactFactors and FuelFactors objects. The last two tables display the source energy in terms of area normalized metrics. Following is a description of each table:

  • Source Energy End Use Components – This shows the total use of source electricity, source natural gas, source values of other fuels, source purchased cooling and purchased heating for each major end-use category. The end-use categories are Heating, Cooling, Interior Lighting, Exterior Lighting, Interior Equipment, Exterior Equipment, Fans, Pumps, Heat Rejection, Humidification, Heat Recovery, Hot Water, Refrigeration, and Generators. Not all fuels have corresponding end uses. The values in this sub-table are from output meters. To determine which components are attached to each end-use meter, consult the meter details output file (*.mtd). The source of the resource will affect this table – the amount of electricity used for lights will change if the electricity is from the utility or from an on-site generator. The district heating column also includes steam.

  • Source Energy End Use Components normalized by Conditioned Floor Area – This table shows the total end uses in source energy normalized by conditioned floor area.

  • Source Energy End Use Components normalized by Total Floor Area – This table shows the total end uses in source energy normalized by total floor area.

Climatic Data Summary[LINK]

The Climate Summary or Climatic Data Summary report (key: ClimaticDataSummary) produces a report that includes some of the details on each of the design days including: maximum dry-bulb, daily temperature range, humidity value, humidity type, wind speed, and wind direction.

Envelope Summary[LINK]

The Envelope Summary report (key: EnvelopeSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Opaque Exterior which includes all exterior opaque surfaces and includes the name of the construction, zone, reflectance, U-Factors, areas, azimuth, tilt, cardinal direction.

  • Opaque Interior which includes all interior opaque surfaces and includes the name of the construction, zone, adjacent surface, reflectance, U-Factors, areas, azimuth, tilt, cardinal direction.

  • Exterior Fenestration which includes all non-opaque exterior surfaces and includes the name of the construction, frame and divider name, areas (glass, frame, divider, single opening, multiplied openings), glass U-Factor, glass SHGC (the solar heat gain coefficient based on summer conditions), glass visible transmittance, NFRC Product Type, assembly U-Factor, assembly SHGC, assembly visible transmittance, conductance (frame, divider), indication of shade control, the name of the parent surface, azimuth, tilt, cardinal direction.

  • Exterior Fenestration Shaded State has values shown for exterior fenestration that have a shaded state by using WindowShadingControl the values of the u-factor, SHGC, and visible transmittance are shown for both the glass only and the full assembly when in the shaded state.

  • Interior Fenestration which includes the construction, areas, glass u-factor, SHGC, and visible transmittance, and the parent surface name.

  • Exterior Door which includes the construction, u-factors, area, and the parent surface name.

  • Interior Door which includes the construction, u-factors, area, and the parent surface name.

  • Opaque Construction Layers includes the material layers for each construction in order.

The assembly results include the effect of the frame and divider and are only produced when WindowProperty:FrameAndDivider input object is used. In addition, the assembly columns are shown for most configurations but are not shown when using Construction:WindowEquivalentLayer or when using Construction:WindowDataFile with a Window5DataFile.dat file.

Differences should still be expected between the results from EnergyPlus and the WINDOW program for the u-factor, SHGC, and visible transmittance, both glass and assembly. These differences are based on algorithmic differences between the two programs even though they do share some code in the Windows Calculation Engine, other portions of the algorithms differ. In addition, the reported values may not match the NFRC rated values seen on a label because of differences between the calculations in EnergyPlus and the exact NFRC rating procedures including grouping of products.

Surface Shadowing Summary[LINK]

The Surface Shadowing Summary report (key: SurfaceShadowingSummary) produces a report that includes two tables. Note that surfaces starting with “Mir-” are automatically generated by EnergyPlus and are the mirror images of user entered surfaces.

  • Surfaces (Walls, Roofs, etc) that may be Shadowed by Other Surfaces and includes the name of the surface and a list of surfaces that may possibly cast shadows on that named surface. The list of possible shadow casters does not necessarily mean that they do cast shadows during the simulation, only that their relative position makes it possible that shadows from a surface in the list may fall on the named surface.

  • Subsurfaces (Windows and Doors) that may be Shadowed by Surfaces, includes the name of the subsurface such as a window or a door and a corresponding list of surfaces that may be casting shadows on the windows and doors.

Shading Summary[LINK]

The Shading Summary report (key: ShadingSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Sunlit Fraction which shows a list of windows and the fraction of the window that is sunlit for nine specific times of the year. The nine specific times include 9am, noon and 3pm on March 21, June 21, and December 21. These nine times were chosen to represent the range of sun angles. The simulation must include those times for the value to be included in the report.

  • Window control includes the names of all windows that have a window shading control (see WindowShadingControl) and includes the name of the control, the type of shading, the shaded construction, the kind of control, and if glare control is used.

Lighting Summary[LINK]

The Lighting Summary report (key: LightingSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Interior Lighting which includes the name of the lights object, the zone that it is used in, the lighting power density, zone area, total power, end use subcategory, schedule name, average hours per week, return air fraction, and whether the zone is conditioned.

  • Daylighting which includes the names of the daylighting objects, the zone they are used in, the type of daylighting being used, the control type, the fraction of the lighting controlled, the total power of the lighting installed in the zone and the lighting power that is controlled by the daylighting object.

