Output Details and Examples — EnergyPlus 24.2

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eplusout.sql is an optional output format for EnergyPlus. The eplusout.sql output file is a sqlite3 database file (see http://www.sqlite.org) and includes all of the data found in EnergyPlus’ eplustbl.* files, eplusout.eso and eplusout.mtr output files (i.e., EnergyPlus’ standard variable and meter output files) plus a number of reports that are found in the eplusout.eio output file.

A discussion of the individual data tables is presented below followed by a discussion about how to access data within the SQL file.

List of Available SQLite Tables[LINK]

This initial release of the SQL database output option includes a variety of data in the following tables:

  • ComponentSizes Table

  • ConstructionLayers Table

  • Constructions Table

  • Materials Table

  • NominalBaseboardHeaters Table

  • NominalElectricEquipment Table

  • NominalGasEquipment Table

  • NominalHotWaterEquipment Table

  • NominalInfiltration Table

  • NominalLighting Table

  • NominalOtherEquipment Table

  • NominalPeople Table

  • NominalSteamEquipment Table

  • NominalVentilation Table

  • ReportData Table

  • ReportDataDictionary Table

  • ReportExtendedData Table

  • RoomAirModels Table

  • Schedules Table

  • Surfaces Table

  • SystemSizes Table

  • Time Table

  • ZoneGroups Table

  • Zones Table

  • ZoneLists Table

  • ZoneSizes Table

  • ZoneInfoLists Table

  • Simulations Table

  • EnvironmentPeriods Table

  • TabularData Table

  • Strings Table

  • StringTypes Table

  • TabularDataWithStrings Table

  • Errors Table

A short discussion of contents of each of the above SQL tables is given in the sections that follow.

Report Data[LINK]

Data in the following four tables are also found in EnergyPlus’ standard output file (i.e., eplusout.eso – see that section for more information) or in EnergyPlus’ eplusout.mtr (i.e. meter) output file. As with the standard output file, the “Report Variable” and “Report Meter” commands control the data in these tables.

ReportDataDictionary Table[LINK]

The ReportDataDictionary table provides the equivalent of the dictionary portion of the ESO file (i.e., the first section of the .eso file) or eplusout.mtr. Please see the Report Variable section of the Input-Output Reference for more information. Like in the eplusout.mtr file (see the eplusout.mtr section), only data requested by “Report Meter” commands will set isMeter to 1 or True.

SQL ReportDataDictionary Contents
Field Name Field Type Description Enumeration
ReportDataDictionaryIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The ReportDataDictionaryIndex links the dictionary data to the variable data (see ReportData table)
IsMeter INTEGER Boolean flag whether dictionary data is report of meter data 0, 1
Type TEXT Nature of data type with respect to state, (e.g. average or sum type of data). “Sum” “Avg”
IndexGroup TEXT The reporting group (e.g., Zone, Plant, etc.)
TimestepType TEXT Type of timestep for data “Zone” “HVAC System”
KeyValue TEXT The identifying “key name” for the data
Name TEXT The actual report data name
ReportingFrequency TEXT The reporting frequency of the variable, e.g. “HVAC System Timestep“, “Zone Timestep“, ”Hourly“,”Daily“,”Monthly“,”Run Period“.
ScheduleName TEXT The name of the schedule that controls reporting frequency
Units TEXT The data units

ReportData Table[LINK]

The ReportData table contains the report or meter variable data (e.g., the hourly, daily, and monthly report variable data). Please see the Report Variable section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

SQL ReportData Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
TimeIndex INTEGER This index links the record to its time record (see the Time table below)
ReportDataDictionaryIndex INTEGER The ReportDataDictionaryIndex links the data to the respective data dictionary record (see ReportDataDictionary table above)
Value REAL The data value

ReportExtendedData Table[LINK]

The ReportExtendedData table contains additional data (e.g., monthly maximums and minimums) that is available for certain report or meter variables.

