Tips and Tricks for Using EnergyPlus — EnergyPlus 9.3

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Summaries at End of Simulation[LINK]

Some classes of warnings produce more information at the end of the simulation. For example,

Loads Initialization did not Converge (CheckWarmupConvergence) after 25 warmup days.
Max Temp Comparison = 9.15E-002 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance = 4.00E-003 - Fail Convergence
Min Temp Comparison = 1.75E-003 vs Temperature Convergence Tolerance = 4.00E-003 - Pass Convergence
Max Cool Load Comparison = 2.9010E-002 vs Loads Convergence Tolerance = 4.00E-002 - Pass Convergence
Then, at the end of the simulation, you will see:
******** The following error categories occurred.  Consider correcting or noting.
******** Loads Initialization did not Converge
******** ..1) very high thermal mass such as very thick concrete (solution: increase max number of warmup
******** ..   days in the BUILDING object);
******** ..2) moderate mass and inadequate space conditioning such that the building keeps getting warmer
******** ..   and warmer on successive days (solution: add HVAC, check building thermal properties,
******** ..   check if infiltration is included, make sure HVAC properly controlled);
******** ..3) a soil layer modeled below the concrete slab - (solution remove this layer and read about
******** ..   ground temperatures in the Auxiliary Programs document).
******** ..4) unreasonable (too small) limits in the BUILDING object for temperature (.4 default) or
******** ..   loads tolerances (.04 default)