  • Exterior Lighting which includes the name of the ExteriorLights object, the total watts described by the object, if the ExteriorLights uses an astronomical clock or just a schedule, the name of the schedule used, and the average hours per week for the named schedule for the year. The effect of the astronomical clock does not get included in the averaged hours per week shown.

Equipment Summary[LINK]

The Equipment Summary report (key: EquipmentSummary) produces a report that includes some details on the major HVAC equipment present. The report has seven parts.

  • Central Plant includes details on chillers, boilers, and cooling towers including the capacity and efficiency. For Chiller:Electric:EIR and Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, IPLV at AHRI standard test conditions is reported.

  • Cooling Coils includes the nominal total, sensible and latent capacities, the nominal sensible heat ratio, the nominal efficiency, nominal UA value, and nominal surface area for each cooling coil. These values are calculated by calling the cooling coil simulation routine with the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 26.67C, inlet air wet bulb temperature = 19.44C, inlet chilled water temperature = 6.67C.

  • DX Cooling Coils summarizes the Standard Rating (Net) Cooling Capacity, SEER, EER and IEER values at AHRI standard test. Currently, these values are only reported for coil type = Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed and Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeeed with condenser type = AirCooled. However, the EER value is not reported for the multi-speed DX cooling coil. There are two SEER values reported: SEER and SEER Default. The SEER value is calculated using user specified Part Load Factor (PLF) curve used for energy performance calculation and the SEER Default value is calculated using the AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 default PLF curve and cooling coefficient of degradation value of 0.25.

  • DX Heating Coils summarizes the High Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity, Low Temperature Heating Standard (Net) Rating Capacity and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) values at AHRI standard test. Currently, these values are only reported for coil type = Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed. Also included is the supplemental heat high shutoff temperature.

  • Water-to-Air Heat Pumps at Rated Temperatures Report includes the type of coil, capacities, power, COP, rated temperatures, and design day used for sizing.

  • Heating Coils includes the nominal capacity and efficiency for each heating coil. The capacity is calculated by calling the heating coil simulation routine at the rated inlet conditions: inlet air dry bulb temperature = 16.6C, inlet relative humidity = 50%, inlet hot water temperature = 82.2C.

  • Fan includes the type of fan, the total efficiency, delta pressure, max flow rate, rated electricity rate, power per flow, fan energy index, motor heat in air fraction, end use, design day for fan sizing peak and date and time, fan purpose, if the fan is autosized, the motor efficiency, fraction of motor heat to the zone and the name of the zone, airloop name.

  • Pumps includes the type of pump, control type, head pressure, electric power, and motor efficiency for each pump.

  • Service Water Heating includes the type of water heater, the storage volume, input, thermal efficiency, recovery efficiency, and energy factor.

  • Chillers show the type, capacity, efficiency, IPLV, minimum part load ratio, fuel type, rating and reference temperatures and flow rates, plant loop name and branch, condenser loop name and branch, heat recovery plant loop and branch.

  • Boilers show the type, reference and rated capacity and efficiency, the minimum part load ratio, fuel type, parasitics, plant loop name and branch.

  • Cooling Towers and Fluid Coolers show the type, fluid type, range and approahc, design fan power, inlet web-bulb temperature, flow rate, leaving water setpoint temperature, and the name of the condenser loop and branch.

  • PlantLoop or CondenserLoop show the type, if it provides heating or cooling, the maximum and minimum loop flow rate

  • Air Terminals show the zone, minimum flow, minimum outdoor flow, supply heating and cooling setpoints, heating and cooling capacity, type, coil types, fan type and name, primary and secondary flow rate, minimum flow and minimum outdoor flow schedule names, and maximum flow during reheat.

  • Air Heat Recovery shows the name, type, and effectivenesses, exhaust and outdoor air flow.

HVAC Sizing Summary[LINK]

The HVAC Sizing Summary report (key: HVACSizingSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Zone Cooling which includes the following columns for each zone: the calculated design load, the user specified design load, the calculated design air flow, the user specified design air flow, the name of the sizing period, the time of the peak load during the sizing period, the temperature at the time of the peak load during the sizing period, and the humidity ratio at the time of the peak load during the sizing period used.

  • Zone Heating which includes the following columns for each zone: the calculated design load, the user specified design load, the calculated design air flow, the user specified design air flow, the name of the sizing period, the time of the peak load during the sizing period, the temperature at the time of the peak load during the sizing period, and the humidity ratio at the time of the peak load during the sizing period used.

  • System Design Air Flow Rates which includes the following columns for each air loop: the calculated cooling air flow rate, the user specified air flow rate for cooling, the calculated heating air flow rate, the user specified air flow rate for heating.

  • Coil Sizing Summary which includes the following types of information for each coil: coil type, HVAC location, capacity and flow rates at the zone peak, system peak, and final values, design day name and time for the zone peak and system peak, zone conditions at the system peak, etc. This table is a subset of the Coil Sizing Details table. See the Output Details and Examples document for a complete description of each column.

  • Note: values listed as “calculated” are the unaltered result of the zone or system sizing calculations, using the design sizing period weather and schedules specified in the input. Values listed as “user specified” are either the calculated values modified by global or zone sizing factors or values specified with the flow/zone or flow/system design air flow method.

Component Sizing Summary[LINK]

The Component Sizing Summary report (key: ComponentSizingSummary) produces a report that includes different tables depending on the kinds of HVAC components that exist in the input file. A table is shown for each type of HVAC component that is sized. The table lists the objects of that type of component that appear in the input file and one or more parameters related to that component. For example, the AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat component creates a table showing the maximum air flow rate from the sizing calculations and the maximum reheat water flow rate. Another example is the Fan:VariableVolume object which shows a table with both the maximum and minimum flow rates for each fan based on the results from the sizing calculations.