SQL ReportExtendedData Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ReportExtendedDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
ReportDataIndex INTEGER Associates ReportData record with ReportExtendedData record
MaxValue REAL The maximum value during the reporting interval
MaxMonth INTEGER The month in which the maximum value occurred
MaxDay INTEGER The day on which the maximum value occurred
MaxHour INTEGER The hour in which the maximum value occurred
MaxStartMinute INTEGER The starting minute of the interval in which the maximum value occurred
MaxMinute INTEGER The minute that the maximum value occurred
MinValue REAL The minimum value
MinMonth INTEGER The month in which the minimum value occurred
MinDay INTEGER The day on which the minimum value occurred
MinHour INTEGER The hour in which the minimum value occurred
MinStartMinute INTEGER The starting minute of the interval in which the minimum value occurred
MinMinute INTEGER The minute that the minimum value occurred

Time Table[LINK]

The Time table provides the time information for both the “report variable” and “report meter” variables (the ReportData table).

Time Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
TimeIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Connects the time information with the report variables and meter variables (see the ReportData table)
Month INTEGER Month
Minute INTEGER Minute
DST INTEGER Daylight saving time indicator
Interval INTEGER Length of the reporting interval
IntervalType INTEGER The index for the type of reporting interval. (enum: -1=detailed HVAC system timestep; 0=zone timestep, 1=hourly, 2=daily, 3=monthly, 4=runperiod)
SimulationDays INTEGER Day of simulation. This number resets after warmup and at the beginning of an environment period
DayType TEXT The type of day. (enum: “Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, Wednesday“,”Thursday“,”Friday“,”Saturday“,”Holiday“,”SummerDesignDay“,”WinterDesignDay“,”CustomDay1“,”CustomDay2“)
EnvironmentPeriodIndex INTEGER Foreign Key to the EnvironmentPeriods table
WarmupFlag INTEGER 1 during warmup, 0 otherwise

One time (EIO) File Data[LINK]

Data in the tables below can also be found in EnergyPlus input output file (i.e., in the eplusout.eio output file).

Zones Table[LINK]

The Zones table provides a variety of information about the zones specified within EnergyPlus. One of its most common uses is to provide zone name and area information for the other tables within the SQL database (e.g., use the ZoneIndex to look up the ZoneName).

SQL Zones Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The ZoneIndex is used to link this table to related tables
ZoneName TEXT Zone Name
RelNorth REAL Relative North, in degrees
OriginX REAL X origin, in meters
OriginY REAL Y origin, in meters
OriginZ REAL Z origin, in meters
CentroidX REAL X position of zone Centroid, in meters
CentroidY REAL Y position of zone Centroid, in meters
CentroidZ REAL Z position of zone Centroid, in meters
OfType INTEGER (not used yet)
Multiplier REAL Zone multiplier
ListMultiplier REAL Zone Group multiplier
MinimumX REAL Minimum X value, in meters
MaximumX REAL Maximum X value, in meters
MinimumY REAL Minimum Y value, in meters
MaximumY REAL Maximum Y value, in meters
MinimumZ REAL Minimum Z value, in meters
MaximumZ REAL Maximum Z value, in meters
CeilingHeight REAL Ceiling height, in meters
Volume REAL Zone volume, in cubic meters
InsideConvectionAlgo INTEGER Inside convection algorithm (enum: 1=simple, 2=detailed, 3=Ceiling diffuser, 4=TrombeWall)
OutsideConvectionAlgo INTEGER Outside convection algorithm (enum: 1=simple, 2=detailed, 6=MoWitt, 7=DOE-2)
FloorArea REAL Zone floor area, in square meters
ExtGrossWallArea REAL Zone external gross wall area (includes windows and doors), in square meters
ExtNetWallArea REAL Zone net wall area (excludes windows and doors), and square meters
ExtWindowArea REAL Zone window area (includes glass doors), and square meters
IsPartOfTotalArea INTEGER See Zone input object documentation

Please see the Zone object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalPeople Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalPeople SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalPeople Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalPeopleIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The name of the People object
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalPeople table to the Zones table
NumberOfPeople INTEGER Nominal number of people in the zone
NumberOfPeopleScheduleIndex INTEGER Number of people schedule number (see Schedule table)
ActivityScheduleIndex INTEGER Activity level schedule (see People object documentation)
FractionRadiant REAL see People object documentation
FractionConvected REAL see People object documentation
WorkEfficiencyScheduleIndex INTEGER Work efficiency schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
ClothingEfficiencyScheduleIndex INTEGER Clothing efficiency schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
AirVelocityScheduleIndex INTEGER Air velocity schedule number (see schedule table and people object documentation)
Fanger INTEGER Flag indicating whether Fanger calculations are active
Pierce INTEGER Flag indicating whether Pierce calculations are active
KSU INTEGER Flag indicating whether KSU calculations are active
MRTCalcType INTEGER see People object documentation
SurfaceIndex INTEGER see Surfaces table and People object documentation
UserSpecifeidSensibleFraction REAL see People object documentation
Show55Warning INTEGER see People object documentation

Please see the People object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalLighting Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalLighting SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalLighting Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalLightingIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The LIGHTS object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalLighting table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Lighting schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionReturnAir REAL User-specified return air fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant fraction
FractionReplaceable REAL Defines the daylighting control for the LIGHTS object
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the LIGHTS object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalElectricEquipment Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalElectricEquipment SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalElectricEquipment Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalElectricEquipmentIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Electric Equipment object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalElectricEquipment table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Electric equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionLatent REAL User-specified latent heat fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionLost REAL User-specified lost heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Electric Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalGasEquipment Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalGasEquipment SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalGasEquipment Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalGasEquipmentIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Gas Equipment object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalGasEquipment table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Gas equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionLatent REAL User-specified latent heat fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionLost REAL User-specified lost heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Gas Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalSteamEquipment Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalSteamEquipment SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalSteamEquipment Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalSteamEquipmentIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Steam Equipment object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalSteamEquipment table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Steam equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionLatent REAL User-specified latent heat fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionLost REAL User-specified lost heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Steam Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalHotWaterEquipment Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalHotWaterEquipment SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalHotWaterEquipment Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalHotWaterEquipmentIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Hot Water Equipment object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalHotWaterEquipment table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Hot water equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionLatent REAL User-specified latent heat fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionLost REAL User-specified lost heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Hot Water Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalOtherEquipment Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalOtherEquipment SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalOtherEquipment Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalOtherEquipmentIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Other Equipment object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalOtherEquipment table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Other equipment schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in Watts
FractionLatent REAL User-specified latent heat fraction
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionLost REAL User-specified lost heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Other Equipment object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalBaseboardHeaters Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalBaseboardHeaters SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalBaseboardHeaters Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalBaseboardHeaterIndex INTEGER The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Baseboard Heat object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalBaseboardHeat table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Baseboard heat schedule number (see Schedules table)
CapatLowTemperature REAL Capacity at low temperature, in Watts
LowTemperature REAL Low temperature capacity setpoint
CapatHighTemperature REAL Capacity at high temperature, in Watts
HighTemperature REAL High temperature capacity setpoint
FractionRadiant REAL User-specified radiant heat fraction
FractionConvected REAL User-specified convicted heat fraction
EndUseSubcategory TEXT User-specified end-use subcategory

Please see the Baseboard Heat object in the Group-Internal Gains section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalInfiltration Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalInfiltration SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalInfiltration Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalInfiltrationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Infiltration object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalInfiltration table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Infiltration schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in m3/s

Please see the Infiltration object in the Group-Airflow section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

NominalVentilation Table[LINK]

An overview of the NominalVentilation SQL table is shown below.

SQL NominalVentilation Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
NominalVentilationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The internal statement number
ObjectName TEXT The Ventilation object name
ZoneIndex INTEGER Connects the NominalVentilation table to the Zones table
ScheduleIndex INTEGER Ventilation schedule number (see Schedule table)
DesignLevel REAL Nominal design level, in m3/s

Please see the Ventilation object in the Group-Airflow section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

Surfaces Table[LINK]

An overview of the Surfaces SQL table is shown below.

SQL Surfaces Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
SurfaceIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Surface number (used for cross-referencing)
SurfaceName TEXT Surface name
ConstructionIndex INTEGER Construction Index
ClassName TEXT Surface class name (e.g., shading, wall)
Area REAL Surface area (excluding cutouts)
GrossArea REAL Surface area (including cutouts)
Perimeter REAL Surface perimeter, in meters
Azimuth REAL As news angle, in degrees
Height REAL Surface height, in meters
Reveal REAL Reveal depth, in meters
Shape INTEGER Shape index
Sides INTEGER Number of sides
Tilt REAL Tilt angle, in degrees
Width REAL Surface width, in meters
HeatTransferSurf INTEGER Flag indicating whether the surface is a heat transfer surface
BaseSurfaceIndex INTEGER Based surface index
ZoneIndex INTEGER Zone index
ExtBoundCond INTEGER External boundary condition index. For interzone surface, this is the adjacent surface number. For an internal/adiabatic surface this is the current surface number. 0=external environment, -1=ground, -2=other side coefficients, -3=other side conditions model.
ExtSolar INTEGER Flag indicating whether the surface is exposed to solar
ExtWind INTEGER Flag indicating whether the surface is exposed to wind

Please see the Surface(s) object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

Constructions Table[LINK]

An overview of the Constructions SQL table is shown below.