Coil Sizing Details[LINK]

The Coil Sizing Details report (key: CoilSizingDetails) produces a report that includes includes the following types of information for each coil: coil type, HVAC location, capacity and flow rates at the zone peak, system peak, and final values, design day name and time for the zone peak and system peak, zone conditions at the system peak, coil entering and leaving conditions, supply fan information, related plant sizing information, etc. See the Output Details and Examples document for a complete description of each column.

Outdoor Air Summary[LINK]

The Outdoor Air Summary report (key: OutdoorAirSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Average Outside Air During Occupied Hours table shows for each zone the average and nominal number of occupants, the zone volume, the average air change rate based on mechanical ventilation, infiltration and simple ventilation during occupied hours.

  • Minimum Outside Air During Occupied Hours table shows for each zone the average and nominal number of occupants, the zone volume, the minimum air change rate based on mechanical ventilation, infiltration and simple ventilation during occupied hours.

Outdoor Air Details[LINK]

The Outdoor Air Details report (key: OutdoorAirDetails) produces a report that includes the following tables. For descriptions of each column, see the Output Details and Examples document.

  • Mechanical Ventilation Parameters by Zone table shows for each zone the average and nominal number of occupants, the zone volume and area, the design outdoor air flow rate and the minimum dynamic target ventilation flow rate .

  • Total Outdoor Air by Zone table shows for each zone the total mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation, total ventilation (mechanical plus natural), infiltration, total ventilation plus infiltration, dynamic target ventilation , the time when total ventilation is below, at, or above , and the time ventilation is provided when the zone is unoccupied.

  • Average Outdoor Air During Occupancy by Zone - Flow Rates table shows for each zone the average flow rates when the zone is occupied for mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation, total ventilation (mechanical plus natural), infiltration, total ventilation plus infiltration, dynamic target ventilation and the time when total ventilation is below, at, or above .

  • Total Outdoor Air by AirLoop table shows for each airloop the total mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation, total ventilation (mechanical plus natural), sum of the zone dynamic target ventilation , the time when total ventilation is below, at, or above , and the time ventilation is provided when all zones are unoccupied.

  • Average Outdoor Air During Occupancy by AirLoop table shows for each airloop the average flow rates when any zone on the airloop is occupied for mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation, total ventilation (mechanical plus natural), sum of the zone dynamic target ventilation , and the time when total ventilation is below, at, or above .

  • Outdoor Air Controller Limiting Factors by AirLoop table shows for each airloop the time when any zone on the airloop is occupied and various limiting factors control the mechanical ventilation flow rate: no limiting factor, economizer operation, demand controlled ventilation, exhaust flow, high humidity economizer control, night ventilation, limits and scheduled limits, demand limiting, and energy management system override.

  • Average Outdoor Air for Limiting Factors During Occupancy table shows for each airloop the average mechanical ventilation flow rates when any zone on the airloop is occupied and various limiting factors control the mechanical ventilation flow rate: no limiting factor, economizer operation, demand controlled ventilation, exhaust flow, high humidity economizer control, night ventilation, limits and scheduled limits, demand limiting, and energy management system override.

System Summary[LINK]

The System Summary Report (key: SystemSummary) produces a report that includes the following tables:

  • Economizer which includes the following columns for each Controller:OutdoorAir object: the high limit shutoff control, the minimum outdoor air flow, the maximum outdoor air flow, if the return air temperature has a control limit, if the return air has an enthalpy limit, the outdoor air temperature limit, and the outdoor air enthalpy limit.

  • Demand Controlled Ventilation table is for each Controller:MechanicalVentilation object and shows the name, the nominal outdoor air per person, the nominal outdoor air per zone area, outdor air per zone, air change rate, outdoor air method, outdoor air schedule name, effectiveness in heating and cooling, air distribution effectiveness schedule name, and the type.

  • Time Not Comfortable Based on Simple ASHRAE 55-2004 table shows how many hours that the space is not comfortable for each zone under the criteria of assuming winter clothes, summer clothes or both summer and winter clothes. See the People object for more information about this thermal comfort calculation.

  • Time Setpoint is Not Met table shows how many hours the space is more than 0.2C from the setpoint during heating and during cooling. The last two columns indicate those hours that the setpoint is not met while the space is occupied.

  • Thermostat Schedules show the thermostate name, the location, the control schedule, control type and name, heating and cooling schedule names.

HVAC Topology[LINK]

The HVAC Topology Report (key: HVACTopology) produces a report that describes the arrangement of componennts and includes the following tables:

  • Air Loop Supply Side Component Arrangement shows the airloop name, splitter name, supply branch type and name, component type and name, sub-component type and name, sub-sub-component type and name, mixer name

  • Air Loop Demand Side Component Arrangement shows the airloop name, supplly branch name and type, supply path component type and name, terminal unit type and name, zone name, return path component type and name

  • Zone Equipment Component Arrangement shows the zone name, component type and name, sub-component type and name, sub-sub-component type and name

  • Plant Loop Component Arrangement shows the loop type and name, side, splitter name, branch name, component type and name, mixer name

Adaptive Comfort Summary[LINK]

The Adaptive Comfort Summary report (key: AdaptiveComfortSummary) produces a report tabulating the sum of occupied hours not meeting adaptive comfort acceptability limits for each relevant People object (People objects for which adaptive comfort calculations are requested). These acceptability limits include ASHRAE Std. 55 80%, ASHRAE Std. 55 90%, CEN-15251 Category I, CEN-15251 Category II, and CEN-15251 Category III.

Sensible Heat Gain Summary[LINK]

The Sensible Heat Gain Summary (key: SensibleHeatGainSummary) provides results for each zone and the overall building for some of the major heat gain components. The first four columns show the loads satisfied by sensible air heating and cooling as well as radiant heating and cooling surfaces in the zone. The heat gains from people, lighting, equipment, windows, interzone air flow, and infiltration are shown when adding heat to the zone and separately when removing heat from the zone (for applicable components). Finally the balance is shown as “Opaque Surface Conduction and Other Heat Addition” and “Opaque Surface Conduction and Other Heat Removal” which is a term indicating the affect of the walls, floors and ceilings/roof to the zone as well as the impact of the delay between heat gains/losses and loads on the HVAC equipment serving the zone. The following shows each output variable that is used for each column. For each timestep in the simulation, positive values are shown as additions and negative values are shown as removal for most variables.

  • HVAC Input Sensible Air Heating

Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate

Zone Air Heat Balance System Convective Heat Gain Rate

  • HVAC Input Sensible Air Cooling

Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate

Zone Air Heat Balance System Convective Heat Gain Rate

  • HVAC Input Heated Surface Heating

Zone Radiant HVAC Heating Energy

Zone Ventilated Slab Radiant Heating Energy

  • HVAC Input Cooled Surface Cooling

Zone Radiant HVAC Cooling Energy

Zone Ventilated Slab Radiant Cooling Energy

  • People Sensible Heat Addition

Zone People Sensible Heating Energy

  • Lights Sensible Heat Addition

Zone Lights Total Heating Energy

  • Equipment Sensible Heat Addition & Equipment Sensible Heat Removal

Zone Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Energy

Zone Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Energy

Zone Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Energy

Zone Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Energy

Zone Other Equipment Radiant Heating Energy

Zone Electric Equipment Convective Heating Energy

Zone Gas Equipment Convective Heating Energy

Zone Steam Equipment Convective Heating Energy

Zone Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Energy

Zone Other Equipment Convective Heating Energy

Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy

  • Interzone Air Transfer Heat Addition & Interzone Air Transfer Heat Removal

Zone Air Heat Balance Interzone Air Transfer Rate

  • Infiltration Heat Addition & Infiltration Heat Removal

Zone Air Heat Balance Outdoor Air Transfer Rate

The Opaque Surface Conduction and Other Heat Addition and Opaque Surface Conduction and Other Heat Removal columns are also calculated on an timestep basis as the negative value of the other removal and gain columns so that the total for the timestep sums to zero. These columns are derived strictly from the other columns.

Component Load Summary[LINK]

Three different component load summary reports can be generated:

  • Zone Component Loads Summary

  • AirLoop Component Loads Summary

  • Facility Component Loads Summary

The AirLoop and Facility level reports are generally aggregations of the results reported in the Zone Component Loads Summary report. The Component Loads Summary reports provide an estimate of the heating and cooling peak loads for each zone, airloop or the entire facility broken down into various components. These reports may help determine which components of the load have the largest impact for the heating and cooling peak design conditions. When specified, the Zone Component Loads Summary report is created for each zone that is conditioned. Similarly, the AirLoop Component Load Summary is generated for each AirLoop and a single Facility Component Loads Summary is generated for the entire facility. The difference between the peak design sensible load and the estimated instant + delayed sensible load (as shown in the Peak Conditions subtable) is an indication of how consistent the overall total estimate may be to the computed total peak loads for the zone. When the report is called the zone sizing calculations are repeated twice so this may result in longer simulation times. The keys used to obtain these reports are ZoneComponentLoadSummary, AirLoopComponentLoadSummary, and FacilityComponentLoadSummary. Since including this report may increase the simulation time, new key options have been added that will display all reports but the Zone Component Load Summary those keys used are AllSummaryButZoneComponentLoad and AllSummaryAndMonthlyButZoneComponentLoad.

The report has six parts:

  • Estimated Cooling Peak Load Components

Contains the sensible-instant, sensible-delay, sensible-return air, latent, total and %grand total for people, lights, equipment, refrigeration, water use equipment, HVAC equipment loads, power generation equipment, infiltration, zone ventilation, interzone mixing, roof, interzone ceiling, other roof, exterior wall, interzone wall, ground contact wall, other wall, exterior floor, interzone floor, ground contact floor, other floor, fenestration conduction, fenestration solar, opaque door. The values in the sensible-delay column are estimated using a procedure shown in the Engineering Reference. Also shown are the related areas for each type of component. For People and Lights the floor area is shown but for walls, fenestration. and other surfaces, the area of that surface is used.

  • Cooling Peak Conditions

Contains the time of the peak load and the outside dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures as well as the outside humidity ratio for that time. It also shows the zone temperature and relative humidity and humidity ratio for that time. The airflow and outside airflow as well as the supply air temperature are shown. Also the sensible peak load accounting for the sizing factor is shown along with the difference due to the sizing factor.

  • Engineering Checks for Cooling

This table shows some ratios that may be handy in evaluating the results. It contains the percentage of outside air, the airflow per floor area, the airflow per capacity, the floor area per capacity and the capacity per floor area. It also shows the number of people.