SQL Constructions Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ConstructionIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Construction Index
Name TEXT Construction name
TotalLayers INTEGER Total number of layers
TotalSolidLayers INTEGER Total number of solid layers
TotalGlassLayers INTEGER Total number of glass layers
InsideAbsorpVis REAL The visible absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
OutsideAbsorpVis REAL The visible absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
InsideAbsorpSolar REAL The solar absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
OutsideAbsorpSolar REAL The solar absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
InsideAbsorpThermal REAL The thermal absorptance of the inside layer (see Materials table)
OutsideAbsorpThermal REAL The thermal absorptance of the outside layer (see Materials table)
OutsideRoughness INTEGER The roughness of the outside layer
TypeIsWindow INTEGER Flag indicating whether the construction is a window or glass door
Uvalue REAL Nominal U-value for the construction

Please see the Construction object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

ConstructionLayers Table[LINK]

An overview of the ConstructionLayers SQL table is shown below.

SQL ConstructionLayers Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ConstructionLayersIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Construction Layers Index
ConstructionIndex INTEGER Construction Index (see Constructions table)
LayerIndex INTEGER Layer number (layer 1 is the outside layer)
MaterialIndex INTEGER Material index (see Materials table)

Please see the Construction object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

Materials Table[LINK]

An overview of the Materials SQL table is shown below.

SQL Materials Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
MaterialIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Material Index (links the Materials table with the ConstructionLayers and Constructions tables)
Name TEXT Material name
MaterialType INTEGER Material type
Roughness INTEGER Roughness index
Conductivity REAL Conductivity, in W/(m-K)
Density REAL Density, in kg/m3
Porosity REAL Porosity
Resistance REAL Resistance
Ronly INTEGER Flag that indicates the material definition is of type Material:Regular-R
SpecHeat REAL Specific heat
ThermGradCoef REAL Thermal gradient coefficient
Thickness REAL Thickness, in meters
VaporDiffus REAL Vapor diffusivity

Please see the Materials object in the Group-Surface Construction Elements section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

RoomAirModels Table[LINK]

An overview of the RoomAirModels SQL table is shown below. Please see the Group-RoomAir Models section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

SQL RoomAirModels Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Zone index
AirModelName TEXT Air model name
AirModelType INTEGER Air model index
TempCoupleScheme INTEGER Temperature coupling index
SimAirModel INTEGER Simulation air model index

ComponentSizes Table[LINK]

An overview of the ComponentSizes SQL table is shown below.

SQL ComponentSizes Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ComponentSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Component Sizes Index
CompType TEXT Component type
CompName TEXT Component name
Description TEXT Component description
Value REAL Sizing value
Units TEXT Sizing units

Please see the Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

SystemSizes Table[LINK]

An overview of the SystemSizes SQL table is shown below. Please see the System Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

SQL SystemSizes Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
SystemSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY System Sizes Index
SystemName TEXT System name
Description TEXT System description
Value REAL Sizing value
Units TEXT Sizing units

ZoneSizes Table[LINK]

An overview of the ZoneSizes SQL table is shown below.

SQL ZoneSizes Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Zone Sizes Index
ZoneName TEXT Zone name
LoadType TEXT Load type
DesLoad REAL Design load
CalcDesFlow REAL Calculated design flow
UserDesFlow REAL User-specified design flow
DesDayName TEXT Design day name
PeakHrMin TEXT Time of the peak temperature
PeakTemp REAL Peak temperature
PeakHumRat REAL Peak humidity ratio
CalcOutsideAirFlow REAL Calculated outside air flow rate, in m3/s

Please see the Zone Sizing object in the Group-Design Objects section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

ZoneGroups Table[LINK]

An overview of the ZoneGroups SQL table is shown below.

SQL ZoneGroups Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneGroupIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Zone group index
ZoneGroupName TEXT Zone list name
ZoneListIndex INTEGER The ZoneListIndex links this record to the respective zone list record (see ZoneLists table below)
ZoneListMultiplier INTEGER Zone list multiplier

Please see the Zone Group object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

ZoneLists Table[LINK]

An overview of the ZoneLists SQL table is shown below.