  • Estimated Heating Peak Load Components

Contains the sensible-instant, sensible-delay, sensible-return air, latent, total and %grand total for people, lights, equipment, refrigeration, water use equipment, HVAC equipment loads, power generation equipment, infiltration, zone ventilation, interzone mixing, roof, interzone ceiling, other roof, exterior wall, interzone wall, ground contact wall, other wall, exterior floor, interzone floor, ground contact floor, other floor, fenestration conduction, fenestration solar, opaque door. The values in the sensible-day column are estimated using a procedure shown in the Engineering Reference. Also shown are the related areas for each type of component. For People and Lights the floor area is shown but for walls, fenestration. and other surfaces, the area of that surface is used.

  • Heating Peak Conditions

Contains the time of the peak load and the outside dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures as well as the outside humidity ratio for that time. It also shows the zone temperature and the relative humidity and humidity ratio for that time. The airflow and outside airflow as well as the supply air temperature are shown. Also the sensible peak load accounting for the sizing factor is shown along with the difference due to the sizing factor

  • Engineering Checks for Heating

This table shows some ratios that may be handy in evaluating the results. It contains the percentage of outside air, the airflow per floor area, the airflow per capacity, the floor area per capacity and the capacity per floor area. It also shows the number of people.

The Air Loop Component Summary tables also include tables that indicate the zones included in the aggregated results for heating and cooling.

If the time of the peak load for each Zone for cooling exactly matches the time of the peak load for the AirLoop or Facility than the Estimated Cooling Peak Load Components will represent a sum of the values from the corresponding zones. Likewise the Estimated Heating Peak Load Components will add up for the AirLoop or Facility if the times of the heating peaks exactly match. This is not necessarily the case for Peak Conditions or the Engineering Checks tables. Since the sizing of Airloops is based on the system sizing they usually will be different than the sum of the corresponding zones.

Standard 62.1 Summary[LINK]

The Standard 62.1 Summary (key: Standard62.1Summary) produces a report that is consistent with many of the outputs needed when doing calculations consistent with ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010.

Note: The report is only generated when sizing calculations are specified.: in SimulationControl, “Do Zone Sizing” or “Do System Sizing” must be set to “Yes”.

The abbreviations used in the report are consistent with the abbreviations used in Appendix A4 of the Standard. The following tables are part of the report:

  • System Ventilation Requirements for Cooling containing: Sum of Zone Primary Air Flow - Vpz-sum, System Population – Ps, Sum of Zone Population - Pz-sum, Occupant Diversity – D, Uncorrected Outdoor Air Intake Airflow – Vou, System Primary Airflow – Vps, Average Outdoor Air Fraction – Xs, System Ventilation Efficiency – Ev, Outdoor Air Intake Flow – Vot, Percent Outdoor Air - %OA.

  • System Ventilation Requirements for Heating containing: Sum of Zone Primary Air Flow - Vpz-sum, System Population – Ps, Sum of Zone Population - Pz-sum, Occupant Diversity – D, Uncorrected Outdoor Air Intake Airflow – Vou, System Primary Airflow – Vps, Average Outdoor Air Fraction – Xs, System Ventilation Efficiency – Ev, Outdoor Air Intake Flow – Vot, Percent Outdoor Air - %OA.

  • Zone Ventilation Parameters containing: AirLoop Name, People Outdoor Air Rate – Rp, Zone Population – Pz, Area Outdoor Air Rate – Ra, Zone Floor Area – Az, Breathing Zone Outdoor Airflow – Vbz, Cooling Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness - Ez-clg, Cooling Zone Outdoor Airflow - Voz-clg, Heating Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness - Ez-htg, Heating Zone Outdoor Airflow - Voz-htg.

  • System Ventilation Parameters containing: People Outdoor Air Rate – Rp, Sum of Zone Population - Pz-sum, Area Outdoor Air Rate – Ra, Sum of Zone Floor Area - Az-sum, Breathing Zone Outdoor Airflow – Vbz, Cooling Zone Outdoor Airflow - Voz-clg, Heating Zone Outdoor Airflow - Voz-htg.

  • Zone Ventilation Calculations for Cooling Design containing: AirLoop Name, Box Type, Zone Primary Airflow – Vpz, Zone Discharge Airflow – Vdz, Minimum Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-min, Zone Outdoor Airflow Cooling - Voz-clg, Primary Outdoor Air Fraction – Zpz, Primary Air Fraction – Ep, Secondary Recirculation Fraction- Er, Supply Air Fraction- Fa, Mixed Air Fraction – Fb, Outdoor Air Fraction – Fc, Zone Ventilation Efficiency – Evz.

  • System Ventilation Calculations for Cooling Design containing: Sum of Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-sum, System Primary Airflow – Vps, Sum of Zone Discharge Airflow - Vdz-sum, Minimum Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-min, Zone Outdoor Airflow Cooling - Voz-clg, Zone Ventilation Efficiency - Evz-min.

  • Zone Ventilation Calculations for Heating Design containing: AirLoop Name, Box Type, Zone Primary Airflow – Vpz, Zone Discharge Airflow – Vdz, Minimum Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-min, Zone Outdoor Airflow Cooling - Voz-clg, Primary Outdoor Air Fraction – Zpz, Primary Air Fraction – Ep, Secondary Recirculation Fraction- Er, Supply Air Fraction- Fa, Mixed Air Fraction – Fb, Outdoor Air Fraction – Fc, Zone Ventilation Efficiency – Evz.

  • System Ventilation Calculations for Heating Design containing: Sum of Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-sum, System Primary Airflow – Vps, Sum of Zone Discharge Airflow - Vdz-sum, Minimum Zone Primary Airflow - Vpz-min, Zone Outdoor Airflow Cooling - Voz-clg, Zone Ventilation Efficiency - Evz-min.

Energy Meters Summary[LINK]

The Energy Meters Summary (key: EnergyMeters) (which is a slight misnomer as some meters may not be strictly energy) provides the annual period (runperiod) results for each meter (reference the meter data dictionary file (.mdd) and/or the meter details file (.mtd). The results are broken out by fuel type (resource type) in this report.

Initialization Summary[LINK]

The Initialization Summary (key: InitializationSummary) provides the information shown in the initialization output file (.eio) but in a tabular format. Due to this, some of the outputs my be difficult to understand without referencing the documentation on the .eio file that is located in the Output Details and Examples document.

LEED Summary[LINK]

The LEED Summary report provides many of the simulation results required for certification of Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 Optimized Energy Performance according to the LEED Green Building Rating SystemTM. The report can be produced by specifying LEEDSummary in Output:Table:SummaryReports which is also part of the AllSummary option. Directly following is an example of this report.

Tariff Report[LINK]

The Tariff Report provides the results of the UtilityCost:Tariff object. The report consists of a summary table, categories, charges, ratchets, qualifies, native variables, other variables and computation. The key used to obtain this report is TariffReport.

Economic Result Summary[LINK]

The Economic Result Summary provides a summary of the Tariff Reports. The report consists of annual costs and costs for each tariff considered and why it was or was not selected. The key used to obtain this report is EconomicResultSummary.

Component Cost Economics Summary[LINK]

The Component Cost Economics Summary provides the construction cost estimate summary for the project. The costs are broken into eight categories and the reference building costs are provided as a comparison. A second table is also produced that provides line item details with one line for every line item object. The key used to obtain this report is ComponentCostEconomicsSummary.

Life Cycle Cost Report[LINK]

The Life Cycle Cost Report provides a summary of the information from the Life Cycle Cost calculations. This report shows the costs and the timing of costs, often called “cash flows,” along with the present value in several different tables. The tabular results show the present value of all current and future costs. The key used to obtain this report is LifeCycleCostReport.

Heat Emissions Report[LINK]

The Heat Emissions Report provides a summary of the building heat emission to the ambient air. This report shows the heat emissions from buildings by surface heat transfer, zone exhaust, zone relief, HVAC relief, HVAC heat rejection, as well as the total emissions. The key used to obtain this report is HeatEmissionsSummary.

Resilience Summaries[LINK]

Three difference resilience summaries are available: Thermal, CO2, and Visual. These are all described in more detail below. It is important to note two things regarding these summaries. First, they must be “scheduled” using the Output:Table:ReportPeriod input. Second, some of the output variables (like say Heat Index in the Thermal Resilience Summary below) have three different values: Hours, OccupantHours, and OccupiedHours. Hours refers to the number of hours when the heat index is at a certain level as reported in the table. OccupantHours is the product of the number of occupants and the zone time step. OccupiedHours refers tot the number of hours when the heat index is at a certain level AND the number of occupients is greater than zero. Thus, OccupiedHours is a time measure like Hours and OccupiedHours will always be less than or equal to Hours.

Here is more information regarding each of the three resilience reports:

  • Thermal Resilience Summary: The Thermal Resilience Summary provides the indoor thermal resilience metrics unmet hours and occupanthours summary report. This includes: Heat Index Hours, OccupantHours, and OccupiedHours; Humidex Hours, OccupantHours, OccupiedHours, Heating SET Degree-Hours; Cooling SET Degree-Hours reports; Hours of Safety for Cold Events; Hours of Safety for Heat Events; Unmet Degree-hours; and Discomfort-Weighted Exceedance OccupantHours and OccupiedHours. The Heating SET Degree-Hours and Cooling SET Degree-Hours are reported only when the Pierce model are chosen for thermal comfort calculations. To activate the Pierce SET calculation in EnergyPlus, users need to define the People and chose Pierce as the thermal comfort method.

  • CO2 Resilience Summary: The CO2 Resilience Summary provides the indoor CO2 level unmet hours, occupanthours summary report for resilience. This includes the CO2 Level Hours, OccupantHours and OccupiedHours reports. To activate the concentration calculation in EnergyPlus, the ZoneAirContaminantBalance object needs to be specified and with the field Carbon Dioxide Concentration set to Yes. Users can define a schedule of outdoor air concentration in the field Outdoor Carbon Dioxide Schedule Name. generation rate at the zone level can be specified using the ZoneContaminantSourceAndSink:CarbonDioxide object.

  • Visual Resilience Summary: The Visual Resilience Summary provides the indoor illuminance level unmet hours and occupanthours summary report for resilience. This includes the Illuminance Level Hours, OccupantHours, and OccupiedHours reports. To activate the indoor illuminance calculation in EnergyPlus, users need to define the Daylighting:Controls and the Daylighting:ReferencePoint objects, even if no daylighting controls are actually implemented in the building simulation model.