SQL ZoneLists Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneListIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Zone list index
Name TEXT Zone list name

Please see the Zone List object in the Group-Thermal Zone Description/Geometry section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

ZoneInfoZoneLists Table[LINK]

An overview of the ZoneInfoZoneLists SQL table is shown below.

SQL ZoneLists Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ZoneListIndex INTEGER Zone list index
ZoneIndex INTEGER Zone index

This is a join table to represent the many-to-many relationship of zones and zone lists. ZoneListIndex and ZoneIndex together are the Primary Key for this table.

Miscellaneous Tables[LINK]

Schedules Table[LINK]

An overview of the Schedules SQL table is shown below.

SQL Schedules Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ScheduleIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Schedule index
ScheduleName TEXT Schedule name
ScheduleType TEXT Schedule Type
ScheduleMinimum REAL ScheduleMinimum
ScheduleMaximum REAL ScheduleMaximum

Please see the Group-Schedules section of the Input-Output Reference for more information.

Simulations Table[LINK]

An overview of the Simulations SQL table is shown below. Currently there will only be one record in the table, because the SQLite database is relevant to only one simulation. In the future this might change if multiple simulations are aggregated into a larger database.

SQL Simulations Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
SimulationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Simulation index, currently there will be only one record in this table.
EnergyPlusVersion TEXT The version of EnergyPlus that was used to run the simulation.
TimeStamp TEXT A text string containing the timestamp when the simulation was run.
NumTimestepsPerHour INTEGER The number of timesteps per hour used for the simulation. See the Timestep object for more information.
Completed BOOL True if the simulation completed without crashing.
CompletedSuccessfully BOOL True if the simulation completed without any severe or fatal errors.

EnvironmentPeriods Table[LINK]

An overview of the EnvironmentPeriods SQL table is shown below.

SQL EnvironmentPeriods Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
EnvironmentPeriodIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Environment period index
SimulationIndex INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the Simulations table.
EnvironmentName TEXT A text string identifying the environment.
EnvironmentType INTEGER An enumeration of the environment type. (1 = Design Day, 2 = Design Run Period, 3 = Weather Run Period) See the various SizingPeriod objects and the RunPeriod object for details.

TabularData Table[LINK]

An overview of the TabularData SQL table is shown below. The TabularData table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object. The TabularData table contains all of the tabular report information that is typically output to one of the formats controlled by the OutputControl:Table:Style object. This is a generic way of dumping all of the existing tabular reports to the SQLite database. This table has many references to the companion Strings table. The Strings table simply associates strings to an integer value for space efficiency of the database. Tabular data is easier to query from the TabularDataWithStrings table, which is implemented as a database view that joins this table with the Strings table.

SQL TabularData Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
TabularDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY Tabular Data Index
ReportNameIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the report the record belongs to.
ReportForStringIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the “For” text that is associated with the record. An example is the Space Loads report where the “For” text identifies which zone the record pertains to.
TableNameIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the table the record belongs to. This is typically the text that immediately precedes the tables in html format.
SimulationIndex INTEGER A foreign key to the Simulations table.
RowNameIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the row the record belongs to.
ColumnNameIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the name of the column the record belongs to.
UnitsIndex INTEGER A foreign key to an entry in the Strings table, which indicates the units associated with the record.
SimulationIndex INTEGER A foreign key to the Simulations table.
RowId INTEGER The index of the row associated with the record. Data in the first row of a tabular report would have the Id 1.
ColumnId INTEGER The index of the column associated with the record. Data in the first column of a tabular report would have the Id 1.
Value REAL The value of the record. Most data is numeric, thus the type for this column is REAL. The SQLite engine will first try to store the value as a REAL, however if this fails the value will be stored as text.

Strings Table[LINK]

An overview of the Strings SQL table is shown below. The Strings table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object. The Strings table simply associates strings with integers to save space in the database.

SQL Strings Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
StringIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The integer primary key that uniquely identifies the string record.
StringTypeIndex INTEGER A foreign key to the StringTypes table.
Value TEXT The record’s string value.

StringTypes Table[LINK]

An overview of the StringTypes SQL table is shown below. The StringTypes table is only output when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object.