Predefined Monthly Summary Reports[LINK]

The predefined monthly report options are shown below. The key name of the predefined monthly report is all that is needed to have that report appear in the tabular output file. After each report name below are the output variables and aggregation types used. These cannot be modified when using the predefined reports but if changes are desired, a Output:Table:Monthly can be used instead. The StandardReports.idf file in the DataSets directory includes a Output:Table:Monthly that exactly corresponds to the predefined monthly reports shown below. They can be copied into an IDF file and extended if additional variables are desired. A listing of each available key for predefined monthly summary reports follows with a description of the variables included.


  • Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Zone Lights Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Lights Electric Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Electric Equipment Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Electric Equipment Electric Energy (Maximum)


  • Zone People Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Lights Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Zone People Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Lights Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy (Maximum)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy (Maximum)


  • Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Zone People Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Lights Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Electricity:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • Electricity:Facility (Maximum)

  • NaturalGas:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • NaturalGas:Facility (Maximum)


  • ElectricityProduced:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • ElectricityProduced:Facility (Maximum)

  • Propane:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • Propane:Facility (Maximum)


  • Diesel:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • Diesel:Facility (Maximum)

  • FuelOilNo1:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • FuelOilNo1:Facility (Maximum)

  • FuelOilNo2:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • FuelOilNo2:Facility (Maximum)


  • DistrictCooling:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • DistrictCooling:Facility (Maximum)

  • DistrictHeatingWater:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • DistrictHeatingWater:Facility (Maximum)


  • Coal:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • Coal:Facility (Maximum)

  • Gasoline:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • Gasoline:Facility (Maximum)


  • OtherFuel1:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • OtherFuel1:Facility (Maximum)

  • OtherFuel2:Facility (SumOrAverage)

  • OtherFuel2:Facility (Maximum)


  • InteriorLights:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • ExteriorLights:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • InteriorEquipment:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • ExteriorEquipment:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Fans:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Pumps:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • HeatRejection:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Humidifier:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • HeatRecovery:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:Electricity (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:Electricity (SumOrAverage)


  • InteriorEquipment:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)

  • ExteriorEquipment:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:NaturalGas (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Diesel (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:Diesel (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:Diesel (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:Diesel (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:Diesel (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:FuelOilNo1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:FuelOilNo1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:FuelOilNo1 (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:FuelOilNo1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:FuelOilNo1 (SumOrAverage)

  • ExteriorEquipment:FuelOilNo2 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:FuelOilNo2 (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:FuelOilNo2 (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:FuelOilNo2 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:FuelOilNo2 (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Coal (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:Coal (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:Coal (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Propane (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:Propane (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:Propane (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:Propane (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:Propane (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Gasoline (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:Gasoline (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:Gasoline (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:Gasoline (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:Gasoline (SumOrAverage)


  • ExteriorEquipment:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • ExteriorEquipment:OtherFuel1 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling:OtherFuel2 (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating:OtherFuel2 (SumOrAverage)

  • WaterSystems:OtherFuel2 (SumOrAverage)

  • Cogeneration:OtherFuel2 (SumOrAverage)


  • InteriorLights:Electricity (Maximum)

  • ExteriorLights:Electricity (Maximum)

  • InteriorEquipment:Electricity (Maximum)

  • ExteriorEquipment:Electricity (Maximum)

  • Fans:Electricity (Maximum)

  • Pumps:Electricity (Maximum)

  • Heating:Electricity (Maximum)


  • Cooling:Electricity (Maximum)

  • HeatRejection:Electricity (Maximum)

  • Humidifier:Electricity (Maximum)

  • HeatRecovery:Electricity (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:Electricity (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:Electricity (Maximum)


  • Electricity:Facility (Maximum)

  • InteriorLights:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • InteriorEquipment:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • ExteriorLights:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • ExteriorEquipment:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Fans:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Pumps:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Heating:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Cooling:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • HeatRejection:Electricity (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • InteriorEquipment:NaturalGas (Maximum)

  • ExteriorEquipment:NaturalGas (Maximum)

  • Heating:NaturalGas (Maximum)

  • Cooling:NaturalGas (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:NaturalGas (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:NaturalGas (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Diesel (Maximum)

  • Cooling:Diesel (Maximum)

  • Heating:Diesel (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:Diesel (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:Diesel (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:FuelOilNo1 (Maximum)

  • Cooling:FuelOilNo1 (Maximum)

  • Heating:FuelOilNo1 (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:FuelOilNo1 (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:FuelOilNo1 (Maximum)

  • ExteriorEquipment:FuelOilNo2 (Maximum)

  • Cooling:FuelOilNo2 (Maximum)

  • Heating:FuelOilNo2 (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:FuelOilNo2 (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:FuelOilNo2 (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Coal (Maximum)

  • Heating:Coal (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:Coal (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Propane (Maximum)

  • Cooling:Propane (Maximum)

  • Heating:Propane (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:Propane (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:Propane (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:Gasoline (Maximum)

  • Cooling:Gasoline (Maximum)

  • Heating:Gasoline (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:Gasoline (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:Gasoline (Maximum)


  • ExteriorEquipment:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Cooling:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Heating:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • ExteriorEquipment:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Cooling:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Heating:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • WaterSystems:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)

  • Cogeneration:OtherFuel1 (Maximum)


  • Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)


  • Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Mean Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)


  • Solar Collector System Efficiency (HoursNonZero)

  • Solar Collector System Efficiency (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Solar Collector Outside Face Suction Velocity (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Solar Collector Sensible Heating Rate (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)


  • Zone People Occupant Count (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Air Temperature (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Air Relative Humidity (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PMV (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PPD (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)


  • Chiller Electricity Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Chiller Electricity Rate (Maximum)

  • Chiller Electricity Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Chiller Evaporator Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Chiller Condenser Heat Transfer Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Chiller COP (SumOrAverage)

  • Chiller COP (Maximum)


  • Tower Fan Electric Consumption (SumOrAverage)

  • Tower Fan Electric Consumption (HoursNonZero)

  • Cooling Tower Fan Electricity Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Tower Heat Transfer Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Tower Inlet Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Tower Outlet Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Tower Mass Flow Rate (SumOrAverage)


  • Boiler Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Boiler Gas Consumption (SumOrAverage)

  • Boiler Heating Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Boiler Heating Rate (Maximum)

  • Boiler Gas Consumption Rate (Maximum)

  • Boiler Inlet Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Boiler Outlet Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Boiler Mass Flow Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Boiler Ancillary Electricity Rate (SumOrAverage)


  • Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Cooling Coil Sensible Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Latent Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Crankcase Heater Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Runtime Fraction (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Runtime Fraction (Minimum)

  • DX Coil Total Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Sensible Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Latent Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Electricity Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Crankcase Heater Electricity Rate (Maximum)


  • Surface Window Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Heat Gain Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Heat Loss Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Inside Face Glazing Condensation Status (HoursNonZero)

  • Surface Shading Device Is On Time Fraction (HoursNonZero)

  • Surface Storm Window On Off Status (HoursNonZero)


  • Surface Window Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Heat Gain Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Surface Window Heat Loss Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate (SumOrAverage)


  • Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Enclosure Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Wind Speed (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Sky Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area (SumOrAverage)

  • Raining (SumOrAverage)


  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Wind Speed (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Sky Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Wind Speed (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Sky Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Wind Speed (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Sky Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature (Maximum)

  • Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Wind Speed (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Sky Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Site Ground Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Surface Ground Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Deep Ground Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Mains Water Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area (SumOrAverage)

  • Snow On Ground (SumOrAverage)


  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Total Cooling Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Sensible Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Latent Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Total Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Sensible Cooling Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Latent Cooling Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Zone Window Air Conditioner Electricity Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Water Heater Total Demand Heat Transfer Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Use Side Heat Transfer Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Burner Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Gas Consumption (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Total Demand Heat Transfer Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Water Heater Loss Demand Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Heat Loss Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Tank Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Heat Recovery Supply Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Water Heater Source Side Heat Transfer Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Generator Produced Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Diesel Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Gas Consumption (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Produced Electric Energy (HoursNonZero)

  • Generator Total Heat Recovery (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Jacket Heat Recovery Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Lube Heat Recovery Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Exhaust Heat Recovery Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Generator Exhaust Air Temperature (SumOrAverage)


  • Site Exterior Beam Normal Illuminance (HoursNonZero)

  • Daylighting Lighting Power Multiplier (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Lighting Power Multiplier (MinimumDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Reference Point 1 Illuminance (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Reference Point 1 Glare Index (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Reference Point 2 Illuminance (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Reference Point 2 Glare Index (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)

  • Daylighting Reference Point 1 Glare Index Setpoint Exceeded Time

  • Daylighting Reference Point 2 Glare Index Setpoint Exceeded Time

  • Daylighting Reference Point 1 Daylight Illuminance Setpoint Exceeded Time

  • Daylighting Reference Point 2 Daylight Illuminance Setpoint Exceeded Time


  • Heating Coil Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Heating Coil Heating Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Sensible Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate (Maximum)

  • Cooling Coil Sensible Cooling Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Cooling Coil Wetted Area Fraction (SumOrAverage)


  • Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate (Maximum)

  • Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate (Maximum)


  • Fan Electric Consumption (SumOrAverage)

  • Fan Rise in Air Temperature (SumOrAverage)

  • Fan Electricity Rate (Maximum)

  • Fan Rise in Air Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Pump Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Pump Fluid Heat Gain Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Pump Electricity Rate (Maximum)

  • Pump Shaft Power (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Pump Fluid Heat Gain Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Pump Outlet Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Pump Mass Flow Rate (ValueWhenMaxMin)


  • Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate (Maximum)

  • Plant Supply Side Inlet Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Plant Supply Side Outlet Temperature (ValueWhenMaxMin)

  • Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate (SumOrAverage)

  • Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate (Maximum)


  • Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time (HoursNonZero)

  • Zone People Occupant Count (SumOrAverageDuringHoursShown)


  • Air System Hot Water Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Steam Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Chilled Water Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System NaturalGas Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Water Volume (SumOrAverage)


  • Air System Fan Air Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heating Coil Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heat Exchanger Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heat Exchanger Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Humidifier Total Heating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Evaporative Cooler Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Desiccant Dehumidifier Total Cooling Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Air System Fan Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heating Coil Hot Water Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Cooling Coil Chilled Water Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System DX Heating Coil Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System DX Cooling Coil Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heating Coil Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heating Coil NaturalGas Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Heating Coil Steam Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Humidifier Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Evaporative Cooler Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Desiccant Dehumidifier Electric Energy (SumOrAverage)


  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • Zone Mechanical Ventilation Air Changes per Hour (SumOrAverage)


  • Site Total Surface Heat Emission to Air (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Total Zone Exfiltration Heat Loss (SumOrAverage)

  • Site Total Zone Exhaust Air Heat Loss (SumOrAverage)

  • Air System Relief Air Total Heat Loss Energy (SumOrAverage)

  • HVAC System Total Heat Rejection Energy (SumOrAverage)

Sample IDF Input – Output:Table:SummaryReports

          AllSummary,  !- Report 1 Name
          AllMonthly;  !- Report 2 Name