SQL StringTypes Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
StringTypeIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The integer primary key.
Value TEXT The record’s string value. Currently there are 6 possible values; ReportName, ReportForString, TableName, RowName, ColumnName, and Units. That is, entries in the Strings table are one of these types.

TabularDataWithStrings Table[LINK]

An overview of the TabularDataWithStrings SQL table is shown below. This table is implemented as a view of other tables and is not actually a table in the database. This view is similar to the TabularData table except text strings are directly available in place of foreign keys to the Strings table. The TabularDataWithStrings view is only created when the “SimpleAndTabular” choice is made in the Output:SQLite object.

An example of a SQL query to get a table out of the AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary report is the following.

select * FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE
  ReportName = `AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and
  TableName = `Site and Source Energy';
SQL TabularDataWithStrings Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
TabularDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The index of the record
Value REAL The value of the record
ReportName TEXT The name of the report the record belongs to.
ReportForString TEXT The “For” string.
TableName TEXT The name of the table the record belongs to.
RowName TEXT The name of the row associated with the record.
ColumnName TEXT The name of the column associated with the record.
Units TEXT The units associated with the record.

Errors Table[LINK]

The Errors SQL table reports errors and warnings for the simulation. The content of this table includes most of the content of the error file. However, it does not contain purely informational messages (e.g. not warnings or errors) and some of the error summary statistics which may be readily computed. Users should be aware that errors experienced while processing input cause EnergyPlus to exit before the SQLite output database has been initialized. This is because the Output:SQLite object must be parsed from the input to request the database. Therefore, failures in input processing are indicated by the absence of a SQLite output file. The regular error or audit files must be used to identify the erroneous input objects in this case. Because each error or warning message is expected to be unique these messages are stored directly in the Errors table and not in the Strings table.

SQL Errors Table Contents
Field Name Field Type Description
ErrorIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY The index of the error or warning message.
SimulationIndex INTEGER FOREIGN KEY The simulation the error or warning pertains to.
ErrorType INTEGER Type of error or warning 0=Warning, 1=Severe, 2=Fatal.
ErrorMessage TEXT The text of the error message.
Count INTEGER Number of times that the error was repeated. This will be 1 for normal warnings or errors, 0 for warning and error messages, and the number of times the error or warning is repeated.

How to Access the SQLite Data[LINK]

The SQL database can be accessed in a number of ways, including via the command line, through ODBC, or through as SQLite’s API interface. SQLite uses the industry standard SQL 92 language.

Command Line[LINK]

One of the simplest ways to access the data in the SQL database is by way of the SQL command line tool (i.e., sqlite3). A brief description of how to use sqlite3 for each computing platform is given below.

Windows XP and Windows Vista[LINK]

While Windows does not ship with sqlite3 installed, the sqlite3 binary can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage (www.sqlite.org/download.html). After downloading the precompiled binary, install it in the EnergyPlus directory.

Once the sqlite3 executable is installed, access the program from the command line by typing “sqlite3” at the DOS prompt.


The sqlite3 command line tool comes preinstalled on a number of more recent Linux releases. To see if sqlite3 is available (and which version is installed), type “sqlite3 –version” from the command line. If sqlite3 is not installed, the sqlite3 binary, as well as source code, can be downloaded from the SQLite webpage (http://www.sqlite.org/download.html) and installed in the directory of your choice.

Macintosh OS X[LINK]

The sqlite3 program comes standard on MacOS X 10.5. From the command line, type “sqlite3 –version” to see which version of sqlite3 is installed. In order to access the database created by EnergyPlus, version 3 or later is required.

Accessing the Data from the Command Line[LINK]

Once it has been confirmed that SQLite3 is installed on your machine, the SQL database can be accessed by typing:

sqlite3 <database name>

at the command line, where <database name > is the name of the SQL database (e.g., sqlite3 eplusout.sql).

The sqlite.org website gives examples of how sqlite3 can be used to access and output data in various formats.


ODBC allows access to the SQL database from a variety of programs, including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and FileMaker. How to install and use ODBC drivers is outside the scope of this document, and more information can be found at the following websites:

Macintosh ODBC drivers:


Windows and Linux ODBC information and drivers:




Sqlite3 includes a rich C++ API (detailed on the SQLite website www.sqlite.org/cintro.html), and wrappers for the API interface are available in a variety of programming languages, including Fortran, TCL, and Ruby (see www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p = SqliteWrappers for more information).